• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 3,678 Views, 93 Comments

Quest For Harmony - destinedjagold

A young man found himself as an earth pony in a chaotic Equestria. He now needs to find a way back home, but after learning that the chaos in Equestria also affects his home world, he'll embark on a quest to bring back harmony to both worlds.

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Chapter 48 - Through The Storm

I don't know how to drive a two-wheeled vehicle. I don't know how to balance, and I don't want to have another fearsome accident again. When I was young, when my family was still as sticky as glue, my parents were teaching me how to ride a bike. To make things short, what was suppose to be another beautiful family bonding ended up in horror-panic when a car accidentally hit me. I'm really envious to those who are able to ride on bikes with ease. Every time I decide to try again, I couldn't...

But that didn't stop me from learning how to drive a motorbike. A three-wheeled motor bike, I mean. A tricycle. Claire and Kronz told me that our parents have arrived while I was still out, and they were now probably asleep inside their room. And oh, the power was still out, hence why there are only candles providing light in our house.

I left Claire and my bro in the living room as I quietly snuck inside our parents' room. I'm glad the strong and loud storm is filtering the creaking noise of their door, but I ain't taking any chances. Slipping inside, I quietly worked my way to their side-table, where a dimly-lit candle's struggling to live. Beside it was the one I needed. Quietly grabbing the keys, I then stared at my parents' sleeping forms. Yeah, my father still snores very very loud, and I have no idea how in the world my mom got used to such a noise.

I went out and quietly shut the door behind me. I went to the living room, and saw Kronz was ready with his laptop in tow. How many hours can his laptop stay on power, anyway? Well, he did made some modifications to it, so yeah... Claire was still insisting that we'd drop the idea, but nope. That ain't happening. It has been forever since my brother and I did something together that involves going outside and experience adventure. I took my gray jacket, tossed the two of them a jacket each, left a note on our dining table, went out of the house, wore some boots, opened our garage, drove my dad's tricycle out, closed the garage, Kronz and Claire sat on the passenger seats, and off we go.

It was really cold, and the wind is strong. I could barely see the road ahead of me. This storm has somehow created a thin layer of fog. But I doubt that anyone is on the road at this hour, and with this crazy storm. I just hope that the wind wont be strong enough to lift our tricycle flying in the air.

A small log on the road made us jump on our seats. Claire and Kronz hit the ceiling, and I couldn't hold my laugh. I felt my phone vibrating, but I don't want to trouble with it for a while. I'm driving here! The first time I ignored my phone vibrating, I was sent back to Equestria. I gulped, quickly pulled my phone from my pocket, and threw it at Claire's lap. She glared at me for a moment before opening the new message my phone received. My bro muttered something about my phone making his laptop go crazy, but I didn't mind him. I kept my attention on the road.

"It's blank!" Claire shouted through the loud wind and engine noise. I noticed that if the messages were from Spike, the message would instantly appear. But if it's blank, then... "O-oh, something is being written!" I knew it. It's probably the voice that I haven't heard for quite some time now. "'Twilight knew... She knew...' What does that mean?"

My bro shook his head. "I still can't believe my favorite pony's a bad pony!"

"I can't believe unicorns are bad ponies!" Claire chimed in, and I rolled my eyes at the two of them. Twilight knew... She knew what, exactly? Claire was typing on my phone, but groaned. "I can't send it..."

"Turn left, bro!" My bro spoke as he was busy with his laptop. I barely noticed an intersection ahead, and I then turned left when I could.

"Control your anger..." Claire spoke after my bro's laptop stopped being crazy. Control my anger, huh? That's a bit difficult to do, to be honest. I shook my head and concentrated on the road.

We were now reaching the edge of town, and I stopped on the road where the cemented path ends. With a crazy storm like this, and a very muddy path up ahead, I don't think this tricycle can handle it. I sighed as I informed them that we'd be walking on foot from here. As expected, they complained, but I shrugged. Claire again insisted that we'd go back, but I asked my bro of what to do from here. I don't really like making decisions if my bro's involved.

"Let's continue," my bro said with a nod, earning him a smile from me and a groan from Claire.

I shut the engine off, pulled the tricycle beside a thick and tall tree, chained it there, took three flashlights from my dad's toolbox, and we continued going to our destination by foot. I gave them each a flashlight, and with it to light our path, we continued our journey. Lucky that we were wearing boots, and for my bro to put his laptop inside his jacket. It was a sticky walk, and a cold and difficult one, but we did manage to reach the edge of a small forest bordering the town from the wild nature.

"I-it's safe there, right?" Claire asked as we slowly worked our way inside, where the forest ground is at least easier to walk on.

"I doubt that even predators would dare wander around with this kind of weather." I grinned.


"I'm kidding," I smiled at a glaring face. "There aren't really any animals here," I spoke as Claire and I followed my bro, who was walking ahead. "Aside from birds and squirrels and other small little animals."

As we continued our walk through the forest, I asked Claire for my phone back. She gave it back to me, and we continued our trek in silence. The occasional roars of thunder, the strong winds dancing with the wild rustling leaves and the whispers of the cold night wind are the only noises that were surrounding us.

We soon reached the other edge of the forest. Before us was the base of the mountains, which was a few meters from the edge of the forest. There's a cave, but that's not the one that caught our attention. We quickly turned our flashlights off and hid behind the trees. There were vehicles here and near the cave. One stood out the most, for it was the only vehicle with lights on. It was a van, with a satellite on it's roof. Huh, looks like we're not the only ones who are investigating this frequency thing...

"No one seems to be outside," my brother whispered.

"We're still going!?" Claire almost shouted. "What if we get caught? What if we're trespassing!?"

I nodded, "I agree with Cl---" My brother was already walking stealthily towards the cave. "Kro---oh, whatever," I groaned and turned to Claire. "I'll follow and try to stop him." I love adventure, and I certainly want to spend more time with my bro, but there are limits, and as a big brother, it's my responsibility to make my younger siblings see logic. "Stay here and wait for us?"

"Y-you're leaving me?" she shook her head hastily. "No way. I'm going with, but we're only going to get Kronz, and then we head back."

I nodded. "Sounds like a plan." I turned and saw my brother went inside the cave. Darn it...! "Let's go."

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