• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 489 Views, 43 Comments

Rarity's Choice - mikemuir0178

Rarity must make the choice of upholding her dream as a fashionista or keeping her love for Spike.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Admiration

Chapter 3: Admiration

“So how come we’re the ones delivering all this stuff?” Spike groaned as he towed the giant wagon. Normally he was used to carrying large amounts of bags and suitcases for Rarity, but the wagon was far heavier. Still, Spike somehow managed to muster the strength needed to move it.

“I do apologize for this, Spike,” Rarity replied as she led their group down Canterlot’s shopping district, “But the delivery service made a mistake and they could not get this stuff to Canterlot before the deadline.”

Sweetie Belle looked back at Spike in concern. “Do you need help?”

“No. I got this.” Spike replied with a heavy grunt. Although he knew Sweetie Belle had moved something similar during her first camping trip with Rarity, Spike’s dragon pride would never forgive him if he let either Rarity or Sweetie Belle take over.

“Don’t worry. We’re almost there,” Rarity replied as she led the way forward.

As the small group continued down the streets of Canterlot, Sweetie Belle took the time to look at all the stores that lined the shopping district. It wasn’t her first time she had been to Canterlot, but she had been younger back then and had little appreciation for shopping. Now that she was a little older, she began to see the stores in a new light and wanted to explore each of them. “You do remember our promise, right?” Sweetie Belle reminded Rarity.

“I do,” Rarity assured her, “Don’t worry. I’m planning to look at some of the design trends too.”

“Is it because of that fashion show coming up?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Rarity nodded. “I managed to make a few designs, but I have yet to find my magnum opus.”

Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity in confusion. “Your magnum what?”

“My greatest work,” Rarity explained, “I need something that no one has considered before, yet maintains that traditional flare,” she continued while holding a hoof up in strength for a moment. Her head then slumped down, “Unfortunately, such a design has eluded me.”

“I’m sure you can figure something out, Rarity,” Spike assured her between grunts, “You’re the best.”

Rarity gave a small laugh at Spike’s vote of confidence in her. “Thank you Spike. I’m sure with you around, I can create the magnum opus I dreamt about,” she then looked ahead and saw their destination. “We’re here! The Canterlot Boutique.”

Slowly, the group made their way up to the boutique. For Spike, it was a welcome relief to finally park the wagon off to the side and take a moment to rest.

As Rarity went up to the boutique’s entrance, she saw the closed sign on the window. This was not a surprise for her since the boutique’s line up was going to be completely redone. She only hoped Sassy Saddles had made the necessary preparations. “Sassy? Are you there?” Rarity asked as she knocked on the door.

The door immediately opened and a light blue unicorn stepped through. “Rarity! Thank goodness. I was worried you wouldn’t make it on time.”

“Sorry for the delay. But we had a lot to move,” Rarity said as she looked back at the wagon Spike had been pulling. “Is the boutique ready?”

Sassy nodded her assurances as she guided the others into the building. “It is. I was able to sell most of the old lineup in a grand sale. It’s time for the upgrade,” she cheered.

“Excellent,” Rarity replied happily.

As Rarity and the others entered the building, they found that most of the dresses had been sold off. Rarity smiled in approval as she looked over the store. For her, the store was now an open canvas, ready for a new design and look. With the materials she brought, Rarity hoped that the boutique’s new appearance would be grander than ever before.

“This place looks a little empty for a boutique?” Sweetie Belle said as she looked over the room.

“This only requires a lady’s touch,” Rarity smiled happily, “We’ll need to unpack everything and get started right away,” Rarity instructed.

Spike slumped in exhaustion but said nothing. He reminded himself that Rarity needed him and that he could not fail her. Somehow, he would find the strength to make it through.

“One other thing, Rarity. That couple you agreed to do the wedding dress for will be sending someone to talk with you about the gown later. I believe it’s the mother of the bride,” Sassy continued.

“Do they have a design for us?” Rarity asked.

Sassy visibly cringed upon the request. “They do,” she replied as she used her magic to bring forward a slip of paper for Rarity to see, “But it needs work.”

Rarity used her magic to pull out an extra pair of her glasses from a nearby set of drawers and took a moment to examine the sketch Sassy held up with her magic. Almost immediately, she cringed in disgust at the design. “Ugh! I see your point.”

“This is why they have come to us. Normally I would not take a job like this so close to the new season and the upcoming fashion show, but these ponies are of the elite class. If we complete this job, the reputation for the Canterlot Boutique will soar,” Sassy explained.

Rarity admitted that the timing was bad, but Sassy was unfortunately right. If Rarity wanted to keep herself at the top, she needed to address the needs of the elite. If she was able to complete this design on time, it would bring her business to new levels of grandeur. However, if her design did not make the cut, it could destroy it as well. “All right,” Rarity said with renewed determination, “Everybody line up!”

Sassy, Sweetie Belle, and Spike quickly lined up in a row for Rarity and stood at attention.

Slowly, Rarity paced in front of them like a general would inspect her troops. Her nose was held in the air and her eyes were closed. Yet the pose she made was one of confidence and authority. “We have a lot do and only a short time to do it! I need all of you to give your best!” As she passed by Sassy, she turned and looked Sassy in the eyes. “Sassy I want you to focus on the boutique show room. Make it grand, yet traditional. Something bold yet subtle. I want ponies from all over to revel in its design,” Rarity instructed.

“Understood,” Sassy smiled and nodded her approval.

Rarity then turned and made her way to Spike. “Spike. I want you to bring in the boxes Sassy needs, then bring in all the extra materials to the back room. When I’m ready, I’m going to need your help with the gown,” Rarity continued.

Spike saluted happily.

“What about me?” Sweetie Belle asked with anticipation.

Rarity hid her reluctance about asking Sweetie Belle for help. Although Sweetie Belle had grown up a little since the last time she had assisted her, Rarity still feared she might mess things up. A part of her wished Sweetie Belle had stayed with Applejack and Apple Bloom. But Sweetie Belle had insisted on coming, claiming she wanted to help and spend time with her big sister. “You can...help Spike organize things in the back room,” Rarity reluctantly said with a forced smile.

“Got it! Cutie Mark Crusader on the job!” Sweetie Belle shouted happily as she saluted. She then made her way back to the entrance of the boutique.

Spike followed in suit, but took it at a more leisurely pace. As he was about halfway to the door, He felt a hoof being placed on his shoulder. He turned around to see Rarity standing directly behind him. “Rarity?”

Rarity looked down upon the little dragon with a sheepish smile. “Spike. I have a special request for you,” she whispered.

“For me?” Spike replied in surprise. He then looked at Rarity with his eyes of admiration. “Anything for you, Rarity.”

Rarity took a moment to glance around to make sure Sweetie Belle and Sassy were out of hearing distance. She then turned to Spike. “I want you watch over my sister. I know she means well, but she can be a little…accident prone.”

Spike understood what Rarity was asking. He had seen the mess Sweetie Belle could cause sometimes when she tried to help her sister. Usually it was caused by Sweetie Belle being overzealous. Spike had to admit that Sweetie Belle kind of reminded him a little about himself before he and Twilight had moved to Ponyville. “Say no more. You can count on me.”

“Thank you, Spike,” Rarity smiled lovingly. She then cupped one of his cheeks with her hoof, “You truly are my knight in shining armor.”


The work inside the boutique began smoothly after Sassy Saddles, Spike, and Sweetie Belle had moved the boxes inside. However the real challenge now was to unpack and organize all the dresses and materials inside. With Rarity having to create a new design for the wedding gown, organization and design now fell to Sassy Saddles. Fortunately, Sassy Saddles had lots of experience and knew what Rarity wanted.

“All right,” Sassy said as she took in a deep breath to prepare herself for what lie ahead. “Sweetie Belle, those boxes over there contain new fabrics and materials for the store. I’ll need you to take them to the back room and organize them,” Sassy instructed as she pointed to several boxes off to one side.

Sweetie Belle eyed the mountain of boxes and felt a little overwhelmed. However, she quickly resolved herself. She wanted to prove how useful she could be. “Got it!”

“I’ll help as well. I have a lot of experience in organization.” Spike quickly chipped in.

For a brief moment, Sassy looked down at Spike with hesitation. She knew Rarity had high regards for her little helper. However, it seemed odd for a dragon to work in a boutique, not to mention dangerous. A part of Sassy worried Spike might set fire to the fabric. Still, Sassy knew Rarity well enough to trust her judgment. If Rarity said Spike could help, she would give the little dragon a chance. “Very well. You can help Sweetie Belle. If you need me, I’ll be in the window display area.”

As Sassy left the two, Sweetie Belle turned to Spike. “Thanks for helping me. I’m sure we can get this done in no time flat.”

“Let’s just take things slow and easy,” Spike instructed. He then went to the pile of boxes and began to grab one to move. “First, let’s get these boxes into the back room.”

“Uh-huh!” Sweetie Belle agreed as she got behind another box. Sweetie Belle then steadied herself and applied her magic to lift the box off the ground. With a little effort, and some minor grunts, she managed to lift the box up about a foot. “This…sure is heavy,” she grunted as she strained the magic in her horn.

Spike placed his box down and looked back at Sweetie Belle in concern. “Sweetie Belle. Maybe you should-“

Suddenly, Sweetie Belle’s horn gave off a few sparks. “Oh no!” Sweetie Belle cried as she felt her control on the box fade. Desperately she tried to concentrate her magic to keeping the box steady, but the magic refused her commands. Before she knew it, the box began to move around uncontrollably in the air.

“Hang on!” Spike cried as he rushed to assist her. He then jumped onto the side of the box and used his weight to bring it down before it could hit something. The box hit the ground with a thud, but appeared undamaged. Spike then let go of the box and dusted himself off.

“Thanks Spike,” Sweetie Belle let out a sigh of relief as she got her magic under control. “I almost lost control of it.”

“No problem,” Spike replied, “But you might want to just push the boxes in instead.”

“But if I use my magic-“

“Trust me on this, Sweetie Belle. Just take it slow and steady,” Spike explained.

“Fine!” Sweetie Belle let out a small snort. She then got behind the box and began to push it into the next room with her head.


As soon as the other boxes were brought in, Spike and Sweetie Belle began to open them and sort through their contents. Having worked with Rarity in the past, Spike was familiar with the type of arrangement she preferred. In truth, he found that Rarity was more into showing off presentation rather than being organized by category like Twilight. This made the job easier in Spike’s eyes since he didn’t have to worry about Rarity second guessing what category to use.

Yet, despite the job being easy, Spike still felt he had to be cautious with Sweetie Belle around. Rarity had warned him in the past on how Sweetie Belle could be clumsy whenever she offered her assistance and he had seen some of the damage she could cause from her being overzealous. Still, he knew Sweetie Belle wanted to help her sister and that she needed his help to do so. “Okay Sweetie Belle. I want you to hand stuff up to me while I organize them on the shelves,” Spike said as he looked for a ladder.

“Can I use my magic?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Spike looked back at Sweetie Belle questioningly. “Are you sure you can handle that?”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “It’s a lot easier than moving giant boxes.”

Spike was a little hesitant about the request, but thought it was best to put some trust in the little pony. “All right, just be careful.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. She then waited for Spike to grab a ladder and climb to the top of the nearest shelf. Once he gave her his signal, Sweetie Belle used her horn to slowly pull out the first roll of fabric and levitate it up to Spike.

Spike had no trouble catching the roll and filed it away quickly. “Send up the next one.”

Sweetie Belle slowly pulled out the second role and passed it to Spike.

“Keep going.”

For a brief moment, Sweetie Belle was amazed at how fast Spike worked. However, Spike was Twilight’s assistant. For him, working fast was probably part of the job description. Sweetie Belle decided to pull out the next roll of fabric faster than before.

Spike caught it without any trouble. “Got it.”

Sweetie Belle felt her confidence build as she responded to his request and levitated another roll of fabric.

Spike caught the role and quickly placed it into its designated slot. “There we go,” he then turned to Sweetie Belle, “See. If we keep going at this rate, we can finish in no time.”

Sweetie Belle smiled happily at Spike’s confidence in her. With new assurance, Sweetie Belle applied her magic again to pass materials up to Spike.

Spike had no trouble catching the items in his claws and placing them on their correct shelf. He jumped from shelf to shelf and arranged the items the way he knew Rarity liked them. When he started out, he thought Sweetie Belle was a little slow for him. But as time went by, he noticed her pace of pulling out the various materials grew faster and faster. Eventually, he was starting to have a little trouble keeping up. “Ah…Sweetie Belle. Maybe you should go a little slower.” Spike said as he darted from one end of the room to the other.

“We can do this, Spike. If we can finish quickly we can-“ before Sweetie Belle could finish, she saw one of the rolls of fabric she had been sending to Spike ram him in the midsection. Spike doubled over as he covered his stomach in pain. His eyes went wide the next second as he belched a small amount of green flame`.

Sweetie Belle screeched in surprise as the flame stopped inches from her face. Caught by surprise, she reared up on her hind legs and stumbled backwards. After only a few steps, she lost her footing and tumbled into the mountain of boxes behind her. For a brief moment, she was stunned by what happened. But as she recovered her sight, she saw one the top boxes begin to tip and fall on top of her. “Uh oh,” she squeaked.

The box landed on top of Sweetie Belle, spilling its contents all over the floor. Some of the balls of yarn inside bounced out of the box and scattered across the room, hitting shelves in the process. From the impact, the shelves then started to tip, spilling their contents all over the floor. Within moments, the floor was covered with roles of fabric and other materials.

It took a moment for Spike to recover after all the materials had fallen on top of him. Slowly, he took a quick survey of the damage done. To his surprise, all the materials they had shelved was now scattered all over. Standing in the center of it all was Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle gave an embarrassed grin as she looked back at Spike. “Um…Sorry.”

Spike glared ay Sweetie Belle in disappointment. For him, it was a little hard to believe how much damage had occurred from one mishap. However, the damage had been done.

As Sweetie Belle looked at Spike, she was reminded of the same glares Rarity made when she messed up in such a manner. Normally she would run to her room or go outside. However, this time, she did not have that option. “I think…I’ll go sit in the corner.”

For a brief moment, Spike agreed with Sweetie Belle. But as he watched Sweetie Belle walk to the corner, he began to recall similar memories when he was in the same position Sweetie Belle was in. How many times had he messed up in the past with Twilight? In his opinion, too many to count. And yet, Twilight always gave him a second chance. “Hold on!”

“Huh?” Sweetie Belle paused in her brief retreat from the area,

“You helped make this mess, now you’re going to help clean it up,” Spike replied.


“I can’t do this on my own. You do want to help, right?” Spike interrupted.

Sweetie Belle was surprised by Spike’s response. Normally, she found it was best to stay out of the way after such a disaster. Yet Spike still wanted her help. “Are you sure?” Sweetie Belle asked cautiously.

Spike gave a smile as he started to pick some of the fabric roles off the ground. “Well, someone needs to help me clean up this mess.”

A giant smile formed on Sweetie Belle’s face as she realized what Spike was saying. She then launched herself to the little dragon and encircled her arms around him. “Thank you Spike! Thank you!”

“Uh…Yeah,” Spike said as he blushed from Sweetie Belle’s embrace. He then gently pushed her off of him. “Okay. Let’s just start over from the beginning and-“

“I’m sure I can use my magic to help!” Sweetie Belle interjected, “If I-“

“Let’s try without using magic,” Spike advised, “Or at least try not to use it as much. We don’t want to make another mess.”

Sweetie Belle took a moment to look over the mess she had caused. “I suppose you’re right,” Sweetie Belle said with embarrassment.

Spike nodded before making his way to the nearest shelf and began pushing it back up. “Okay. Let’s just take it from the beginning.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and began at a slow pace again of passing items to Spike so he could place them correctly on the shelf. After a brief amount of time, she found a comfortable speed to pass things to Spike without causing any problems.

“There you go,” Spike cheered, “Just keep passing things at that speed.”

Sweetie Belle obeyed this time and kept her powers in check. She felt happy that Spike said he still needed her after the disaster. If Rarity had seen the mess, Sweetie Belle believed she would have been asked to sit in the corner. She felt relieved Rarity had not seen the disaster.

Little did Sweetie Belle realize was that there was a pair eyes looking into the room.


Rarity backed away from the door after watching the events unfold. A small smile decorated her lips after watching the two start to work again.

Behind her, Sassy Saddles also retreated from the door. “Aren’t you going to talk to them?”

Rarity looked at Sassy for a moment. When she heard the crash in the back room, she had assumed the worst. Unfortunately, her imagination was not too far off from the truth. However, as she watched the events unfold from the door, she decided to see if Spike could help her sister. She was happy her faith in the little dragon was not ill placed. “I think Spike can handle this.”

Sassy was a little surprised. When Rarity had come to investigate, she had a deep scowl across her face. Now she seemed happy. Needless to say, Sassy was a little confused. “But the mess they caused?”

“I’m sure Spike can help my sister fix things up. He is very dependable,” Rarity replied.

For a brief moment, Sassy studied how Rarity spoke of Spike. There was something in Rarity’s voice that implied there was something more between her and the little dragon. “Rarity…You’re not…” Sassy began but had trouble finishing.

“Am I what?” Rarity asked

“You don’t…have feelings for that dragon, do you?” Sassy asked.

“And what makes you say that?” Rarity asked in a sly tone.

Sassy could see Rarity was toying with her. However, Sassy knew that such a relationship would be considered…unnatural. Not just by her, but by most, if not all, of pony society in Canterlot. “This is serious, Rarity. You’re a big name now. Ponies everywhere are going to scrutinize everything you do.”

Rarity gave a light snort. “My private life is none of their concern.”

“Do you remember that little ‘fame and misfortune’ incident you had? The one that involved that journal of you and your friends?”

Rarity paused as she thought back to that incident. It had been a while, but she still remembered how mobs of ponies had boycotted her because of her journal entries. It took weeks of removing the journals from the store shelves and putting up new reading material to draw the interest of the masses before things returned to normal.

But this was different.

Rarity had no intention of sharing her private life to the masses anymore. Her private life had been publicized at least twice in the last couple years and in both cases it did not end well for her. This time she intended to make sure it did not happen again. Granted, Spike might become her dirty little secret, but at least they would be together. That was what mattered. “Like I said, my private life is only my concern,” Rarity repeated. She then made her way back to the desk to finish her designs.

Sassy only watched in silence as Rarity pranced off. In her mind she hoped she was wrong about the relationship between Spike and Rarity. It wasn’t because she hated Spike. In truth, she liked the little dragon and could see why Rarity might be interested in him. However, the general opinion on dragons was still bad. It wasn’t easy to erase the decades of stories about dragons terrorizing the countryside in a few short years. It had been hard enough to get Earth Ponies, Pegasus and Unicorns to see eye to eye. Would ponies accept a dragon and pony relationship. Sassy could only hope so…

Or hope the secret never got out.


“Ouch!” Sweetie Belle cried as she rubbed her horn. Tiny white sparks poured out the end as Sweetie Belle did her best to massage it.

Spike paused in placing items on the shelves and looked back at Sweetie Belle in concern. “Are you okay?”

Sweetie Belle nodded as she felt the pain ease, “Yeah. This happens whenever I overuse my horn.”

As Spike watched the sparks fly off of Sweetie Belle’s horn, he was reminded of past events with Twilight. As the memories flooded his head, a light chuckle escaped his lips.

“Hey!” Sweetie Belle scolded, “It’s not funny!”

Spike stopped laughing as he realized his mistake. “Sorry. You just reminded me about Twilight.”

Sweetie Belle’s interest peeked as she heard this. “How so?”

“Well, when she was around your age, she would practice magic non-stop. In fact, her horn would sometimes give off way more sparks than yours. Shinning Armor once had to get her an ice pack, but all the ice melted as soon as it touched her horn,” Spike laughed as he explained.

Sweetie Belle smiled as she pictured Twilight enduring the same pain she just did. There was no denying that Twilight had practiced magic for years on end. Not many unicorns could attain such magic proficiency without years of practice in the arts. Most common unicorns could only do levitation and illumination spells. Even Rarity’s skill had not grown until after meeting Twilight and taking a few lessons.

As soon as Sweetie Belle thought about how proficient Rarity had become with magic, a small frown fell upon her face.

Spike noticed the change in Sweetie Belle’s mood almost instantly. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know,” Sweetie Belle replied, “Guess I’m a little jealous of my sister.”

“Jealous?” Spike said in surprise, “Why is that?”

“It’s just that she’s done so much when compared with me. She’s saved Equestria. She’s a famous fashion designer. She can even cook without destroying the kitchen,” Sweetie Belle confessed.

Spike admitted that it would not be easy to match Rarity. Rarity had worked very hard to get to where she was now. However, he also knew of all the contributions Sweetie Belle had made to pony society. “You’ve done a lot of things to. You’ve helped a lot of ponies get their cutie mark. That’s something.”

“I guess,” Sweetie Belle replied, “But it seems kind of small when compared to how Rarity opened the Carousel Boutique when she was my age.”

Spike’s eyes widened in surprise. “She opened the Carousel Boutique when she was your age?” Now that he had time to think about it, he never knew how Rarity had started her first business. “How did she do that?”

“I don’t know?” Sweetie Belle shrugged, “She did it before I was born.”

Spike was a little disappointed he did not get an answer. Still, he could understand Sweetie Belle’s admiration for her sister. “I think I can relate to you on that. I wanted to impress someone when I was younger.”

“You mean my sister,” Sweetie Belle scoffed, “Everyone knows that.”

“Actually,” Spike confessed, “It was Twilight.”

“Twilight?” Sweetie Belle said in surprise.

“Yep. She watched over me when I was a baby and kind of acted like a second parent. As I grew older, I began to admire her for who she was,” Spike explained.

“Is that why you became her assistant?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Spike nodded. “I wanted to show what I could do to help her in any way I could,” A sheepish smile appeared on his face as he averted his eyes the next moment. “Of course, my first few attempts were pretty disastrous.”

“How so?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Let’s just say that libraries are not a good place for dragons learning to belch fire for the first time,” Spike said as he remembered how he was just learning how to use his magic to deliver scrolls.

Sweetie Belle covered her mouth to suppress a laugh. It was no surprise to her why Twilight carried a few fire extinguishers in the palace. “So did Twilight scold you when you messed up?” she asked after calming herself.

“All the time. But I saw it as a challenge to do better. I wanted to show her I could be the best dragon assistant ever,” Spike explained.

Sweetie Belle took a moment to absorb Spike’s words. “It sounds kind of like how I want to show Rarity that I can be a dependable sister.”

“I’m sure it is,” Spike assured her, “But I also learned that it was best to start doing things slow and right rather than to jump right into them without thinking. At least that’s how I did it.”

“I guess,” Sweetie Belle saw some wisdom in Spike’s words, “But do you think Rarity would be willing to wait for me to catch up?”

“I’m sure she is willing to give you as many chances as possible. I mean, she did allow you to help her here, right?” Spike replied.

Sweetie Belle took a moment to look back at the time when she volunteered to help with the Canterlot Boutique. In her eyes, Rarity had been a little hesitant and had warned her of all the hard work that would be involved. However, Sweetie Belle wanted to spend time with her sister and repay all the kindness Rarity had shown her in the past. When she told this to Rarity, Rarity conceded without a fight and agreed to let her come. Perhaps there was truth in Spike’s words. “Thanks, Spike,” Sweetie Belle cried happily. She then jumped forward and embraced Spike in a hug.

Spike returned the friendly embrace. He then gently pulled away. “Feeling better?”

Sweetie Belle smiled and nodded. A moment later a scowl covered Sweetie Belle’s face.

“What’s wrong?” Spike asked.

“Ugh! Now I’m even more jealous of my sister!” Sweetie Belle growled.

“Huh? How come?” Spike asked.

“Because she has you!” Sweetie Belle replied. She then tilted her head and started to bat her eyes in a similar fashion that Rarity did when she tried to sweet talk someone. “I don’t suppose I could ask you out on a date?”

“Date!?” Spike jumped back in surprise. For a brief moment, he considered what a date with Sweetie Belle would be like. He admitted he did think Sweetie Belle was cute. However, he quickly threw the notion aside as a picture of Rarity appeared in his head. The pain in her eyes alone was too overbearing for him. What he and Rarity shared was special. “Sorry, Sweetie Belle,” Spike replied, “But I’m a one pony dragon,”


To Be Continued…

Author's Note:

Preview: When night rolls around, memories are recalled. Ever wonder how the Carousel Boutique was created. Rarity tells her story to Spike on how she went from having nothing to opening her first boutique. A few Spike and Rarity moments are involved. This will be “A Night to Remember”.

I know Sweetie Belle has grown up some. But I still like to think she looks up to her big sister from time to time. Rarity has done a lot for her in the past. It seemed only natural to me Sweetie Belle would want to help out and admire Rarity to a degree. This also gave me a chance to make a few more sister bonding moments – at Spike’s expense.