• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 489 Views, 43 Comments

Rarity's Choice - mikemuir0178

Rarity must make the choice of upholding her dream as a fashionista or keeping her love for Spike.

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Chapter 2: The Ponies and the Dragons

Chapter 2: The Ponies and the Dragons

As Spike and Rarity neared the train station, they found a number of ponies were actually trying to make their way to Canterlot that day. The station was packed and the two companions found themselves gently trying to nudge their way across the platform. As they did, Rarity tried peering over the crowd.

“Do you see her?” Rarity asked as she looked from one end of the train station to the other.

Spike regarded the question with some disdain. He did not have the height to see over the crowd and it was impossible to launch himself in the air without hitting another pony by accident. Still, he did make an effort to look. “I can’t see anything.”

Rarity began to fret as she searched around. “Oh. Where is she? She was-“


Rarity strained her neck in the general direction the high pitched voice came from. After a moment of searching, she noticed a large wagon full of boxes and suitcases that belonged to her. She then caught sight of a little white unicorn trying to jump above the crowd and wave at her.

“Over Here!” Sweetie Belle shouted happily.

Rarity gave a smile as she saw her sister. She then began to nudge her way forward with Spike in tow. As she did, she saw Sweetie Belle was doing the same. At about halfway, the two of them met. “I’m glad you made it, Sweetie Belle. Did you bring everything I asked?”

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and stuck her nose in the air with confidence. “I got everything together like you asked!” She then looked to her sister with open eyes. “Are you-“ Sweetie Belle paused the next moment as she watched a little dragon make his way to Rarity’s side.

Spike let out an exhale of exhaustion from having to navigate the crowds. He then looked at Rarity’s sister. “Hi Sweetie Belle.”

“Spike? What are you doing here?” Sweetie Belle asked. She then bounded over to greet her friend.

“I volunteered to help Rarity with her work,” Spike replied as he stood with pride.

“You did? That’s great! Now she can spend more time with me!” Sweetie Belle replied happily.

Rarity looked down at her sister. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. Remember, we still have a lot to do.”

“I know,” Sweetie Belle bemoaned as she lowered her eyes. Her demeanor then lit up the next second. “But you’re still keeping your promise, right?”

Rarity smiled down at her sister and nodded happily. “Of course. Of that I’m sure,” Rarity replied. Rarity then looked down the platform of the train station at the giant pile of suitcases and boxes. “Are you sure you brought everything?”

“Yep. It’s all there,” Sweetie Belle said proudly.

“I’ll…go make a quick check. Can’t be too careful,” Rarity replied as she made her way down to the other end of the platform. Rarity wanted to put her full faith in Sweetie Belle, but the projects she had lined up gave her little time for error. She felt it was better to be safe than sorry.

However, Sweetie Belle seemed unfazed with Rarity checking to make sure she had brought everything. In truth, Sweetie Belle wanted Rarity to check and see for herself that she was no longer the overzealous filly that caused trouble, but rather a reliable sister.

“So why did you volunteer?” Spike asked, “I mean, Rarity told me your parents had gone out of town, but I thought you would have stayed with Apple Bloom or Scootaloo.”

Sweetie Belle turned to face Spike. “Rarity said I probably should. But she looked like she really needed help this time, so I convinced her to let me come along. Besides, it’s been a while since we last saw each other.”

Spike knew Rarity cared a lot about her sister. He still remembered a time when Rarity had put her career on hold so she could visit Sweetie Belle just because she felt as if she had forgotten about her little sister. “So what’s this promise she made?”

“Oh that?” Sweetie Belle laughed, “She said we could visit Canterlot’s shopping district together if I helped out and didn’t get in the way. I wanted to see all the new outfits coming out.”

Spike could see how this could work to the advantage of both sisters. Obviously, for Sweetie Belle, she wanted to try out the newest fashions. He suspected Rarity wanted to go so she could study the new design trends and gain some inspiration for the upcoming fashion show.

“So why are you here?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Oh,” Spike was caught off guard by the question, “I’m just…helping Rarity out because she did me a favor.”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes narrowed in disbelief for a moment. Then a mischievous smile appeared on her lips. “Really?”

Spike could see where this was going. It was no secret that he had a crush on Rarity for the longest time. Every pony in Ponyville knew this, especially Sweetie Belle. For many, the idea of him falling in love with Rarity was a simple joke. The concept of a dragon and unicorn being together would have sounded preposterous to many ponies. What Sweetie Belle and a lot of other ponies did not know was the fact that he actually had dated Rarity. For a moment, he considered telling Sweetie Belle the truth, but the mischievous smile on Sweetie Belle’s face made him think twice. “Uh…Yeah.”

Before the conversation could continue, Rarity came walking back to the group. “It does seem like everything is in order. Thank you Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said happily.

“Told you I could do it,” Sweetie Belle responded proudly.

“Yes. Well…” Rarity said with a sheepish smile. She admitted to herself she had had her doubts about her sister. It was only natural since Sweetie Belle had a small history of being a little accident prone. Rarity felt as if she had taken a gamble when she allowed Sweetie Belle to assist her. She was glad Sweetie Belle had proven her wrong so far. “Spike. Can you help with the boxes?”

“Anything for you, Rarity,” Spike replied in his love struck demeanor. He then made his way to the other end of the platform to perform the task. For him, it was a usual occurrence whenever he offered his assistance to Rarity, but he never minded it. For him, it was his way of showing his commitment to her, not to mention his chance to show off his upper physique.

As Sweetie Belle watched the little dragon work, she felt a little sorry for him. “You know, Spike really likes you, right?”

Rarity was caught off guard by her sister’s comment. “Oh…Um…Of course,” she said nervously.

“You should spend some time with him as well,” Sweetie Belle continued.

“I’m…sure the three of us can find something to do together,” Rarity nervously answered.

“I meant just the two of you!” Sweetie Belle replied angrily.

Rarity was a little surprised that Sweetie Belle was trying to play matchmaker again. She thought the little filly had learned her lesson after the events that involved Miss Cheerilee, Big Mcintosh, and a ‘love poison’.

Apparently not.

This worried Rarity a little, but she was not ready to tell Sweetie Belle the truth. There were some things a lady liked to keep private, and her relationship with Spike was one of them. “Sweetie Belle. You should not concern yourself with such things.”

“But-“ Sweetie Belle began.

“Come along or we’ll miss the train,” Rarity continued as she made her way forward.

Sweetie Belle pouted silently in disbelief at her sister. She had seen the signs and knew Rarity well enough to see that her sister did love Spike. It just wasn’t right that Rarity never gave Spike the attention he deserved. Perhaps what she needed to do was give her sister a little ‘push’ in the right direction.

Spike and Rarity loved each other….

And Sweetie Belle was determined to make them realize this.


As Spike, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle entered the train car, they found that the car was packed. A number of ponies were on their way to Canterlot and had already claimed their seats. However, after some searching, Sweetie Belle was able to find a set of benches free near the back of the car. Immediately she ran down the aisle to reserve their seats before someone else could claim them. “Over here!” Sweetie Belle called out.

Rarity and Spike made their way to Sweetie Belle to take their seats. As Rarity took a bench facing toward the back of the car, Spike tried to take a seat directly opposite of her.

“Oh no you don’t!” Sweetie Belle growled as she jumped onto the bench and started pushing Spike off.

“Huh?” Spike said as he reluctantly slid off the bench. The next moment, he felt Sweetie Belle shoving her hooves against his back and pushing him onto the bench Rarity sat on. Before he realized what was going on, Sweetie Belle had shoved him right up against Rarity’s side. “Uh…Sweetie Belle…Is this…”

“You two are going to sit together on this train ride,” Sweetie Belle responded as she gave Spike another forceful push.

“But-“ Before Spike could object, he felt himself being pressed deeply into Rarity’s side. As he felt Rarity’s soft coat, a deep blush of embarrassment covered his face.

“Sweetie Belle! What are you doing?” Rarity squealed in surprise.

Sweetie Belle ignored her as she gave Spike one last push for good measure. She then jumped onto the opposite bench and gave a wicked smile to her sister. “Just helping the two of you out,” she responded casually, “It’s only fair since Spike carried all your things onto the train.”

“Well…Uh…” Rarity found herself speechless for a moment. She then looked down at Spike to see the little dragon looking back at her with a confused look. Like her, he had also been surprised by Sweetie Belle’s actions and was embarrassed by the situation he was in now. “Um…Can you give me a little room, Spike?” Rarity asked gently.

Spike happily obliged as he pushed himself away from Rarity. Not that he didn’t want to be close to her, just not under those circumstances. He knew there was such a thing as being too close for comfort.

“I think it’s time for the two of you confess your feelings for one another,” Sweetie Belle continued.

“Um…I think-“ Spike began but was interrupted.

“Spike. You have always had a crush on Rarity. But you never act on your feelings. You need to pony up and tell Rarity you love her,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“I’m a dragon,” Spike corrected her.

“Then dragon up!” Sweetie Belle replied. She then turned her focus to Rarity. “And Rarity. I know you have feelings for Spike. I can see it in your face.”

“Sweetie Belle…This…This is not exactly the best time or place to talk about things like this,” Rarity responded nervously. The last thing she wanted was to create a scene with so many ponies around. However, as she took a quick glance, she saw that a few ponies had already started looking in their general direction to see what the commotion was about.

“Then when?” Sweetie Belle firmly demanded.

Rarity did not want to advertise her relationship for all to hear. It would be tremendously embarrassing for her at the very least. After taking a moment to calm herself, Rarity addressed her sister. “Sweetie Belle. I don’t think you-“

“Sis. If you and Spike don’t act on your feelings for one another, you might lose each other.”


“Rarity! You need to act! I know you like Spike!” Sweetie Belle quickly interjected.

“But Sweetie Belle-“ Rarity began.

“No ‘buts’!” Sweetie Belle continued, “I’ve watched too long as you dance around each other’s feelings for one another. I mean, what would you do if Spike found someone else?”

“Someone…else?” What Sweetie Belle said made Rarity pause for a moment as she thought about what her life would be like if she did lose Spike.

Sweetie Belle saw the realization in Rarity’s face. She knew she had to press the assault forward if she wanted Rarity to confess her feelings. “Yes. Someone else,” Sweetie Belle repeated, “What if it was Gabby?”


“Well…I…” Rarity paused for a moment. Rarity felt her heart stir in jealousy as she remembered all the times Spike had spent with Gabby. Though she knew Spike needed to make other friends, it did not stop her from yearning to have him for herself. Especially now that they were more than just friends now.

But…what if something like that happened now?

The idea scared Rarity. For a long time, she had searched for romance and thought she could find it with Prince Blueblood, Tenderhoof, and a few other ponies. But all they had given was heart ache and pain. And yet, through it all, a young dragon had stuck by her side. Even when she confessed her love to others and took advantage of him, Spike remained by her side. Never once had she seen such devotion to gain her attention before. Through the hardest of circumstances, Spike had remained by her side and did what he could to serve and protect her. And all he asked in return was for her to notice him.

And to lose him was…unacceptable.

She could not lose Spike. Through his actions, she thought she finally had found love…

And she wanted to keep it for herself.

It wasn’t hard for Sweetie Belle to see the panic in Rarity’s eyes. For her, it was the perfect chance for Rarity to admit her feelings to Spike. All Rarity needed was one more push. “You know,” Sweetie Belle said with a sly smile, “Maybe I should take Spike on a date.”

“Huh?” Spike looked to Sweetie Belle in surprise. However, before he could act, he felt the impact of a small body against his as Sweetie Belle launched herself from her seat and rammed into him. The next moment, he found himself wrapped in Sweetie Belle’s embrace, unable to move.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity cried out in surprise.

“What do you think, Spike?” Sweetie Belle teased, “Don’t we look good together.”

Spike looked nervously at Sweetie Belle as she starred at him with piercing eyes. He wanted to say that what Sweetie Belle was doing was wrong, but his voice failed him as he nervously returned her gaze. All he could think about was trying to escape without hurting the young unicorn.

Rarity was taken aback by what she saw. She was appalled that her younger sister would do such a thing. Though Spike did resist, in Rarity’s eyes, he was not trying hard enough. A part of her inside said she should be the one to take action. She needed to save what was precious to her.

“Maybe the two of us can go on a date,” Sweetie Belle cooed.

“DATE?!” Spike shouted in surprise.

Rarity could feel her jealousy surge as she heard this. As she felt the green eyed monster take hold of her, she no longer saw her sister embracing Spike. It was Gabby. Memories of how Spike and Gabby had spent time together flooded her mind. How the two spent so much time with each other while she was forced to watch in hiding. How her heart ached as she realized that Spike could forget about her. She could not endure that again.

She could not let Gabby take Spike away from her again!

“What do you think?” Sweetie Belle said seductively.


“Huh?” Sweetie Belle was taken by surprise by the sudden angry voice she heard. As she looked up, she saw an angry Rarity starring down from above. Fearing reprisal for her actions, Sweetie Belle immediately jumped away from Spike to the bench on the opposite side.

“SPIKE IS MINE!” Rarity growled as she looked at the figure she thought was Gabby.

Sweetie Belle began to cower in her seat. Small tears began to appear in her eyes. “Rarity…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…,” she whimpered.

Rarity was awoken from her hallucination as she heard that tiny voice. Pulling back in shock, she quickly shook her head to clear her mind. When she looked again, she saw it was her sister - not Gabby – sitting on the bench opposite her. Immediately, feelings of guilt began to wash over her as she watched her sister cringe in fear. “Oh, Sweetie Belle…I’m sorry...I…I didn’t mean…I…” Rarity stuttered. Tears formed her eyes as she sat back in her seat.

Sweetie Belle still cowered on the bench.

“I…I just…” Rarity stammered, unable to shake the guilt at what she had done.

Sweetie Belle took a moment to look into Rarity’s eyes and saw the remorse in them. Something inside told her that Rarity had not meant to lash out against her. “Rarity…”

Spike stood up on the bench after watching the events unfold and looked at both sisters. He suspected Sweetie Belle was only trying to play matchmaker with him and Rarity because she did not know that he and Rarity were already seeing each other. As for Rarity, Spike had seen this jealous side of Rarity before when he had been seeing Gabby. But that was when he and Rarity were only friends. Now that they were lovers, he suspected her jealousy would be even greater. For Spike, there was only one way to resolve the issue. “Perhaps we better tell her the truth,” Spike suggested.

Rarity looked down at Spike in surprise. “But…Spike…”

“Sweetie Belle only wanted to get us together. I’m sure she will understand your feelings if we tell her the truth,” Spike continued.

“Tell me what?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I suppose you’re right,” Rarity groaned. Rarity was not keen on the idea of sharing her romantic life with Sweetie Belle. However as she looked down at her little sister, she realized that Sweetie Belle did not know that she and Spike were dating. The little unicorn was only trying to bring the two of them together.

“Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asked again.

Rarity sighed again in defeat, “The truth is…we have been seeing each other…romantically,” Rarity confessed as she rubbed her neck over a specific spot.

Sweetie Belle’s jaw dropped the next moment as she looked at her big sister. “Huh?”

“We already went on our first date,” Spike repeated with a smile.

Sweetie Belle still could not believe what she was hearing. “Wait! When did this happen?”

“Well…” Rarity began as she silently wondered how much she should tell her sister. She knew if she didn’t, Sweetie Belle would continuously be pestering her for details. “It only happened a few days ago.”

“You mean…You actually went on a date?” Sweetie Belle replied.

Rarity gave a gentle smile and nodded.

“And it was just the two of you?” Sweetie Belle’s excitement grew.

“Yep,” Spike responded proudly.

“And you kissed?!” Sweetie Belle now had a giant smile on her face as she leaned forward with anticipation.

“Uh…” both Rarity and Spike stuttered in unison as their cheeks blushed. They then looked to each other, hoping the other would respond.

“It doesn’t count unless you kiss,” Sweetie Belle said disappointedly as she sat on her haunches and crossed her arms in defiance.

It was Rarity who finally mustered the courage to tell her sister the truth. “Well…We did…”

“On the lips?!” Sweetie Belle renewed her excitement.

“Huh?” Rarity cried in surprise, “Sweetie Belle!” A part of her now wondered if it was such a good idea to reveal the truth to her sister. How much did Sweetie Belle know about love? Had she really grown up that much?

“What?” Sweetie Belle asked, “It doesn’t count unless you kiss on the lips.”

Rarity was caught off guard by her sister’s ‘knowledge’ on dating. Ponies her age were not supposed to know such things, were they? A part of her now regretted having told Sweetie Belle the truth, but there was no turning back now. The young pony would have continued to pester her until she got an answer. “Well…We…”

“We did.” Spike confessed when he saw Rarity was having trouble.

“Spike!” Rarity looked angrily down at the dragon.

“Sorry…” Spike apologized as he cringed in fear.

Rarity could not stay angry at Spike. Sweetie Belle would have found out eventually one way or another. She then turned to Sweetie Belle, her cheeks blushing a deep crimson. “Well…we did…kiss each other,” she confessed.

“You did?” Sweetie Belle asked as she stared at Rarity with eyes of anticipation.

Rarity nodded hesitantly.

“YOU DID!” Sweetie Belle squealed happily.

“Not so loud, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said as she looked toward the other passengers on the train. Already she could see a few eyes wandering in her direction. This was not the attention she wanted.

“So when are you getting married?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“MARRIED?!” both Rarity and Spike spoke in unison.

“Of course. Isn’t that how it goes? A young maid finds her handsome prince. The two of them kiss. Then they get married and live happily ever after,” Sweetie Belle recited.

“Well…it…um…” Spike started speaking incoherently as he was caught by surprise. It was true that he found Rarity attractive and was grateful that he was finally dating her. But marriage was a giant step that he simply had not considered yet. Not that he wouldn’t want too, but it wasn’t something to take lightly.

For a brief moment, Rarity also shared similar views with Spike and wondered how Sweetie Belle ever came up with such a notion. But as she ran through the words of what Sweetie Belle said, she realized that they sounded familiar. In fact, now that Rarity had taken a moment to think about it, Sweetie Belle was telling the same story she herself had spoken of concerning Prince Blueblood. It was then that Rarity realized that Sweetie Belle’s idea for love was no different than hers when she wanted to date Prince Blueblood.

The realization sent chills up Rarity’s back as she remembered the outcome of such naïve thinking. It was a mistake she regretted in life and she did not want her sister to undergo the same situation. “It’s…It’s a little more complicated than that, Sweetie Belle.”

“How so?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well…” Rarity took a moment to look at Spike.

“Don’t look at me. I’m just wondering how we got into this mess,” Spike said when he saw Rarity look to him for support.

Rarity shared Spike’s sentiment. Though she supposed she was partly to blame since it was her outburst that got them into this situation. “Well for one,” Rarity began, “Before two ponies get married, they need to work out their differences to see if they are meant for each other.”

“Is it kind of like how you worked out your differences with Rainbow Dash as friends?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well…Yes actually,” Rarity responded. She then looked to Spike, “Spike and I have a lot differences right now, but I think we can work them out.”

“Like what?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Um…”Rarity gave this some thought. For a moment, she considered saying that Spike was a dragon, but that was a fact she easily forgot when talking with Spike. In her eyes, Spike was just…Spike.

Seeing Rarity having trouble explaining the situation, Spike decided to chip in. “Well…Rarity doesn’t like to eat Gem Pancakes.”

Rarity was a little surprised Spike mentioned her ordeal with the Gem Pancakes. However, she gave a small laugh when she realized it was a good example – even if the incident was a little embarrassing. “That’s true.”

“You tried to eat Gem Pancakes?” Sweetie Belle asked. For her the idea sounded odd. Of course, there were a number of other foods Sweetie Belle disliked that Rarity did eat.

“Well…By accident,” Rarity sheepishly replied.

“That was my fault,” Spike confessed.

“I suppose they are better than you’re cucumber sandwiches,” Sweetie Belle added.

Rarity’s eyes narrowed in annoyance for a brief moment. She admitted to herself that not many of her friends shared her exquisite sense of taste. However, she did not like to be criticized for it. “Anyway, Spike and I are still trying to find out if we are meant for each other,” Rarity continued as she looked down at Spike.

“Truthfully, I hope we are,” Spike replied.

Rarity turned to face Spike with a smile of confidence. “I hope so too.”

“But how will you know that you are right for each other?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Um…Well…That is” Rarity said as she rubbed a part of her neck again. She felt uncomfortable explaining ‘love’ to her younger sister. In the back of her mind, she screamed that it was her parent’s job to explain these things to Sweetie Belle. Not her.

Spike also considered the question but could find no answer. As he was pondering, he noticed the spot Rarity was rubbing on her neck. “Well…There is the Mark on your neck.”


“Sorry,” Spike quickly covered his mouth when he realized his mistake.

Sweetie Belle peered at where Rarity was rubbing her neck. “Is there something on your neck?”

“No!” Rarity quickly said with a smile to hide her insecurity, “It’s nothing for you to worry about!”

Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity with narrowed eyes. She knew from experience that whenever Rarity smiled like she did now, she was hiding something either important or embarrassing. “What are you hiding?”

“Um…Nothing,” Rarity replied with the same sheepish smile.

“Then what is this ‘Mark’ Spike mentioned?” Sweetie Belle interrogated.

“I told you. It’s nothing,” Rarity repeated.

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle scolded.

For a brief moment, Rarity feared that Sweetie Belle’s persistence might attract the wrong kind of attention on the train again. However, the events that involved her getting the Mark were not ones she wished to share so easily, especially with her sister. Still, if she didn’t say something…”Fine! It’s this,” Rarity said as she reluctantly parted her coat to show a tiny patch of skin underneath.

Sweetie Belle stood up and peered at the spot intently. Her first thoughts were she would see a special tattoo on Rarity’s skin. Her interest turned to disappointment when she saw it was nothing more than a simple blemish. “It’s a mole.”

“Actually it’s a Mark that dragons give to the ones they love. It emits a scent only dragons can detect,” Spike explained.

“You give moles to the ones you love?” Sweetie Belle asked with skepticism.

“Well…When you put it like that…” Spike admitted it did kind of sound weird by pony standards. He also suspected it was probably not a good idea to explain how the Mark was placed on Rarity’s neck.

“Well that was disappointing,” Sweetie Belle replied with narrowed eyes as she sat down on her haunches. Her tone then lightened. “But I am glad that the two of you are seeing each other now. I hope it does work out.”

“Thank you, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity replied.

Spike only nodded his agreement.

“But, just out of curiosity, what do you like about Spike?” Sweetie Belle continued.

“Well, he is kind, gentle, loyal, and-” Rarity began as she looked down at Spike.

“No!” Sweetie Belle interrupted, “I mean his features. Is there any part of him you’re attracted too?”

“You mean his external features?” Rarity asked.

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Uh-huh. I mean when compared to a stallion, he’s not that handsome.”

Spike’s figure visibly slouched when he heard this. Granted he was still short in stature, he still liked to think he was handsome – for a dragon.

It was easy for Rarity to see Sweetie Belle was now toying with them. Deciding to play along, she gave the question some thought before glancing down at Spike with a smile. “Actually, there is one feature that makes Spike very attractive.”

“There is?” Sweetie Belle replied anxiously.

“What is it?” Spike cried happily, “I’m sure it’s my spikes. Or perhaps my draconic physique,” Spike replied as he stood up while fluffing the spikes on the side of his cheeks and then trying to show his upper body strength.

Rarity gave a small laugh as she watched Spike pose in front of her. “Nope. Not even close.”

Spike stopped posing and looked up at Rarity “Huh? Then what is it?”

Before Spike realized what happened, Rarity grabbed his two cheeks between her hooves and began to squeeze them gently. “The cutest little chubby cheeks! Ooh! Ooh!”

“What?! Cute?!” Spike cried is surprise as he broke away from Rarity’s grip. “Dragon’s don’t have cute chubby cheeks!”

“But you do,” Rarity smiled happily, “Am I right Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle tried to contain herself from laughing at Spike’s reaction but couldn’t. “Yep! He definitely has the cutest chubby cheeks!”

Spike began to feel as if the two sisters were now ganging up on him. He turned to Rarity for support. “Can’t you just say you admire my spikes or maybe my striking tail?” Spike pleaded.

“Sorry Spike,” Rarity apologized, “But I know what I like.”

Spike sighed in defeat. This was one battle he knew he could not win.

It took a moment for Sweetie Belle to calm herself from laughing. “What about you Spike? What made you fall in love with my sister?”

Rarity’s eyes lit up with interest as she heard the question. “Oh yes!” she replied before turning to Spike, “Twilight has told me how you fell instantly in love with me at first sight. What was it that caught your eye?”

Spike was a little surprised about the question, but saw no harm in answering at first. For a brief moment, he found himself looking back on the day he first arrived in Ponyville. He and Twilight had been sent by Princess Celestia to check on preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, as well as make new friends. When he and Twilight had entered the auditorium, the first thing that caught Twilight’s eye was the decorations. He on the other hand had been looking for the pony who was responsible for the preparations. The first thing he noticed on Rarity was….OH!

Spike’s eyes went wide the next moment as he realized what had enticed him to Rarity that day. “Um…It was how you looked.”

“Well…yes,” Rarity replied, “But what in particular.”

“Particular?” Spike’s cheeks turned a dark crimson as he realized how embarrassing it would be to tell the truth. He also wondered what Rarity would say if he told her the feature that caught his eye first. Would she be embarrassed, disappointed, or even angry? Spike felt he should not take that chance. “Well…It was a long time ago and-“

“Come now, Spike,” Rarity interjected as she lowered her head and batted her eyes in front of him, “You can tell me.”

Sweetie Belle joined in on the assault the next moment as she jumped to the opposite side of Spike. “Yeah Spike. What did you find so attractive about my sister?” Sweetie Belle asked as she mimicked the same eye flutter as Rarity.


That was the only word Spike could think of to describe his situation. As far as he could remember, none could withstand Rarity’s sweet talking skills. And with Sweetie Belle assisting her, he had no chance of escaping. He would need a miracle to escape.

“Next stop, Canterlot!” the conductor shouted.

“Wow! Look at that! We’ve arrived!” Spike shouted jubilantly as he jumped from the bench, “I’ll go grab our things!” Before Rarity or Sweetie Belle could intervene, Spike ran as fast as he could down the aisle of the car.

“But…” Sweetie Belle said as she watched Spike disappear through the exit in disappointment. She then turned to Rarity. “He never told us,” she bemoaned.

Rarity only watched Spike run off in amusement. Though Spike may have evaded her today, she knew she would find her chance another day. It would be fun coaxing the answer from the little dragon. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much,” Rarity replied as she jumped off the bench and began to walk away with dignity, “Come now. We have a lot of work ahead of us.”

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Preview: Time to get to work! However, how do you handle a young filly who is too anxious to help? Simple. Give her to Spike and let him deal with the mess. Watch as Spike and Sweetie Belle bond together – NO – Not romantically! Spike and Sweetie Belle talk about their “Admiration” for certain ponies.

Chapter Two is one of my favorites. I definitely wanted a “He’s mine!” scene from Rarity. But after that, I decided to have a little fun and create a nice bonding between the two sisters. Then I liked making Spike suffer.

Also, that special feature Spike likes. Before anyone gets any ideas in mind, it is something that has been seen in almost all episodes featuring Rarity. Feel free to guess. But remember - This story is rated "E" for everybody.