• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 3,678 Views, 93 Comments

Quest For Harmony - destinedjagold

A young man found himself as an earth pony in a chaotic Equestria. He now needs to find a way back home, but after learning that the chaos in Equestria also affects his home world, he'll embark on a quest to bring back harmony to both worlds.

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Final Chapter - The End

I can't believe that all of those chaos happened on just three darn days! I mean, come on! It felt longer than that! Right? Or maybe it's just me? But still, I couldn't believe it!

I mean, really. It was Friday, and it was a city holiday. Festival and all that. Claire and I rode the bus to Sun Ford. Note, that was Friday! And then, Kronz, Claire and I went to Mount Comet around midnight. So, it was a Saturday, and then, I went to Equestria again...

But after I woke up, it was still Saturday? I couldn't believe it, but I guess it was because I couldn't see what time of day it was because of the thick and black clouds.

Then the mist. I was caught in the mist for...God-knows how long. But Kronz told me that it was a Sunday when they suddenly saw me being dragged by those military people.

And then Xilfer, Rainbow Dash and I went back to Mount Comet, when we finally defeated Sombra, everything almost came back to normal, and I saw the beautiful Sunday sunset. It was beautiful at that time, but now, it felt weird. Because really, a lot of things happened in just a span of three days?

Well, I guess a lot has happened to me in the span of three days. And that's just unfair. After everything though, I felt really really tired. I always am, but, it's hard to explain, but after everything, we went home and I fell on our sofa and instantly fell asleep after Xilfer assured me to contact Kronz and Claire.

I then woke up from the sounds of repairs outside, and the news reporter on tv. A few houses were broken and needed repairs in Sun Ford. Our neighboring town, Selaro, had a lot of fixing to do, since, I think Sombra summoned large spikes in that area, destroying a lot of houses.

And then there's the bridge. I cringed at the thought that the people living on the island will be trapped there. Fortunately, the government provided free boat rides from the island to the city, and vice versa.

And oh, speaking of the government, Xilfer and Kronz sent the ‘recording’ to a lot of television channels. I was asleep during the live broadcast at that time, but I woke up in time to see the news about me and a few others fighting Sombra above Mount Comet. It was difficult for me to believe that someone else was there, but after a while, the news was turned to a teen guy who invented the robot spy fly thing, or whatever he called it.

I turned off the tv, but my mom, who was in the kitchen, told me to turn it back on, since she wanted to hear the news. I was about to roll my eyes that time when I realized that I haven't seen my mom for a long time. So, after turning the tv back on, I went to the kitchen and gave her a hug. And damn, it felt great. Unfortunately, she scolded me for doing all of those crazy stuff. She told me that I could have hurt or get killed. I couldn't blame her. It was true.

But anyway, after that, a few small talks about it, I went outside, and from the colors of the morning, I could tell it was around ten in the morning. Mom was still preparing breakfast, so I had time to walk around that time.

While I was out walking, lots of pipz recognized me now as the ‘hero’. And although it was flattering to hear, it was also annoying. I don't like being on the spotlight, so my plan of walking around town became a walk towards the beach. That time, I thought that maybe the pipz are busy settling back to their homes, and I was right. There was nopon—no one in the beach other than myself.


Anyway, I walked around, busy with my thoughts, until I found a large rock for me to sit on. How I missed the cold and salty breeze, and the relaxing and peaceful waves of the beach.

Pony... Twilight stepped out of the portal that time, and giggled like a little filly for ‘having stepped into a totally new world’. Spike and I rolled our eyes at her. And then somepony growled. It was Rainbow Dash, and she stood protectively in front of Scootaloo.

It took us a lot of convincing for her to believe that the war was indeed over, and when she finally did, she was ‘too awesome’ to apologize. I forced my bro to force her to apologize though, and she did, though she gave me a glare afterwards.

I knew there were lots of things that we could have talked about, but unfortunately, the portal was starting to close for whatever reason. It was...very hard to say goodbye to those ponies, especially Spike. Never had I thought that I'd be so attached to the little guy. After our hug, I helped him back to the portal, and tossed Sombra's horn to Twilight, who caught it with her magic.

We said goodbyes, and we waved hands and hooves and claw at each other until the portal totally closed and vanished...

...and all of those were recorded by the damn robot spy fly thing! During my conversation with my mom, I could hear the news switched to the ‘bronies’, where the whole world, apparently, cheered for the ‘evidence’ that ponies and the pony world actually exist.

Bronies really is a large and weird fandom. Aw well. I'm glad I'm a member of this weird fandom though. Unfortunately, they were disappointed when the international group committee thingy decided for Mr. Cortes, Claire's dad, to close all the remaining portals, for ‘security and safety’ reasons... The military of different regions rounded up the strange creatures though, but the creatures obediently followed orders to return to their world. Even that giant hydra! I said my farewell to Xelene though, and I reminded her of her snoring smoke problem. She slapped the tip of her tail on my head as her reply. Damn, I could still feel how painful that was...

After the last of the creatures finally went back home, Mr. Cortes and his scientists closed the portals with their machines. After that, the military destroyed everything, even their paper works and computers. I thought they would be looking hurt about it though. They must have spent an awful lot of time and effort on their project. But I was proven wrong when they smiled and cheered. I guess they weren't really researching about it if our government was demanding them to do it.

And about our government, all of those involved in the project were now on the wanted list. A lot were arrested, while some surrendered, but a few fled and was never heard of again. That's a bit scary to think about, but the whole world is looking for them, so I guess I shouldn't worry about it.

Hm... What else... Oh yeah, I asked Kronz about his bullying problems, and Xilfer did told me the truth. Kronz never mentioned them to me 'cause I always looked worn out, and he didn't want to trouble me for his problems. Well, whatever the case, he seemed to have a lot of friends now after everything that happened. And I'm glad for that. He could really use the outdoor exercise than being a shut-in computer geek or something.

And as for Xilfer, well, he's still the same. Although, a lot has changed as well, but he prefer to make it look like nothing has happened. I respected his decision though.

As for myself, well, the dudes who beaten me into a pulp all apologize when working day resumed. I shrugged it off and simply asked them to work an honest job each and everyday. I forgave them as well, but they still look frightened when I walk by. Sheesh... Well, other than that, my parents seemed to be more...close now. I hope that'll last forever though. Aside from that though...

“Jay?” Claire's voice called out from the kitchen, where she was busy cooking. “Food's almost ready. Can you prepare the table please?”

Jay smiled from the sofa, as he pulled his attention away from his notebook and looked at the kitchen. “A moment, Claire.”

“Okay, but don't take too long!” Claire replied. “Our families' gonna be here any moment.”

Jay smiled. “I know, I know... Let me add just a small bit on my notes.” He then leaned back to the notebook and continued writing.

...apparently, Claire and I are a thing now... I guess?


“Coming, coming!” Jay replied as he stood up and hurried to the kitchen. Claire smiled at him, and he returned it with a smile as well. ‘It still feels kinda weird though, Claire and I, I mean, but so far, I...kinda like it.’ Jay took out a few plates and placed them on the table. ‘I just hope that, whatever we are now, we'll continue to be ourselves, and love each other for who we are. Yeah, that sounds mighty cheesy, but oh well.’ He was about to grab a few forks when he felt his phone vibrating. He took it out and saw that he received a new text message.

Claire stepped beside him to take a look. “From an unknown sender?” she asked with a knowing smile.

Jay chuckled. “Yeah,” he opened the text message, “unknown indeed.”

Spike breathed out green fumes of flame, and was then materialized into a scroll.

“What's it say, Spike?” Twilight asked, her voice having clear signs of eagerness and worry, as she eyed the baby dragon who rolled his eyes in annoyance as he rolled his eyes.

“Sheesh, Twilight, you need to chillax!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Chillax?” She shook her head. “That's not even a word.”

“It is to Rainbow Dash,” Spike chuckled. “Anyway, uh,” Spike's smile turned into a worried frown, and then arched an eyebrow. “Jay said that Cadence is probably a...”

“Twilight Sparkle,” Cadence called, stepping inside the castle library, and startling a few ponies inside. Her eyes boringly gazed at the two purple beings on the other side of the library. “There you are. I need to ask why we are holding off my wedding with Shi—with your beloved brother?” she asked as she approached them.

Twilight and Spike turned to each other, and the dragon smirked as he turned the scroll so the unicorn could read it's contents. Suddenly, Twilight's eyes widened, and an evil grin spreads across her face. She then faced the alicorn, who arched an eyebrow as soon as she noticed the unicorn's grin.

“Oh, I'm so so sorry, dear Princess Mi Amore Cadenza,” Twilight said as Spike rushed out of the library with an evil grin. The unicorn teleported beside the alicorn, and ushered her to walk with her out of the library. “Why don't we go to your dressing room so we can prepare while Spike sees to it that the ceremony will be ready?”

“Finally,” Cadence groaned, her eyes glowed green for a split of a second, and Twilight noticed it. “The quicker the better. I need to return to the Crystal Empire, remember?”

Twilight nodded, looking very excited. “Oh, of course!”

“Have you ever met Chrysalis in Equestria, Jay?” Claire asked as she prepared the food.

“Eenope,” Jay replied.

“Well, do you think they can handle them?”

Jay smirked. “Eeyup. Sad I couldn't be there to see it though” he chuckled, and Claire sadly smiled for the world of pain the changeling queen has walked into.

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