• Published 30th Nov 2012
  • 22,496 Views, 1,783 Comments

The Winds of Change - AgentSnail

A man named Jason wakes up in Equestria as a changeling, and must quickly adapt to blend in and survive. Making use of unlikely allies, can he forge a usable existence into this strange and surprisingly hostile new world?

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Beginning Anew

Beginning Anew

"Hey Twilight! The Princess wrote back!"

"Ugh, Spike, why did you have to wake me up so early? Why did the Princess write back so early? Oh my god, what if it's urgent? Spike, quick, give me the letter." Spike started to walk over to Twilight, before she impatiently levitated the parchment out of his claw.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I am surprised that you have information that indicates the presence of a changeling healer. I would like to first mention that they are not myth, although a concrete sighting has not been reported for nearly fifty years. These changelings are far more powerful than regular changelings, and tend to have greater conscious thought, because the hive mind does not seem to be as much a part of them as it is with others. Hopefully you and your friends ran it out of town, because they can tend to be even harder to expose than regular changelings, because they are better able to adapt to their situations. It does strike me as odd that the healer would come alone, they are generally not associated with non-invasion related plans.

Your proud mentor,
Princess Celestia

Twilight looked up from the letter, unsure whether to be annoyed that she was wrong, or scared that a changeling might still be in town. Opting for the latter, she immediately realized that if the changeling wasn't run out of town that day, it was likely that he may never be exposed again. "I can't believe I blew my only chance! Ugh, what will I do now?!?!" The worst part about this whole scenario, she decided, was the inability for her to do anything to specifically expose the changeling. She sighed. She hated not being able to do anything. Not knowing what else to do, she went downstairs to the smell of Spike cooking eggs.


"Race you to that cloud," Jason challenged

"You're on," Rainbow Dash replied, crouching into a better starting position.

"Ready, Set, Go!" They both jumped off the line, and from the beginning, it was clear that Jason wasn't going to win. He was only in charge of by how much he lost. Not too far in, he started to feel fatigued, and his wounds started to act up. Jason groaned. With the cloud nearing, Jason put on a new burst of speed against his better judgement, arriving a few seconds later than Dash.

"I won," she boasted, striking a pose, "Just more proof on how awesome I am."

"Hey, come on, I gave you a run for your money, especially considering how injured I am."

"It wasn't even close." She stuck out her tongue at him. Jason frowned. She sighed. "I guess you're right though, we need to have a rematch when you get better. I'll still win, though."

"Don't we have somewhere to be?" Dash seemed to snap out of her ego, looking worried.

"Well hurry up then, I would've been there already if I didn't have to wait for you to catch up." She gloated, eliciting some chuckles from Jason.

"Someday, that ego's going to be your downfall."

"Yeah, whatever. Let's go."

"Oh, fine, I'll humor you and your OCD"

"Ugh, you can never be easy, can you?"

"No." He started flying towards Sugarcube Corner, which he could see in the distance, attempting to not injure himself further.


They arrived at Sugarcube Corner only moments later, pushing through the door. A tiny bell sounded the entry of another customer. Jason looked around, seeing a few of Dash's friends at a table, specifically Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, and Twilight. Only Applejack was missing. They both walked up, a few 'hi's" being offered before Jason was noticed, provoking some awkward stares and strange glances.

"Hey guys, this is an old friend of mine that just came into Ponyville, his name's Alternis." Jason waved. "Alternis, this is Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie." She said, gesturing to the respective ponies. Pinkie suddenly jumped up from the table faster than jason thought was possible, and ran over to Jason, shaking his hoof furiously.

"I've never seen you in Ponyville before, I guess that's because you just moved here isn't it?" Before he could answer, or even nod, Pinkie continued. "Ooh, I need to throw you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party, and everyone'll be invited, and I'll bring my special punch and It'll be so much fun and mhrmmrned..." Jason stuck a hoof in her mouth, turning to the others at the table.

"How long till she stops?"

"Couldn't be that much longer," Twilight responded with a shrug.

"Okay then." He took his hoof out of Pinkie's mouth, and was met with another barrage of words.

"and did I ever tell you that I know everyone, and I mean everyone in Ponyville?"


"Oh, okay." She pranced back to her seat, and sat down happily. She really looked like a drug addict. Maybe she was? Naaah...

"Darling, aren't you the handsome one." Rarity said, coming over to look at Jason. "I could get you the most glamourous clothes, you have so much to work with!"

"Um, thanks?"

"You're very welcome, darling. I'm just surprised that someone as obtuse as Dash would know someone like you." She trailed a hoof down his neck, then noticed the scar on his face. "Oh, goodness darling! What happened to your face?"

"I just got cut by a knife by some mugger in Manehattan. No big deal."

"You couldn't be more wrong, darling. This scar destroys the perfection that otherwise exists on your face." She continued to trail her hoof up and down Jason's neck.

Deciding that this had become weird enough, he backed up a little, blushing slightly. "Okay..."

"Rarity, stop pestering our guest. He just got here." She turned to Jason. "Sit down." Twilight magically pulled out two chairs, and Jason and Dash sat down. "So how did you end up in Ponyville with Dash?"

The first thing Jason noticed about her was doubt. 'So she's still on high guard after what happened earlier, I guess I better not screw up.' "Well, basically, Dash and I met in Cloudsdale a couple years back on the weather patrol, but when she left for Ponyville, I left for Manehattan, where I've been living between then and now. Anyway, I got fired from my job in Manehattan, and came here to look for a new one. Dash here was nice enough to let me stay at her house."

"Mhm, I see." She didn't seem any less critical of him. "How did you get your cutie mark?"

"Oh, that. Well, I beat everyone I knew at every large strategy game I had, and after I won a mock war with some of my friends when I was a kid, I got this baby." He gestured.

"Why does it have all those weird colors?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, part of my strategy is the use of constant unpredictability and guerrilla tactics, so you could say that the camouflage works well with that notion." At this point, he was really just making things up off the top of his head. Hopefully he wouldn't screw up later and forget what he said today.

"I'd say that's reason enough to have some food!" Pinkie exclaimed, running into the kitchen, returning moments later with a platter covered in cupcakes. "Here you go, Everypony!" Jason took a cupcake, looking it over. It was as flawless in appearance as possible. He took a bite.

It tasted like the candle. Confused, he tried to swallow it, but then, halfway through, decided to spit it out. He ended up with cupcake mush in his throat, and choked. He started coughing, and threw a glance at Dash. She seemed to know what was going on, he hoped. She threw and inquisitive glance back, and he shook his head slightly. Coughing some more, he finally managed to cough up the offending cupcake chunk into a napkin. It was covered in greenish slime. He was glad he had caught it. He noticed a trash can, and tossed it over.

'Why was a PINKIE cupcake supposedly inedible? They're supposed to be the best baking in Equestria. Maybe it has something to do with the diet for a changeling?'

"Mares and Stallions, that is how you make a first impression!" Dash exclaimed.

"Thanks for all the support, Dash" He managed to get out between further coughs.

Applejack walked in. "Sorry, Ya'll, but ah had to finish bucking some more apple trees before ah could come here."

"Never you mind, darling, you're here, and that's what matters." Rarity said.

Jason turned around. Applejack looked confused. "Hey, I'm Alternis, I'm a friend of Dash. Pleased to meet your acquaintance." He shook her hoof.

"Ah'm Applejack. Any friend of Dash's is a friend of mine." She smiled.

"So, now that we're all here, lets get this party started!" Pinkie yelled.

"Pinky, we aren't here for a party, this was just supposed to be a nice breakfast between friends." Twilight said.

"Hey, Dash, mind if I leave and have a look around town? I don't want to intrude, and if I'm going to be living here I might as well know what Ponyville looks like." She nodded her approval, passing him a few bits. He frowned. "I don't want to mooch off of you too much..."

"Nah. It's cool, I have more than I know what I can do with. Cloud houses don't exactly have water bills or mortgages."

"Well," he spoke louder, "I'll leave you guys to it, I'm going to go have a look around town."

"Well ah hope to see ya again soon, Sugarcube." Applejack replied. A few other responses of similar subject were heard, except from Fluttershy, who had yet to say anything. Jason briefly toyed with the idea that he was feared, before saying another goodbye, and pushing open the door. Too bad he really had nothing to do... He thought about what he could possibly do before he came up with a plan. A good plan. A mischievous and crafty plan. Looking around, he saw a shop sign with a hammer and anvil, and made a bee line towards the place of business.

Jason walked through the door, catching the eye of a pony that was covered in soot. "I take it you're the blacksmith?" He ventured.

"Yup. The one and only."

"Well I have a bit of a weird order, if you can fulfill it." He took a deep breath. If anyone knew what he wanted, it would be the blacksmith. "I want a twenty pounds total of 75% saltpeter 15% softwood charcoal, and 10% sulfur, by weight. Will that work?"

"Weird order is right, but sure, I can hook ya up. One sec."

"Good, Good" The blacksmith returned a few minutes later with a few small bags. Jason grabbed them in his mouth, and set them by his feet. "How Much?"

"Well, that stuff isn't in any real demand, so how about four bits?" Jason hoped he wasn't being ripped off, but four bits for twenty pounds of supplies sounded fair enough. He grabbed the small bag that Dash had given him from beneath his wing, counted out the bits, and handed them to the blacksmith.



Jason walked back out of the shop, and looked for a botanist shop. There was one right next store to the blacksmith, so he walked in. "Well that's convenient..." There was a pony he didn't recognize behind the counter, and he walked up, setting the bags on the floor. "Do you sell mortars and pestles?" he asked.

"What kind of botanist shop would we be if we didn't?" she pulled one out from behind the counter. "That'll be three bits."

"Here you go then." Jason pulled out some bits and passed them over. The pony smiled, and handed him the necessary supplies. He left, and started trekking back to Dash's cloud house. He decided to pass through the marketplace, seeing if there was anything else he wanted. On the way, he noticed Big Macintosh behind the Apple family stand, and bought a few apples. He thanked Big Mac, and continued walking. Another stand caught his eye, and he walked over. It was a stand that sold timers. "Well I guess everyone has to have a special talent," he said to himself before arriving. "Hi there, I'd like to buy a few of your timers." The pony's face lit up, and she pushed over four timers, while jason passed over a corresponding pile of bits. "So how's business?"

"Not so good, actually," She replied, sighing.

"Well I hope things go better for you," Jason said encouragingly before turning and taking to the air.

"Wow. Things are cheap here," he said, realizing that he had bought all of that with only thirteen bits. He flew up to Dash's house, and laid out the supplies on the table.

"First things first, mix the powders and the charcoal, but not too roughly, using the mortar and pestle" He did just that, creating an ample supply of grey powder. "There we go. Gunpowder." he took a knife, and carefully hollowed out an apple, cutting up from the bottom. He filled the apple partially with gunpowder, then placed inside the timer, which he had partially taken apart, so that the primitive wiring was frayed and would be powered only when the timer went off. He placed these wires inside the gunpowder. He filled up the rest of the space with gunpowder, and placed the bottom of the apple back into it's niche. "Ha. Now I just have to wait for Dash, and hopefully I can use this sucker..." He laughed maniacally.

Notes: Okay, so for those of you that actually look at the specific chapter length, it's pretty easy to see that they have gotten steadily longer. Just saying.

In other news, I would like to continue this one-chapter-a-day schedule, but honestly these do take a few hours to write each, and I don't know it I will always have that sort of time, so there may be a few one day gaps every once in a while. One of these may be Dec. 9th. Be warned. Other than that, it doesn't look like I'll run out of plot anytime soon, so I shouldn't get stuck or anything.