• Published 30th Nov 2012
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The Winds of Change - AgentSnail

A man named Jason wakes up in Equestria as a changeling, and must quickly adapt to blend in and survive. Making use of unlikely allies, can he forge a usable existence into this strange and surprisingly hostile new world?

  • ...

The Plan

The Plan

"You're not half bad."

"Glad to be seen that way, for a change." Jason took a bite of an apple that had been passed to him. He stared at it. The apple tasted good, but not any sort of taste he had ever experienced before, and it definitely wasn't the taste an apple should have. "What the hell? Pass me that carrot." he grabbed the carrot that she had passed to him, and he took a bite. It tasted exactly the same. "These taste exactly like one another..." he sighed, already missing his old taste buds, which had apparently been replaced by these new ones that thought everything was delicious.

"So that apple tastes like that carrot to you? Lucky you, I hate carrots."

"Yeah... I miss my old tastebuds..." He tried a sandwich, he tried some milk and some orange juice, with the exact same results. In desperation, he grabbed a small candle that was on the table and took a bite out of it.

"What are you doing?!?! Are you insane?"

Jason spat out the bite of candle, which had tasted terrible. "I get it now. It's like something that tells me whether or not stuff is edible. I guess that's a good adaptation to have. He set the candle back down, bite marks and all, and relaxed contentedly. The food had eased his hunger, even if he was supposed to feed on love. He doubted that it actually did any more than delay the inevitable starvation.

"So, um, I have some leftovers and I'm not really sure if they're good, and I was just wondering if--"

"Don't push it." Jason interrupted, pausing to think. "On another subject, though, what are you going to do with me?"

"Well I can't just release you on the town, so I guess I'll either have to keep you here, which I don't really want to do, or I could bring you to this thing me and my friends were going to today, because it's not like you can really escape me, the fastest flyer in Equestria!"

"That's as good of a plan as any, I suppose. But this time, we need to figure out a backstory behind you being my friend, because last time I may have decided to wing it, and it didn't end well, and it's not like I'm gonna go around telling people that I'm actually an alien."

"What do you mean by last time?"

"Huh? Oh! Well, I have been hanging around Ponyville for a while..."

Her eyes narrowed. "So I was right about you stealing love from ponies!!!"

"No! Nothing like that! The most I got was some gratitude from Applebloom, but that was after I healed her face."

"What did you do to her that needed heeling?"

"Not me, I didn't do anything. It was Diamond Tiara. She was the one to punch Applebloom. Then she kinda got me mad and I may have beaten her up. At least she deserved it..." Dash seemed to relax.

"Well I guess I can't blame you for beating her up, it's not like anyone really cares anyway..." They both went silent for a moment. Jason was the first to speak.

"So how did you end up crashing into that wall?"

"Oh, heh heh, well I was doing this really awesome trick, where there's a flip mixed with a corkscrew while consistently changing the angle of the axis that the flips are on. Thats what the flight book said anyway. I've really been struggling to come up with new ideas for tricks, so I looked there, not that I read all the time or anything. Anyway, on the sixth flip I overcompensated for the new angle, and corkscrewed early, and lets just say, I left my mark after that one."

"And what happened after I passed out?"

"Oh, well I basically tried to stop the bleeding for a while, before realizing that I had no idea what I was doing. Then I had a fight with myself over what to do about you, because I didn't really know what I could do. Anyway, by the time I had decided to bring you back here, it was dark. Basically I just flew you up here after that, and then went to sleep, at least until some loud guy woke me up..."

"Oh thanks. You try waking up tied to a bed with CRACKS in your body." His gaze softened. "Thanks for deciding to save me though. I'm not sure what I would've done otherwise..."

"I'm sure that you would've been fine..."

"Do you know why I was there in that dark alley?" He asked.

"No, I guess not."

"Well after I got caught, long story short I almost got away cleanly until your friend Twilight hit me with some spell." He sighed. "Said spell forced my body to change back into this form, and let me tell you, it hurt. A whole lot more than anything you can imagine. So I was stuck back there with a whole bunch of pain, couldn't transform as a semi lasting effect of the spell, and was running out of love."

"Wow...I had no idea..."

"It's fine now though, thanks to you, so let's not worry about it anymore."

She nodded. "Fair enough."

"Back on subject, this is why I need a complete backstory, preferably one with several historical events we shared, so that it becomes all the more believable, and all of that doesn't happen again. So first things first, appearance." Jason got up from the table, and moved to a semi clear spot in the room."

"Ooh wait, before we start, transform into me!"

"Ugh, fine." The familiar green flames enveloped his body, leaving a sky blue pegasus in its wake.

She didn't look too surprised. She walked around Jason, humming thoughtfully, before returning to her original position. "That was pretty spot on, good job. I'd have to say, if I was someone else, I wouldn't know the difference."

"Well this is strange," said Jason. "It's weird enough having a new body, but having the body of a mare..." He trailed off.

"Is there a problem with being a mare?" Dash growled.

"Oh. No, it's just that I used to be a male where I came from, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, that." She looked sheepish. "Sorry."

"No prob." He transformed back into changeling form.

"You know, you're pretty tall, even for a stallion."

"So I've heard. Now, what do you want me to look like? Remember that this is a semi permanent disguise. No pressure." He paused. "And I refuse to be a mare. It's just too strange."

"Okay, just do something random, and I'll tell you what to change."

"Always gotta make things hard, don't you..."

"Well what else would I do with myself? Hurry up, I just remembered that we gotta be at Sugarcube Corner in an hour." she tapped her wrist.

"Mares..." Jason said as he shifted into a slightly shorter light grey pegasus stallion with a black mane. Briefly looking himself over, he added slightly hacker gray flares at the ends of his wings.

"Mhm, okay," she said as she observed Jason's new form. "Pretty good, but the first thing that stands out is: where's you're cutie mark?"

"Well, I figured those things need backstory too, so I didn't make one yet."

"Okay, fine, but you need to bulk up a little, slightly elongate the ears, and exaggerate the jaw line a little more." Jason looked at her with a look of amusement. "What?"

"Are you just telling me what you want to see in your 'dream stallion'?" He tried to do air quotes but failed miserably, hooves and all.


"Okay then, since I'm NOT awesome looking, can I at least get a mirror to look at the damage?" She smirked and hoofed him a mirror. He tried to grab it, but it just fell onto the floor. He looked at his hoof, then Dash. She shrugged. He sighed. "How am I supposed to pick things up with FLAT hooves?"

"Try harder?" She smiled.

"It's all so clear to me now, thanks for all the help." He tried again, and again, and again, making himself look like a stallion who was trying to kill his mirror. 'Wait, what if it's like magic, and I have to kinda just think that it works...' He picked up the mirror. "I still don't see how it--" the mirror fell, and Dash laughed. Jason deadpanned, picking the mirror up again, this time with his magic. He turned it towards himself, and took a nervous look. His face lit up. "Hey, I don't look half bad! Too bad this crack in my face made a scar, though, he tapped his face. Makes me look pretty badass though. Have I ever told you you have good taste in stallions, Dash?" She punched him in the shoulder, blushing.

"So how about that cutie mark? What're you good at?"

"I can build small explosives pretty well..."

"Like fireworks?"

"Like weapons. You could say that it's illegal, but you know, they're good for knife fights with hobos over shopping cart rights." She looked at him, a shocked look on her face, before he sighed. "Fine, I'll be serious. No one here ever gets my humor. Basically everything I'm good at involves technology or limbs that I don't have anymore, so I'm stuck on what to do."

"Well what do you think about in your free time?"

"Besides world domination? That's a toughie. Hmm. Back where I came from, I was quite the strategist. We could derive something from that." He was beginning to think that this was a lost cause.

"Well, you could have a chess piece as a cutie mark, that could work."

"Hmm, good, but I'd like something to add to it, if you know what I mean. I guess I'll give it some partial camouflage colors, in honor of the fact that I'm a changeling. Boop." The cutie mark appeared. "There it is, you can now be amazed." She looked at the cutie mark, and finding no obvious problems, moved on. "You know, all this reminds me of my country's military. What do you guys have here in terms of a standing army?"

"We have a few hundred royal guards," she said, looking proud. Jason scoffed, confusing her.

"My country has a military of easily over a million men, all armed to the teeth with devices that can kill someone from hundreds of feet away, in less time than it takes to blink." Her jaw dropped.

"And I thought our military program was large. We don't even have a population the size of your army."

"Pretty cool huh. Oh, and they use those planes to fight also. They're one of the most important things in warfare."

"Nice!" She looked around quickly, seemingly panicked, before turning back to Jason. "Hey, guy, we have to be at Sugarcube Corner soon, and we should probably not be too late. There's no telling what Pinkie would do."

"Okay, then we need a backstory. So far, I'm a strategic, military oriented guy who was your friend since before you came to Ponyville. When did we supposedly meet?"

"Cloudsdale. The only other pony I knew there that I still see regularly was Fluttershy, but after she found all of her little animal friends, she stayed near the ground, while I stayed in Cloudsdale, so we have a few months to work with there. Let's say I literally ran into you during my brief stint on the Cloudsdale weather patrol, while you were also involved. We became good friends, but then I left for Ponyville, and you had to leave for Manehattan, where you were earlier born and raised by your parents Shine and Glamour."

"Okay, so what were specific things we did in Cloudsdale?" Rainbow looked at the clock again.

"Um, lets say we just did general stuff, like flying around, but if need be, I'll make up a reference that makes sense, and you can just be like 'oh yeah I remember that' or something."

"Are you sure you're not part Changeling and you just didn't tell me?"


"You came up with that backstory in no time flat. It was pretty awesome."

"What's you're name going to be?"

"Ha, I thought of this. I was thinking about Alternis. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"Actually, I kinda like it. It's still not a normal pony name, but it's a lot better than Jason." She looked at the clock. "Oh ponyfeathers! We're gonna be late! Hurry up!"

"What's the big deal?"

"Last time I was late Pinky acted like I was hours late, and wouldn't stop yelling at me, and I don't want to go through that again."

"Fine" Jason said, walking out the door.

"Hey, wait up!" Jason stopped at the end of her cloud yard, looking down. The could house was slightly to the side of Ponyville, probably at least a half mile up. Below, he could see lots of tiny colorful dots moving about, bustling in the tiny town. Dash walked up behind him.

"Betcha never seen the town from up here have you?"

"Can't say I have." He continued looking around, before looking back at Dash. "Hey."

"Yeah?" She looked over. Jason smiled.

"Race you to that cloud..."