• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 3,678 Views, 93 Comments

Quest For Harmony - destinedjagold

A young man found himself as an earth pony in a chaotic Equestria. He now needs to find a way back home, but after learning that the chaos in Equestria also affects his home world, he'll embark on a quest to bring back harmony to both worlds.

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Chapter 11 - Escape

"And why won't Celestia want me to know what the two of you were talking about!?" Twilight asked as she gave me a very furious glare, paired with a viciously glowing horn, as I tried my best to go through the wall where I was cornered by her. I was already sweating and fearing for my life. How in the world am I able to answer her question? Princess Celestia didn't gave me a reason. And I don't think my talent in lying's going to save me this time. I ducked in time to dodge a powerful mana beam that was aimed at my head. "Next time, I won't miss." She hissed through her angry-clenched teeth.

"Twilight, listen," I began through my trembling body, "I don't know, okay? Princess Celesti---" I found myself being levitated and tossed towards a tall bookshelf. The powerful impact caused it to collapse as I nearly lost my consciousness as my back sent powerful signals of pain to my brain. I collapsed on the floor, my vision was starting to blur as my breath became shallow and slow.

"Last chance, Blitz," she said as she levitated me up in the air. She held my head with her magic, turning it to face her. "What did you and Celestia talked about?"

I'm sorry princess, but I can't go back home if I'm dead, now can I? I've decided to spill it all, but when I was about to open my mouth to talk, a fast purple blur collided with the unicorn and sent her colliding on the wall, losing her grip on me as I was dropped back on the floor. Then, two purple feet stood in front of my vision. I looked up and saw Spike, standing tall and his arms spread left and right, protecting me as he locked his gaze on the rising purple unicorn.

"Spike!?" Twilight yelled, "what do you think you're doing!?"

"I could ask you the same thing!" he countered, earning him a killer glare from the unicorn as her horn glowed terrifyingly.

"Either you step out of the way, or I'm going to fry you as well!"

"See if I care!" Spike bravely yelled back without a second's doubt. I reached a hoof and tapped one of his feet. He slightly turned his head, enough to see my face on the corner of his eye.

"S-Sp-ike..." I whispered. It was difficult to talk with a painful back, though. "Just...go..."

"Sorry buddy," he replied as he turned back to the unicorn, "but you saved me, and I'm just returning the favor."

"There won't be statues for your heroism or idiocy, Spike." Twilight hissed "Last warning, move!" she yelled, but earned nothing from it. "Fine! You've done this to yourself!"

What happened next was like in slow motion. I tried my best to reach and move Spike away, but my painful aching body wasn't listening. As a large and powerful purple beam headed straight towards us, Spike stood his ground as he prepared a fist to...punch it? And indeed, he did, and the impact made the beam split in two, and flying pass us in the side, which startled Twilight, Big Mac, who decided to stay safe on one corner, and me.

"Wh-w-wha---?" Was all Twilight managed to say.

Spike hastily shook his smoking fist, but still glaring at the unicorn. "Ever since you took over, you've been firing laser beams at me every time you get angry! And guess what!? I grew tired of it! You've been treating me like I'm some useless piece of junk! And I'm tired of it, Twilight!" He picked me up, and helped me stand on my four...hooves. It was still a bit difficult and painful though. "But even if you kept on doing that to me, I still loved and cared about you like a sister! So if you wanted to keep firing at me every time you get angry, I needed to make myself at least a bit magic-proof so I wouldn't end up being hurt all the time!" Seeing that I managed to stand on my own, Spike withdrew his supportive claws and faced the fuming unicorn. "And lucky me that the castle has a library! I found out about dragons having the ability to repel unicorn magic! I gave it a try, and ever since then, I am now only ending up having slight burns or bumps caused by your magic push!" He wiped a tear that was forming on his eye. "But it was still not enough! You didn't care for me anymore! You've been pushing me way too far, Twilight, and I'm sick and tired of it!" He pointed at her, "And I'm sick and tired of you!"

"Very touching, Spike," Twilight spoke sarcastically after sensing that the dragon had nothing more to add. "Now do us all a favor: be quiet and just die!"

That is not the Twilight I know, and I sensed Spike thought the same as well, for he took a step back after hearing what Twilight just said.

With her horn glowing furiously once again, she quickly fired another beam, only to be quickly countered by Spike's fierce light-green flame. The impact caused an explosion, where thick black smoke quickly covered the entire library. I suddenly felt sharp claws grabbing one of my front hooves. "Come on! Let's go!" Spike yelled at me as he dragged me out of the library. As we ran towards the set of stairs leading to the lower floors, we heard unicorn guards hastily working their way up to this floor, so Spike quickly turned to the stairs leading up right next to the one leading down. I looked over my shoulder and saw black smoke flying out of the library's door, and a bright yellow-orange light flashing through the black smoke for a few moments, and then a burning and angry-looking unicorn came out, swaying her head left and right, trying to spot her prey.

We reached the next floor, and the two of us were startled after seeing unicorns there, who stopped before they collided with us. Spike didn't care and continued running to the next set of stairs as a random idea popped in my head. "Pegasi! Down below!" I shouted before my vision was blocked by the concrete foundation of the next floor. It seemed to work, since the unicorns weren't following us. I saw Spike looked at me with a mischeavous grin, and I smiled innocently. "What?" Loud metal sounds started to echo from the lower floors. The unicorns probably got tangled up with the others who were working their way up.

We reached the next floor, where I told the unicorns the same thing, and they quickly ran downstairs. "This is the last floor!" Exclaimed Spike as the last of the unicorns were gone. He was starting to panic as I looked around, observing the wooden doors. One of the opened rooms caught my attention, and I quickly worked my body to get inside just as a purple glow flashed on the corner of my eyes.

Spike jumped at a start after seeing a burning Twilight teleported herself a few feet in front of him. "It's over, Spike!" she declared as she angrily stomped a hoof on the ground. "Hand him over!"

The heavy weight of the armor I'm wearing is not helping me at all in my current situation, but I needed to wear this if I...if Spike and I were to get away. Now the only problem is how to get it to work? I looked at the door, and saw Spike, who was near the door where I was in, and he was taking a few careful steps back. He saw me on the corner of his eye, and raised an eyebrow at me. I then suddenly remembered how the unicorns work this thing. I raised a hoof over my lips, gesturing to him to be quiet. I then used the same hoof to point at the gem that was attached to the chest-plate of the armor I was wearing, and then pointed at, to my guess, where Twilight is at the moment. His mouth formed an 'o' shape. He nodded and glared at Twilight.

"Hey Twilight, guess what?" Spike asked with a grin, receiving no reply from an unamused unicorn. "Bet you can't take that a baby dragon can defeat you!"

"That's it! You're dead, you're so dead, Spike!" Her horn glowed, and sparks were flying out from her horn. "Don't worry, for you won't be remembered!"

Spike simply shrugged as I quickly jumped in front of him and as Twilight fired a powerful beam towards me. The beam hit the gem, powering it up, but cracking it as well. Twilight was stunned at the moment, and I quickly took that moment to feel the new sensation I was feeling on my back. Yes! It worked! I now have wings! Metallic wings! "Hop on!" I yelled, and Spike quickly grabbed a hold on my side and I quickly ran and crash through the large wide window.

My metallic wings extended just as soon as Spike sat on my back and wrapped his arms around my neck. I don't know how to fly, by the way, so I was slightly in panic as I rushed my brain to come up with an idea on how to fly. Just then, I remembered some movies with aircrafts and such, where the head pulls up, and the body follows. Will that work? Whatever. I closed my eyes as I pulled my head up, and I suddenly felt like gravity had left me. I opened an eye as I heard Spike's cheer. Hey, I'm flying! Or, gliding, to be more specific. I tried flapping my metallic wings, but sparks flew out of the gem as I flapped them, giving me a very powerful headache. I don't think this is a good sign.

"Oh no..." Spike whispered, and I turned my head to see what could possible get things any worse. Flying unicorns were now chasing after us. Well, this is bad. They're still quite far, but at their current speed, and my current speed, they're going to catch us at any second.

Think brain, think! How does Rainbow Dash fly so darn fast!? Well, according to the show, and to a few fanfics I've read, she furiously flaps her wings. Oh, no problem. Jut as long as I can handle these headaches. Gah... Whatever, I...uh...we need to get outta here. I flapped once more, and sparks and headaches rushed back. Ack!

"Are you all right?" came Spike's completely innocent question.

"Fine...!" I answered through my gritted teeth.

"Wah!" Spike shouted. "Left!"

What? Whatever. I flapped my right wing, making me turn to the left, and as soon as I turned, a powerful green beam flew pass us. My eyes grew wide and my breath stopped for only a moment. Great, just great...

"Down!" Spike yelled, and I tilted my head down, in time for my body to fall and dodge another beam. We were falling very fast to the ground, and it gave me an idea. I looked over my shoulder, and saw the unicorns were close behind me, with glowing horns. "Gah!" Spike exclaimed as he grabbed both the base of my metallic wings, and he started turning me like a motorcycle, turning my entire body left and right and in any other direction in the process! I was about to complain when I noticed how it became helpful in dodging the beams that were aimed at us. Wow, Spike's good. Now if only it wasn't me he was riding on.

I looked head in time to see that the earth is dangerously close. My eyes shot wide as I furiously flapped my metallic wings and tilting my head back to pull myself up. I made it in time, my hooves barely touching the ground of the War Planes, and loud crashing noises followed behind me. I disregarded myself for a while as I turned left, heading to the edge of a forest that was surrounding the War Planes.

"Yeah!" Spike cheered, "woo-hoo! Yeah! That was awes---!" My vision became black and I numbly felt my entire body crashing and rolling on the ground. I could no longer handle the powerful headache the gem is giving me. And just before I lost my consciousness, I saw Spike was slowly rising up, and working his way towards me. I took note of our surroundings, and fell to unconsciousness with a smile, for at least, we would be safe inside the forest for a while...

Author's Note:

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