• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 3,678 Views, 93 Comments

Quest For Harmony - destinedjagold

A young man found himself as an earth pony in a chaotic Equestria. He now needs to find a way back home, but after learning that the chaos in Equestria also affects his home world, he'll embark on a quest to bring back harmony to both worlds.

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Chapter 133 - Pie


“Ugh, we don't have time for this!” I groaned as I kicked the ground, sending a handful of snow powder forward.

“So sorry 'bout this Spike...” Apple Bloom suddenly said as she hung her head low.

“Huh?” I mumbled. Why is she even apolo—oh... I shook my head and patted her shoulder. “Hey, it's not your fault.”

I was about to add something more, but Sweetie Belle cut me off. “Yeah, Spike's right, Bloom. It's not like you knew that this was going to happen the moment we visit your family.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo nodded with a smile. “I got nothing more to add to what they just said, but they're both right!”

Apple Bloom rose her head back and stared at us with a warm smile. “Thank ya kindly, guys. It-it means a lot.”

“Twilight Sparkle”

I did not expect this! I didn't have any idea that Apple Bloom's brother was Big Macintosh! I mean, sure, we did...kind of...um...made out...quite a lot of times...for years now but... Shining has a good point! It wasn't me that was with Macintosh! I mean, technically, it was me, but...ugh...!

While the three of them weren't paying me any attention, at least, for a moment, I looked back and saw Spike and the other mares hugged each other. From the four, Apple Bloom's teary eyes and warm smile stood out the most. I furrowed my brows and faced the three again.

“Quiet!” I shouted, and the three stopped their blabbering, thank Celestia! “This argument is leading us nowhere! And what is worse—!”

“Pie anyone?” a very warm and delicious pie suddenly appeared right in front of my face. I jumped, startled, but the smell, the aroma... Oh my... W-when was the last time I ate again? It was probably when I was still in Zebrica...

“Braeburn, get outta here,” the orange earth pony mare named Applejack snarled as she glared at the yellow earth pony stallion who was holding the pie.

“A-actually,” I spoke, and it was kind of difficult to do so with a slightly watery mouth I was suddenly having... I eyed the pie as the stallion pulled it back closer to him. “M-may I have a bite?”

The stallion named Braeburn's sad frown was gone, and was quickly replaced with a big smile. “Why, o'course you can have some, miss unicorn!”

I used my magic to cut a piece of pie and quickly started eating. Oohhh... Delicious! I know the three other ponies with me were giving me strange looks, but I didn't mind them. I was hungry!

“Big Macintosh”

Braeburn just came out of nowhere, but I was really thankful that he showed up with that pie we baked. Ah don't think the argument we were having would stop if it weren't for him. Ah smiled and nodded towards him, and he returned it with a nod of his own.

“Care for some pie, anypony?” Braeburn offered, but it would have been a nicer offer if he had something for us non-magical ponies could use to have a slice...

Shining Armor cleared his throat awkwardly though. “I uh... I guess I'll have some, if you won't mind?”

“No problem!” Mah cousin smiled brightly as Shining Armor lit his horn and took a small slice from the pie. “We Apples stick together, ya see, and we always take care of each other!”

Shining looked as if he wanted to comment, but he was busy chewin', and so was his sister at the moment.

“You unicorn ponies should get used to it, ya know?” Braeburn spoke an' nodded. “Of course, since you two will be part of the family once Big Mac here and this here pretty purple unicorn gets married.”

Twilight and Shining Armor choked on their food and started coughin' painfully, and mah ears rang painfully as well when Applejack, who was standing right beside me, shouted her lungs out...


“Braeburn!” Ah screamed at the top of mah lungs at mah stupid cousin! The two unicorns went into a coughin' fit, but Ah didn't mind them for a moment, for it was a great opportunity o'mine to dig mah thoughts onto theirs! “Nopony's gettin' married here, ya hear!?” Ah stomped mah hoof on the ground to show mah point. It didn't do much, since it was covered by snow...

“Oh? There aren't?”

Ah gave 'im a deadpan look. “No there ain't! Big Mac here's just delusional an' the war made his brain think of silly stuff! You know how that's li—on second thought, you don't, so never mind!”

“AJ, we've through this—” Big Mac began, but Ah cut 'im off with a glare.

“You. Ain't. Gonna. Love. A. F*ckin'. Unicorn!” I shouted every bit o' word. “Have you forgotten how these here freaky horn-heads caused granny's life!?”

“The way Ah remembered it, she died from a disease!” he argued. Oh, so that's how yer gonna go, huh?

“An' if it weren't for these unicorns, we could have got ourselves some medicine!” Ah argued back!

“Shining Armor”

“STOP!” I shouted as soon as I recovered from my nasty coughing fit. “Just—stop! Right now!” I glared at the two earth ponies, who glared back at me. “Stop, just...stop...” I sighed and rubbed my forehead. “We won't get into an agreement here with all of this shouting...”

“An' just what do ya mean by that, white flank?” the orange mare asked, her glare still fierce.

“Look, I'm sorry,” I looked at Macintosh, “but like I said, Twilight wasn't herself during the war. She explained it to everypony, and you—” a raised a hoof and pointed it at the red stallion, “—you should know that!”

It was quiet for a short while, but Macintosh broke it a few seconds later.

“Are ya suggestin' that Ah fell for Discord, and not on yer sister?”

“Uh, er...” in all honesty, I was really really really tempted to say yes, but I don't think they'll take that as a light joke. “...um...” but if I'll say no, then he won the argument...

“Look,” Twilight spoke suddenly, “I appreciate that you um...have feelings for me, Big Mac, but...” we looked at her and she turned her gaze to Spike and the crusaders, who were all staring back at us. “...we're setting a bad example of how we adults should handle a problem to the young ponies and a dragon...”

I hate to admit it, but Twilight's right. The four of us have all been acting like...little foals... I felt my two ears drooped when that realization struck me. I looked back and saw Macintosh and his sister's ears also flattened while the two of them were looking at each other...


Ah hate to admit it, but Twilight's right... We're actin' like a bunch of fools in front of the 'oung ones... In front of mah dear sister, of all ponies! Ah shook mah head. Ah feel so ashamed of mahself...

“Ah'm sorry, Big Mac...” Ah suddenly blurted out. Ah didn't care... Ah was at fault here...

“No AJ, Ah should be the one sayin' sorry to ya...” he frowned and placed his hoof on mah shoulder. “But please AJ, Ah love Twilight, an' you should support me for it...”

Ah glared tiredly at him. He still won't give up, ain't he? “Ah'm not lettin' you go and live the rest of your life to some tyrant unicorn mare, Mac,” Ah whispered icily, but the other two unicorns still heard it, consarn it...

Ah quickly turned at the to prepare mahself, and Ah saw white flanks opened his mouth to say somethin', but the purple one spoke quicker.

“Applejack, to make something clear, I am not a tyrant, nor am I a ruler!” Twilight explained.

“You are the ruler, at the moment, the last time I checked...”

“Not helping, Shining...” Twilight sighed. “Look, can we discuss this in another time? We only stopped by just so Apple Bloom could pay you a visit before we head to the rock farm.”

Ah arched an eyebrow. “Just what in the hayseed is Apple Bloom gonna be doin' in a rock farm?”

“Apple Bloom”

“We're gonna head there an' find this portal-thing so we can send the crystal heart to Jay!” Ah answered her question as soon as me, Spike and the gals stood before 'em. Earlier, we noticed that they became quieter, so we thought that it was safe enough to approach them. It was kinda mah fault that we were gettin' delayed anyway...

“Jay-who now?” Applejack turned to me with a confused frown.

Ah rolled mah eyes. “Jay is Gold Blitz's name in his world.”

Mah sister arched her eyebrow. “Apple Bloom? You believe in those stuff?”

Ah deadpanned. “Ah saw 'em with mah very own eyes, sis. Sheesh...” Ah shook mah head. “Ya need to get outta the farm some more...”

She frowned. “An' you, young missy, should be stayin' more in the farm to help out with the buckin' and the chores!”

Ah waved a hoof dismissively. “Sorry, but Ah'm not gonna be doin' all those borin' stuff.”

She glared at me. An' Ah glared back.

Suddenly, we heard mah cousin callin' us. Blinkin', we turned to his voice and saw him waving his hoof at us. He and a few of our cousins were seated 'round a wooden table just outside the barn house. An' the table had all these sort of apple dishes.


I licked my lips as I stared at the many delicious-looking food at that table... Mmm... When was the last time we had a decent meal? I couldn't remember, but whatever! Sorry Jay. I know we need to hurry but, hey, we can't do anything on an empty stomach, right? You said so a long time ago, so...

“Last one there's a rotten egg!” I shouted as I ran pass Twilight.

“Hey, no fair!” I heard Sweetie Belle shouted back, followed by her hooves close behind. I looked back and saw the other crusaders were following us now, and Twilight and the gang were also following in a slower pace.

Well, they say a hungry pony is a grumpy pony. Maybe all of them are just hungry? I chuckled as I climbed up on the chair.

“Twilight Sparkle”

“Last one there's a rotten egg!” Spike shouted as he ran passed me, and he was followed by the three young mares, and one of them shouted ‘Hey, no fair!’.

Just looking at their foalish behavior made me smile. When was the last time I just sat on a chair and read without a care in the world? I closed my eyes and let out a breath.

“Ah sure miss the ol' times...” I heard Applejack spoke. “Just runnin' 'round without a care in the world... What Ah wouldn't give to have that life back...”

I turned to her with a smile. “It's not too late to bring that back, you know.”

She turned to me with an arched eyebrow. “Sorry, but Ah don't see that happenin' any time soon.” She shook her head. “An' even if it does, Ah don't see mahself runnin' in the field like a foal...”

“Does that mean yer an old and wrinkly pony, AJ?” Macintosh faced his sister with a smirk.

Applejack glared. “Ah dare ya to repeat what ya just said, Mac...”

Shining just chuckled, shook his head, and walked pass us towards the table. “I believe in the saying that there is still a foal living inside each one of us.”

I turned to the Apple siblings again, and they both turned to me as well.

Macintosh gave me a smile. “Well, maybe Ah should start with a clean plate, princess.”

“I'm not a princess,” I frowned.

He chuckled. “Well, ta me, you are.” His sister rolled her eyes. “May Ah escort ya to the table, princess.”

I glared lightly at him with a small smile. “If you'll stop calling me a princess, then I'll let you.”


“Oh, pulease...” Applejack groaned.

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