• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 260 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 25

I am reading this foals book since I do love learning about fables and Celestia for some reason thought it was a good one. It states that there were this two leaders one ruling the day and one ruling the night they brought balance to the land. But the younger princess grew saddened and jealous over the fact that the ponies frolliqed and played during the day but slept during her beautiful night. One day the younger sister refused to lower the moon the elder sister tried to reason with her but the jeasoluy in the yonge one’s heart transformed her into a wicked beast Nightmare Moon. They battled during the night but the elder sister was wise and used the most powerful weapons known to Ponykind the elements of harmony. With the elements of harmony she was able to banish her sister permanently in the moon.

I was in thought “The elements of harmony I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of those.” I said aloud.

I left the park I was in it was a beautiful park full of all sorts of plants and trees, and even a lake but I had to leave. I ended up finding my son. “Spike can you please find me a book related to the mare in the moon.” I asked kindly.

“Of course moma.” Spike said.

He then went and found it. “Thank you Spike.” I said in appreciation. I then began to read the piece “The mare in the moon was trapped but it says on the thousand day of the longest day the mare in the moon will be set free bringing about eternal night.” I said in shock and some fear what if this fable was true it was technically based off history after all.

Spike I need you to send a letter. “Alright moma.” Spike said.

“Dear Princess Celestia I have found out that the mare in the moon is in fact Nightmare Moon and I fear that if this prophecy is true we are in great danger please send me regards to prevent this travesity from occuring.”

“Spike send the letter.” I said.

He nodded his head and drew fire breath since he has a little bit of magic in him from the fact that he and I were given the same dna by that accident he was given a connection with Princess Celestia to be able to send messages between the two of us with swiftness and efficely.

Celestia then immediately sent a letter. “My faithful student I appreciate your concern for history but you simply must stop reading those dusty old books.” I said in shock.

Spike laughed at that and I scowled him. “What she has a point.” Spike said.

“I know she does but it’s not like her to dismiss my thoughts.” I said.

“Well it says here that she wants you to help set up the Summer Sun Celebration located in Ponyville there’s a list of ponies to visit for setting up the celebration and make some friends.” Spike said with a smile.

I smiled back knowing she has a point I do need to make friends after all.

I then went to say bye to my brother and my grandmother and went to Ponyville. I went the classy way on a golden chariot road by two members of the royal guard. We then flew off to the small town and I was happy perhaps I could see my old Canterlot friends. I then remembered they were currently on tour for the festivities. Oh well perhaps I can make more friends in the town. I thought I then remembered the tale of Nightmare Moon and that immediately took my attention rather than making friends. Protecting the land is important after all.

We arrived in town. “This is good you can make friends now.” Spike said excieldnlgy.

“Yeah I know but… maintaining the functions for the celebration must come first it is my royal duty after all.” I said.

Oh Come on mom, you need to make some friends.” Spike protested. We then saw a Pink Mare with a poofy darker pink mane and tail. “Just try mom.” Spike said.

“Hello.” I said.

She then got scared and ran away. Well that didn’t work.

We then went to the farm of the area and I was delightely surprised to realize this was the Apple Family I’ve heard great things about their family. From founding Ponville to developing the delicious treat known as Zap Apple Jam. I didn’t believe anyone at first but it exists and from my first taste it was a rich zappy sugary appley taste and was by far the best fruity treat I’ve ever had.

“Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle I was brought here by the princess to inspect the delicacies for the Summer Sun Celebration and I have to admit they do look amazing.” I said.

The mare then began to shake my hand fast “Well howdy there my name’s Applejack and this here is my family you are more than welcome to help yerself to the treats we worked so hard to prepare.” Applejack offered. I liked her she seemed to be a kind and family mare and I liked that. But I knew I had things to do.

“I would love to really but I’m really busy today.” I said.

“Can’t ya’ll stay for brunch.” A yellow filly asked she had a pleading look in her eye much like my son did just know and I couldn;t say no to them Spike’s a good kid after all and I could tell she was a good kid to. “Oh alright.” I said while smileing.
She then showed me to all the other people there. I believe it was a family reunion. I wish my family were this big. It sounds like fun and very family-like. I ended up eating various pastries such as apple pies and tarts.

I noticed Spike talking with Apple Bloom I believe.

“Finally someone else who likes the taste of meat I’m Apple Bloom. By the way.” She greeted him politely. I could see them playing together in a way as though they’ve known each other for years. I found it to be adorable. Maybe this town would be good for him.

I'll admit I ate too much but it was worth it. Celestia was right the apples from this particular orchard are clearly far sweeter than any ordinary apple.

We then walked around town “There’s supposed to be a pegasus pony name Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds.” Spike said as he looked up.

“Well she’s not doing a very good job is she.” I said.

A yonge flyer then crash landed on me and threw me in the mud.

I then heard chuckles from a roddy sounding mare “Uh excuse me.” She said.

She then flew and said that she would help me.

She then got a rainy dark cloud and began her work. I was annoyed since I was covered in rain. She chuckled a little “Opps I guess I overdid it.” She said as she looked at my expression. “How about this. My very own patented rainbowblow dry. No no no need to thank me. You’re quite welcome.

I then groaned annoyed as I saw my hair. I then saw her expression as she was trying hard not to laugh she then bursted out laughing and fell to the ground. My son laughed too but I’m not mad at him for this it was rather funny even if I’m the but of the joke.

“Let me guess you’re Rainbow Dash.” I said not surprised.

“The one and only.” She then zipped up “Why you heard of me.” She asked.

“I heard you’re suppose to be keeping the clouds clear.” I stated

“Yeah yeah I’ll do that in a jiffy just as soon as I’m done practing.” She said.

“Practing for wait?” I asked.

“The wonderbolts!” She exclaimed. “They’re gonna preform at the celebration tomorrow. And I’m gonna show them my stuff.” She said.

I shouldn’t be surprised she does seem like the kind of pony to be interested in that sort of thing.

“The wonderbolts.” I asked with a smirk of doubt.

“Yep.” She answered.

“The most talented fliers in all of Equestria.” I continued.

“That’s them.” She answered.

“Please they’d never accept a pegasus who can’t even keep the sky clear for one measly day.” I said with a look of confidence.

“Hey I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat.” She said now annoyed.

“Prove it.” I edged her on.

She smiled confidently. And then zipped fast everywhere causing my mane to move as she did exactly get it done in ten seconds flat. I was in absolute shock.

“What I say ten seconds flat. I’d never leave Ponyville hanging” She said. She then laughed “You should see the looks on your face. Ha You’re a laugh Twilight Sparkle. I can’t wait to hang out some more.” And neither can I she has a good amount of confidence while also not having an overly enlarged ego with caring about things like Ponyville she kinna reminds me of Vinly. And I like that about her.

“Decorations.” Spike said.

“Beautiful.” Spike said.

“Yes, the decor is coming along nicely. This ought to be quick. Beautiful indeed” I said.

“Not the decor her.” Spike said.

“No no. Oh goodness no.” I could see Spike with clear googly eyes I found it quick adorable.

“How are my Spike’s are they straight.” I rolled my eyes with a smile.

“Good afternoon.” I said.

“Just a moment please. I’m in the zone, as it were. Oh yes! Sparkle always does the trick does it not.” She said I could tell she had a refined voice that was very beautiful and I admired her sense of fashion. “Oh Rarity you are a talent now how can I help you aa-ha-ha. Oh my stars darling. Whatever happened to your coiffure.” She asked.

“Oh my mane well it’s a long story. I’m just here to check on the decorations, and then I’ll be out of your hair.” I said.

“Out of my hair what about your hair.” She then began to nudge me to a certain decoration.

“Wait where are we going. Help!” I said.

She then fixed my mane and made me try on various dresses for the occasion. Until she found the right one. I wish she wasn’t so insisnet but I appreciate the help at least my mane looks better.

‘No go on my dear. You were telling me where your from.” She said as she made it tighter.

“I’m from Canterlot.” I said. She then immediately let go.

“Oh I am so envious. The glamor. The sophistication. What’s it like?” She asked.

I smiled “Oh it’s quite wonderful their is a lot of culture from the purple coloring being inspired by the night to the various foods and people with various culture trends.” I said.

We ended up having a lovely talk about culture and spohication to which Rarity I believe reminded me much of Octvaia. Personally if I move here I wouldn’t mind becoming friends with her.

We then left. “Wasn’t she wonderful.” Spike said.

“Focus Casanova. What’s next on the list?” I asked.

“Music it’s the last one.” Spike replied.

I then saw a beautiful yellow pegasus with the sweetest sounded of voices talking to her animal friends she was likely the person due to the fact that the animals were signing. She seemed very kind as she politely told one of them that he was a bit off key.

“Hello.” She then seemed nervous and I didnt mean to scare her.

“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to frighten your birds. I’m just here to check up on the music. And it sounded beautiful.” I said.

She then began to shuffle her hoof.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle. What’s your name?” I asked, pointing my hoof politely.

“Uhm I’m fluttershy. Mumbles.”

“I’m sorry what was that?” I asked.

She then whimpered.

She then saw my son. “A baby dragon.” She flew over.

“Oh I’ve never seen a baby dragon before and Ponyville is so diverse.” She said.

“Well my name’s Spike, this is my mom.” Spike said.

“You’re the pony who adopted a baby dragon.” She said impressed.

“Why yes I’ve been raising him since I was fourteen.” I said while smiling at the conversation.

“Oh so yonge I’m impressed. So you’re Celestia’s student I’ve heard so many things about you. Tell me how was it like working towards equality for the gay community through leading all the protests movements?” She asked astonished.

“Oh it was wonderful.” I said.

“Oh do you care if I join you.” She asked.

“Sure.” I said. She sort of reminded me of Octavia with her kind tone and even Celestia which was a bit of a surprise and I enjoyed the conversation we had.

We then arrived at the Golden Oak Library I found it to be very cool since it was made out of a tree. We went inside and we saw it was dark and I went looking for the light.

I then found myself with a room full of ponies “Surprise.” They all said.

I then saw that pink mare from earlier. “Surprise. Hi I’m Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you. Were you surprised? Were you? Huh Huh.” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Very surprised.” I answered with a smile at the thought that this mare was nice enough to throw a party just for me to welcome me into Ponyville.

“Good I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all Hello And I was all [Gasp] Remember? You see I never saw you before. And if I never saw you before that me means your new since I know everypony and I mean everypony in Ponyville. And if you’re new you hadn’t met anyone yet. You must not have any friends. And if you don’t have any friends you must be lonely.” I felt a bit said at that since I was indeed lonely but I’m still really glad I met her. This mare’s cheerful personality with her flaws and even slight annoyance reminds me so much of Lyra and I love all those things even when she can be annoying because that’s who she is.

“And that made me so sad. And I had an idea And that’s why [Gasp] I should throw a great, big ginormous super duper spectacular welcome party. And invite everyone in Ponyville.” The other five from earlier then arrived.

“See and now you have lots of friends.” Pinkie Pie said. I… couldn’t of been happier I was so heartfelt. I then remembered that story of nightmare moon but I couldn’t just be rude and I needed to not be so superto=icous on such a great holiday. And so we enjoyed ourselves the food was amazing I realized that Pinkie Pie is quite the baker. And we played many wonderful games such as pin the tale on the donkey. I was so glad I was already making friends in Ponyville and so was Spike with three other fillies including Apple Bloom. I would later realize that Celestia had a plan all along and that she had a very good reason for me making friends.

We smiled the next day as we went to the townhall. But I felt a feeling dread as I remembered the tale of nightmare moon. When we got there the celebration began. Music played from trombones to birds and the mayor began speaking “Fillies and gentlecolts as mayor of Ponyville It is my great pleasure to annocne the beginning of the summer sun celebration.” Everyone cheered while I frowned out of fear. “In just a few moments our town will witness the magic of the sunrise. And celebrate this the longest day of the year. And now it is my great honor to introduce you.”

I then felt horror as I saw that the mare in the moon suddenly vanished out of sight. Crap the story is true.

“The very pony who brings us the sun and the moon each and every day. The good, the wise. The brininger of harmony to all of Equesteria. Princess Celestia.

She then wasn’t there. “This can’t be good.” I said.

Everyone then began to murmur. “Remain calm everypony. There must be a reasonable explanation.

“Ohh Ohh I love guessing games, is she hiding?” Pinkie Pie said in her usual cheerful self but I wasn’t in that mood.

Rarity then came out “She’s gone” Rarity exclaimed.

We then gasped in fear as we saw this ora of brillant phatlo blue ora. “Oh no.” I said

I then saw a dark alicorn with a brilliant phthalo flowing mane and tail and slanted moderate cyan eyes. She was as tall as Celestia but her wings looked different they looked batlike and evil, she had fangs too. As well as light blue armor on her head and neck and hooves. She looked at us spite as though she wore looking down at us.

“Oh my beloved subjects. It’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious little sun loving faces.” She said.

“What did you do with our princess.” Rainbow Dash demand.

Rainbow tried to charge at her but Applejack was smart and stopped her. “Slow down nelley.”

She laughs evily “Why? I am not royal enough for you. Don’t you know who I am?” She said.

“Oh more guessing games. Uhm hokey smokes? How about queen meanie? No black snooty black snooty.” They then put a cupcake in Pinkie Pie’s mouth to shut her up probably the best decision.

“Does my crown no longer count now that I’ve been imprisoned for a thousand years. Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs.” She said.

“I did.” I announced. “And I know who you are you’re the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon.” I said.

“Well well well. Somepony who remembers me.” She smiled in ackonowlegdement.

She then frowned in disdain. “Then you also know why I’m here.” She said.

“You’re here to to [Gulp].” I said.

Nightmare Moon then laughed eviley. “Remeber this day my little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth the night will last forever! Her mane then went in a circling cyclone and thunder stroke as she began to laugh an evil laugh

“Seize her. Only she knows where the princess is.” Mayor Mare said. As the royal guard began to began to charge.

“Stand back you fools.” Her eyes then began to glow white before becoming an early light blue color. She then knocked them out of the air with lightening and her shadow bursted out the door.

I then galloped off back to the library to research the elements of harmony since I know only they can defeat her.

“Spike mumbled. “We gotta stop Nightmare!” He said as he feel asleep on the bed.
“You’ve been up all night Spike. You are a baby dragon after all.” I said kindly to my son.

“Elements elements elements. Ugh how can I stop Nightmare Moon without the elements of harmony?” I said.

“And just what are the elements of harmony?” Rainbow Dash went in my face in suspicion.

“And how did you know about Nightmare Moon huh? Are you a spy?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Whoa.” Rainbow Dash said as Applejack grabbed her by the tale and I was thankful.

Applejack then sighed. “Simmer down sally. She ain’t no spy. But she swore does no what’s going on don’t you Twilight.” They all approached and looked at me.

“I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects known as the elements of harmony are the only thing that can stop her. But I don’t know what they are or where to find them. I don’t even know what they do.” I said in desperation.

“The elements of harmony. A reference guide.” Pinkie Pie said as she found what we were looking for.

I rushed over. “How did you find that?” I exclaimed.

She then hopped adorably. “It was under Ee.” She said. I then gave a look of annoyance.

My magic then glowed “There are six elements of harmony but only five are known. Kindness laughter, gensoritsy, honesty, and loyalty.” That sounded so special a magic dedicated to such moral ideals. “The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said the last known location of the five elements. Was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. It is located in what is now.”

“The everfree forest.” We all exlcimaed in fear I’ve always heard tales of the mystical beings that live in these woods such as timberwolves and cockarties I’ve never thought I’d ever have to visit it though.

“Wee lets go.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Not so fast see I just met you and I like you gueys and I don’t want to put you in any danger I’d rather do this on my own.” I said.

“No can do sugarcube. We sure ain’t letting any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone we’re sticking to you like caramel on a candy apple.” She said and I couldn’t help but melt at her kindness and friend oriented tone.

“Mmh.” They all said.

“Especially if there’s candy apples in there?” I looked at her. “What those things are good.” I couldn’t help but smile at her goofy upbeat personality.

As we walked a rockslide suddenly happened. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash went to grab us. “Hold on.” Applejack said.

“Applejack what do I do?” I exclaimed in fear.

She then looked at the sky “Let go.” She said.

“Are you crazy.” I said.

“No I ain’t I promise you’ll be safe.” She said.

“That’s not true.” I exclaimed.

“Now listen here what I am saying is the honest truth. Let go and you’ll be safe.” I looked at her and knew this was the only way so I let go. And I was saved by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy they then almost dropped due to the weight.

“Sorry girls I’m not used to holding more than a bunny or two.” Fluttershy said appolgetically.

I smiled at Applejack as she hopped from various rock ledges to the bottom. I trusted that mare and she saved my life. I suppose trust is a very important quality after all, much like her honesty.

As we walked Rainbow Dash told the story it was a bit annoying with her slight ego but I knew she had a good heart she did save me after all. We then saw a Manticore in the way.

“A manticore.” I exclaimed. It then growled.

“We’ve got to get passed him.” I said.

We then began to kick at it “Take that you ruffian.” Rarity stated.

Applejack then began to ride the thing like in a rodeo. I like her style. We then began to charge at it as it hurt Rainbow. Fluttershy then got in the way. “Wait.” Fluttershy then approached with a friendly smile. “Shh it’s okay.” Fluttershy then looked at it’s paw and it showed us the large splinter in it. “Oh you poor little baby.” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Now this might hurt for just might hurt for just a second. She then pulled it out and he held her and roared at her.

“Fluttershy.” We exclaimed.

He then began to lick her and purr I was astonished by this. This mare managed to use her kindness to help someone in need this mare has been so kind to everyone around her and she earned this animals’ trust that is beautiful and I love her genuine kind personality.

Fluttershy smiled and laughed. “Oh you’re just a little old baby kitty aren’t you. Yes you are yes you are.” Fluttershy said.

“How did you know about the thorn?” I asked.

“I didn’t. Sometimes we just all need to be shown a little kindness.” Fluttershy said. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

It was dark as we walked we then saw something that scared us the trees had faces did they come alive where they attacking us that would make sense given the dark nature of them.

We all got scared except for Pinkie Pie. She was laughing? “Pinkie what are you doing? Run!” I exclaimed.

“Oh girl’s don’t you see?”

I then smiled as she began to sing this is a mare I’d definitely want to know especially with how upbeat the song was. We all laughed at the end of the song and realized it was just a distraction meant to scare us.

We then traveled more and saw that the river was running really fast and had no idea how to stop it.

We then saw a sea serpent crying and splashing at the water.

“What a world! What a world!”

“Exuse me sir why are you cruising?” I asked in concern.

“Well I don’t know. I was just sitting here minding my own business. When this tacky little cloud of purple smoke. Just whisked past me. And tore half of my beloved mustache clean off And now I look simply horrid.”

I understood the trouble though it might be a little extensive.

“Oh give me a break.” Rainbow Dash said annoyed.

“That’s what all the fuss is about?” Applejack asked.

I wanted to shush them since I didn’t want to make the situation any worse.
“Why of course it is. How can you be so inssntive?” Rarity exclaimed.

“Ohh just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales.”

He sniffled “I know.”

“And your expertly coffied mane.”

“Oh I know I know.” He said.

“Your fabulous manicore.” Rarity said.

“All that ruined without your beautiful mustache.” I liked the proper refined way she talked.

“It’s true I’m hideous.” He said.

“I simply cannot allow such a crime against one’s fashion choice and private life go unncorrected.” She then used her magic to to cut off her tale. And used her magic to turn it into his mustcahe. I can not believe she did that she gave up something she values so deeply for someone she didn’t even know it was such an action of true generosity and virtue.

“Oh my mustcahe how wonderful

“You look smashing you are quite welcome.” Rarity said

“Oh Rarity your beautiful tail?” I exclaimed feeling bad that she gave up something she valued so deeply.

“Oh. It’s fine my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides it will grow back.” I smiled at her generosity.

I gasped. “We can cross now let’s go.” I exclaimed.

He then made a bridge to make it easier since it was quite deep “Allow me.” He said. He was very kind and refined I sould thank him later.

We then arrived by the castle but the bridge was broken. “Now what.” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Duh.” Rainbow Dash said with a flutter of her wings.

We then saw that she was taking her time.

We then saw her with a group of pegasus ponies but they were clearly just mirages. “Don’t listen to them.”
Rainbow Dash looked at them “You.” They smiled. “Thank you for the offer I mean. But I’m afraid I have to say no.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Good job Rainbow.” I said impressed with her loyalty towards her friends. And I smiled in realizing that I was becoming one of them.

“See I never leave my friends hanging.” Rainbow Dash said.

We then gathered the elements of harmony. And I had an idea a spark would unite them perhaps a spark of magic. But then Nightmare Moon went to grab the elements of harmony but I went to and was in this part of the castle.

I then went on the offense and put my hoof three times to charge. “You’re kidding. You’re kidding right.”

My horn then began to glow and I galloped after her and she galloped after me. I then telported to the elements and tried the spark once more “No no.” Nightmare Moon exclaimed as they glowed bridly but only for a moment.

“What. But where’s the sixth element?” I exclaimed. She then laughed and shattered them.

“You little fool. Thinking you could defeat me. Now you will never see your princess or your sun. The Night will last forever.” Her mane then went in a spiral cyclone again.

I then heard my friends and at that I realized the purpose of the elements of harmony.

“You think you can destory the elements of harmony just like that?” That made her look in self doubt for but a moment. “Well you’re wrong. Because the spirits of the elements of harmony are right here.” Magic then began to form around the shattered elements.

“What.” She exclaimed.

“Applejack who reassured me when I was in doubt represents the spirit of honesty.”

One of the shattered elements then formed it’s pieces around Applejack who had a look of confidence.

“Fluttershy who tamed the manticore with her compassion represents the spirit of kindness.”

One of the shattered elements then formed it’s pieces around Fluttershy who smiled.

“Pinkie Pie who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger represents the spirit of laughter.”

One of the shattered elements then formed it’s pieces around Pinkie Pie who smiled and jumped even brighter.

“Rarity who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of generosity.”

One of the shattered elements then formed it’s pieces around Rarity who smiled sweetly.

“And Rainbow Dash who could not abandon her friends for her own hearts desire represents the spirt of loyalty.”

One of the shattered elements then formed it’s pieces around Rainbow Dash who just smiled.

“The spirits of these five people got us through every challenge you throw at us.” I said in confidence.

“You still don’t have the sixth element. The spark didn’t work.” She exclaimed.

“But it did, a different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to meet you to hear you. To see you how much I care about youThe spark ignited inside me. The moment I realized you all are my friends.” I finally said it. Then on cue the sixth element emerged.

“You see, Nightmare Moon, when those elements are ignited by the… spark that resides in the hearts of us all. It creates the sixth element the element of magic.

The elements of harmony then formed and my eyes glowed and I could see that my friends eyes were gliwng as well we then saw a beautiful rainbow land on Nightmare Moon.

“My head.” Rainbow Dash said after we woke up from being passed out for a second.

“Everypony okay.” Applejack said a little worried for her friends I like that quality about her.

“Oh thank goodness.” Rarity exclaimed.

“Why Raity it’s so lovely.” Fluttershy spoke with a quite yet friendly tone.

“I know. I’ll never part with it again.” Raity said.

“No you’re necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark.” Flutterhsy said.

“What huh. So does yours.”

Fluttershy gasped as she looked at it with a smile.
“Look at mine. Look at mine.” Pinkie Pie.

“Aw yeah.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Gee Twilight I thought you were just spouting a lot of hooey. But I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship.”

“Indeed you do.”

The sun then rose and Celestia came out with it.

Everypony began to bow but I was just happy to see Celestia. “Princess Clestia.” I exlciamed happy to see my dear friend and mentor.

“Twilight Sparkle my faithful student.” We embraced. “I knew you could do it.” She said proudly.

“But you told me it was all an old pony’s tale?” I exclaimed confused.

“I told you you needed to make some friends nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon’s return and knew it was you who had the magic inside her to defeat her. But you could not unleash it. Until you let true friendship into your heart.” I then smiled as I realized this was all planned Celestia is a mare like that. And I find it so meaningful that it was friendship that would unleash such a beautiful thing. Magic truly is friendship.

“Now if only another will as well.”

“Princess Luna.” We turned to see a smaller alicorn with a grayish phthalo blue coat, a persian blue short olden style mane and tail, and a black blob with a white crescent moon for a cutie mark. She had on blue shimmering royal shoes, and a small black royal crown for a cutie mark.

She gasped and look scared. “It has been a thousand years since I’ve seen you like this.” She then lay down next to her. “Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together little sister.

“Sister.” We exclaimed so the story was true.

“Will you except my family commitment for each other?” Celestia asked to her little sister.

She began to cry and we just looked at her with hope that she would accept because everyone deserves love and friendship after all.

She jumped by Celestia. “I’m so sorry. I missed you so much big sister.”

Celestia began to cry as well “I missed you two.” She exclaimed.’
Pinkie Pie began to cry at the heartwarming sight she then quickly smiled. “ Hey! You know what this calls for a party!” Pinkie Pie said. Celestia and Luna then smiled. And I was a bit sad because I would have to leave my friends and I could tell that Spike was sad too since he became close friends with those three fillies.

“Why so glum my faithful student?” Celestia asked.

“It’s just my friends have all moved to Ponyville and I made so many here. I also noticed that Spike made many friends here and now we have to leave.” I said.

Spike did indeed look sad at that.

“Who says you have to leave?” Celestia said.

“You mean we can stay mom?” Spike said looking excited.

“Well I was thinking of moving. I just wasn’t sure how to tell you.” I said to Spike and Celestia.

“Oh my faithful student you can tell me anything. And besides I know why you’re leaving I agree with you there is no reason why the conservatives of canterlot should push for education that segreates or leaves out non ponies.” Princess Celestia said.

“The nobles hath passed legislation to discriminate against non ponies in the schooling of Canterlot that shant be allowed to stay.” Luna said passionalty.

I could see she was very interested in the political sphere and cared dearly about politcs.

She then saw my dragon “You adopted a dragon. I’ll admit I do appreciate the diveristy and compassion that Equesteria hath gained for our non pony subjects. I am proud of your progress sister.” Princess Luna said in proudness towards her accomplishments.

“Thank you dear sister.” Celestia spoke in appreciation towards her younger sister.

“I don’t suppose you would know Radiant Moon?” I asked.

“Oh tis but a nickname of I.” She said.

“You’re the righter of the Classical Liberalism Views of Monarchies.” I said astonished.

“You published my book sister.” Princess Luna said in deep gratitude and awwe at her sister’s heartfletness.

I smiled. “Well I personally found it interesting in the section where monarchies were described as needing to support the needs and ideals of the common people in the social contract theory.” I stated.

“Oh yes tis but an idea but I suppose it is more a theory know.” She said.

“Yes would you mind if we one day talk more about your accomplishments in the writing field.” I asked astonished that I get to met such a historical person in the classical liberalism movement.

“Hazaa. What a wonderful idea” Princess Luna said. She seemed to be happy with the idea and I was happy to yet another friend. All these people I’ve met have such virtues and the magic that came from such friendship and harmony truly saved the day. Friendship is magic after all.