• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 489 Views, 43 Comments

Rarity's Choice - mikemuir0178

Rarity must make the choice of upholding her dream as a fashionista or keeping her love for Spike.

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Chapter 7: We are...Open?

Chapter 7: We Are…Open?

“Hmm. Perhaps if I move it a little to the left I can…Perfect!” Rarity said to herself as she adjusted the clothing on the window displays with her magic. “Now we should…”

Sweetie Belle stood off to the side with Spike as she watched Rarity making the final touches on the boutique. It had been two days since the ball they had attended, and all their work had finally paid off.

Or at least that’s what Sweetie Belle wanted to say.

Though the majority of the work was complete, Rarity was still making some ‘final adjustments’ to the display areas. She had been dashing around the room moving displays an inch one way or a smudge another. In the eyes of the little unicorn, such alterations made little difference to how the display looked in the end. “I think it looks okay the way it is,” Sweetie Belle commented, “Why change it?”

“Obviously, you have had little experience in the fashion world,” Sassy Saddles said as she walked over to Sweetie Belle. “In this business, one must have the perfect presentation, the perfect dress, and the perfect display if one is to gain the perfect reception.”

Sweetie Belle gave Sassy a quizzical look for a moment before returning her gaze to Rarity. “I still don’t see the difference in moving it over just a smudge.”

Spike had to contain his laughter at Sweetie Belle’s reaction. Though he did share Sweetie Belle’s beliefs, he also had an understating of what Rarity was trying to accomplish. He admired how Rarity never settled for anything less than perfection, even if she did go overboard at times.

“There!” Rarity said after making a final touch to the display, “What do you think?”

“It looks great Rarity,” Spike chimed in.

“I don’t see any difference than the way it was before,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Perhaps a little more to the left,” Sassy Saddles added after taking a moment to scrutinize it.

Rarity turned back to the display and examined it again. “You really think so?”

“Ugh!” Sweetie Belle groaned out loud as she sat down on her haunches. “It looks FINE, Rarity!”

Rarity ignored her sister and started to adjust the display per Sassy Saddles recommendation. It was no surprise to her that Sweetie Belle was anxious to return home after working the last couple of days. Though Rarity knew she would miss the joy of seeing her customers enter the boutique, she believed she should honor Sweetie Belle’s ‘request’ to head home. However, this did not mean she had to be sloppy with her work.

Sassy smiled as she watched the little unicorn pout. “You have to understand, Sweetie Belle. There is ‘fine’ and then there is ‘perfect’. What we are aiming for is perfection.”

“What’s the difference?” Sweetie Belle groaned.

“Presentation,” Sassy replied as she struck a simple pose.

Sweetie Belle groaned.

Spike could not help but silently laugh at Sweetie Belle’s reaction. “I wouldn’t worry about it Sweetie Belle. Like everything else, there is also ‘the perfect time’.”

“Very good, Spike. Speaking of which…” Sassy turned to look at a clock that was behind the counter. When she saw what time it was, she quickly turned to Rarity. “Rarity. It’s almost time to open. We don’t want to keep our customers waiting.”

Rarity finished making her adjustments and took a step back to admire her work. “That should do it,” she sighed happily. She then turned and looked to the others. “At long last, the boutique is ready to open!”

“About time,” Sweetie Belle grudgingly moaned.

Rarity walked over to her sister. “I know it hasn’t been easy. But it will all be worth it. Our long hours of sweat and toil will be rewarded as we see the smiles of our patrons walk through the front door,” Rarity cheered, “They will come from far and wide to glance at the splendor of the Canterlot Boutique and admire in its splendor.”

Sweetie Belle thought Rarity was exaggerating on the large masses, but she was curious to see for herself how ponies would react to all the work she and her sister had put into the boutique.

“You should stay for a while and see how everything turns out” Sassy Saddles suggested.

Rarity let out a small sigh of disappointment. “I wish I could. But I do need to bring Sweetie Belle home. I’ll be here to open the doors, but we will need to leave for the train shortly after.”

Sassy was also slightly disappointed that Rarity would not get to stay long to see the fruits of her labor. She could see that everyone had done a great job and the boutique looked better than ever. However, she could understand Rarity’s decision to put family first.

“I think it’s time to open the boutique.” Spike called out the next moment.

Rarity turned and looked to the clock again. “So it is. Thank you, Spike,” Rarity replied as an enormous amount of pride enveloped her. After long hours of toiling and labor, she was finally going to experience the one moment she cherished over all others. The reopening of her boutique and the chance to help all ponies through fashion.

Strolling with confidence to the door, Rarity held her head high and closed her eyes. “At long last, this is the moment we’ve been waiting for!” Rarity cried happily. She then used her magic to open the doors to the building. “The Canterlot Boutique is officially open!”

For a brief moment, Rarity waited to hear the crowd’s applause or at least the sound of ponies making their way in. However, as moments past in silence, she heard nothing. With reluctance, Rarity opened one of her eyes, then both as she looked around. To her surprise, she could see ponies walking up and down the street, but they seemed to be avoiding her boutique.

“Um…The Canterlot Boutique is now…open?” Rarity repeated, though with less certainty than before. She could see a few ponies look at her for a moment, but they only gave her a glance before moving on with their daily lives. Rarity only stood perplexed by their reaction. Normally, ponies would be flocking to her boutique. At least that was the case when she first opened the Canterlot Boutique and Rarity For You.

Why not now?

As Rarity gazed into the streets, Sweetie Belle and Spike came and stood on either side of her. As they looked at the ponies crossing the streets, they could see that some ponies would take a moment to glance their way, but then avert their eyes away. It was if there was something about the boutique that made them feel uncomfortable.

“Um…Is this supposed to happen on the grand opening of your shop?” Sweetie Belle asked Rarity.

Spike on the other hand knew something was wrong, but did not know what. Being a dragon of action, he decided to take matters into his own claws. Leaving Rarity’s side, he rushed over to the nearest pony walking the street and quickly dashed in front of her. “Excuse me, ma’am. I’m here to inform you that the Canterlot Boutique is now how holding its grand opening. We have plenty of new dresses that will make you shine. Most designed by the talented and beautiful Rarity herself.”

The pony looked down at Spike in a mix of fear and awkwardness. She then appeared to look around her surroundings as if trying to find a way to escape or avoid being noticed by others. “That sounds…good. But I’m not interested at the moment,” the pony replied.

Before Spike could inquire why, the pony jumped off to the side, and galloped away. Spike, knowing it was impossible for him to chase after the pony on foot, could only scratch his head in confusion. For him, it looked like the pony saw him as some sort of bad curse. Believing it was an isolated case, he decided to intercept another pony and offer the same sales pitch. “Excuse me.”

Rarity watched Spike’s attempts and was equally perplexed by the pony reactions. She admitted that Spike’s sales pitch sounded a little crude by her standards, but she doubted it would drive ponies away. There was something else that made them feel uncomfortable about approaching her store. But she had no idea what. From what she could tell, nothing about the building’s appearance was odd. It was still the most alluring building on the block.

So why were ponies avoiding the boutique?

Spike came walking back to Rarity slightly exhausted. “I don’t understand. Every pony I talked to seemed to want to avoid me for some reason,” Spike said. He then started to examine his body for any signs of blemishes. He then looked to Rarity. “There’s nothing on my face, right?”

“You look as stunning as ever, Spike,” Rarity assured him. She then looked back to the ponies that lined the street. “But I can’t understand why no one is showing up.”

“You did tell them you were opening today, right?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Rarity nodded. “I put an advertisement in the newspaper. I also informed a number of ponies at the ball,” she replied. She then looked to the ground in thought. “I don’t understand. Everyone seemed interested in seeing the boutique open.”

Spike was equally perplexed. He had heard the reactions of the ponies at the ball as well. They were all positive and anxious to see the new look of the boutique. So what made them change their minds? He wanted to ask the ponies crossing in front of the boutique, but every pony he approached tried to avoid him. From the looks they gave, he suspected they would shun Rarity as well if she started inquiring around. He then looked to Sassy Saddles. “I don’t suppose you know anything?” he asked her.

Sassy shook her head. “I’m afraid not. But, I haven’t had the chance to keep up with the latest gossip yet.”

Spike sighed in defeat. He then looked to Rarity. He wanted to offer her some explanation or consolidation, but could find neither. “Maybe we should just head back to Ponyville for now,” he suggested.

Rarity looked at Spike for a brief moment and was about to disagree with him. However, after carefully considering the situation, she held back her tongue. She then looked to the ground in disappointment and nodded in agreement. “Perhaps you’re right, Spike,” she then turned around and looked to Sassy Saddles. “Sassy. I leave the boutique in your care. Try to find out what is happening?”

“I will do my best, Rarity.”


For Rarity, the walk to the train station was as uneventful as the grand opening at the Canterlot Boutique. As she and the others made their way down the street, she could not help but wonder if she was receiving some negative reactions from some of the ponies she passed. A few looked her way then averted their gaze while others would be whispering to each other in small groups and would become silent as she neared. Rarity felt something was amiss, but could not put her hoof on it.

“Is it just my imagination, or are we being watched,” Spike whispered to Rarity.

“I’ve noticed that too, darling,” Rarity replied. She felt at least some comfort in knowing she wasn’t the only one who noticed this strange behavior.

“Maybe we did something to upset them?” Sweetie Belle suggested.

Rarity took a moment to think back to all the events that happened the last few days. Other than renovating the Canterlot Boutique, the only event that took place was the ball. However, everything went smoothly in her conversation with the other ponies and she was pretty sure Sweetie Belle and Spike had been on their best behavior. Rarity then remembered the two reporters that were at the ball. “Sweetie Belle. About those two reporters you met. Do you remember anything strange about them?”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “Nope. They were just asking for our pictures for Filly Fashion.”

Rarity took a moment to think about the magazine her sister mentioned. She had heard about it, but had not taken time to read it yet. It wasn’t exactly a very popular magazine and she often liked to read other material. She still remembered the pictures they took of her and Sweetie Belle, but there was nothing wrong with that. She did wish she could have worn something that reflected the current generation, however her Shadow Spade collection was still popular…at least she still thought it was. “Did you notice anything, Spike?”

Spike shook his head as well. “Not a thing.”

“What about our dresses? Was there anything wrong with them?” Rarity asked.

“No,” Spike assured her, “You looked as beautiful as ever.”

At first, Rarity thought Spike would only be trying to flatter her on such a response. However, she had known Spike long enough to tell when he was flattering her and being honest. Based on the tone of his voice and the serious look he gave, Spike was just being honest.

“Maybe everyone is jealous about your fame,” Sweetie Belle suggested.

Rarity considered the idea a little, but doubted it. She admitted she had a lot of competition in the fashion industry. However, a fashion designer resorting to dubious tactics was looked upon poorly by others. Rarity had seen a few that had resorted to such tactics, only to be shunned from the fashion world. However, she herself had never resorted to such tactics…at least she didn’t think she ever did. But if that was the case, why were so many ponies shunning her.

“Hey. Maybe we can learn something from over there,” Spike announced as he pointed to the side of the road.

Rarity awoke from her thoughts and followed Spike’s gaze. She found that he was pointing to a magazine stand that was being watched over by an old stallion. “Capital idea, Spike,” she replied.

With renewed purpose, the three companions raced to the stand and began to look through the various magazines that lined the shelf. Rarity was easily able to find some of her favorite magazines that dealt with fashion. She also spotted the Canterlot Chronicle and took the chance to skim through the articles. However, she found no mention about her or any negative reviews about her boutique. The only thing mentioned in the newspaper about her boutique was her advertisement.

“I don’t see any Filly Fashion magazines,” Sweetie Belle said after looking through the shelf.

The old stallion watching the stand turned to the little unicorn. “Sorry kid. We’re sold out on that one. Don’t carry much in stock,” he replied.

“How come?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Not a popular brand. I’m surprised ponies actually bought it this time,” the stallion replied.

Rarity looked to the magazine sales-pony. “Do you happen to know what was written in it?”

“I just sell these. I don’t read them,” the old stallion replied, “Are you buying?”

Rarity was not fond of the stallion’s manners, but saw no reason to make a scene over it. Instead, she peered down at the magazines and started to pick out a few that caught her interest. “I’ll take these three,” she replied. She then used her magic to levitate some bits onto the shelf.

“Thanks a lot,” the old stallion said after shoveling the bits into a small bag.

“Here Spike. Would you mind carrying these,” Rarity asked.

Spike happily complied and placed the three magazines underneath his arm. “We better hurry or we’ll miss the train.”

Rarity agreed and led the way forward. Fortunately, the magazine stand was close to the train station. However, as Rarity and the others entered the train station, they found themselves meeting the same reception as they encountered in front of the boutique.

Rarity only watched in silence as she made her way through the crowd. A few ponies would talk, but then silenced themselves when Rarity came close. It made her feel uncomfortable. However, Rarity was not ready to make a scene over it. That would be very un-lady like. Instead, she maintained a pose of dignity and made a point to board the train as soon as possible.

The ponies on board the train seemed to be no different than the ones that lined the streets of Canterlot. As before, ponies gave Rarity a wide berth and allowed her and the others to pass through without trouble. Rarity could not help but feel a little unease as she saw a few ponies glance in her direction. However, when they noticed she was looking back at them, they averted their gaze and found something else to do.

“I don’t like where this is going,” Spike whispered as he also noticed the strange looks of the ponies.

Rarity decided to maintain a positive attitude as she and the others took a seat. “Perhaps we can find something in these magazines that might give us a clue,” she said as she used her magic to levitate the magazines from Spike’s grip. She then passed one to Sweetie Belle and handed one back to Spike. The third one opened up in front of Rarity so she could begin reading the various articles.

“What are we looking for?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Any news or gossip about the boutique,” Rarity instructed.

“Consider it done,” Spike said as he made himself comfortable and opened up the magazine that was handed to him. Sweetie Belle followed in suite and started paging through the various articles.

With great determination to find out what was going on, Rarity began reading the first few articles, hoping to find a clue. There had to be some explanation as to why the ponies in Canterlot had been shunning her. She was pretty sure that nothing went wrong at the ball she attended and the rest of the days were spent renovating the boutique.

The first idea she thought might be the case was that one of her competitors might have printed an unsavory article about her in the magazine. It would not surprise her since she had made a few ‘enemies’ in the fashion world. However, she doubted any of them would stoop to such trickery.

She then wondered if maybe one of her dresses was a flop. But as she paged through the magazine, there was no articles on bad dresses. In truth, most fashion designers were trying to come up with ideas for the upcoming fashion show.

As Rarity continued to read through the articles, her mind became increasingly desperate in finding out a reason why the ponies in Canterlot were starting to shun her. Eventually, after reading a number of boring articles, her mind began coming up with some bizarre ideas ranging from a spell going bad to a monster hypnotizing all of Canterlot to hate her.

Sighing in frustration, Rarity put the magazine down. She then looked to Sweetie Belle. “Did you find anything in your magazine?”

Sweetie Belle let out a small groan. “These articles are so BORING! It’s almost like the writers were desperate for stories.”

Rarity looked back at her magazine and admitted that Sweetie Belle was right. The last few days in Equestria were peaceful. In fact, the only excitement Rarity saw was when she was helping Spike find his parents. However, Twilight and Spike had not made that information public yet. “Did you find anything, Spike?” Rarity looked down to the dragon when she did not hear a response. “Spike?”

The little dragon appeared to be sitting on the bench with his head pressed against the magazine. However, he did not appear to be moving.

Hesitantly, Rarity used her magic to gently pull the magazine away from Spike’s face to see why the dragon had not responded. To her surprise, Spike had fallen asleep while sitting up.

“Looks like the magazine put Spike to sleep,” Sweetie Belle commented.

Out of curiosity, Rarity pulled the magazine out of Spike’s claws with her magic. However, as soon as it came free, Spike’s body began to lean forward.

Realizing Spike was about to fall off the bench, Rarity used her magic to quickly catch Spike and hold him up.

“Nice save, Rarity,” Sweetie Belle complimented.

Rarity gave a smile of approval as she tried to adjust Spike’s posture so he would not fall off the bench. However, each time she tried, the little dragon would lean to one side or the other and nearly fall off. It wasn’t until after a few tries did Rarity finally lean Spike against her side to support him. Rarity was a little surprised that Spike had not awoken during the ordeal, but she did know Spike was notorious for not waking up easily.

As Rarity was about to look over the magazine Spike was reading, she noticed a stallion looking over his bench at her. “Is there something wrong?” Rarity asked politely.

“No…Nothing,” the stallion replied before turning to face forward again.

Rarity paid the incident no mind as she levitated the magazine Spike was reading in front of her. Deciding to skim through it, Rarity found it was full of the same boring articles she had seen in her own magazine. “I can see why Spike fell asleep now. These articles would put any pony to sleep.”

“Even the Foal Free Press printed better articles than these,” Sweetie Belle commented as she thought back to her own school newspaper.

Rarity had to admit that Sweetie Belle was probably right. There was no gossip or large events mentioned in the magazines. Just the everyday events of the city. It was not hard to tell that the writers were desperate. “I wonder why Filly Fashion sold out.”

“Maybe it’s because of the pictures they took of us,” Sweetie Belle answered.

Rarity took a moment to consider Sweetie Belle’s answer. “I suppose you could be right. An article about our dresses would be more entertaining than what’s printed here.” Yet Rarity could not help but feel she was missing something.

“Next stop! Ponyville!”

To Be Continued…

Author's Note:

Preview: It nice to be the talk of the town when ponies are saying good things about you. But what happens when they don’t. Run for the hills! The reporters are coming! Help her Rainbow Dash! Rarity is now “The Top Story”!


Is Rainbow Dash wearing a…