• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 1,367 Views, 24 Comments

Rogers' Return - Enfield

Enfield is going back to Earth, but what awaits him after two years of being confirmed dead?

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Return to America

The white sphere materialized in front of them, Scootaloo once again dove behind Enfield. The garbled voice of Twilight drifted from the Rift.

“Ready Twilight,” Enfield said.

“Okay,” Twilight replied, “You can come though now.”

Enfield and Scootaloo stepped through the Rift and landed flat on their faces in front of Twilight.

“You could have at least put the Rift a little lower to the ground,” Enfield said.

“Sorry, I didn’t know that it was so high up,” Twilight replied.

“It’s okay,” Enfield said as he picked up Scootaloo. He helped her up and noticed that she was back as a pegasus, Enfield looked at his arm and saw it had become a foreleg once more.

“Uhh Twilight,” he said, “Why am I a pony again?”

“It’s a side effect of the Rift to our world,” Twilight said, “Anything that was a pony here will become a pony again once they cross the Rift.”

“Make sense,” said Enfield.

“I’m sure glad to be a pegasus again,” said Scootaloo.

“Whereas I’m going back to America in a day,” Enfield said.

“In one day?” Twilight asked.

“Yep, I’ve got a little something to take care of,” Enfield said darkly.

Twilight didn’t say anything after that, she said goodbye to Enfield and told him to come over to her library so she could open the Rift in America. Enfield and Scootaloo made their way home. As they were nearing his house Pinkie Pie burst out from a bush wearing what was unmistakably a gillie suit.

“Hi!” Pinkie said in her usual ecstatic way.

“Before I say anything I have to ask where you got that gillie suit,” Enfield said.

“Rarity made it for me,” Pinkie exclaimed, “Do you like it? I remember the day you were wearing one and I thought it looked neat so I asked Rarity but she said ‘No pinkie it looks horrid’ but I wanted one and she made it for me.”

“You didn’t even breath then,” Enfield said.

“How did she do that?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh always can talk very long and not stop,” Pinkie replied, she saw the bags that Enfield and Scootaloo were carrying.

“It’s stuff from England,” Enfield said.

“Oooh, can I have something?” Pinkie asked.

“Certainly not,” Enfield said harshly, “This is our stuff.”

Pinkie sank down to the ground and her mane and tail, quite literally, deflated into a neat brush down look.

“I can’t have anything?” she asked sadly.

“Nah, I’m just messing with you,” said Enfield tossing Pinkie a small bag, “I didn’t know your mane did that.”

“Oh it only does that when I’m upset,” Pinkie said, her mane and tail back to it’s mad fuzzy look, “What’s in here?”

“An Easter egg,” said Enfield.

“What’s and Easter egg?” Pinkie asked.

“It’s a big chocolate Egg that we have over there,” Enfield said, “Me and Scoot managed to get one for each of you.”

“Neat-o!” Pinkie said, “Can I take them to the girls?”

Enfield nodded and gave her the bag containing several large chocolate eggs. Pinkie took them and vanished in an instant.

“Why did you tell her no before?” Scootaloo asked.

“I just wanted to see if her hair could really deflate,” replied Enfield, “Now that I know it can I am satisfied.”

“Can we go home now?” Scootaloo asked.

“Sure,” Enfield said, “I’ve got to get the anti-rad pills.”

Enfield and Scootaloo made their way back home where Dart was ready to greet them as the front door opened.

“Hey Dart,” Enfield said as he stroked the dog.

“Hello Enfield,” Fluttershy said. He hadn’t seen her when he opened the door.

“Oh, hi Fluttershy,” Enfield said. Dart then made a beeline for Scootaloo.

“So how was your trip back?” Fluttershy asked.

“It was okay,” Enfield replied, “Could of done more but I had to get back before too long.”

“Did you go back to America?” Fluttershy asked.

“I have to get something first,” Enfield said as he went over to the old WWI German helmet that he got in the mail that now rested on his mantelpiece. Fluttershy followed him and watched as he took the spike off the helmet and pull a key out of it.

“What is that for?” asked Fluttershy.

“It’s the key to the survival safe,” Enfield replied.

Pinkie Pie suddenly shot out from the fireplace and handed Fluttershy a Easter egg.

“This is from Enfield,” Pinkie said, “Oh, hi Enfield!”

“Is that all the eggs?” Enfield asked.

“Just Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell are left,” Pinkie replied.

She shot back up the chimney with a puff of soot.

“That chimney better be clean!” Enfield shouted into the fireplace. The only reply was another puff of soot.

“What is this for?” Fluttershy asked as she took the chocolate egg out of the bag.

“Just a thank you for taking care of Dart,” Enfield replied, “I hope you don’t mind taking care of him for a few extra days.”

“Oh no problem,” Fluttershy said as Dart leaned against her, “We get along very well.”

“Excellent,” Enfield said as he went upstairs. He managed to find his safe that contained the anti radiation pills and a pair of giger counters. As Enfield headed back downstairs he discovered that Rainbow Dash had entered his house, let in by Scootaloo.

“Hey Enfield,” she said, “Thanks for the chocolate.”

“No problem,” said Enfield.

“Are you going back to America tomorrow, dad?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yes,” Enfield replied.

“So where am I staying?” Scootaloo asked.

“Actually I am slightly glad that the very pony I would trust to take care of my daughter is here,” Enfield said nodding over toward Rainbow Dash, “Do you think you are capable, Dash?”

“Me?” Rainbow dash asked, “You trust me that much?”

“Not only I but Scootaloo as well,” Enfield said, “If you say yes then I might mention your name to the Wonderbolts, I’m showing them my Spitfire in a few weeks and I’m sure they would be glad to say hello to you if you swung by.”

Rainbow Dash accepted the offer, she wouldn’t want to miss a meeting with the Wonderbolts. It was a perfect triple win situation; Scootaloo would be staying with her idol, Enfield had somepony to take care of his daughter for a few days and in return, Rainbow Dash will meet the Wonderbolts. Enfield went into his armory and found a much better weapon to take with him to the US; An AK74-U. He stuffed his bag with fresh clothes and ammo and then headed out to Twilight’s library. He knocked on the door and waited for Twilight to open up.

The door creaked open and Enfield was greeted by Spike.

“Hi Enfield,” Spike said.

“Hey Spike,” Enfield said as he walked in, “Is Twilight around?”

“She’s downstairs,” Spike said, “Come on, I’ll show you.”

Spike led Enfield downstairs to the basement where Twilight was making some sort of concoction in a set of test tubes and examining a blackboard.

“Are you able to open the Rift again?” Enfield asked.

“Yes, but it seem risky to open two in such a short amount of time,” Twilight said as she picked up some chalk with her magic and wrote an equation on the blackboard that Enfield couldn’t understand.

“What kind of risks are there?” Enfield asked.

“If I’m not mistaken, we could tear the Rift open and stuff could fall through to this world,” Twilight said.

“That doesn’t sound too bad,” said Spike.

“Yes it is bad,” Twilight said quickly, “If Princess Celestia finds out then who knows what might happen.”

“Well we will just have to make sue she doesn’t find out,” Enfield said, “Pop the Rift open, I’m going in.”

Twilight once again used her magic to open the Rift. Before Enfield went through he drank more of the blue liquid and once again turned human, this time he was wearing full combat gear, he didn’t know why he was wearing this but he didn’t care. Cocking the AK74 Enfield took one last breath, and jumped through the Rift.

The light this time was purely blinding, Enfield could see it through his eyelids. He felt the tingling sensation stop, he opened his eyes and found himself in the middle of a field. Having no clue to where he was, Enfield tried to find some sort of landmark, but the only landmarks he could see were the wrecked hulks of tanks, jets, cargo planes, helicopters, jeeps and the skeletons of the Guardians and Enforcers.

“What has happened in the last two years?” Enfield asked himself as he tried to find a radio tower. After several minutes of searching he found one that was slightly bashed up at the top but it still had a ladder. Climbing it proved to be a little difficult because of the mangled and sharp metal that stuck out around the tower, halfway up Enfield’s giger counter started ticking, he stopped and took an Anti-Radiation pill. Once he had moved some debris off the tower catwalk, Enfield took out his binoculars and looked toward the nearest city.

“Mother of God,” he said in a hushed voice, “What have I done?”