• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 489 Views, 43 Comments

Rarity's Choice - mikemuir0178

Rarity must make the choice of upholding her dream as a fashionista or keeping her love for Spike.

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Chapter 1: Breakfast Surprise

Rarity’s Choice

Chapter 1: Breakfast Surprise

It did not take much to awaken Twilight from her world of dreams. Most of the time it was the warm sun that would light her room or remembering a research paper she had to complete. On rare occasions, it was the faint sound of ponies talking outside the castle. However today it was different.

Today it was an aroma that came from within the castle.

As her nose twitched at smelling the sweet scent, a gentle smile crept across her lips. It took Twilight only a moment to recognize the aroma that made her stomach give an audible growl. “Mmmm….Pancakes….” she murmured in her sleep.


Twilight’s eyes shot open the next moment as she realized what she had said. “Wait….Who’s making pancakes?” Twilight asked herself as she sat up. For a brief moment Twilight wondered if maybe she had been dreaming. But as the gentle smell continued to infiltrate her nose, she realized it was no dream.

Could Spike be making pancakes?

The little dragon was a great cook and he would make her breakfast whenever she slept in. He was after all her top assistant. However, as she turned to look at a nearby clock in her room, she found that it was around 7:30 in the morning. There was no way Spike would be up so early. He was notorious for sleeping in on most days. On the rare occasion he could wake up early, but usually it was with the ‘helpful’ prodding from her. He was never a morning dragon.

So who was making pancakes?

Starlight Glimmer?

Twilight considered the idea, but Starlight was never one who liked to cook much. She was decent, but rarely did it. Most of the time she would use magic to create the meal instantly. Twilight wasn’t sure why, but food always seemed a little more bland when magic was involved. It lacked the tender loving care one could taste when the food was prepared by hoof.

The sweet scent was definitely not prepared by magic.

Could it be one of her friends?

As Twilight’s stomach growled even louder, she knew it was best just to solve the mystery. Fully awake, Twilight leapt from her bed and slowly made her way to the bedroom door. As she did, she applied some magic to straighten her hair a little and appear more presentable for breakfast. Upon exiting the room, Twilight peered down the hall in the general direction the kitchen was.

“Good morning, Twilight,” a female voice called out.

Twilight looked in the opposite direction to see Starlight Glimmer walking down the hall towards her. “Good morning, Starlight,” Twilight greeted, “Any idea who’s cooking breakfast?”

“I thought it was you,” Starlight replied.

Twilight gave a light chuckle to Starlight’s comment. “I don’t think I’m that good of a cook.”

“I guess it’s Spike then,” Starlight concluded.

Twilight gave a light snort. “At this hour. I doubt it. Spike never wakes up this early unless I wake him up. Besides…” A small frown crossed over Twilight’s lips as she thought about past events a few days ago, “After what he’s been through….”

Starlight remained silent as she recalled what Twilight had told her about Spike finding his parents. Though Starlight had not been a part of the adventure, Twilight had filled her in on some of the events that led up to the unfortunate discovery of the pony Grey Shire and her dragon mate, Runt. Being the offspring of the two, Starlight could only guess at the amount of pain Spike had felt at the loss of his parents. The last few days had been hard for the little dragon. Though he had done his best to appear cheerful, it was easy for Starlight to see he was missing a certain ‘spark’. Fortunately, with the help of Twilight and Rarity, Spike’s demeanor had improved over time.

“Well…We better go see who’s downstairs. I’m sure the aroma will wake Spike up shortly,” Twilight said as she tried to break the silence. She then led the way forward.

“Right,” Starlight said as she fell into step slightly behind Twilight.

The two ponies made their way down the main staircase towards the kitchen. As they did, the sweet aroma of breakfast grew in intensity. Twilight could feel her stomach growl even louder with every step. By the time she and Starlight reached the door to the kitchen, both of them could hear the other’s stomach growl in anticipation.

Twilight looked down at her stomach before turning to Starlight, “Well…Shall we take a peek?”

Starlight giggled. “I think if we wait any longer, all of Equestria might hear our stomachs.”

Twilight laughed and nodded in agreement. She then nudged the door open with her magic so she and Starlight could look inside. Both were hit by an overwhelming aroma of pancakes and cinnamon. Slowly they moved their heads around the door and were met by a feast that the aroma had promised.

On the counter in the center of the kitchen were two stacks of pancakes. One stack was as tall as a pony. The second stack was only a third the size. Twilight and Starlight could also see a pitcher of orange juice and milk on the counter as well as a mixing bowl and some kitchen utensils.

Twilight then noticed a voice humming from behind the stack of pancakes. As she peered around the stack of pancakes, she was slightly surprised to see the back side of a young dragon flipping pancakes and using his fire breath to heat the pan. “Spike?” Twilight called out happily.

Spike was taken by surprise as he was flipping another pancake. Only with quick reflexes was he able to capture the pancake in the pan before it landed on the floor. He then looked back at the entrance to see both Twilight and Starlight smiling at him. “Twilight! Starlight!” he said in surprise, “You’re not supposed to be up yet! What time is it?” Spike then turned his head to a nearby clock.

“Just past 7:30,” Starlight answered, “I’m surprised you’re up.”

“Me too,” Twilight added, “You must have gotten up really early to make this many pancakes.”

Spike blushed slightly in embarrassment. “Well…I was hoping to surprise you, Twilight,” Spike confessed, “It was my way of saying ‘Thank You’ for your help earlier. I also wanted to include enough for Starlight as well.”

Twilight was touched by Spike’s gift and smiled warmly back at him.

“Well, I for one am starved,” Starlight Glimmer interrupted with a gentle laugh, “Do you need some help with that?”

“Sure,” Spike nodded as he finished the last pancake and placed it on the smaller stack. “Can you help me move these to the dining room?”

Starlight was only too happy to oblige as she used her magic to levitate the larger stack of pancakes while Spike grabbed the smaller stack. Twilight took it upon herself to move the pitcher of milk and orange juice with her magic. She then followed Spike and Starlight to the dining room to place them on the table. She was pleasantly surprised to see Spike had already set the table with the necessary silverware. After all the food had been placed on the table, the two ponies and dragon sat down for their morning meal.

“This looks so good, Spike. I can’t wait,” Starlight Glimmer cried happily as she levitated a few pancakes from the smaller stack of pancakes.

“Wait!” Spike quickly intervened.

“Huh?” Starlight froze and looked at Spike in confusion.

“You might want to take your pancakes from the larger stack. The smaller stack has gems mixed in with them.”

Starlight looked back at the pancakes that were hovering in front of her. After a closer examination, she saw a small glimmer of a blue gem within the pancake. “Yeah…” Starlight replied as she levitated the pancakes to Spike’s plate. “You’re probably right.”

Twilight had taken her share from the larger stack and wasted no time in digging in. As the pancakes touched her tongue, she was met with a gentle taste of cinnamon that made her taste buds melt in ecstasy. “This is delicious, Spike. You’ve outdone yourself.”

“I agree,” Starlight Glimmer said between mouthfuls of her new set of pancakes.

Spike blushed at the compliment before taking a bite of his own set of pancakes. An audible ‘crunch’ could be heard as he chewed his food.

The rest of the breakfast was spent with no conversation as the two ponies and the dragon happily devoured their fill. Only the sweet moans of satisfaction could be heard as everyone enjoyed their meal. When they were done, only a few pancakes remained.

“That was wonderful, Spike,” Starlight said as she rubbed her stomach in contentment, “We should have you cook us pancakes every morning.”

Spike gave a sheepish laugh in response as he averted his eyes. It wasn’t that he minded cooking. In truth he enjoyed showing off his prowess in the kitchen. It was the waking up part that made him hesitate. He would rather have Twilight handle breakfast while he handled lunch and dinner.

“Truthfully, I’m surprised you got up so early,” Twilight replied.

“Well, like I said, I wanted to surprise you. You and the others did help me find my parents. I thought it was the least I could do to repay you.”

Starlight felt a small wave of guilt as she heard this. A part of her had wished she had been around to help Spike find his parents. The whole ordeal had fascinated her. However, her duties at the school had prevented her from taking part in the adventure. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help out.”

“It’s okay, Starlight,” Spike replied, “Besides, I think I might need your help with something else.”

“Oh?” Starlight asked in curiosity.

A small blush crept across Spike’s cheeks. “Well…I was planning to help everyone who helped me find my parents, like helping Applejack pick apples or baking cakes with Pinkie Pie,” he then trailed off for a second, “But….”

Twilight had to contain herself from laughing out loud as she realized what Spike was planning to ask. It was clearly written all over his face. “You don’t know what to do for Rarity.”

Spike reluctantly nodded his head.

Starlight smiled happily at her friend. “Well…You could try asking her out on her first date.”

Spike gave a nervous laugh before he responded. “Actually…I already did that,” Spike blushed as he tapped his fingers together.

“WHAT?!” Starlight Glimmer’s mouth fell open at the news, “When did this happen?”

It took a moment for Twilight to remember that she had not told Starlight about that one particular detail. She thought it was for the best that Spike and Rarity’s escapades in Grey Shire’s cabin or their first date be kept in private at the time. “She and Spike went on their first date a few days ago.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that?!” Starlight demanded as she looked at Twilight.

“Oops,” Twilight said with a hint of embarrassment.

Starlight was a little annoyed she had been kept out of the loop on such juicy gossip. However, she did not hold a grudge against Twilight. She was probably just trying to protect Spike. Yet, Starlight could not deny that it was one big step for the little dragon. “Well…In that case, take her out on a second date,” Starlight replied.

“I want to, but I don’t know where. I was hoping you could give me some ideas,” Spike responded.

Twilight gave a small groan. “You’re hopeless, Casanova.”

Starlight Glimmer silently thought Twilight might be being a little hard on the dragon. The fact that Spike had actually asked Rarity out on a date was significant in itself. “Well…” Starlight took a moment to answer Spike’s question, “Just follow your instincts. I mean, if the two of you had fun the last place you chose, I’m sure whatever you choose this time will work out as well.”

“Um…Actually…Twilight told me where to go last time,” Spike confessed, “I just don’t know how to follow up on it.”

“Oh….Kay,” Starlight replied as she slowly began to get an idea on how Spike had finally managed to muster enough courage to ask Rarity out. Obviously Twilight had given Spike the location, as well as the needed push. Whatever happened, it seemed Spike was successful. However, it was clear he was nervous about making the wrong decision and losing his chance with Rarity.

“So…Do you have any suggestions?” Spike asked.

“Well…” Starlight stuttered. When it came to dating, Starlight believed Spike had more experience now than she and Twilight combined. Though some might have considered Sunburst and her to be a couple, Starlight had never formerly asked Sunburst on an actual date. It wasn’t that she was against the idea, but more along the lines she had not thought about anything romantic. At best, the two of them had only shared a friendly time of tea together. “How did I get stuck in this position,” Starlight groaned to herself.

Fortunately, fate seemed to intervene for Starlight as a knocking at the front door could be heard.

“Oh! Let me get that!” Starlight quickly said as she got up from her chair, “I’m sure Twilight can offer you better insight than I could.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Thanks a lot,” she snorted.

“Anytime,” Starlight smiled happily as she quickly left the room.

Spike remained silent as he watched Starlight leave the room. He was a little disappointed that she seemed hesitant about giving him advice. In truth, he felt he needed all the help he could get. He then looked to Twilight in anticipation. “I don’t suppose-“

“No way!” Twilight responded, “You’re on your own on this one.”

Spike let out a sigh of disappointment as his eyes fell to the ground.

As Twilight saw Spike’s disappointed look, she was reminded of the hard times the little dragon had faced on their last adventure. Believing Starlight was out of hearing distance, she decided to confront Spike about some of her concerns. “Actually, Spike. I was hoping to ask how you were feeling.”

Spike looked back up at Twilight.

“I mean, the last few days have been hard for you. Are you-“

Spike interrupted Twilight in midsentence. “It’s okay Twilight. I’m feeling better now.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked in concern. Even she felt a great loss for Grey Shire and Runt, even though she only knew them from the entries of Grey Shire’s diary. Still, they were technically family.

Spike knew Twilight was asking as a concerned sister. In truth, he was glad Twilight was asking him. “I am. I can’t be sad forever. Besides, it wasn’t all bad. I finally found the truth about my parents and it reminded me of how you and the others are family to me as well.”

Twilight smiled gently for a brief moment. However, as another thought crossed her mind, the smile became slightly mischievous. “Not to mention the events did help you find the courage to ask Rarity out,” Twilight added hoping to brighten the mood.

Spike laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his head. “Well…That too.”

“Speaking of which…” Twilight trailed off as she looked to the entrance to the dining room.

Spike followed Twilight’s gaze to the doorway to see Starlight entering the room. Following close behind was Rarity. However, to Spike’s surprise, Rarity looked a little ‘frazzled’. She appeared slightly tired and her mane had a few loose strands. She was also caring a pet carrier and a pack on her back. From the pet carrier, Opal peered out from the hatch in her same ‘loving’ manner.

“Rarity!” Spike jumped from his chair and ran to the unicorn’s side, “Are you okay?”

Rarity smiled happily back at the little dragon. “Of course, Spike. Just a little tired,” Rarity assured him as she levitated the pet carrier off her back and onto the floor. Once the carrier had settled on the ground, Opal slowly came out and gave Spike an unemotional glance with half lidded eyes.

Spike remained cautious as he greeted the cat. “Um…Hi, Opal. How are-“ Spike jumped back the next second as a white paw with razor sharp claws nearly got him. After he dodged the attack, he looked back at the cat who returned his gaze. “Nice to see you too,” Spike grudgingly replied.

Opal made an evil smile.

Noticing how tired Rarity looked, Twilight decided to offer her some assistance. “Here,” Twilight said as she pulled a chair out for Rarity to sit down in, “We have some leftover pancakes if you want some.”

“Oh. Thank you,” Rarity said happily as she took a place at the table, “I only had enough time to cook Sweetie Belle breakfast and grab a light snack for myself.” Rarity felt her mouth water as the she smelled the cinnamon in the pancakes.

Using her magic, Twilight levitated in a clean plate and silverware in front of Rarity. “So what brings you here?”

Rarity watched as the plate and silverware landed in front of her. Once they had landed, she looked to the nearest stack of pancakes. “I’m going on a business trip to Canterlot and I need someone to take care of Opal for me.”

“Opal?” Twilight said as she took a moment to glance at Rarity’s cat. She was a little confused why Rarity was asking her to do this. In truth, few ponies could care for Opal without getting a scratch or two. “What about Fluttershy. Doesn’t Opal like her anymore?”

“She was my first choice,” Rarity explained as she levitated some pancakes onto her plate and used her magic to manipulate her fork and knife. “But she has her hooves full. Apparently her hens have gotten sick and she’s busy taking care of them.”

“It’s nothing serious I hope,” Twilight responded in concern. She knew how deeply Fluttershy cared for her animals.

“Oh no. Nothing like that. I think she said they had Chicken Pox,” Rarity replied, “Anyway, I could not over burden her. Opal does require a lot of attention after all,” she then used her fork to take her first bite of the pancakes.

As she did, Starlight Glimmer caught sight a small sparkle within the pancakes. It took her only a moment to realize which stack Rarity had taken her share from. “Rarity! Wait!”

However it was too late.

As Rarity bit down on the pancake, there was a noticeable ‘clank’ as her teeth hit something hard. “Oooh!” Rarity cried. She immediately levitated a napkin to cover her mouth and spit out the object she just bit into. To her surprise and confusion, she saw a Baby Blue Sapphire in the napkin.

“Spike made some pancakes laced with gems,” Starlight explained.

Spike lowered his head in guilt. “Sorry Rarity. I forgot to warn you.”

Rarity looked down at Spike and smiled. “It’s okay, Spike,” she assured the little dragon, “I’ll admit I have expensive tastes, but…”

Twilight smiled at Rarity’s comment as she prepared a fresh plate full of normal pancakes. “So what are you doing in Canterlot?”

Rarity accepted the new stack and took a moment to inspect them for any other surprises. When she saw nothing unusual she took her first bite and enjoyed it before answering. “Well…a lot actually. First there was a mix up on the orders I sent for the new season of clothing. I’m also renovating the Canterlot Boutique. Then there’s an upcoming fashion show scheduled. In addition, an elite client is getting married and their designer had to transfer the job to me. I’ll be responsible for creating the wedding dress. And then there’s….” Rarity exhaled in exhaustion, “Sorry, I think I have more than I can remember.”

Twilight could understand the pressure Rarity was in. It was easy to see why Rarity was looking a little frazzled now. “It sounds like you bit off more than you could chew,” Twilight replied.

“On that, I can agree. But…such is the life of running a fashion empire,” Rarity sighed. She then perked up and looked at Twilight with pleading eyes. “Anyway, if you could take cake of Opal for me, it would be a great help.”

Twilight took a moment to glance at Opal in hesitation. She still remembered the last few times Opal was left in her care. Not many ponies could take care of Opal without getting scratched, even Rarity. However as she looked into Rarity’s pleading eyes, she found herself unable to leave her friend stranded. “Sure. I’ll take care of her.”

“Thank you Twilight. I’m in your debt,” Rarity replied happily.

“Think nothing of it,” Twilight answered.

It was then that Spike received a flash of inspiration. Quickly he made his way to Twilight’s side to address her. “We don’t have much planned for the next few days, right Twilight?”

“Well…no,” Twilight answered truthfully.

“Then what if I go with her to Canterlot and help her out as her assistant,” Spike continued.

Twilight looked down at the little dragon questionably. “I don’t know, Spike. It sounds like a lot of hard work,” Twilight replied, hoping to make the dragon change his mind.

“It won’t be that much different from what I do around here,” Spike replied.

Twilight found herself at a loss. As her assistant, doing chores and keeping up with her checklists was a daily event for Spike. He was no stranger to hard work. She then looked to Rarity in hopes she could change the little dragon’s mind. “What do you think, Rarity?”

Rarity looked at Twilight in silence for a moment. On the one hand, she wanted to give Spike some time to recuperate from his ordeal of finding his parents. On the other hand, she knew she needed all the help she could get, and Spike was very dependable. It would also be nice to have Spike’s company for other reasons. “I could use the extra help,” Rarity answered. She then turned to Spike, “Are you sure you are up for it?”

“I would gladly do anything for you, Rarity,” Spike replied in his love stricken manner.

Rarity gave a small laugh at Spike. “I will happily accept your assistance,” Rarity then looked to Twilight and noticed her stern glance, “With Twilight’s permission of course.”

Twilight was startled the next moment as all eyes fell on her. For a brief moment, she considered saying ‘no’. She still remembered what happened the last time the two went on a trip together. However, as she looked into Spike’s pleading eyes, she realized it would be wrong to hold him back. “Fine. You can go, Spike.”

“Yes!” Spike cheered, “Let me get my things.”

“You’ll have to be quick, Spike,” Rarity added, “The train leaves shortly.”

“Right!” Spike nodded before he dashed out of the room as fast as he could.

Twilight watched her assistant vanish out of the room before turning to Rarity with a look of concern. “Are you sure about this?”

“Spike is a great help. You of all ponies should know this,” Rarity replied, “With any luck, he might actually help prevent a few problems.”

Twilight could not deny what Rarity said was true. However, this was not her main concern. “Where will you be staying in Canterlot?”

Rarity frowned as she thought about it. “I’m not sure yet. I’ll probably need to find a nice motel or I can sleep at the boutique.”

“What about staying at the palace?” Twilight asked.

“I haven’t had a chance to ask Princess Celestia for accommodations,” Rarity answered, “It wouldn’t be lady like for me to just show up on her doorstep.”

Twilight slightly cringed before answering. “I’ll contact Celestia, and see if she would be willing to take you in. I’m sure she would agree.”

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to impose on her,” Rarity replied. She was still unsure why Twilight was so insistent.

“Yes,” Twilight replied with fortitude.

Rarity could see Twilight appeared fairly adamant about the suggestion. She decided it was probably best not to argue.

The next moment, Spike raced back into the room wearing a backpack that carried all the necessities he needed for a short trip. Based on past experiences, he always had a backpack ready in case Twilight needed to go somewhere in a hurry. “Ready when you are.”

Rarity was both happy and impressed on how fast Spike had gotten his things. She felt more confident now that Spike would be able to help her. Not to mention, she looked forward to having his company. Quickly she got up out of her seat and began to lead the way. “Very well. Let’s head for the train station. We need to meet-“

“Hold it!” Twilight interrupted.

Both Rarity and Spike stopped and looked to Twilight in surprise.

Twilight approached the two with a stern glance. “Before you go, I need you to promise me something.”

“Promise?” Spike looked at her questionably, “What kind of promise?”

“I want you to promise me that you will stay at the castle while in Canterlot. You will also stay in separate rooms,” Twilight responded.

Rarity scoffed in amusement at Twilight’s tone. “Twilight. Aren’t you being a little melodramatic? What do you think will happen?”

Twilight stared at Rarity with half lidded eyes. “Do you remember the cabin?”

Rarity’s pupils shrunk as a blush colored her cheeks. “Oh,” Rarity said solemnly. She then averted her eyes and began to rub a certain part of her neck. “I guess you do have a point.”

“The last thing I want is to hear is another ‘incident’ like that,” Twilight replied.

Spike looked at his older sister reluctantly. “I’m sure you don’t have to worry-“

Twilight peered down at Spike while giving an angry snort.

Spike’s eyes went wide with fear. “Cross my heart! Hope to fly! Stick a cupcake in my eye!” Spike quickly said as he made the necessary hand gestures.

Twilight then looked to Rarity again. “Rarity.”

“Cross my heart. Hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye,” Rarity said in an annoyed manner while making the same hoof gestures.

Twilight’s mood lightened the next moment as she put on a smile. “And don’t forget to take some time to relax and have fun.”

Rarity laughed nervously as she looked at Twilight. “Well then,” she then turned to Spike. “Come along. We need to head to the train station,” Rarity said as she turned around and started to make her way out the room.

“Right,” Spike replied as he fell into step beside her.

“While we’re there, I’ll need your help with one other matter. You see….” Rarity’s voice trailed off as she and Spike walked out of the room.

Twilight let out a sigh as she watched the two disappear.

“Weren’t you a little harsh?”

Twilight turned around to see Starlight Glimmer sitting at the table looking at her. Opal was also sitting on the table staring at Twilight. Twilight had almost forgotten that the two had been listening in. “It’s just a precaution.”

“Don’t you think you might have been…I don’t know…a little overbearing?” Starlight asked. In truth, she thought Twilight looked more like a concerned mother instead of the caring sister she usually was.

Twilight admitted silently she was a little harsh. She did support Spike and Rarity’s relationship. However, after what happened the last time, she decided to err on the side of caution. “Trust me. It’s for the best.”

Starlight peered at Twilight questioningly. She didn’t want to pry, but the events she had witnessed had made her curious. “So…What exactly happened at this cabin?”

Twilight was reluctant to tell, but decided it was best to fill Starlight in so she could understand. “You saw how Rarity was rubbing her neck, right?”

Starlight nodded.


To Be Continued….

Author's Note:

Preview: Spike and Rarity head to Canterlot, but are joined by one other. A young pony who is anxious to learn more about Spike and Rarity’s relationship – and play matchmaker! Of course I am referring to Sweetie Belle. For Spike, the train ride will not end soon enough as he and Rarity are forced to explain “The Ponies and the Dragons”.

This is a sequel to Spike's Mark which I wrote. If you want to know what happened in the cabin or why Rarity is rubbing her neck, you'll need to read that story for details. However, it is possible to follow along in the story and learn as certain facts are revealed to other side characters.

I am happy to say the story is complete, and all will be posted soon if not all. As I post stories, please add your comments. Your thoughts and comments give me reason to make even more stories. I like to hear other people’s opinion. It also helps me avoid instances like my infamous naming of Rarity’s sister as “Sweetie Pie” instead of Sweetie Belle as was done in Spike’s Mark (I believe I did fix that). Hopefully her debut in future chapters will earn me forgiveness.

In addition, I would like to thank Viatorem for offering some assistance in giving me ideas in later chapters. Because of the suggestions, I was able to move forward and cure my writers block. I hope you enjoy the result.