• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 489 Views, 43 Comments

Rarity's Choice - mikemuir0178

Rarity must make the choice of upholding her dream as a fashionista or keeping her love for Spike.

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Chapter 11: Love or Dreams

Chapter 11: Love or Dreams

“Here. This might help,” Apple Bloom said as she pushed a cup of cider on the table in front of Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle eyed the cider for a moment before grabbing it with her hooves and chugging it down in several gulps. She then placed the empty mug on the table and stared blankly at it.

“Better?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Not really,” Sweetie Belle responded.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other for a moment, hoping the other might have an idea to help their sulking friend. They had offered words of encouragement, were allowed to have a sleepover at Applejack’s house, and even tried the Apple family’s famous cider. However, nothing seemed to relieve Sweetie Belle of her guilt.

For Sweetie Belle, everything that had happened was her fault. It all started with her wanting to help her sister and finding out about how Spike and Rarity were now together. But after learning the truth, she had to go and open her big mouth and tell everyone…well maybe not everyone. But talking with the two reporters she met at the ball might as well have been everyone. Now, Sweetie Belle felt she had ruined everything for Spike and Rarity. How was she going to fix that?

“Cheer up, Sweetie Belle. I’m sure everything will be okay,” Apple Bloom encouraged as she took the mug in front Sweetie Belle and walked over to the counter to refill it.

“Yeah. It’s not like it was your fault,” Scootaloo added.

“But it is my fault! I’m the one who told everyone Rarity’s secret! I’m the one who spoke to those reporters! I’m the one who…” Sweetie Belle felt tears form in her eyes, “Who may have just ruined Spike and Rarity’s love for one another.”

Apple Bloom placed the full cup of cider in front of Sweetie Belle. “I’m sure Rarity will forgive you. She always has.”

“Maybe…” Sweetie Belle sulked. She then took the cup of cider and began to chug it down. She then placed the cup on the table and stared blankly at it. “Can I have another?”

Scootaloo closed the gap between her and Apple Bloom and whispered into her ear. “Doesn’t it seem like she’s acting like Rarity eating tubs of ice cream?”

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement before reaching for the mug so she could refill it. It was no secret that when Rarity got really upset, she would eat gallons of ice cream in hopes of cheering herself up. To the best of Apple Bloom’s knowledge, the method never worked. Apple Bloom doubted that chugging down cider would help Sweetie Belle with her guilt either. “There must be something we can do to help Rarity,” Apple Bloom encouraged Sweetie Belle as she filled another cup.

“Like what?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well…Can we post an article in the school paper? Let them see Rarity’s perspective,” Scootaloo suggested.

“I’m afraid not,” Apple Bloom said as she placed the cup in front of Sweetie Belle. “Ms Cherilee doesn’t want us to write about any events outside our school. Besides, we already caused quite a mess with that Gabby Gums column.”

“Oh…Right,” Scootaloo replied as she recalled how every pony turned on them. Her eyes then lit up again. “What if we talked to one of the other reporters?”

“But we don’t know any,” Sweetie Belle sighed heavily, “Besides, who would listen to three young fillies?”

Apple Bloom gave some thought before answering. “Well…What about those reporters you talked to?”

Sweetie Belle took a moment to recall the two reporters she met at the ball. “Do you mean the ones from Filly Fashion?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yeah. Do you remember their names?”

“I think it was…Sandy Fashion and Cherry Pie,” Sweetie Belle said as she struggled for a moment to recall the names.

“If they listened to you once, maybe they would be willing to listen to you again,” Apple Bloom replied.

“But they’re in Canterlot,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“That’s never stopped you before. It’s not the first time we’ve gone to Canterlot to help Rarity,” Scootaloo stated.

It took Sweetie Belle a moment to recall the event when they had journeyed to Canterlot to undo a mistake she had made by ruining one of Rarity’s costumes. Fortunately, with the help of Luna, Sweetie Belle had managed to repair the damage and her actions had helped gain her sister glowing reviews from Sapphire Shores. As she remembered the outcome of the event, it gave her some hope. “You know, you’re right. I need to talk to those reporters and undo this mess!” Sweetie Belle said as she raised a hoof in the air.

“Right!” Scootaloo shouted happily as she raised her own hoof.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders are on the job!” Apple Bloom shouted happily as she raised her own. The three ponies then clapped their hooves together in unison. “We can head to Canterlot tomorrow and fix everything.”

Sweetie Belle nodded as she felt her confidence return. She then looked at her empty cup. “Can I ask one more favor?”

Apple Bloom looked at Sweetie Belle, “Sure.”

“Can I have another cup of cider? That’s really good.”


“I do apologize for my mother. She can be a little…eccentric…at times,” Rarity said as she walked home from the Castle of Friendship. With evening settling in and no reporters to worry about now, Rarity knew it was time to head home. Accompanying her was Spike who had volunteered to escort her.

“It’s okay,” Spike assured her, “Given the circumstances, I think things went alright.”

Rarity averted her eyes in thought. “I suppose,” she said in an uncertain tone.

Spike could see that Rarity was a little concerned about her parents’ feelings on the matter of him dating their daughter. Though they had accepted the idea, Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flanks still had trouble grasping the notion of a dragon and pony together, especially since it was their own daughter. Still, he was grateful that they were open and honest to the concept.

“I really appreciate how you handled yourself in front of my parents Spike. You were the perfect gentle-drake,” Rarity continued.

“You really think so?” Spike asked.

Rarity nodded her approval. “I do. I don’t think I could have asked for better.”

Spike beamed with pride at Rarity’s praise. He admitted to himself it had not been easy. There were times he wanted to shout out his objection, but held his tongue.

“Now if only I can do something about the rest of Equestria,” Rarity continued as she looked to the horizon in thought.

Spike looked to Rarity apologetically, “I’m sorry I caused all this.”

Rarity looked down at Spike as she heard the apology. “Nonsense. You did nothing wrong Spike.”

“Are you sure?” Spike asked, “It’s just that…I’m worried about how ponies have been treating you. All because I had a silly crush.”

Rarity jumped in front of Spike the next moment and lowered her body so that she could see him eye to eye. “Spike. You did nothing wrong. What the two of us shared together is very special. I have no regrets about us.”

“Really?” Spike asked.

“Well…” Rarity averted her eyes in thought, “Maybe just one.”

“Just one?” Spike questioned.

“That I was too blind to see what a gentle-drake you are,” Rarity responded as she playfully flicked at the largest green scale on Spike’s head. “It would have spared me the grievances of dating those other ponies.”

Spike blushed as he heard this. In his mind, he was grateful his perseverance had paid off. From the moment he saw her, Rarity’s appearance had captured his heart. He admitted there were times it wasn’t easy to cater to her needs, but there was a strength and determination in Rarity that he admired.

But still, Spike was worried about how other ponies were treating her. Rarity deserved better. She had created a fashion empire from nothing and was one of the top celebrities in fashion. It was wrong for ponies to criticize her for dating him…

Or maybe it was wrong for him to hold Rarity back…

Spike kept his thoughts silent as he found himself gazing into Rarity’s azure eyes. He knew Rarity well enough to tell that she was worried about what was happening. The last thing he wanted to do was add to her concerns.

Despite his best efforts, Rarity could see Spike was still troubled. “You have nothing to worry about, Spike,” Rarity assured him, “I’m quite capable of fighting my own battles.” Rarity then placed a comforting hoof on Spike’s cheek. “I also know what I like.”

Spike placed his hands on the hoof that caressed his cheek. “The cutest chubby cheeks, right?” Spike replied.

Rarity gave a small laugh at Spike’s response. “Among other things,” she teased. She then got up and started walking again. Spike quickly fell into place next to her. “However, there is one thing you could do for me,” she added as she saw Spike fall in step.

“What’s that?” Spike asked.

“You never did tell me what feature attracted you when you first saw me,” Rarity teased.

Spike froze in step as his eyes went wide. Quickly, he tried his best to compose himself. “Um…Can that wait for another day?”

“Come now, Spike. Surely you can tell me,” Rarity said as she playfully swung her tail against Spike’s back.

Spike was taken by surprise as he felt Rarity’s tail. Her hair was so soft and felt like silk as it slowly slid down along on his back. It took all his strength to remain calm as his mind raced with excitement. “Uh!” Spike stuttered, “Maybe next time!” he said quickly as he quickened his pace a little.

Rarity laughed silently at Spike’s reaction. In her mind, she could see she was wearing him down. Just a little more prodding and she was sure she would get the answer she sought. It was only a matter of time.

“I guess we’re here,” Spike said.

Rarity awoke from her thoughts as she heard Spike speak. As she looked ahead, she was disappointed to see that the Carousel Boutique was now directly ahead. It was like the end of a simple dream she wished could only last a little bit longer. However, she knew it was probably best to call it a night. Even if her heart still yearned for the company of one little dragon, she needed to get some rest for the work ahead.

Spike could see the disappointment in Rarity’s face as she looked upon her house. For a brief moment, he wrestled with his own insecurity in dating and tried to think of a way to brighten Rarity’s mood. “You know…We could…I mean…if you would like to…um...walk a little more,” Spike stuttered, “Take a tour around Ponyville.”

Rarity let out a small giggle at Spike’s attempt. There was something Rarity found adorable on how nervous Spike looked when trying to ask her out again. “I wish I could, but I still have other projects to attend to and I need to get some rest,” she reluctantly said.

“Oh,” Spike said disappointedly.

“But…” Rarity added as she batted her eyes seductively at Spike, “I could use some help tomorrow. Especially from a helpful little dragon.”

“Really?!” Spike said excitedly.

“Oh yes,” Rarity nodded. “I still need to fix the wedding dress and I have yet to come up with a design for the upcoming fashion show,” she then lowered her head so she could look Spike in the eyes while caressing one of Spike’s cheeks with one of her hooves. “But I’m sure that I can also make some time for my little Spikey-Wikey.”

Spike pressed his face into Rarity’s touch for a few moments until Rarity lowered her hoof. “Anything for-”

Before Spike could finish, he felt Rarity’s soft lips upon his cheek. As she pulled away, Spike instinctively reached up and placed a claw on the cheek Rarity had kissed. His eyes danced with hearts as he realized what had just happened.

Rarity let out a small giggle at Spike’s reaction to her mark of affection. She then looked seductively down at Spike. “Will I see you tomorrow?” she asked gently.

Spike had to shake his head vigorously to clear his mind and answer Rarity’s question. “I’ll be there,” he responded.

Rarity let out another small giggle. “Thank you, Spike. I look forward to seeing you.” Rarity then proceeded to the door. As she entered her home, she took one more look back at Spike and smiled happily. “Goodnight, Spike.”

In a dream like stance, Spike waved back at Rarity. “Goodnight, Rarity.” He then watched as Rarity slowly closed the door while looking back at him. After the door had completely shut, Spike lost his footing and collapsed on the ground in ecstasy. For him, the next morning could not come soon enough.


From the Carousel Boutique, Sassy Saddles watched from the window as Spike and Rarity approached. When she had left the Castle of Friendship, Rarity had offered her a place to stay since there were no more trains to Canterlot that day. For Sassy, it represented a chance to talk to Rarity alone about Rarity’s future career as a fashion designer. However, as she watched Spike returning with Rarity, she began to seriously worry for the future of Rarity’s career.

For Sassy Saddles, there was only one simple rule to follow in order to be successful in life. A pony had to put their career first and all other matters second. This was especially true in the world of fashion. There was no room for errors or inconsistencies. Everything had to be perfect. And in order to maintain that perfection, one had to be devoted to their goal. Perfection was what the public demanded, and it was her job to provide that. It was a harsh lesson she had learned long ago from her previous experiences.

However, as Sassy watched Rarity approach with Spike, it seemed that Rarity did not share that same opinion.

It wasn’t that Sassy hated Spike. In truth, she was amazed at how much of a hard worker the little dragon was. She could understand the desire to keep him around as an assistant or friend. However, the idea of a romantic relationship with a dragon was…unnatural.

Sassy silently admitted she shared the same views with other ponies that snubbed Rarity over her relationship. There was a deep primal fear between dragons and ponies that could not be erased so easily. Ponies had learned to avoid dragons because of their violent and competitive nature. In the past, dragons had been driven away because of the damage they could cause. Sassy found it inconceivable on how a pony as beautiful as Rarity could not or did not find a nice noble pony. She had witnessed Rarity charm several ponies in the past.

So why was Rarity so interested in Spike?

As her friend, Sassy believed it was her duty to give Rarity the benefit of a doubt. She believed she owed Rarity that much at least. But she suspected other ponies would not give Rarity that same chance. They wanted to see Rarity as a pony that was flawless in their eyes. A hero that adhered to all the standards of pony society. What they wanted was…Perfection.

For Sassy, this only left Rarity with one choice if she wanted to keep her fashion empire.

She needed to leave Spike and appear perfect again.

Sassy felt her prospects at convincing Rarity of the truth fade as she witnessed her friend kissing the young dragon. In her mind, she knew she would have to be strict in order to make things right. It would be equally hard for Sassy since it meant going up against her friend. But Sassy felt it was her responsibility to help Rarity undo this debacle.

Patiently, Sassy waited until Rarity left Spike. The last thing she wanted was to create a scene in front of the little dragon. She needed to talk to Rarity alone. It wasn’t until Rarity had entered the boutique and shut the door that Sassy decided it was time to make her move. Taking a deep breath, she prepared for the worst. “Rarity. We need to talk.”

Rarity jumped a little as she saw Sassy standing next to the window. “Sassy!” she said in surprise. Her cheeks then turned crimson. “Were you watching me?”

Sassy gave a small nod. “I was. We need to talk about your relationship with Spike.”

Rarity stuck her nose up and began to prance towards the steps in her house. “That’s none of your concern. What I do-“

“Rarity! Please stop!” Sassy shouted.

Rarity stopped and looked back at Sassy in surprise.

“I know you harbor feelings for Spike, but this cannot continue,” Sassy emphasized.

“It is not your place to-“ Rarity began.

“I’m afraid it is. You hired me to manage the Canterlot Boutique. To help keep your best interests in running your fashion empire,” Sassy pleaded, “I am trying to help you,”

Rarity remained silent as she decided to lend an ear. Sassy had proven her loyalty in the past. At the very least, Rarity thought she could at least hear her out.

“I know you have an interest in Spike. But I implore you to end this charade,” Sassy continued.

Rarity’s brow furrowed. “I most certainly will not.”

“I respect your feelings for Spike. He is a wonderful companion. But he is a dragon none the less, and dragons are not respected in Canterlot,” Sassy continued.

“Then…We’ll just have to change their minds!” Rarity replied.

Sassy lowered her head and shook it. “You know as well as I how set ponies are in their thoughts. Especially the nobles. When you tried to voice out your opinion against that Friendship Journal of yours, it did not work.”

Rarity averted her eyes as she remembered the infamous ‘Fame and Misfortune’ incident. She had to admit that ponies were stubborn when it came to changing their minds and traditions, especially the elite.

“You nearly lost your empire because of some writing in a book. If not for Princess Celestia helping us, we would have lost everything,” Sassy continued.

Rarity could not deny this. After ponies started boycotting her over the journal, she received dozens of cancelation orders. Fortunately, through a combination of new reading material being introduced to grab the attention of pony society and Princess Celestia placing a few orders was Rarity able to get back on her feet. However, it had come close to ending her dream.

“We can’t afford to have that happen again. If it does, Canterlot Boutique will have to close. We may also lose Rarity for You,” Sassy explained.

Rarity steeled herself as she heard Sassy’s words. Though she understood Sassy’s caution, she did not want to be swayed by it. “No. I’m sure we can figure something out.”

“You would need something monumental if you wanted to change their minds. But there is nothing,” Sassy argued.

Rarity let out a snort. “Spike is Princess Twilight’s assistant. I’m sure ponies can see that at least.”

“He is a joke in Canterlot society! The amount of damage he did to the palace! How he wrecked that gem statue that was dedicated to all of pony society! Not to mention how he used Princess Twilight’s name to get what he wanted! He has not been able to prove himself since except as a lowly assistant to Princess Twilight,” Sassy replied.

Rarity averted her gaze for a moment and bit her lip as she recalled the events. She could understand why Spike was not held in high regards. He was not perfect by any means and had caused some serious trouble. Still, Spike had shown he had a kind heart. “Spike is more than that. He has always been there to support me and my friends.”

“But the rest of pony society has not seen that. He may have supported your exploits, but he has always been hidden in Twilight’s shadow,” Sassy countered, “It also doesn’t help that he’s a dragon.”

For a moment, Rarity recalled her parents view on Spike. Though Spike was seen highly in their eyes, they still had trouble grasping the concept of a pony and dragon being together. For now, her parents only respected her wishes. “I’m sure we can-“

Sassy regretted having to be strict with Rarity but knew what she had to do. “Rarity! Dragons are not accepted in pony society! Maybe, they will one day, but not any time soon. Spike is wonderful, but he will still be seen in the eyes of the public for what he is. A dragon. A creature that has brought nothing but pain and destruction to Canterlot.”

Rarity averted her eyes again.

“The public wants to see you as the perfect pony. What you accomplished was monumental. But dating a creature that ponies have no respect for and fear takes away the perfection they want to see. The public wants to see you in the way they want. Not what you want,” Sassy argued.

What they wanted.

The words stung Rarity as she heard them. When the Carousel Boutique was nothing more than a rusty carousel, she did not fear how the public saw her. At least not really. She had the ability to make any dress she wanted and see whoever she pleased. But as her fashion empire became a reality, her freedoms became limited. Now she had to be cautious on who she made friends with. Even her time spending with family was limited. Her actions were now watched and scrutinized by the very ponies she wanted to share her gift with.

The very ponies her fashion empire depended on.

“I…I need some time to think,” Rarity said as she turned around and proceeded to the steps.

“Rarity. I know this is hard. But you need to make a choice,” Sassy pleaded, “If you want to keep the empire you worked so hard for, you need to let Spike go. Things will only get worse if you try to hold onto this…relationship.”

“What I do with my life is my own!” Rarity shouted back.

For a brief moment, Sassy remained silent as she saw the tears underneath Rarity’s eyes. It took a moment for her to gather her resolve again. “I’m only trying to help you. Things will only get worse.”

A part of Rarity wanted to scream out, but Rarity kept her demeanor. As much as she wanted to disagree with Sassy, she knew her friend spoke the truth. Things probably would get worse. Having little strength to argue and wanting to hide the tears on her face, Rarity quickly ran upstairs.

As Rarity disappeared from Sassy’s view, Sassy felt a deep pain in her heart. What Rarity decided would not come easy. For Sassy, she hoped Rarity would continue her dream in creating a fashion empire. Rarity was exceptionally talented and the fashion world suffer without her.

But was this really the right thing for Rarity?


Rarity slammed her door as she entered her room. She could feel her tears flowing down her face and dripping to the floor. With one hoof, she quickly wiped her cheeks, however she could feel more forming. With a small sniff, Rarity walked to her vanity cabinet and peered into the mirror.

As she looked at her reflection, she hoped to see the strong young maiden who brought inspiration to the fashion world. A pony who was not afraid to look forward in pursuit of a dream. However, what she saw was not that same pony. Instead, it was scared filly who was torn.

Should she pursue love, or should she pursue a dream.

On the one hand, she could follow her feelings and continue her relationship with Spike. Truthfully, it had the chance to become something greater. She would have that special someone she had yearned for. Someone that would be willing to cater to all her needs and desires. Someone she could love and share a life with. Maybe…even start a family.

For a moment, Rarity wondered what it would be like to have children like her mother suggested. Would she be happy being a parent? She knew Spike would bring her happiness, of that she was certain. But what would that happiness cost? Could she still do what she enjoyed?

Rarity then remembered Spike’s mother, Grey Shire. Having read her diary, Rarity was familiar with what Grey Shire had been going through when she found the stray dragon, Runt. Though the two were happy together, Grey Shire had been afraid of how the rest of pony society would judge her. She even kept the fact that she was the one who laid Spike’s egg and had told Princess Celestia she had simply found it. Grey Shire’s life was one in self-imposed exile to be with the one she loved.

Rarity began to wonder if she could handle such a fate. Unlike Grey Shire, she liked talking with other ponies. She loved discussing fashion and seeing ponies praise her work. She may have been born a country mare, but her dream was the big city. For her, a life outside of all the glamour would be…unbearable. Being a fashionista was what she desired.

But did that dream mean giving up on the other dream of finding that special someone?

Rarity then glanced at a locked jewelry box that lay on the corner of her vanity. With one hoof, she scooted the box in front of her and examined it. She then used her magic to open a nearby drawer and pulled a small key that had a heart shaped handle on it. Gently, she placed the key in the lock and turned the handle. As she heard the box unlock, she reached up with her hooves and carefully lifted the top off. What she saw inside was one of her greatest treasures.

Inside was a Fire Ruby attached to a golden collar. It was the same Fire Ruby Spike had generously given to her so long ago. Rarity still recalled how it was hard for the little dragon to part with his birthday dinner, only because he wanted to make her happy. It was one of the most selfless acts Spike had ever done and he had done it all for her.

As Rarity looked at it, she began to wonder if she could part with such a treasure. For her, the Fire Ruby represented more than just an expensive piece of jewelry. It represented Spike’s love to her. How he was willing to stay by her side and take care of her.

But if she could not return his love, did she really have the right to hold onto the jewel?

With a heavy heart, Rarity closed the box and laid her head on top of it. As she did, she could feel tears running down her cheeks as she sobbed uncontrollably.

“I don’t know what to do!”

To Be Continued…

Author's Note:

Preview: Rarity needs “Support” more than ever. The Cutie Mark Crusaders embark on a quest to help her. Spike begins to question what is best. As for Twilight…She’s stealing Rarity’s ice cream.

:raritycry: “My Oat Swirl!”