• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 489 Views, 43 Comments

Rarity's Choice - mikemuir0178

Rarity must make the choice of upholding her dream as a fashionista or keeping her love for Spike.

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Chapter 16: Confessions of the Heart

Chapter 16: Confessions of the Heart

The audience was engulfed in darkness as the stage was lit with bright lights. As pony models walked down the stage, the designers of the clothes would speak at a podium located at the corner. The fashion designers would talk about their designs and the inspiration they used. As each model displayed their dresses, the audience would applause to show how much the various dresses appealed to them.

As Twilight watched the presentation, a part of her wished she had taken Rainbow Dash’s suggestion about getting better seats. She often struggled to see the details in each of the dresses and was very interested in seeing the dress Rarity would present.

Twilight then looked down toward the front of the audience. After a little bit of searching, she was able to spot the Cutie Mark Crusaders in their assigned seats. As she watched the fillies enjoy themselves, she felt a tad jealous that they had better seats. With an annoyed snort, Twilight reminded herself that she was not here to see the fashion show. What mattered was that they were here for Rarity.

Twilight then looked at her friends to see how they were handling their seating arrangement.

“I bet this reminds you of when you were a model for Photo Finish,” Rainbow Dash said to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy’s cheeks blushed as she heard this. “Um…Please don’t remind of that. It makes me feel stage fright all over again.”

“But you were so good at it,” Applejack added.

Fluttershy cringed in her seat.

“I think they need more party dresses!” Pinkie Pie commented, “Maybe something in pink and with streamers!”

“Don’t you remember what happened the last time you tried using streamers on a party dress Rarity made for you?” Rainbow asked.

“It doesn’t mean we can’t try again,” Pinkie happily replied.

Twilight smiled at the conversation her friends were having who were all seated to her right. She then looked to Spike who was seated to her left. “How are you doing, Spike?”

The little dragon didn’t seem to be paying attention to anything. He only seemed to be anxiously twirling his fingers as he waited.

“Spike!” Twilight called out again.

“Ah!” Spike jumped in his seat. He then looked up at Twilight apologetically. “Sorry,” he said, “Guess I’m a little anxious about what’s going to happen.”

Twilight used her magic to pull out a pamphlet that was handed at the front door and skimmed though the order. “I think Rarity is coming up next.”

“She’s on!?” Spike cried out as he stood up and peered intently at the stage. When he saw the stage still had the other models, he sighed and sat back down.

“I said she’s coming on next,” Twilight repeated.

Spike gave a sigh. “Sorry,” he apologized, “I just…” Spike trailed off as he slouched in his chair. “I want this all to work out. I need to know if I can be with her again.”

“Spike. No matter what, she’ll always want you to be with her,” Twilight said.

“I know, but…I just want to protect her,” Spike bemoaned, “I’m worried this might not work. What if the only way for her to recover her dream is to end what we share together?” Spike then looked to the ground in defeat. “I…I don’t know what to do anymore.”

Twilight’s brow furrowed in frustration. It was never easy to deal with a sulking dragon. “Spike. Let me be the first to say that leaving Rarity was your biggest mistake!”

“Twi…” Spike looked up at her questionably.

“If anything, she needed you more than ever!” Twilight continued.

Spike averted his gaze. “But I-“

“I know you want to protect her,” Twilight said, “But she loves you and needs your support.”

Spike averted his eyes to the ground. “I know…but-“

“She’s a lot stronger then she looks,” Twilight interrupted, “She knows how to take care of herself."

Spike turned his eyes to the stage.

“But, she gets her strength from having us believe in her,” Twilight continued, “Especially from you.”

Spike looked to Twilight.

“Show her you are there for her. Let her see how much you care. That’s what she needs,” Twilight stated.

Spike let out a deep sigh. “Your right, Twilight. It’s just…” Spike averted his eyes again, “I care for her so much. I’m just so confused on what to do.”

“I understand,” Twilight said as she smiled down at her sibling.

“You do?” Spike asked as he looked up to Twilight, “But you’ve never been in love before.”

“True,” Twilight replied, “But I’ve read a lot of books on the subject.”

Spike let out a sigh. “I just wish there was an instruction manual or something on how to handle love.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m sure one of my books can help you.”

“Really?” Spike asked.

“Sure. There’s ‘The Pony For You’, ‘First Date Guidelines’, ‘The Do’s and Don’ts of Dating’ – Oh! A really good one is-“ Twilight began.

“On second thought, maybe I’ll pass,” Spike replied. Knowing Twilight, she probably would list every book she had on the subject. He then turned back to the stage. He admitted to himself that Twilight was right and abandoning Rarity was his biggest mistake. He should have been there for her. “Do…do you think she will forgive me?”

Twilight gave a reassuring smile. “I’m sure she would,” she said, “Though she might be a little angry.”

“Really?” Spike said in surprise.

“You did abandon her. I’m sure she’s angry over that,” Twilight responded, though she suspected Rarity would be happier to have Spike back.

Spike looked down at the stage. “I probably deserve it. But if it means I can get Rarity back…” Spike said more to himself rather than Twilight. Silently he admitted he would gladly accept any punishment Rarity offered just to see her again. He just hoped that whatever plan Rarity had in mind would work. He could feel his heart ache in anticipation as he watched the models leave the stage.

“And now we present a new dress created by Ms. Rarity!” The announcer said.


Rarity let out a sigh as she awaited her moment to be on the stage. Tilting her head slightly, she peered through the curtain at the large crowd that awaited for the next presentation.

Her presentation.

As she looked through the curtains, she tried to find her friends in the crowd. Even more importantly, she tried to see if Spike was there to cheer her on. Though Coloratura’s Spike impression had eased her tension, she still wanted hear the real thing. Even just seeing his confident little smile would help.

“Are you ready, Rarity?” a sympathetic voice asked.

Rarity turned and looked to Coloratura who had assumed her place back stage. She could see that the diva was prepared to go on stage and only needed her approval to move forward. “I…I think so…” Rarity stuttered.

“Just believe in yourself and you will be the brightest star out there,” Coloratura added.

Rarity gave a small laugh. “Isn’t that what Applejack told you.”

“It was,” Coloratura smiled, “Now it’s your turn to shine.”

Rarity could feel small tears of hope form in her eyes as she looked at Coloratura. “Thank you…For everything.”

“I enjoyed it,” Coloratura then gave a mischievous grin, “Maybe I should ask to come along on some of your other friendship quests.”

Rarity gave a small laugh. “I’m sure we can consider it.” Rarity then looked to the curtain nervously.

“You can do this,” Coloratura assured her.

Rarity smiled as she looked back to Coloratura. Before she could say anything more, the announcer’s voice could be heard.

“And now we present a new dress created by Ms. Rarity!” The announcer said.

Rarity let out a sigh as she heard her name being called. “Well…the show must go on,” Rarity smiled.

Coloratura smiled in response and gave a nod to show she was ready.

Rarity steeled herself as she made her forward. However, as she passed the curtain, each step she took became harder than the last. It was the moment of truth for her. Either she would reclaim her dreams…or lose everything.

As she stepped onto stage, Rarity gazed into the audience. Her eyes darted across the masses, searching for someone familiar to latch onto for support. More than anything, she hoped to see the one special dragon in her heart.


However, as she looked into the unfamiliar masses, she was only met with the stares of the audience, waiting to see what she had to offer. Any friends she had were hidden from view. “The show must go on,” she reminded herself. Rarity then made her way to the podium and placed her front hooves on top of it.

This was the only chance she had to reclaim what she had lost.

“Since I was a young filly, my dream has always been to bring fashion into the world. Each dress I ever made was designed to bring out a pony’s inner beauty,” Rarity said as she remembered her struggles to obtain her dream. “Yet, none I ever completed could match the true beauty of the one who mattered the most in my life.”

“For a long time, not only did I want bring out the beauty in other ponies, but also I wanted to feel the beauty of companionship within another. To learn what it meant to be loved. I searched hoping to find the young prince of my dreams, but never could find one that brought me happiness,” Rarity continued as she remembered the heartache each stallion had given her.

“But in truth, I was blind to what was around me. I did not see that there was someone out there. A young dragon seeking my attention. One who stayed at my side, tending to all my needs, yet never asking anything in return,” Rarity confessed as she recalled all the times Spike was there for her. “Even when I sought the company of others, he refused to leave my side. Offering his aid when I asked. His only goal was to bring cheer to my life.” Rarity felt tears form in her eyes, “That someone is Spike. A little dragon whose only wish was to stay close to me...” Rarity gently cried.

It took a moment for Rarity to gather herself again. “Tonight, I have come to express the feelings I have for Spike through fashion. A dress that embodies the strength, conviction, and love he has shown me through the years. I give you Les Coeurs Jumeaux.”

The next moment, Rarity felt a gentle breeze as the curtains began to rise behind her to unveil her greatest work. Taking a moment to glance to her side, she watched Coloratura make her way onto the stage. The strength and beauty of the dress she wore was overwhelming as the light reflected off its surface. Yet, for Rarity, its appearance only brought back the desire of having Spike at her side.

Whatever reaction that came from the audience was drowned out as Rarity’s heart yearned for the young dragon’s company. “This dress is a testament to the feelings Spike has shown me through the years. Its elements representing the feats Spike has done for me,” Rarity said as old memories resurfaced. “How he cheered me thru the most difficult of times. How he placed himself in harm’s way to protect me. Even how he was willing to part with his most precious of gems just to gain my affection. For everything he has done, he would say he would do anything for me,” Rarity said as tears once again formed in her eyes, “But in truth, he was saying that he loved me.”

Rarity then closed her eyes and placed a hoof on her heart. “Yet thru it all, he taught me one of the greatest of lessons. That true love does not depend on what we are, but who we are inside. That love is created by the inner beauty within us.”

Rarity then opened her eyes and gazed at the dress before her. Within her own work, she saw beloved dragon again. “Spike has shown me the gift of true love. A dream I have searched for a long time…But It is also one you can find.” Rarity then looked to her audience. “I offer you the means to show those same affections to your special someone. Whether it be pony, dragon, griffin, or even changeling, I believe there is someone out there for each of us. We only need to open our eyes to those around us…Just as I did for Spike.”

Rarity let out a sigh as she lowered herself from the podium. As she opened her mind to the world again, she wondered how the audience would react. Would ponies see the love she shared with Spike, or would it be the end of a dream?

Her answer came in the form of cheering and several flashes that blinded her. As she looked up, she could see the audience had been memorized by the dress on stage and the story of its inspiration. Her work was now at the edge of stage being presented in a final bow to the audience around it.

As Rarity heard the sounds of elation, she found it hard to maintain her professional demeanor. Yet, through some strong willpower, Rarity wiped the tears from her eyes and bowed.


Like the rest of the audience, Twilight and her friends could only watch in amazement as Coloratura glided across the stage. The illumination of the stage light reflecting down off the fabric seemed to envelope Coloratura in a white aura as she displayed the dress on stage. The audience was left mesmerized by the display they saw. Immediately they began taking pictures and cheering as the presentation ended.

“I know I’m not one for dresses, but I think I would make an exception in this case,” Rainbow Dash smiled after she watched the performance.

“I think I would like to try it on as well,” Fluttershy added.

Even Twilight found she had been enthralled by the presentation. There was something about the design that cried beauty, yet strength. It really was a testament to Rarity’s love. “Rarity really out did herself this time. What do you think Spike?” she said before turning to the chair to her left. To her surprise, it was empty. “Spike?”

“Way to go Rarity!” Rainbow Dash shouted.


Rarity made her way behind the curtain with sophistication and demeanor. However, as she felt the drapes cover her from the prying eyes, she squealed in elation. To see the crowd’s reaction brought joy to her heart. From the applause she heard, she felt she had reclaimed her dream.

“I think the audience might want an encore.”

Rarity turned to see Coloratura had now made it back stage as well. She then gave a sigh of relief. “I think that took more out of me than I realized,” she said as she tried to regain her stamina.

“But you did it,” Coloratura congratulated.

“With your help,” Rarity smiled, “Thank you.”

Coloratura nodded happily. Her face then shifted to one of surprise as she felt a tingling sensation on her flank. “Huh…?” she said as she turned and looked at her cutie mark. Though the dress covered her flank, there was a soft pulsating glow that shown thru the fabric.

Rarity also noticed the glow on Coloratura’s flank and gave a small laugh at her reaction. “I’d say the map thinks you fulfilled your quest.”

Coloratura looked back at Rarity. “Really?” she asked happily, “Wow! My first friendship quest!”

Rarity took a moment to admire how excited her friend was. She then took on a professional demeanor. “I suppose we should also talk about your fee.”

Coloratura looked at Rarity questioningly. “My fee?”

“It seems only fair after all the help you gave me that you should have the dress,” Rarity explained.

For a brief moment, Coloratura was rendered speechless. “You’re…giving it to me?” Coloratura said in both surprise and elation.

“Or if you prefer, I can make another one,” Rarity suggested, “One with a different color scheme. Perhaps midnight and teal?”

Coloratura smiled happily. “I think I’ll keep this one if that’s okay,” she replied happily, “It’ll remind me of the time we shared together.”

“Of course,” Rarity nodded in agreement. Though a part of her had wanted to keep it, Rarity felt Coloratura had more than earned it. She could always make another she told herself. She then let out a small sigh.

“What’s wrong?” Coloratura asked.

“Well…” Rarity began, “I was really hoping to see Spike in the audience. But I didn’t,” she then gave an embarrassed laugh. “Guess I’m just wanting the attention of certain young dragon.”

Coloratura gave a comforting smile to her friend. Her attention was then drawn to a small ruckus that was happening at the entrance to the back stage. A small mischievous grin decorated her face the next moment. “I’m pretty sure he saw everything.”

“Huh?” Rarity asked.

Coloratura remained silent as she pointed a hoof in the direction behind Rarity.

Rarity spun around and was surprised to see a small battle taking place. A stage hand who was an Earth Pony was jumping around frantically shouting angrily as he lunged for a small form that flew just over his head to avoid being captured. Rarity’s mouth dropped in surprise and elation as she recognized the small form the pony was trying to catch. “Spike?!”

Spike paused in his aerial maneuvers to avoid his pursuer. “Rarity!”

“Get over here!” the stage hand shouted as he lunged forward.

Spike quickly dropped a few feet in the air and watched with smug elation as his pursuer sailed over his head and crashed into some equipment behind him. When he saw his pursuer did not get up, he crossed his arms in defiance and triumph. “Nothing will stop me from reaching my sweet Rarity!” he declared.


Spike turned to the source of the voice, only to see a white form come crashing into him. The next moment, he felt the wind get knocked out of him as he hit the floor. When he recovered his senses, he found that Rarity was now on top of him. For a brief moment, he felt as if he was seeing Rarity again for the first time. “Hi Rarity.”

A scowl quickly formed on Rarity’s face as she looked down at the little dragon. “Spike! Do you have any idea what you put me through?”

Spike laughed nervously as he gazed into Rarity’s angry face. And yet, as he looked into Rarity’s eyes he could see she was more than happy to see him. “I’m sorry. I only wanted to protect your dream.”

“You’re a part of my dream, Spike!” she scolded, “A big part!”

“Really?” Spike said as he felt his heart leap in his chest.

“Yes! Don’t you ever forget that!” Rarity scolded as she picked Spike off the floor. She then placed her hooves around him and held him as close as he could. She hummed in delight as she felt Spike’s warm body against her own.

“Ugh! Rarity!” Spike gasped, “I can’t…breathe.”

“Hmm?” Rarity paused as she heard the little dragon’s pleas. As she pulled away, she saw Spike was gasping for breath. “Oh…My apologies.”

It took Spike only a minute to recover his form. He then looked Rarity in the eyes. “So…Does this mean…I’m forgiven?”

Rarity averted her eyes in thought before looking back and giving a mischievous grin. “Perhaps,” she replied, “Though I do think I should punish you for what you did.”

“Punish me?” Spike questioned.

“Well, you did leave me when I needed you the most,” Rarity said slyly, “Perhaps a few days of servitude at the Carousel Boutique will teach you a lesson.”

Spike gave a gentle smile. “Anything for you Rarity.”

As Rarity heard those words, she could feel her heart leap for joy. Gently, she leaned forward and placed a kiss on Spike’s muzzle.

At first, Spike was surprised by the gesture, but quickly adapted. As he felt Rarity’s soft muzzle on his lips, he found himself unwilling to part. However, Rarity eventually pulled away.

“Don’t you ever leave me again, Spike,” Rarity gently whispered as she caressed his head with her hoof.

Spike smiled in response. “I won’t.”

Once more, Rarity leaned in and kissed Spike. This time however, Spike was prepared and willingly succumbed to Rarity’s embrace.

“All right! Enough with the mushy stuff!”

Spike and Rarity’s eyes snapped open as they heard the voice of Rainbow Dash. Immediately they turned to the source to find the Pegasus hovering off slightly above them. A mischievous smile decorated her face.

Rarity felt her cheeks blush a deep crimson at the state she was in. Quickly she released Spike from her embrace and confronted Rainbow Dash with an angry scowl. “Rainbow Dash! Haven’t you…Don’t you know the meaning of privacy!” Rarity stuttered in surprise and anger.

“And miss this touching moment,” Rainbow laughed.

“Whatever you saw was just a figment of your imagination!” Rarity scolded as she tried to appear professional again.

Rainbow Dash gave a sly smile. “I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one who saw it,” Rainbow said as she pointed to another area backstage.

Rarity and Spike followed Rainbow Dash’s gesture and saw the rest of their friends standing off to the side. They each gave smug smiles of satisfaction at seeing Rarity and Spike being together again. Twilight’s smile however seemed to be slightly strained.

It took a moment for Rarity to comprehend that all her friends had seen what happened. “Oh! Umm…How unprofessional of me,” Rarity uttered as she gave a sheepish grin to hide her embarrassment.

Spike gave a small laugh as well as he realized that his friends had been watching what happened.

“Well. It looks like the two of you are back together,” Twilight commented as she approached them.

“Oh…Yes…” Rarity admitted hesitantly. She could see Twilight appeared to be playing the role of overprotective sister again. “We were just…” Rarity stuttered as she tried to come up with an excuse.

“Happy to see each other,” Spike quickly added, followed by a nervous laugh.

“You did look pretty cozy there,” Rainbow Dash said with a smug smile.

Rarity gave a warning glance to Rainbow Dash before turning to the others. Her cheeks having a tint of pink in them. “It was just…I mean…” It took a moment for Rarity to gather her wits in response. “Spike and I just have not seen each other in a while. It seemed only appropriate for us to…show our emotions this way,” Rarity replied in her sophisticated demeanor. She then looked down at Spike. “Am I right, Spike?”

Spike quickly caught on and nodded his head vigorously. “That’s right.”

“Uh-huh,” Rainbow Dash smiled happily. It was clear she, nor anyone among her group, believed Rarity for one moment.

“Just make sure you keep it professional,” Twilight warned.

“Of course,” Rarity said happily, though a part of her wished Twilight would be a little more relaxed on the subject. However, before she could assure Twilight she had nothing to worry about, she heard a familiar high-pitched voice from behind her friends.


Rarity was surprised by the voice. “Sweetie Belle?”

The little unicorn raced around the small crowd of her friends and came charging forward at a full gallop. For a brief moment, Rarity thought Sweetie Belle might tackle her. However, the little pony slid to a stop on her haunches and looked up at her big sister with tears in her eyes.

“That was wonderful,” Sweetie Belle said, “I wasn’t sure you could pull it off.”

“Well…It wasn’t easy,” Rarity replied with a small laugh.

Sweetie Belle’s mood then shifted to one of guilt. “I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble. I didn’t mean to tell everyone your secrets.”

As Rarity looked down at Sweetie Belle, she held no resentment for her sister. Instead, she reached down and with one hoof and hugged her. “Don’t worry,” Rarity assured Sweetie Belle, “I forgive you.”

“You do!” Sweetie Belle happily replied.

“Yes,” Rarity nodded, “But, if you ever reveal my private life again…”

Sweetie Belle gave a nervous grin. “I think I learned my lesson.”

Rarity smiled at Sweetie Belle’s response as she held her close. She was family after all and there was no way Rarity could stay angry with her.

“I hope you can accept our apologies as well,” a new voice said.

Rarity looked up from her sister and saw two new ponies make their way forward. They were accompanied by the other Curie Mark Crusaders. It took Rarity only a moment to recall the two ponies she saw in front of her. “You’re…You’re the two reporters from Filly Fashion!”

Both ponies gave nervous smiles as they looked at Rarity. “We do apologize for all the inconvenience we caused you,” Sandy Fashion said.

“If possible, we would like to make it up,” Cherry Pie replied.

Instinctively, Rarity looked down at her younger sister. She suspected Sweetie Belle was responsible for bringing the two reporters to her. “Sweetie Belle. What is going on?”

“Just trying to help,” Sweetie Belle nervously laughed.

Sandy Fashion decided to step in to help Sweetie Belle. “Your sister came to us asking for our help.”

“She wanted us to publish a piece that showed your perspective on Spike,” Cherry Pie continued.

Rarity looked at the two reporters and then looked down at her sister.

“I thought if ponies could see the truth between you and Spike, it would make other ponies understand that dragons and ponies can be together,” Sweetie Belle explained, “Just in case your plan didn’t work.”

Though she could see Sweetie Belle had good intentions, Rarity was still reluctant to make a statement in the fear it could be twisted. It had been hard enough to bare herself in front of an audience. The last thing she wanted was another repeat of the situation.

Fortunately, Twilight decided to step in. “I think I might know how they can help us,” Twilight smiled.

“Twilight?” Rarity asked questioningly.

Twilight gave a reassuring smile to her friend, then looked to Cherry Pie and Sandy Fashion. “Spike and Rarity are not the first pony and dragon couple. There was actually one that came before them” she explained.

The two reporters looked at Twilight questionably. “Another union between a dragon and a pony?” Sandy Fashion asked bewildered.

Twilight nodded. “In truth, Spike is actually the offspring of a pony named Grey Shire and a dragon named Runt,” she continued, “It’s why Spike resides with me instead of the Dragon Lands.”

The two reporters looked to each other as they comprehended what they heard. Neither one anticipated that there was more than one union between a dragon and a pony.

Applejack could understand the two ponies’ reaction to the news. What she could not understand was what Twilight had in mind. Slowly, she strolled over to Twilight’s side. “Um, Twilight,” Applejack asked, “What are you planning?”

Twilight smiled in response. “I think all ponies should know that Spike and Rarity are not the first. That such a love has already been conquered,” Twilight explained. She then looked to her assistant. “Spike. With your permission, we can show the history of your parents.”

“You mean…Show them Grey Shire’s diary?” Spike asked as he comprehended Twilight’s plan.

“Along with all the records Celestia has on your mother,” Twilight explained.

“Wait. You have actual proof that another pony and dragon were together?” Sandy Fashion asked as she tried to wrap her head around the idea.

Rarity nodded as she began to understand what Twilight had in mind. “We do have records from Princess Celestia to show this happened before. There was a pony named Grey Shire who hid away from pony society. During that time, she found and rescued a small dragon named Runt and the two…eloped.”

“And the child they bore was Spike,” Twilight finished.

Sandy Fashion and Cherry Pie took a moment to gaze down at Spike in surprise. It was Sandy Fashion who finally broke the silence. “So…Spike is…”

“He’s still a dragon,” Twilight corrected, “He just has some pony heritage in him.”

Spike shifted in embarrassment when he realized he was becoming the center of attention.

Cherry Pie turned and looked to her companion. “What do you think Sandy?” she asked, “I’m sure ponies would be interested to hear a story like this.”

Sandy admitted that the idea fascinated her. However, she decided to err on the side of caution this time. “If Spike agrees, then we will make the story.”

Twilight looked back at the little dragon. “Spike. They are your parents. Only you can give us permission to tell their story.”

For a brief moment, Spike remained silent as he tried to decide on what to do. A part of him feared what might happen if the truth was revealed. He knew his mother had been reluctant to reveal herself to society. But Rarity had spread the idea that a pony and dragon could be together. If anything, now was the perfect time to let ponies know that such a union once did exist. He could show that his parents had taken the first step and that he and Rarity were prepared to take the next. “All right. As long as you let us read the article before it gets published,” Spike replied.

Cherry Pie danced in place. “This is so exciting. This will really get out magazine off the ground!”

Sandy Fashion shook her head at her friend’s excited behavior. She then looked back at Spike. “You have my word. We will let you look at the article before it’s published.”

“Pinkie swear,” Spike added.

Sandy looked at Spike a little perplexed. She and her friend were unfamiliar with Pinkie Pie’s famous promise. “Pinkie…what?”

Pinkie Pie stepped forward the next moment. “Like this!” she said. She then started to make the necessary hoof gestures. “Cross my heart. Hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Sandy Fashion and Cherry Pie looked to each other and shrugged. They then repeated the same hoof gestures. “Cross my heart. Hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye,” they both repeated in unison.

“Good. Now that means you have to keep your promise,” Pinkie Pie said happily. Her demeanor then changed. “FOREVER!” she said in a haunting voice.

Sandy Fashion and Chery Pie nervously laughed as they watched Pinkie Pie stare at them. “Of course,” Sandy Fashion replied. She then looked to Twilight. “Um…do we need to worry about her?”

Twilight gave a sly smile. “As long as you keep your promise, Pinkie Pie won’t haunt you.”

“Haunt us?” Cherry Pie and Sandy Fashion said in surprised unison.

“Believe me,” Twilight replied, “She is quite persistent.”

Sandy Fashion and Cherry Pie looked to Pinkie Pie again.

Pinkie Pie returned their gaze with a stern glance. She then pointed to her eyes and then at the two ponies to show she was watching them intently.

“I think we understand,” Cherry Pie laughed nervously.

Rarity felt some confidence in knowing Pinkie Pie would be watching the two reporters keep their word for a time. Even without Pinkie Pie, she suspected that Sandy Fashion and Cherry Pie would honor their word. Rarity then noticed that Sassy Saddles was now joining their group. The unicorn seemed hesitant to approach. “I suppose you want to ask for my forgiveness as well?” Rarity asked.

“I admit, it would put my mind at rest,” Sassy Saddles admitted.

Rarity gently looked into her friend’s eyes. “You remained by my side, Sassy. I know you were only trying to help and I am happy to call you my friend.”

“Thank you, Rarity,” Sassy Saddles said. Her demeanor then took on a more professional appearance. “But there is one other detail I need to address.”

“Another detail?” Rarity asked.

“The fashion committee was wondering if you would show an encore presentation. The audience would like to see the dress again.” Sassy explained.

“Oh!” Rarity exclaimed with excitement. She then turned to Coloratura who had been standing in a corner. “Could I ask you for one more performance?”

Coloratura nodded. “I would be happy too.”

“I’ll go tell the committee,” Sassy replied as she made her way back the way she came, “Go ahead and take up your positions.”

Rarity nodded as she made her way to the edge of the curtain and waited for her call back into stardom. As she awaited the announcement, she looked back at her friends, most especially on the young dragon that stood among them.

“You can do this, Rarity!” Spike cheered as he gave her a thumbs up.

Rarity looked at the little dragon for a moment and smiled. “Actually,” Rarity said, “I could use your assistance.”

“Huh?” Spike made a hard gulp, “You want me to go out with you?”

“It is lonely at the top. I really could use some company,” Rarity replied.

Spike was only too happy to oblige as he ran to Rarity’s side. “Anything for you, Rarity!”

Rarity smiled down at the little dragon. She then heard the announcement for her to go onto stage again. Without hesitation, Rarity stepped out onto the stage with Spike and Coloratura at her side. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she realized she was no longer dreaming.

The End…?

Not quite…

Author's Note:

:fluttershysad: So is this the end?

:rainbowlaugh: Not quite…

:twilightoops: There’s more?!

“A New Beginning, A New Dream” is formed. Why is Twilight so anxious? Maybe some tea will help. Wait? Where’s Spike?

:raritywink: I still need one more question answered.

When I wrote this story, I saw this story as a tower I was constructing. From the very beginning, I knew I had a strong base and I wanted to make sure that this tower reached to the sky. Yet, as I neared the end, this chapter created a hole in the structure. I knew how I wanted it to end. I could get the point where Rarity stepped on stage. But her speech was the hole.

For the longest time, I considered using the song Coloratura sang in hopes of conveying Rarity’s feelings of Spike and to move the audience. I would have Rarity speak between each of the song lyrics to remind her what Spike meant to her. Yet, no matter what I tried, it never came out right. Poetry is not my strong suit.

Shortly before my desire to post the chapter, I finally gave up on the idea of using the song. I feared by using it the reader would have a hard time hearing what Rarity wanted to say. So...it was back to the drawing board. For those few paragraphs, it took a week of reading and rereading...Deleting and rewriting...to see if I was conveying what I wanted.

I guess it's no real surprise why it took me a year to write this whole story.