• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 1,367 Views, 24 Comments

Rogers' Return - Enfield

Enfield is going back to Earth, but what awaits him after two years of being confirmed dead?

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Back To Britain

The group followed Enfield and Scootaloo as they made their way to the road in front of Enfield’s house. Rainbow Dash was lying in a tree waiting for them.

“So you were serious in the letter,” she said as she glided down to land in front of Enfield.

“It’s for the best really,” replied Enfield, “I have to go back and prove that I’m still alive.”

“Don’t go hurting yourself,” Rainbow Dash said comfortingly.

“I’ll make sure I won’t,” Enfield replied.

“Shall I open the rift?” Twilight asked.

Enfield nodded and checked his gear on last time.

“PDW-R, 1911, clothes, money,” he said as he listed everything in his bag, “And I know that you’re good on stuff, Scoot.”

“Where’s Pinkie at?” Scootaloo asked.

“Hopefully she’s distracted,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Tell your folks we said hi,” Apple Bloom shouted.

A ball of light shot out from Twilight’s horn and a blinding flash followed. A large white sphere almost similar to the one Enfield saw on his last day with the Crusaders hovered a few feet off the ground. Scootaloo shuffled behind her dad and shivered.

“What if we can’t come back?” she asked fearfully.

“We will, we will,” said Enfield.

“You two ready?” Twilight said.

“Ready,” Enfield said. Scootaloo stepped out from behind her dad and nodded.

“Stay safe,” Applejack said.

“Can you bring us back something?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“I’ll see if I can,” replied Enfield.

Twilight stepped back as Enfield and Scootaloo slowly started their advance on the Rift. As they got closer Enfield could feel a tingling sensation run across his entire body. He slowly put his arm through the Rift and pulled it back.

“It’s safe,” he said.

“It still scares me,” Scootaloo said. Enfield took hold of her hand.

“I’ll walk you through,” he said softly.

They stepped through and were engulfed in the white light.

Scootaloo grabbed Enfield around his chest and shut her eyes. The tingling stopped shortly after.

“Did we make it?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah,” Enfield said slowly.

“What’s wrong?” Scootaloo said, sounding panicked, “You sound uneasy, what is it?”

“Well good news is we pulled through and we’re in England,” Enfield said, “Bad news is this, I think we were warped onto the roof of an ASDA.”

Scootaloo opened her eyes and saw that they were in fact, on the roof of a supermarket. She was able to see a good twenty miles off into the distance, but nothing could shield them from the freezing wind.

“Cripes it’s cold,” Enfield said. He felt Scootaloo shiver, he looked down and saw that she was only wearing her bright orange shirt and her purple sweat shorts.

“You should have changed before we came,” said Enfield.

“You never said it would be winter,” Scootaloo said.

“Actually it’s spring,” replied Enfield.

“Spring?” Scootaloo asked, a little unbelieving about the season.

“Yep, trees have leaves and there’s fresh fruit being sold,” said Enfield.

“How do you know it’s fresh?” asked Scootaloo.

“I can smell it,” said Enfield, he huffed and Scootaloo let go of him, “You should get something warmer on.”

Scootaloo pulled her bag off her back and found a casual blue hoodie and a pair of jeans, she went behind the roof access door to change. Enfield pulled his 1911 out from under his shirt and kept watch on the door in case anyone decided to come up to see if the roof was still intact. Enfield holstered his gun once Scootaloo emerged from behind the access door wearing more appropriate attire she had even pulled a black winter cap over head to hide her distinct purple hair.

“Ready?” Enfield asked.

“Who Dares Wins,” Scootaloo replied.

Enfield led the way down into the store and they managed to sneak around the store employees and customers until they were standing outside the store. Enfield looked around, seeming confused.

“Something wrong?” Scootaloo asked.

“How much time has passed?” Enfield asked. He walked over to a passerby who was about to toss out a newspaper.

“Can I use that?” he asked, “I forgot my money.”

“Sure, I was going to throw it out anyway,” the passerby said handing Enfield the newspaper.

Enfield opened up the newspaper and read the date.

“Oh no,” he groaned.

“What is it?” asked Scootaloo.

“I thought it had only been two months since I disappeared,” said Enfield, “It’s really been two years.”

Enfield balled up the paper and tossed it in the trash can. Scootaloo sighed and looked off toward the other smaller shops that were connected to the ASDA.

“So where should we go now?” she asked.

“First place I can think of,” replied Enfield, “My Nan’s house.”

“Do you remember the way?” asked Scootaloo.

“It’s all up here,” Enfield said as he tapped the side of his head.

Enfield and Scootaloo wandered around the shopping center until Enfield found an exit that pointed them toward his Nan’s house. The two had to traverse the hectic parking lot and the crossroad that would get them on the other side of the intersection. Enfield took note of a few new stores and renovations, thinking about how much he had missed since he settled in Ponyville. If he were still on Earth he would be eighteen, able to drive, able to go in pubs and order booze. His mind honed in on the second part, if he lied, he might be able to get a little something, but he didn’t want to go mad and get completely hammered, he didn’t want to set a bad example to Scootaloo.

As they made their way up the hill to the home of Enfield’s Nan he realized something, he hadn’t seen his Nan for almost three years, and to top it all off, Enfield was meant to be dead. He shuddered and picked up his walking speed, Scootaloo noticed his increased pace and jogged to catch up.

“Something wrong, dad?” she asked.

“It’s just that, I’ve not seen my family in three years,” Enfield replied.

“So you’re afraid they might not recognize you?” Scootaloo asked.

“It’s not that,” Enfield said sadly, “I’m afraid how they’ll react to me showing up after the US government confirmed me dead.”

“They probably don’t know or don’t remember, it’s been two years,” said Scootaloo.

“I’m glad you’re here,” Enfield said with a smile.

Enfield saw his Nan’s house and stopped dead. His mood had dropped again and he started to feel nervous, Scootaloo gave him and encouraging push and Enfield regained his ability to walk. He followed the path around to the back of the house and peeked over the gate.

“Is anyone there?” Scootaloo asked.

“The TV is on but I can’t see anyone,” Enfield replied.

“Maybe your grandmother is upstairs,” Scootaloo suggested.

“A likely possibility because there’s only one bathroom,” Enfield said. He dropped down from the fence and unlatched it. Scootaloo watched as her dad shakily opened the gate. Enfield steadied himself and let Scootaloo through before he shut and locked the gate behind him.

“You okay?” Scootaloo asked.

“Just a little shaky,” Enfield replied.