• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 259 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 5

I spent the next year studying and preparing for my test. I had to study politics, economics, history, all of it and I needed to learn about magic both in a theoretical and practical manner. I also practiced my magic and learned to completely master telekinesis, light spells, and various other smaller scale spells such as basic healing spells within that time. I knew that I was ready come examination day.

I focused intensively on the answers doing calculations and logic in my head along with my great skill of memorization in order to answer the questions correctly. Once I was done I saw that I got a 99%. The instructor looked impressed. “No pony has ever gotten a 99% on this test before the questions are often very challenging especially at this age.” The mare said.
“Wait, I'm the first one.” I said trying to hide my excitement my parents taught me not to be a sour winner or overly confident after all.

She chuckled “Yes and I’m not at all surprised it was you.” She said.

“Alright but it’s not over yet I still have to do the magic based test and thank you for everything.” I stated in gratitude towards my instructor.

I then left to do my magic based test. When I got there I saw various magical judges recognizing several as nobles as they often take such professions.

“Are you ready for your test, Miss Sparkle?” A pony said in disdain.

I was confused by that “Uhm yes sir.” I stated.

They then got out a very large white egg Huh I thought where’s the goose egg

“This is an unborn cockatrice egg. It will be your job to ensure it hatches as you are older and have already performed healing spells on eggs before you should have no problem hatching it.” A mare smirked.

“Did Princess Celestia agree to this?” I asked in confusion and doubt.

“Oh we assure you she’s agreed.” A stallion spoke with a sneer and a paper that clearly has Celestia’s signature on it. I know her signature anywhere.

“Alright sir.” I said in agreement.

I then began to perform the spell but it was trickery then expected I then realized I’ve been tricked and this was indeed no unborn egg but a stillborn egg I knew I couldn’t perform this and was relieved because I knew they’d get in trouble for this and I’d still pass. I then felt that my magic didn’t falter and it kept growing and then my eyes began to glow brightly. But I still had enough control over my ability that I could control this somewhat and to my shock the egg actually hatched.

I then grew mad in anger as I saw it was a dragon. “How could you do something like that?” I said mad that they would kidnap a sapient being.

Celestia then appeared and saw what happened “What is this?!” She demanded.

“My princess please she was just a peasant she couldn’t have possibly been allowed to enter the school.” He stated.

“And so you tricked her into performing such a dangerous amount of magic?” She said outraged and disgusted.

She then saw the signature “You forged my signature.” She said in deep rage.

“We had to, she's a peasant.” One of the stallions spoke with disgust at the mere thought of a peasant attending Celestia’s school for Gifted Unicorns.

“You know peasant or not all unicorns are allowed to attend my school in spite of their status; this was determined nearly a thousand years ago. Know I would like that to change but I can’t do that at least not yet.” She stated.

“You would want a pegasus, or earth pony attending this school.” One of the mares spoke.

“Yes I would one day hopefully it can but since she completed such a magical feat and the fact that I was going to make her my newest personal student anyway due to her knowledge in all politics, literature, and economics. She will now be my new student.” Celstia decreed.

I looked at her personal student. She hasn’t had one of those since Cadence graduated from the school, my brother's friend.

“You really want me to be your newest student.” I spoke in shock and gratitude at her sincerity at my accomplishments.

She smiled “Of course Twilight you’ve proven time and time again that you’ll defeat all odds with your impressive display at getting a 99% on your exam. Thus showing your level of commitment in all things magic, politics, literature, and history. And your commitment and great accomplishments in magic I wouldn;t want anyone else to be my student.” She said with sincerity that she believes in my skills.

She then turned to them “And I hope you can explain where the dragon egg was found.” She said,

“We found that the abandoned Princess had no idea who the parents are.”

She checked his memories “Truthful, good but why didn’t you tell me I could have hatched the egg myself.” She said,

“We needed to use it in case you tried to pull a stunt like this.” A mare noble stated.

“But that’s monstrous.” I stated.

“Nobles, we have to make tough decisions for the common good.” The mare sneered in my face.

“The common good you tried to deny an eligible candidate access into the most pristine school in the country I fail to see how such actions are for the common good.” Princess Celestia said.

“Well you are the princess you are quite busy with other manners that you may not always look for the old traditional Equestrian ways.” A male noble said respectfully to his princess.

“The old traditions you mean the traditions that kept earth ponies and pegasi in the dark alongside the non ponies.” Celestia said in clear anger toward the mistreatment of her subjects.

“Wait, earth ponies and pegasi are one thing but non ponies having rights surely you don’t think of that princess.” Another male noble added on.

“Of course I do. I fight for harmony which is more harmonious than every creature coexisting peacefully like the dragon.”

I then heard him make ooos and awes. It was adorable. Celestia and I walked over. “Begone all of you while I try to fix your mess.” Celestia demanded.

When they left we looked at the creature. I then noticed that kinna looks like me. I chuckled at that “It’s almost as if we’re actually related by blood.” I said.

“You are.” Celestia answered.

“What.” I said.

“Let me explain, see when you performed your spell your dna mixed with his thus making him and you share the same dna components and blood.” She said,

“So he’s related to me.” I said.

“Well now he is but we have to figure out where he came from.” Princess Celestia said.

“Alright that’s a good idea I’ll admit he’s rather cute with that spike.” I said.

He then looked at me.

“I think you just named him.” Celestia said, chuckling.

“I guess I did.” I said, smiling at the younge hatchling. He then smiled back and tried to hugg me.

“Aww.” I said I won’t lie. I found that to be adorable.

“One more thing, Twilight.” Celestia said.

“More.” I said hoping that was all the test.

She then pointed and I saw I got my cutie mark. It was a pink star with tiny white stars around it. “Yes! Yes yes yes!.” I said as I began to hop around the room excitedly Celestia just smiled.

I finally got my cutie mark, something I’ve been striving for since I first learned about them. I couldn't be happier.