• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 259 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 1

Even back then the idea of my parents forcing everyone in my hometown of Zaofu to bow and locking up my grandfather and uncle despite their innocence was… concerning. The princess even stated that my parents may have some troubling aspects in regard to the fact that they forced everyone to bow and even locked my grandfather and Uncle Huan. And I personally felt conflicted about the situation. My love for my parents was conflicting with the love I still have for extended family as well as for my country, well former country. It did not hinder me as much as it could have. I still view my parents as kind and just when it comes to ruling though I’ll admit it weakened it some.

“Are you okay Chicka.”

I turned dazed off to see my mother looking at me with concern.

I smiled “Yes I’m alright mom it’s just a lot… to take in is all.” I stated.

“Yes, your father and I have had to make some tough choices though we do not wish for this to affect you.” Mom said.

“Don’t worry it won’t.” I said.

“Good now go unpack your things I’m sure you’d be happy to see you’r new room.” Mom said.

I smiled brightly at that. “Ah yeah I have many great memories of that place.” I said.

Mom chuckled “And maybe a certain boy will give you a call soon.” Mom teased.

I blushed at that Mom chuckled “There’s that smile now let’s go unpack your things I’m sure you’ll love to see your old room I’ll see you at dinner.” Mom said.

“Alright mom see you then.” I said as I happily went to my room.

It hasn’t changed since I left all my old things still there my records, a few of my old books, and many drawings and pictures of my friends. I looked at some of my old things and began to tear up I would miss those old times. But there would be new times, new friendships to form my whole life was ahead of me and that made me smile. Then something unexpected happened this pink energy began to form around me. I cried out for help but I think there was a shield around it that blocked out my voice. And with that I was… somewhere else I could tell it was a forest of some sort but everything looked off the trees were not as detailed as they should have been. I then looked at myself and I couldn’t see my various details, I was accoumistimed too like my fur bits, or my hair. I had no idea where I was or how to get back that hit me. What if I never see my parents again? That thought made me sob this wasn’t right I’m supposed to be back home enjoying our move not in this spirit forsaken place.

That’s when I heard a noise I shot my head up and brought my ears forth to hear the sound better it was a voice. “Hello is someone out there.” A male voice asked.
I was full of joy and hope at that perhaps they could help me out “Yes I’m over here I have no idea where I am can you please help.” I called out.

I then saw something that shocked me he looked… like me only he had a pair of wings. And with that I forgot about my situation. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh another person who looks like me I never thought I’ve never meet anyone else who looks like me before.” I said in awe and excitement.

“Someone who looks like you. You mean you’ve never seen another pony before.

I chuckled at that remembering my parents' pet name, their little pony. “So that really is the name of our species.” I said.

“Well yes so you don’t know you’re a unicorn.” He said.

“No what’s a unicorn?” I asked curiously,

“Why that’s what you are there are many types of ponies but the three most well known are unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies. See I’m a pegasus I can fly. You have a horn like all unicorns do. And earth ponies are without either a horn or a pair of wings.” He said.

I then saw that he wore golden armor.

“Oh my armor I’m a member of the princesse’s guard she’s the leader of all Equesteria.” He said.

“Princess wouldn’t normally a queen do that.” I asked.

“See we live in a different monarchy our leaders are princesses and princes when one holds power either by royal bloodline or earning their title they have to share the power to ensure that all power is given equally to other individuals.” He said.

“How fascinating.” I wrote this down in my journal by a pencil and then I noticed I still had some of my belongings a few books about science, politcs, and history, and a few picures of me and my… parents. I then remembered what happened and he noticed my distress.

“Hey it’s alright.” He placed his hoof on me for calamity. “How about I take you to Canterlot surely they can figure out where you’re from.” I then saw a white city in the distance with various other colors of yellows and purples.

“Okay that’s probably a good idea.” I said.

“Alright then my name is Spearhead by the way.” He said.

Spearhead what kina name is that? I thought quietly.

“Yeah I know my name’s a little weird.” He said.

I then stopped myself and felt shame as my parents taught me to own up to my mistakes especially when it’s a moral one. “I’m sorry sir I shouldn’t of thought like that.” I said apologetically.

He chuckled “Hey it’s alright everyone does that sort of thing from time to time.” He said.

“But that still doesn’t make it alright to be rude.” I asnwered.

“It’s alright you never told me your name though.” He said.

“Oh it’s Chika.” I said thinking happily and proudly at the fact that my parents gave me such a good name that embodies many of my traits such as my wisdom.

“That’s an… interesting name.” He said.

Oh it’s quite normal where I’m from. My ears then went down, though I’m not there anymore.

We then made our way into the city and entered it. I was astonished that there were so many shops, restaurants, as well as culture here. I saw several building design types that I’ve never seen before. I also noticed that many of the ponies wore clothing that looked to be very stylistic in a fancy way or hats like a top hat or a fancy hat. I was a little bit overwhelmed and shy around the ponies I’m used to humans. Though I guess that will have to change.

I was then brought to a believe a guards headquarters where I was brought to a small clerk I could see a female pony with her hair tied back in a bun I could see her mane was of a dark brown with white fur and green eyes that were hid behind a small pair of reading glasses. “How may I help you sir?” He asked.

“See this mare has no idea where she is from I was wondering if we could do a quick memory scan and file lookings to see where she’s from.” Spearhead asked.

Memory scan? I thought in my head

“Alright come with me dear.” The mare said.

I went with her to a room of some sort later on a guard approached he was a unicorn. “Hello mame we’re just gonna take a quick look around memory lane to see where you’ve been all these years.” He asked.

His horn then ignited a pale yellow color. What was he doing does he have this ability can I do these things too? I thought in my head.

He then gently touched the tip of my horn and I saw all my memories flash my parents, my friends, my extended family and all of the good and bad that’s occured.

He looked shocked but quickly came to his senses. “Alright we’ll have to ask you some questions later.” He said.

Later on another male guard walked in “Hello there miss I take it it’s been quite a busy day for you.” He said.

“Yes I’ve lost my parents my friends my entire life has turned upset down.” I vented in sorrow.

“Yes I understand that well here it goes you where never from that… other world.” He said.

“What.” I asked surprised.

“Yes you were born here in Canterlot.” He stated.

“Then what happened to me?” I asked.

“Well see we did a recent scan on magical signatures and we believe that world you were in was actually another universe all together.” He said.

“A multiverse.” I answered I knew the theory and believed it was possible but I never thought anything like this might ever happen.

“Correct see your parents weren’t the best you were raised by your grandmother while you were here. One day however, they broke in your home and teleported you somewhere else for these reasons we believe that was that other universe.” He said.

“My parents did that to me.” I felt great sorrow and rage. They abandoned me. Their daughter no they have no right to call me daughter after what they did to me only two people have that right and I’ll probably never see them again.

“Yes they did well the good news is you still have a living grandmother and a brother.” He said as an attempt to lighten my spirits.

“I have a brother.” I said with joy rising I’ve always wanted a brother. Perhaps this wasn’t a complete loss after all.