• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 3,678 Views, 93 Comments

Quest For Harmony - destinedjagold

A young man found himself as an earth pony in a chaotic Equestria. He now needs to find a way back home, but after learning that the chaos in Equestria also affects his home world, he'll embark on a quest to bring back harmony to both worlds.

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Chapter 79 - Ending The War

It's been two pony days now since Spike and I captured Twilight in the castle of Unici-whatever. I still can't believe that an earth pony such as myself could stop this damn-forsaken war the ponies were having. But here I am, standing on a wooden platform both the pegasi and the earth ponies made on the War Planes, in the middle of the kingdom of the unicorns and pegasi. I am facing east.

To my left were the army of the unicorns, and their mountain kingdom far away. Staring at them, I notice that most of them were staring elsewhere. Some hung their heads low in shame.

To my right were the army of the pegasi, and their cloud kingdom far away. They're pretty lively, of course, since they have won the war, despite the greatest odds.

In front of me were the earth ponies, both who were under the unicorns and pegasi. Most of them were smiling, simply glad that the war is now over, even Pinkie Pie. I guess I need to go and talk to her later. Some are hugging their beloved. Some are glad that the chaos has finally ended, while some have finally been reunited for a long time.

I looked back, and there I saw Spike, who was chatting with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Beside them was Cloud Strike and a few of his soldiers. Beside him was Twilight Sparkle, who smiled at me and waved a hoof. I smiled back. Beside her was his brother-turned-female, Shining Armor, who was staring at the unicorns. Beside him was the unicorn-turned-pegasus Starfall, who is also staring at the unicorns while containing his anger.

I turned my gaze up in the heavens. The black clouds were already thin, and we could already see a few of the twinkling stars. The clouds on the horizon in every direction were still thick though, but I'm sure it'll thin out and fade in time.

I took a breath and sighed as I returned my gaze back on the crowd of earth ponies. I still don't understand why I needed to make a speech though. I mean, uh, never mind.

Aw well... Better get this over with. I tapped the wooden surface I was standing on with my hoof. Soon, the murmurs of the ponies started to die down, and their gazes were now focused on me. I gulped and felt my ears droop. And uh, I think my knees are shaking.

Okay, I don't think I can do this... I turned my head over my shoulder, and saw Spike and the CMC were giving me reassuring smiles. Spike even flashed me a thumbs up. Gah, how I miss having fingers. Cloud Strike nodded with a smile. Twilight chuckled at how tense I was feeling. Shining Armor simply smiled at me, while Starfall rolled his eyes in annoyance. Yeah, I still hate that unicorn, or pegasus, whatever...

Fine, I'd better make this quick then. I returned my attention to the crowd of earth ponies. They are on the center, because they are the ponies who were most affected by the war. I took a breath and sighed as I steeled myself.

As I introduced myself, and the ponies plus one dragon who were standing behind me, I remembered the events two days ago after Spike and I captured Twilight. Spike and I carried her on my back, and the little dragon tied her tightly on my back so she couldn't struggle off of my back. We met a few unicorns on our way back down, but Spike threatened them to kill her with his lance. We reached the castle grounds with a lot of unicorns tailing us and eyeing for an opportunity to save their princess, but Spike was too damn cautious. I then asked the unicorns to stop their attacks and return back to the castle. How they asked? I suggested that they'll use their flying armors to deliver the word. I then asked a few of the unicorns to fire mana beams to the heavens.

As Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders walked in front of me, I told the ponies around us about their contributions in the war. As I did so, I recalled the castle's gates were magically pushed open in front of me. On the other side were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, as what was planned. The signal for them to come here were those mana beams. Far beyond, I could already see the robots returning to base. To make sure that these unicorns won't be able to do anything on our backs, I asked Spike to summon the other blue flowers. I already told the CMC about it, so they took their distance. Twilight tried to say something, but none of us understood 'cause she still had a ball of cloth on her mouth.

As I called Cloud Strike to stand in front, I recalled the unicorns raised their eyebrows after I told them to sniff the blue flower lying on the ground. They hesitated at first but after Spike poke his lance on Twilight's throat, they quickly fell in line to take a sniff. As they do so, I suddenly remembered that the Poison Joke's symptoms were random. I was too darn lucky to have the magic-cancel-symptom-thingy to happen to Twilight. I'm quite sure that the unicorns will still be able to use magic, though not all of them, I assumed. Still, at least they'll be suffering from something so they'll not do something stupid. I asked Boulder not to participate though, and it gave me arching eyebrows from Spike and the CMC. I trust him well enough anyway.

As Shining Armor and Starfall stood in front, I recalled the pegasi ponies were already surrounding the unicorn's kingdom by the time all the unicorns, except for Boulder and Sweetie Belle, took a sniff at the blue flower. Cloud Strike landed beside me and asked if there was anything the pegasi could assist me. I nodded and turned to the unicorns as I told him to watch and enjoy the show. He arched me an eyebrow at that though. It took a few minutes before a few of the unicorns started having the symptoms. While the symptoms were pretty random and too many to remember, the only note-worthy were those who instantly lost all of their fur, those who became young colts and fillies again, Rarity's mane became green and thick that she couldn't move them off of her eyes to see where she was going. Shining Armor and a few males turned into females. Starfall lost his horn, but grew some wings. It really really scared him that he yelled and cursed in panic.

As Twilight Sparkle stood in front, I recalled the event where we were now inside the chaotic library of the unicorn's castle. We stared at Celestia for a while before she could finally talk to me.


“You have done well, my little pony.” Celestia's voice echoed inside my head.

I shrugged. I wonder if she can see me doing so. “It's no biggie. Though I didn't really did everything alone...” And then suddenly, I saw Celestia slowly appearing in front of me. I gasped a bit, and suddenly realizing what I was doing, I bowed. Although, I noticed, as I was bowing, I could see the hooves of the ponies behind me. I could still see the library's floor.

Celestia's wing reached my chin, and gently lifted my gaze back up to her. It's, kinda strange seeing her though, but as my eyes focused, she's...kinda transparent. An illusion? Magic hologram-thingy?

“It seems that the chaos energies inside of you have calmed the last time we have spoken.”

“I guess the voice inside my head's doing a good job at it.” I blinked. “Which reminds me... Um... Princess Celestia...”

“Who is he talking to?” I heard Scootaloo's rather loud voice from behind. Apparently, she and the others couldn't see Celestia.

“Hush, Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle spoke, “I can sense a really really powerful energy. It...feels warm, and soothing... Strangely...”

Celestia chuckled at that. She then gave me a gentle smile. Huh, is she always this way? I mean, not that I'm complaining. “Could you tell your unicorn friend that I appreciate her comment.”

I tilted my head to the side for a few short while before turning my head over my shoulder. Spike and the CMC's attention quickly focused on me. Cloud Strike and a few pegasi stallions were more focused on securing the wrapped purple unicorn lying on the floor.

I smiled. “Hey Sweetie Belle,” she jumped a bit, “Princess Celestia said thanks.”

She blinked, and the others followed. She then hung her head to hide her slightly burning cheeks. She scratched her hoof with the other. “Um... uh... y-you're welcome?”

I smiled at them before returning my gaze back at the princess. “Anyway, princess, um... Is, is this,” I gestured to myself, “is this Discord's body?” I heard a few murmurs from behind me. I didn't bother though.

She nodded, her smile slowly fading. “I believe that it is. Though who's inside that body, aside from yourself, is not him.”

I blinked. I scratched my head in confusion. “Uh... So, this voice, this uh, spirit, is not him at all. Right?” She nodded with a weak smile. “I see... So, who's this spirit then?”

She flashed me a small smile, and turned her gaze from me to the ponies behind me. I followed her gaze's direction, and it landed on the purple bound unicorn who is struggling a bit to set herself free. “Wh-what? Really?” I quickly turned back to the princess. “This voice, this voice that's been helping me all this time is Twilight?” Another round of murmurs.

Celestia nodded, with a small gentle smile. “I wanted her back, but with my current situation, I couldn't do so. But with your help, I might be able to return her back to her original body.”

Ooh, another mission, directly from the princess! Wait, why am I excited anyway? Aw heck, whatever. I nodded eagerly. “Sure,” I mean, I don't think my luck has ran out yet anyway. I might as well use it to the limit! “Please tell me what I need to do, and I'll—we'll try our best to do it!”

I was about to turn and tell Spike and the others about a new mission, but Celestia's chuckle stopped me from doing so. “There is no need to trouble yourself with that, Gold Blitz.” Her horn began to flare gently and brightly. “You already delivered to me the five ancient relics that I need to perform the Soul Swapping spell.”

Soul...Swapping Spell?

“Could you hold Discord's rambling for a little bit? I promise to seal him away after I am thru with the spell.”

Discord... The real Discord talking inside my head? I shivered... “Uh...sure, I guess...”


The only things Discord was yelling about were some cursed words, but I didn't understand more than half of the total of what he said. Celestia used her magic to lock Discord away inside this body I'm using. She said something about trapping him inside his own chaos energy, and then layered with the harmonious energy. I still don't understand this whole mana and magic business. Aw well... At least I didn't turn into stone or anything. But there's still something I don't understand though... Fluttershy, who is among the crowd of the pegasi ponies, told me that Discord stopped Nightmare Moon after Celestia couldn't do it herself. How did his and Twilight's spirits swapped places anyway?

“And I hereby declare,” Twilight's loud voice snapped me back to reality, “that this war is officially over!”

Earth ponies and pegasi ponies cheered for joy. I stared at their happy faces for a while before I turned to the unicorns. Almost half of them are cheering as well, though not as lively as the other races. Maybe it's because of their Poison Joke issues. I still haven't found a solution to fix them though. Twilight as well, but meh, she's a studious unicorn. I'm sure she'll figure something out.

Twilight waved at the ponies for a while before turning to me with a big and thankful smile.

“T-Twilight?” Spike's voice reached my ears. I turned and found him standing beside me, and he was staring at the unicorn with a mix of doubt, confusion, and fear. “Is...is that really you?”

After Celestia sealed Discord away, I explained to everyone about what happened. The pegasi were hesitant to remove the bindings of Twilight at that time, but we've noticed a change in her after the Soul Swapping spell. Even how her eyes reflect the light had also changed to...a more friendlier type of, I dunno... Spike didn't really had the courage to talk to her though. Twilight wanted so to embrace him after she stood up, but I managed to let her understand his condition.

Twilight's smile was really really warm, and her eyes are watery. “Yes, Spike,” she wiped her teary eyes with a hoof as she sat down on the wooden platform. “It's me. I'm ba—”

Spike tackle-hugged her. Twilight was stunned momentarily, but after she recovered, she chuckled and returned the hug, rubbing the baby dragon's scaly head.

They said a few words, but the cheering was too loud for me to hear. It felt like a wonderful dream after all those nightmares. Seeing Twilight and Spike together reminded me of myself and my brother. Everything is really perfect now. The war is over. Families are reunited. Friendships are to be made. Snow is falling slo—snow?

I looked up. The moment I did, echoes of horses' cries echoed faintly. That faint noise was enough to slowly silence the ponies. The black clouds are wearing thin, yes but, above the thin black clouds was a dark-blue swirling cloud-like wisps, and as I squinted my eyes to get a better look, the swirling motions looked like horses from my human world.

“T-Twilight,” Spike spoke. I returned my gaze at them. They already broke their hug and were now staring at the snow. “W-what's going on?”

Twilight could only shake her head. “I have no idea, Spike...”

I gulped... Unfortunately...I do...

Author's Note:

This was suppose to be two separate chapters, but meh, it's quicker this way.
I apologize for the lack of updates during the weekend. The keyboard of my PC back home wasn't in good condition for writing. The keys were too hard to press, and I'd rather not frustrate myself with that stupid keyboard. I'm buying a new one soon.

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