• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 3,678 Views, 93 Comments

Quest For Harmony - destinedjagold

A young man found himself as an earth pony in a chaotic Equestria. He now needs to find a way back home, but after learning that the chaos in Equestria also affects his home world, he'll embark on a quest to bring back harmony to both worlds.

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Chapter 122 - Growl



I felt my consciousness returning, yet, at the same time, it's slipping away from me... I felt cold, weak, and in pain. I wanted to grit my teeth to ease this headache, but I lost all energy I had within me, as if I was nothing but a doll lying on this wet and cold surface.

There was a very loud crashing noise earlier, but my ears were too tired to ache about it... After that, I felt like I fell on this cold and wet surface, and then I heard faint noises. Splashes of water... Heavy footsteps... Gun shots... Shouts and screams... Explosions... Choppers...

Finally, I felt my consciousness returning more and more, and I finally saw images through my half-lidded eyes. Concrete road... It was running below me... Am I hovering?

There were loud yet muffled voices on my sides... My ears were still tired, probably, yet I somehow recognized the manner of those voices. I felt like turning my head. I slightly did, and I caught a glimpse of those beside me.

S-soldiers were carrying me... I don't know where, but probably to safety, I suppose.

“W-wait...” I wanted to shout it, but I only managed a whisper, and it barely broke through the shouts of my two draggers...

I decided to take deep breaths. That's a good way to circulate one's blood flow. Sooner than I expected, I finally recovered enough strength for me to move. My ears were working now.

“W-wait,” I managed to say loudly, but they didn't stop, although one of them regarded me with a question...a stupid one, though...

He asked how I was doing. I wanted to roll my eyes at that, but I tried to struggle to get myself free from their grasps. I wasn't able to, however, so I pleaded and pleaded. I needed to get back to the island. After a few failed attempts to make them stop, I hung my head low and saw what I was wearing. I don't remember wearing a plain white t-shirt and black short pants...

I blinked at that. No, I didn't feel my cellphone there in any of the pockets... I struggled again, trying to tell them that I needed to go back. My cellphone was left behind, and I needed it to contact Spike!

Finally, by miracle or whatever, I did manage to get myself free from them. I don't actually remember how, but the important thing was that I did. I tried to talk to them, but after they tried to catch me, they left me alone and went back to...somewhere.

Darn it, I need a plan! And fast! I looked around, and things aren't looking good here. From the far distance, I could see tall walls of black crystal rising from the earth. I caught a glimpse of a black horse, and I felt a cold shiver running down to my spine. Darn it... Darn it darn it darn it!

This is bad! This is really really bad! I need to get back to the island. Yes, I need to get back. I need to...what's that weird sound?

I looked up and...my breath left me. “Rainbow Dash!?”

I don't know if I'm seeing things, nor do I know why there's a Rainbow Dash falling towards me, but I tried to raise my arms to catch it, but it fell too quickly, and it hit my head...


I can't believe that Xilfer went too far this time... I just can't... I don't want to believe it, but when I saw Claire's face...it made me hurt inside. Never had I seen her so down and sad, yet she tried not to let it bother her... I pretty much envy her strength. I can't possibly imagine what I'd do if one of my brothers were kidnapped...

I shook my head. No, there's no time for that. I needed to slap some sense back to my stupid brother.

I sat on Claire's sofa as I vigorously typed a message on Kronz's phone. I noticed Rainbow Dash was curiously staring at the cellphone on the corner of my eye. I might as well tell her a few things about my world though.

“This is called a cellphone...” I faced her as I turned the device to her so she could have a clearer look at it. She took a curious look at it though, and lightly tapped the buttons with a hoof.

It's kinda strange to see a real-life pony in...real life... Hm, that didn't sound right. W-wait... That reminds me...

Rainbow's here. How? Last time I saw her was when...she stopped that huge mana beam. And she just...disappeared. I...no...we thought for sure that she was dead... Scootaloo's sad face returned in my memory. I can't wait to tell her the good news... If I get the chance, that is. I might be able to, once I learn where Rainbow had come from...or rather, how Rainbow had appeared here. Did she just got here? How long was she here? Tsk... I hope she didn't went through that portal on top of Mount Comet...

I blinked as I finally returned my attention back in reality. I saw the cellphone was on the sofa, in between me and the curious pegasus, who was poking it with a hoof.

“Oh yeah, before that,” I caught her attention, and I flashed her a small smile. “Rainbow, how did you end up here, anyway?”

Rainbow Dash didn't seem to believe me when I told everyone about the war was over. Even though I couldn't understand her, it was obvious that she was laughing her lungs out. I tried to convince her, but typical Dash, just shoving it away with a hoof. I gave up trying when Claire finished her cooking.

She made noodles and pancakes.

Damn. When was the last time I ate, anyway? I couldn't quite remember. Also, her cooking was so good. I think Kronz and Dash agrees with me. Judging from their shiny clean plates and bowls. Heh.

I saw a small smile on Claire's face though. Dunno why, but I'm really glad to see it. I smiled and thanked her.

I decided to write the email myself. I needed to inform Spike that I'm okay now, and that I needed the Crystal Heart to stop Sombra. But as I wrote the email though, I wondered: how was he suppose to send the heart here? Could he use his green fire to send it to me? But, won't that destroy my cellphone or something?

...and...would I be able to defeat him though...? I don't know how to use the heart... I needed to figure that out sooner than later...

Maybe Twilight can help with both problems: sending the heart and how to use it, but I'm not sure if she is able to. After all, she was unable to use her magic when I left. Maybe she's still looking for Zecora? I dunno, but I felt that so much time has already passed. Also, time in the pony world is faster than in my world, so there's a chance that Twilight's already cured. I hope...

“Spike, it's me, Jay. Yeah, I'm okay now, and I hope you are, too. Hey listen, I wish I could say something more, but Sombra has caused great damage here already. Do you have the heart now? If you have, could I ask you to get Twilight and ask her of a better way to bring the heart here? I don't think your green flame would be a good idea though... Unless Twilight says otherwise. And oh, could you ask her if she knows how to use the heart? Also, be careful out there as well!”

“Uh...bro?” I heard Kronz calling me. After I hit the send button—and hoped that Spike would get it—I turned to my bro.

Kronz was staring at the window, and...I don't like the worry in his tone.

“...big trouble...”

Rainbow got up from the sofa and turned to the window behind her as I stood up and walked beside my bro. Far away, on the pier, soldiers were already retreating while huge numbers of blue ponies were marching at them.

A powerful roar echoed in the sky as a blue dragon flew overhead, firing black beams at the evading helicopters.

“Jay!” a familiar voice shouted from below.

I looked down and saw Xilfer, climbing down from a big motor bike with a young girl in tow. He then tilted his head up at me as two more bikes stopped near him.

“Rose!” Claire shouted. I didn't even notice that she was beside me.

“B-big sis!” the young girl called.

Rainbow said something, but I didn't understand what it was. Claire ran to the door and opened it. Kronz and I stared at each other before running after Claire. I heard loud clopping noises following behind me. Rainbow probably decided to follow us.

By the time the three of us reached the ground floor, we saw Claire and the young girl were hugging each other in tears. Xilfer stood at the opened door, staring at me. Rainbow growled for some odd reason. She was about to march forward, but Kronz stopped her. What's her problem?

“Rainbow?” I panted as I stared at the pegasus. She was growling at Xilfer for some reason. She didn't even looked at me when I called. I wondered what was wrong. I turned to my bro. “You know each other or something?”

“Something like that,” Xilfer replied flatly as he stared at the pegasus for a short while before he stared back at me. “Hey,” he said suddenly.

“H-hey...” I panted... Man, I need to work out some more...

Three men suddenly went inside. One of them closed the door in a hurry.

“Soldiers are comin', man!” the one who closed the door said. “I-I'm starting to doubt if this was a good idea!”

“The soldiers aren't the ones we should worry about,” Xilfer replied, giving him a side-glance.

The noises outside were muffled by the walls and the door and windows of the apartment building, but it was getting louder and louder...

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