• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 259 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 64

Fluttershy and I have been dating for a few weeks. Ever since the events of the Canterlot Wedding we have been dating and have had a lovely time we go on picnics together, outings at sugarcube corner, I even watch over her animals more alongside my son on the weekends.

We are celebrating our first few weeks together with a private picnic. I just want to enjoy some time with her as she does for me. I smiled when I saw her. That beautiful mare with her kind smile.

“Hi Fluttershy.” I said happily.

“Hi Twilight.” Fluttershy spoke in a pleasant tone.

“So how have you been today?” I asked.

“Oh angle has been such a good bunny this afternoon. I had to get him to eat his breakfast but your lessons have helped.” Fluttershy spoke in appreciation towards my skills in being assertive.

“That’s good to know it is important to be able to stick up for yourself.” I said with passion.

“Oh I know which is why I’m glad I’m so assertive.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Yes I am too.” I said.

We then began to eat our lunch. It was some sandwiches and cupcakes I prepared. We had a great time talking about our lives, our adventures and all the lessons we’ve learned.

It was nice to enjoy time with my fillyfriend. We then took a walk while we enjoyed the floral and fauna of the park. “Ponyville is beautiful this time of year.” Fluttershy said happily.

“Yes it is.” But it isn’t nearly as beautiful as us.

We then went to Sugarcube Corner. “Hi, what can I get you love birds?” Pinkie asked with cheer.

“Pinkie” I said, rolling my eyes happily.

“What everyone in Ponyville already knows.” Pinkie pointed out.

“True we’d love too slices of your famous lemon surprise cake please.” We both love lemon as well as chocolate.

We then went to enjoy our treats. “So how has Spike been doing?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh he’s been doing great he finally got over that the girls did that gossip magazine.” I said happily.
“Well that’s good. That was such a disaster.” Fluttershy said not very fond of the memory of everyone learning of her hair extensions.

“Well I’m glad you forgave them.” I said, proud of my girlfriend.

“Well I had to there just fillies after all and all fillies make mistakes.” Fluttershy said.

“True, true. Though someone like Diamond Tiara may be a little different since she does her’s intentionally.” I said annoyed at that brat.

“Oh she’s horrible I heard that she’s been bullying your son’s friends just for not having cutie marks. The very idea is disgusting.” Fluttershy said in worry.

“Don’t worry she got what was coming. I know it’s petty to enjoy a bully getting some karma but then again I can be petty at times.” I said.

“It’s perfectly alright. I know that everyone has their petty pleasures and I won’t lie since I was close to Spike I took pleasure in his friend’s bully finally getting some payback.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Wow I didn’t know you could be like that.” I said impressed.

“Well everyone can be petty at times like you said and that’s okay.” Fluttershy said.

“Yes nothing perfect is ever truly whole.” I said.

“Yes there’s beaty in flaws no matter what people think.” She said

“Especially the nobles.” I added on.

She chuckled at that. “Yes especially the nobles.” She replied.

“I have to go now but first let’s say our goodbyes.” She then leaned in and kissed me.

I blushed at that. I really did hit the girlfriend jackpot.