• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 259 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 17

My grandma and I have been getting along great. She is very kind and open about everything and she and I do many things together to make up for the lost time. Like going to the park, movies, we even visited the Manehattan once. It was quite the adventure she showed me all the sights she’s not that old after all. We got to go to all the shops and just well have a good time. We also had the beast smoked yam we could find which was a plus since I liked smoked yam a lot and she knew it. And still enjoys modern music and movies. Though she still prefers her music like the old jazz tunes which I still liked just not as much as I liked pop and rap even. I still do love dancing to jazz with my grandmother especially the newer songs they’re just so upbeat and classy. One of her favorites of all time songs was Rudolf the red nosed reindeer. She just loves the story of a misunderstood reindeer getting a chance and proving himself worthy and I liked that to. Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer is my favorite of the Hearth's Warming Classics. With a Hearth's Warming Tale as a closed second.

I like being able to spend time with my grandmother. She's very fun and very kind-hearted. She’s always been so accepting towards everyone whether it be non-ponies like my son Spike or even gay people. She may be old and traditional, but she doesn’t believe in all traditions especially the discriminatory ones she’s openly and genuinely said they were archaic. This is good for me. I wouldn't want any oppressive homophobic aspects coming from my family. Fortunately, my family isn’t like that.

At the moment my grandma and I are enjoying some tea and talking about things going on throughout our day. It is nice getting to talk to my grandmother about these sorts of things.

“So you and your friends tricked that stallion into admitting that the board was denying funds to an organization dedicated to the betterment of the lgbt community in Equestria?” Grandma asked.

“Yes it wasn’t too difficult, they were clearly doing it, we just needed evidence.” I spoke smiling.

“That’s very smart of you. I am glad that you made such charitable friends who fight for such good causes.” Grandma said happily at my friendships of such true bliss and a charitable nature.

“Well they’re just well good people and I wouldn’t be friends with anyone else.” I said.

“And I’d hope they do not have a great sense of humor after all, much like you.” Grandma added.

“It’s true they do have a good sense of humor though Lyra likes to pull a lot of pranks during April Fools Day though even I have to admit they’re pretty funny.” I said remembering all the tricks Lyra pulled on me like tricking me into eating brussel sprouts because of a “disease” she said I had.

“Yes I pulled plenty of pranks on my friends during that particular holiday.” Grandma said in remembrance to all the fun times she’s had with her friends.
“You told me Grandma.” I said.

“I know but they’re just so good memories.” Grandma said in remembrance of the fun times she’s had with her friends.

“They are and I can’t wait to see them for the Glow Up festival.” I said.

“Oh that’s the festival dedicated to the kirin culture isn’t it.” Grandma said.

“Yeah we like celebrating holidays like that including non Equestrian ones they’re just so unique.” I say happily at the thought that I can finally celebrate this holiday with someone.

“Well it’s good that your friends are so diverse though I know they probably want to celebrate the holiday just to have a bit of fun. They are the party people after all.” Grandma said.

I chuckled “You’re probably right but that doesn’t matter besides they are culturally diverse. I mean Vinyl admires the pop and rap songs from the griffons after all.” I stated happily that my friend has such a love for other cultures.

“Well that’s good, they'll make great friends when you get older.” Grandma said.

“I know.” I said happily that my friends will be there for me as I am there for them. It's a bond of mutual love and respect and I can’t wait to make more memories with them. As well as memories with family for family and friends are what really matter.