• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 260 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 29

There is some good news: the Princess recently gave us all tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. I guess saving the world from tyranny and eternal night does give my new friends certain privileges and rewards. After all it was a very heroic and virtuous thing for them to do.

Today Rainbow Dash’s friend Gilda is visiting. I can't wait to meet her. She’s a griffon from their lands. I’ve personally been to a few times to learn about their culture. It is a very majestic place of militaristic and loyal belief to their art and music. I’ve even made a few griffon friends in my time and I personally can’t wait to meet her.

She then arrived. “Gilda.” Rainbow Dash said excited.

“Rainbow Dash.” Gilda said with clear pleasantness and seemingly acting cool when she said that.

“It’s so good to see you how you've been G.” Rainbow Dash asked her friend.

“Been awesome Rainbow recently won a race against that show off Thunder Wing.” Gild said with a bit of an ego. I can see why they’re friends.

“Well that’s good I’ve been busy with the weather and all but I managed to beat this stallion named Cloud Chaser in a race too.” Rainbow Dash said in her usually over confident self.

“Good to hear you’re still just as fly as I remember you.” Gilda said impressed.

Gilda then turned to us. “So these are those new friends you were telling me about.” Gilda said.

“Yep they’re great you’re like them they’re very kind hearted.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well Fluttershy yeah I know how you been Flutters.” Gilda asked.

“Oh I’ve been great thanks to your lessons all those years ago. I’ve become very assertive.” Fluttershy said, smiling at Gilda.

“Well that’s good no friend of mine can be picked on by those losers.” Gilda said.

“You mean Hoops, Doombell, and Score yeah I haven’t thought of them in years.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I don’t like thinking about them. It’s really embarrassing.” Fluttershy said.

“Hey you can’t let the past beat you. Sides you’re living your dream and if you can tame a manticore you can do anything. I’m not one for sappy stuff but it’s the truth.” Gilda said.

“So what did you wanna do Gilda.” Rainbow Dash asked.
“I was hoping we could all go get a bite to eat I haven’t had a good hayburger in a while.” Gilda said.

We then went there and Gilda and Rainbow Dash had fun telling us all the trouble they got into when in Junior Speedsters flight school. Like when they pranked the older pegasi by swapping their shampoo with spicy hot sauce. That sort of thing I’m not really all that surprised but it doesn't bother me.

“Hey this doesn’t bother you, does it Twilight.” Rainbow asked.

“Oh of course not I’ve done my share of scary things like there was this time we decided to visit the attic of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns to try on all the cool merch the band lovers club leaves up there every year it was pretty fun but we got into so much trouble.” I said happily at the memory.

“Oh a bad girl huh.” Rainbow Dash teased.

“Yeah a bad girl. I’m not innocent.” I said knowing it was true.

“I like your attitude.” Gilda said.

“And I like yours. You seem to be rowdy and have an attitude like Rainbow Dash and I like those traits.” I said.

“Thanks, rowdy is kinda my thing.” Gilda said.

“I can tell.” I replied.

“So I’ve heard you’re close to DJ Pon 3.” Gilda said.

“You bet we go way back. She was very assertive and fun. You kinda remind me of her.” I said.

“Thanks I always like to have fun. My job is even working in this band I’ve made with some of my fellow Griffon friends.” Gilda said with an ego.

“Yeah I’ve heard I’ve listened and I personally like most of them. I especially loved Penis Breath.” I said.

“Wow, that's the most hated song of mine but it’s my favorite too.” Gilda said.

“And mine.” Rainbow Dash added on.

“Well it’s good to know you all enjoy your.. Controversial music.” Rarity stated.

“Hey I get it rock isn’t for everyone.” Gilda said.

“Yeah it’s just too much for me. I'm more into classical music as well as pop and rap.” Rarity said.

“You like rap?” Rainbow Dash said in shock.

“Well of course you can’t go wrong with a good rap about the problems of the world or one about personal emotional value.” Rarity said.

“She’s right rap is pretty good at that plush the rowdyness of those songs is fun.” I stated.

“Yeah I’d have to agree.” Pinkie Pie said.

“So I heard you turned a noble mare’s mane into a different color.” Gilda said impressed.

“Yes, that's what you get when you try to increase taxes on flour for a bakery.” Pinkie Pie said.

“That’s dope cool.” Gilda said.

“So how have your parents been doing?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh they’re still pricks as usual but what can you do?” Gilda said.

“Sorry to hear that if you need anyone to talk to.’

“I don’t seriously Rainbow don’t worry about me so much I can handle my own problems everyone’s got shit to deal with.” Gilda said.

“Yeah Dash you’ve always looked after us you gotta look after yourself.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yeah I know.” Rainbow Dash said.

We then finished our meal and did some shopping. I got myself a Princess of Bel Mare poster which is this great show about a royal who lives a roddy life. Gilda got a dope hat that says I’m a Monster from the song in bold writting.

Afterwards we all went to Rainbow Dash’s house to watch a movie. Gilda picked Die Hard which I love. We enjoyed the movie though Gilda’s friend would have to leave the next day so we said our goodbyes.

“Can’t wait to see you again Dash.” Gilda said.

“Same here Gilda.” They said as they hoof/fist bumped since Gilda is a griffon after all.
She then left and I won’t lie I enjoyed hanging out with Rainbow Dash’s friend.