• Published 30th Nov 2012
  • 22,496 Views, 1,783 Comments

The Winds of Change - AgentSnail

A man named Jason wakes up in Equestria as a changeling, and must quickly adapt to blend in and survive. Making use of unlikely allies, can he forge a usable existence into this strange and surprisingly hostile new world?

  • ...

The Abduction

The Abduction

Jason drifted back into consciousness, feeling a warm pressure on top of himself. He opened his eyes, seeing dash slumped over his chest on the bed, still asleep. He watched her as she breathed, and her ear twitched. He couldn't really get up without disturbing her, considering the fact that most of her weight was resting on him, that was more than impossible. He figured he'd give her a few minutes. She stopped him from needing to actually wake her up when she cracked open her eye, peering at him. She cracked a smile, raising a hoof to stroke across his face.

"I love you." She said, leaning down to kiss him.

"I love you too." Jason replied. There was a moment of silence.

"That was nice." She sighed contentedly.

"That's all you say? The ringing in my ears says you had more fun than that." He replied, smirking. She blushed.

"Fine, it was great. Let me just point out to you that my only comparisons were a couple of one night stands." She poked him in the chest.

"Everything's got to be a competition with you, huh?"

"Admit it. You like it when I'm competitive."

"Yeah..." They both went silent for a moment. "I'll tell you what though, I've never gotten that much love from you before. This is the first time I've ever felt totally full before. It's nice."

"I'm just glad I could help." She swept a hoof down his arm, lingering at one of the holes in his hoof. "The number of things I could do with you being a changeling." Dash said, smiling mischievously.

"Who's it going to be, Dash?"

"No I'm just saying!"

"Are you secretly into mares, Dash?"

"Ugh, Jason! Why do you always have to tease me?"

"You make it so easy to."

"Maybe I should start doing the same to you."

"You can try, but then what'll I do in this relationship?"

"You can be my trophy colt-friend." She chuckled.

"You learn too fast."

"I learn from the best."

"I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment."

"You probably sho--"

"Jason, you were supposed to pick me up from school!" Scoots yelled from downstairs.

"Oh, shit." The room became a flurry of motion as Dash jumped off of the bed, immediately wrapping up the discarded blankets in her hooves and throwing them into the air. Jason spread them out with his magic and threw them onto the bed, making it generally look clean-ish. Dash had already ran out of the room in a rush, and the sounds of the shower filtered into the room. Jason deadpanned, annoyed that she had left him alone in all this. "Be right down." He shifted a few times. Hopefully that burned some stuff off.

He casually trotted downstairs. "I'm really sorry Scoots."

"Ugh, whatever. We gotta go back down and get my scooter." Jason looked over at a clock. It was ten minutes after school ended.

"You couldn't have found something to do, Scoots?"

"Yeah, but you didn't say if I could."

"Ugh, fine lets go. Can you find something to do if I leave you down there?"

"Yeah, probably. We made a list of cutie mark things, we can start doing those. There were a lot of them." She paused. "You know, I could just glide back down if you want."

"Fine, go ahead Scoots, but don't dive for town or anything like that."

"Yeah, I wasn't going to risk it."

"Okay then, see you later. Try not to cause trouble."

"We always try not to." She said, making her way to the door. Jason chuckled.

"Bye, Scoots."

"Bye Jason." She walked out the door and took off, wobbling as she started to descend. He felt a brief pang of worry before remembering that she had made it up here on her own, it would be easier for her to get down. He worried too much.

He shook his head and started back upstairs, walking into the bathroom. "Thanks for the backup there, Dash." He sighed. She turned and shrugged, shutting off the water.

"She would've asked too many questions. I'm clean?" She said, looking herself over.

"Yeah, looks like it. Anyway, I got rid of her. By that I mean I got her to go back to town to crusade, I didn't permanently get rid of her, just in case you took it that way."

Dash smirked, shaking her head. "It's a little annoying that we have to juggle sex around all this. If we didn't have anything I would've been all over you days ago."

"I wouldn't say it that way, but same here. At least we finally got something in." He paused. "Ha. It's a pun."

She snickered. "That was so stupid. But yeah, I just wish we didn't have to plan it all out, and all that shit." They were silent for a few moments.

"Did you try sleeping on the floor in the shower yet?"

"No, it must've skipped my mind." She smirked. "You're the only one who would do that anyway."

"Hey, you should try that, seeing as there isn't a water bill. It's nice." He caressed her wet mane, flipping part of it over to the other side of her body. She giggled and leaned over to kiss him.

"Are you going to prank Ponyville this year again?" He asked.

"Well, the whole raincloud thing is pretty hilarious."

"So, yes?"

"Yeah. I can keep an eye on Scoots that way too."

"Wow, multi tasking." He put on an exaggerated face of awe.

"So besides Nightmare Night, what do we have to do today?"

"Well, I have to pick up Scoots' costume from Rarity, which means actually bringing Scoots there, we were supposed to practice with Octavia later, then maybe play a show at The Gilded Griffin if we're ready."

"Is it sad that I look at that schedule and think, 'that's nothing'?"

"Yeah, probably. But hey, at least most of that isn't work anymore, right?"

"Oh man, yeah. I'm so sick of weather team stuff right now."

"Yeah, I understand why. I wrote out the drum line for three songs we're going to play though, you wanna go practice them or something?"

"Sure, what're they called?"

"I put the names on the sheets, hold on." He trotted downstairs with Dash and pulled them out of his saddlebag, which was currently slumped against the wall. He reached into one of the flaps and pulled out a few pages, slightly more rumpled than when he had put them in. He handed them to Dash and she looked them over.

"Yeah, I can work with this."

"Okay, I have to fill out paperwork from the police station, so you have time."

"Awesome!" She galloped up the stairs with the music in her mouth, quickly disappearing into the hallway. Jason chuckled and made his way over to the kitchen counter. He grabbed a pencil out of a cup and laid the papers down on the counter, pulling a chair up at the same time. Drum beats started to drift down into the kitchen. Jason picked up the pencil in his magic, he had never really learned how to write with his hoof, and got to work.

The first set of papers went fast, names, jobs, etc. He realized that no one actually knew he had a last name. He'd have to at least tell Dash, although it was kinda strange that no one had even asked. He got away with 'Blaze' though. Scoots didn't have a last name as far as he knew. Actually, most ponies didn't have a last name. Weird.


Did they have an address? They could just move the house around, so it couldn't be related to position. He'd have to ask Dash. He turned the page and groaned as the questions got harder.

Do you have large amounts of sex in your life?

What the hell? Large amounts of--Oh.

Do you have large amounts of stress in your life?

Ha. Whoops. He checked the 'yes' box. Maybe there wasn't a ridiculous amount, but there wasn't an 'other' option.

Have you ever committed a felony or misdemeanor?

They had those here? He figured it was just 'crime' and that was it. What did his stuff count as anyway? Did a pardon make it like it never happened, or what? Did what he did count as a felony or a misdemeanor if he wasn't considered a citizen? He shrugged and checked the 'yes' box. Better safe than sorry, although that didn't really seem to apply, considering he was incriminating himself.

Have you ever taken part in the sale or creation of drugs?

Okay, so they had drugs here. He supposed that wasn't all that surprising, magic and all. It's not like some drugs were even that hard to process. He checked 'no' and moved on.

Please explain any infringements on Equestrian law.

Oh, great. This was going to be a long answer.


It had been at least an hour, maybe more. For seven pieces of paper, that was unbelievable. Jason groaned and got up from the chair, hearing a few cracks in his back as he stretched. He trotted upstairs after putting the papers back into his saddlebag, and walked into the room Dash was in. She saw him and ceased her drumming, putting a hoof on a cymbal to mute it.

"Hey, Jason I think I got these down."

"Yeah, it sounded like you did. You wanna go bring this stuff down to Octavia's and get some actual band practice in?"

"Might as well. If it turns out we work well together, then maybe we can fit in this show."

"I'd like to do this, it'd probably be good for Bon Bon. I dunno if you saw, but she kinda broke down at the party over this. She doesn't look like she's doing too well, and hopefully we'd be able to allay her worries for a while. Lyra says she just hasn't been acting the same."

"Well I'd definitely like to help, especially if it's that easy to."

"So then let's get going."

"Alright!" Dash grabbed the cup with the drumsticks, staring at the drum kit. "How are we--" The drums were enveloped in a dark green aura, and floated upwards. The aura flickered and turned into a lighter green. Dash turned to see that Jason had turned into pony form, and was currently manipulating his guitar and amp into the air. He started floating the items out the window one at a time, re-grouping them outside. She looked over at him again; he seemed to be having a fair amount of trouble manipulating all those objects individually.

"Having trouble Jason?" She asked, immediately regretting the decision. The instruments dipped for a moment before returning to their previous positions.

"Yeah, just let me concentrate, it's really tough to control all this stuff separately. Takes a lot of brainpower. Now shh." After a few more seconds, he got the rest of the drums and cords outside, and finished putting them together in a group. He sighed.

"Now we can talk." He said.

"Funny how now I have nothing to say."

"Of course you don't. Let's just get down there. Slowly." She nodded.

"That'll be a weird interlude from normal stuff." They started gliding downward, all the instruments in tow. "You know, I haven't done any flight practice recently."

"Sorry Dash."

"Well it's not your fault, I'm just saying that it doesn't mean that much to me anymore, since I'm not trying to get into the Wonderbolts, but I miss all the flying time anyways."

"Thus, why I said sorry. All this stuff you're doing because of this stuff with me has got to be a time suck."

"Yeah, but--"

"No, I'm not saying if I wasn't around, things would be better, but I could've tried harder to get on Celestia's good side. It probably would've been impossible to actually change that much, but I still could've tried. That could've got us on better terms or something."

"Stop beating yourself up about this, I can just fly around tomorrow." She landed on the ground, kicking up a small cloud of dust as she came to a halt. Jason landed beside her, turning to re-organize the equipment before turning back around and following Dash. She got to Octavia's door and knocked, saving Jason the trouble of shouldering the door. A few moments later the door opened to the familiar grey mare, who greeted them and gestured for the pair to come inside. They both walked in, and Jason checked the route to the practice room before returning to the front of the house.

"So where're all of your instruments?"

"I'm going to bring them in. Just try to stay out of the way." She nodded and stepped to the side, bringing Dash with her into the practice room. A few seconds later, the first of the drums started to drift around the corner, followed by Jason's amp, guitar, and overdrive unit. The objects set themselves down as Jason walked in. He sighed heavily.

"That's tough. It's not really magically draining, exactly, just mentally draining."

"Do you want some tea?" Octavia asked. "I just brewed some."

"Does it have caffeine?"


"Then yes." She nodded and left the room, returning a few moments later with three steaming cups balanced on a plate on her back. Jason grabbed one of the cups and thanked her.

"I still don't understand how you ponies can balance things on your backs like that."

"It's not that hard, really."

"Did you get those songs ready?"

"Yeah, completely. Forwards and backwards. Some of that stuff was really weird though."

"I know, I put in some background guitar line parts where you didn't have a specific bass line. We have a small band; I had to make some changes."

"Oh, well no big deal. At least I know that those parts weren't mistakes."

"Let's get to it then." He said. Dash chuckled behind him.

"I'm way ahead of you, Jason." She had already gotten her drums sorted into the right positions.

"Fine, let's just close this window then. Get your amp all hooked up, Octavia."

"Yeah, I am." They plugged in the cords, receiving some feedback from the amps as Jason started to power them.

"Okay, which song?" Dash held up a piece of sheet music.

"Let's do this one first!"

"The one with the drum solo, right?"

"Yeah, did you really expect me to choose one of the other ones?"

"Well, no. You gonna count off then?" She nodded.

"One Two Three Four!"


"Octavia?" Jason asked, ears still ringing from their practice.


"You're in the band." He said. She pumped a hoof into the air, letting out a whoop.

"Dash, you wanna go tell Lyra we can preform?"

"Definitely! I want to see the look on her face. Well, more Bon Bon's face if she's there." Jason looked over at a clock. It was almost five. Probably close to dark by now.

"We need to find Scoots and get her into her costume after though."

"Oh, yeah. I'd really like to see her handiwork."

"Octavia, you want to come?"

"Yes, I'd like to catch up some more with Lyra. It's been quite a while since I've been in Ponyville."

"Well let's get going then, we're down to the wire with this stuff again." He walked out the door, just in front of Dash, and turned to start walking down the street. The other two trotted past him, and he sped up to match their speed.

"I'm usually the one rushing, why're you two speeding up?"

"Same reason as you. If we're going to preform, we may as well give Lyra as much warning as we can so she can get stuff ready." Dash replied.

"Sounds like as good a reason as any." They quickly made their way into the town square, and skirted around the square, entering into the Gilded Griffin. Lyra caught sight of them from the bar and came trotting over.

"Can you do the show?"

"Yeah, if you can be ready."

"I knew it! I knew you'd be able to! I already got all the stuff ready, I just have to put up some posters around the square and finish setting up the stage. Hold on a sec." She turned away. "BON BON!!!" A few seconds later the startled mare came running out of the kitchen, looking around frantically before she saw Lyra.

"What? What happened?"

"They're going to play a show for us tonight!"

"Really?" She turned to the small group. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She hugged them each in turn before backing up and doing a little victory dance. She composed herself a little while later, and turned back to Jason and Dash. Octavia was already across the room with Lyra.

"How does seven sound? How many songs do you have?"

"Three, and that's fine." He responded.

"We'll have microphones ready for you. Thanks again for doing this."

"No problem." He turned to Dash. "Wanna go look for Scoots then?"

"Sure. We'll be back on time." Dash replied.

"Okay, see you then." Bon Bon said. They nodded to her and walked out, making their way through the crowds in the square. They extracted themselves on the other side as they continued to look for Scoots and her friends.

"Jason, they're over here." He followed her gaze to the small group of ponies, watching as a fourth pony walked up. Diamond Tiara, although she was without Silver Spoon, for some reason. He started walking over, attempting to keep calm. Dash seemed to be doing a better job than him in that respect as she trotted alongside him. The conversation started to come into focus.

"Where's your costume, blank flank?" She asked.

"I still have to get it, so back off!" Scootaloo shot back.

"I think you're just too poor to get one."

"And that's the best you could put together with all your money?" She pointed to Diamond's 'Little Bo Peep' type costume. Jason smirked, watching as Diamond tried to come up with a response.

"Scoots, you wanna go get that costume? Rarity said she was done with it."

"Yeah, sure!" She threw a final glare at Diamond before moving to follow him and Dash. The other crusaders moved to follow, immediately telling Scoots about how awesome she was against Diamond. Their conversation continued until they arrived at the boutique, and Jason moved to knock on the door. As usual, his hoof made no noise. He should really be catching on by now. Dash leaned over and knocked before he could graduate to shouldering, and the door opened a few seconds later, to Rarity in a costume of a spider, which was slightly ironic from a number of angles.

"Here for the costume, Darling?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to your handiwork." She smiled and gestured for the five of them to follow her inside as she trotted over to a large wardrobe, pulling out a few hangers. She swung the hangers around in her magic before extracting the clothes and draping them over her arm.

"Scootaloo, would you be a dear and try these on?" Scoots nodded excitedly and grabbed the tattered clothes off her hoof, throwing them on. Jason let out a small gasp, followed by a grin. Ignoring the bright fur that poked out in places and Scoots' normal, jolly face, she already looked like a zombie.

"How did you get the blood splotches to look like that?"

"I just took the ways that I used to accidentally destroy fabric and applied them to this. I even got a few ideas from Sweetie here. It was great fun."

"Glad to hear it."

"Now we just need the makeup, dear."

"Ew, Jason, you never said anything about makeup!" Scoots whined.

"Don't worry, it's just to make the wounds look semi-realistic. It's not like eyeliner or anything."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Scoots." Rarity came back into the room with several small boxes of makeup, and immediately started applying them to the areas around the tatters in Scoots' costume. Jason and Dash watched in awe as their daughter transformed into something closely resembling a zombie. Well, horse zombie. The only thing he could think to add would be contacts for the eyes, but he kinda doubted they had those. It seemed like it would be hard to make contacts for eyes as big as they had anyway. He looked at Scoots again, starting to think that Rarity had replaced her with some other pony while he hadn't been looking.



"No, nothing, I just wasn't totally sure it was you."

"Oh, it looks that good?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said. Rarity suddenly backed up.

"There, finished darling. I must say you do look like a little beastie there." Scoots got up and started walking around and looking herself over.

"She needs to work on her acting though." Jason said. "Scoots, drag a hoof along, imagine you haven't slept for a few days." She stopped moving for a moment before slowly starting to limp back over towards Jason and Dash, letting out a groan when she was about halfway over.

"That's pretty good, right Jason?" Dash asked.

"Yeah, she makes a damn good zombie." Scoots giggled. "Okay then you three, go have fun!" They all turned and sprinted for the door, racing past Rarity as she opened the door in front of them. "Thanks Rarity." He said. "That was a pretty nice costume."

"Oh, it was nothing dear." Dash caught his attention and tapped her wrist.

"Jason, we gotta go!"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry to cut this short, Rarity, but we really have to get going. We gotta go play a show."


"At the Gilded Griffin, in the town square."

"I'll be sure to show up, this is a music show I take it?"

"Yeah." He trotted in place. She just wasn't letting him go.

"Oh, what type of music?"

"I guess you'll just have to see. Bye!" They both sprinted out the door, immediately taking to the skies and gliding over a tall building across the street. They banked towards Octavia's house, landing in front of it a couple minutes later. Dash knocked on the door, and they waited patiently until a familiar voice from behind them spoke up.

"Getting the instruments, huh?" Octavia had walked up behind them, and was jingling a key ring in one hoof.

"Yeah, we don't really have that much time until we have to go onstage. Clock tower says.....fifteen minutes."

"I guess we better kick this into high gear then." He nodded and followed Dash inside, pondering for a moment how ponies actually got that expression. He shook his head, attempting to regain his concentration as he started floating the instruments out of the house. Without too much delay they got them down the street and past the small groups of ponies that gawked at the group of floating instruments in the air. In a world with magic, they shouldn't have cared that much.

Eventually they got the instruments to The Gilded Griffin, where Lyra quickly offered to help him move some of the equipment. He quickly let her, and they quickly set up their amps and instruments on Lyra's makeshift stage as some more ponies wandered inside. Bon Bon trotted up to the stage with a look of joy on her face.

"I haven't seen The Gilded Griffin with this many people since over a month ago! Thanks so much you guys."

"Bon Bon, it's not a big deal in any way, alright? How long till we start?" She looked over at a clock, which read seven.

"Five minutes?"

"Sounds fine. Just give us some notice."

"That's what Lyra here is for." She threw a hoof around her co-worker's shoulder and pulled her over.

"Yeah, I've gotta wire up the amps to the other speakers, then you'll hear some feedback and we can start. Oh, I'll dim the lamps a bit." That'll be the signal. He nodded as she walked away, then turned and walked over to Dash and Octavia.

"She's going to dim the lights, then we're on. Looks like we attracted a pretty big audience, by the way."

"Yeah, I'm a little nervous." Dash said.

"You, the Rainbow Dash, nervous? If you play half as good as you usually do you still probably won't make a noticeable mistake. We have nothing to worry about."

"Why are you always so confident?"

"I just act like I am. It seems to be working magic for me."

"Can't argue with that logic." There was the noise of feedback as the other speakers started spewing out a light static noise. Lyra trotted by a couple seconds later, frantically plugging in wires. Jason powered the amps, waiting for the lights to dim as he picked up his guitar and slung it over his shoulder. He walked up to the microphone as the lights dimmed and tapped it with a hoof. It made a very small amount of noise, probably a good thing in this case, and then went silent again.

"So, hey there Ponyville!" The crowd let out a cheer. "I'm just going to skip any speeches and jump in. This first song's called 'Let There be Rock'." He slid his hoof along the neck of the guitar, waiting for Dash to count off the song. He heard some sharp clanking of sticks, and the song began.

The final note rang out, immediately transitioning into a moment of silence in the crowd. After what seemed like a minute or so, they finally started cheering, and he let out a sigh. He could see Bon Bon do the same in the back of the room. He wiped his brow, slightly missing the fact that he didn't sweat. Only slightly. He shook his head and waited for the crowd to calm down a little before introducing the next song.

"This one's called 'Spoonman.' Don't ask me why." He sighed, trying to contain his nervousness as Dash counted the song off, slightly more slowly.

(first fifteen seconds aren't part of the song.)

The crowd reacted in the same way, damn them. Just when he couldn't take the waiting anymore, they'd start cheering. It's not that he didn't want them to like it, but considering how long it took for them to figure out the song was over, or whatever they were waiting for, was really annoying.

"Here's the last one we got ready," Some of the ponies groaned. "We'll probably be doing more than one show here, you can just pay a return visit. Anyway, this one's called 'Welcome to the Jungle'." Yet another count off.

Damn that was a nice song. The ponies burst into applause, much faster this time. "Okay folks, that's all we got. Have a nice Nightmare night!" Jason yelled over the noise of the crowd. The three watched as some of the crowd left, while most of the others stayed to grab a bite or stand in line. Line for what? No way. He turned to Octavia and Dash with a smirk.

"Looks like we have some fans." He gestured to the small group of ponies offstage. they shared a chuckle and walked over. Lyra came up to them before they could get to the fans, trying to get some words out.

"Lyra, slow down." Octavia said, trying to get her to speak in a way they could understand.

"Thanks again for this guys, Bon Bon told me to thank you again, because with all the ponies that want food now we're kinda busy. You can just leave your stuff here overnight if you want. I gotta go take some orders see ya later bye!"

"Oh, Lyra." Octavia sighed. They walked off the stage, immediately getting surrounded by some rather mellow fans. Jason shrugged. He wouldn't have minded getting attacked by fans. Just maybe not all the time. He was presented with a piece of paper and a pen, and he quickly put two and two together as he quickly whipped off a signature. Another set of autograph tools was thrust at him, and he repeated the process.

Several minutes later, the fans had dispersed, and they were able to finally make it out of the restaurant and into the crisp outside air. Octavia said something about meeting an old friend and split off, leaving the two of them alone. They trotted through town, observing the festivities, eventually arriving in a quieter street.

"Hey, Jason. I'm gonna go get on my costume, you may as well stay here, it'll just take me a minute if I hurry."

"Okay, fine. I'll be timing you." He poked her chest playfully. "Hurry back." She smiled and took off into the sky, quickly disappearing into the night sky. Jason saw a bench and moved over towards it, quickly sitting down. He looked up towards the stars, which were increasingly hard to see with the flickering streetlamp nearby. Mind you, they all flickered, fire and all, but this one seemed particularly flickery. He shrugged, staring back into the darkness.

His reverie was broken when something slid onto his horn, and stuck there. He put a hoof up to his forehead to investigate, but was immediately hit with a hoof to the side of the face. Jason slid off the bench and onto his stomach, and turned to see several stallions, a glint near one of them telling him that they had knives, at least. So they were probably akin to the ones from the other day. He tried to put up a shield and give himself some time to recover, but instead felt excruciating pain in his forehead. He touched the metal ring around his horn, realizing that it must've had some sort of dampening effect on unicorns, and that it was stuck, probably magically. He dropped his disguise and got back to his feet, trying to stare the stallions into submission.

One came running at him, and he deflected his hoof to the side, knocking the knife away. Another one came at him with a swing, which he blocked, sliding backwards on the loose dirt a few feet. Yet another stallion came at him from the side, and Jason turned to meet him. He managed to swing a hoof into the stallion's face before the stallion made contact, sending Jason flopping to the ground. A unicorn emerged from the darkness, sending a spell whizzing past Jason's ear as he rolled sideways. He ducked under another magical bolt before taking to the air, attempting to get the high ground. Something caught him by the leg and swung him into the ground, knocking the air out of his lungs.

He staggered to his feet, punching a stallion in the gut. The stallion dropped his knife, which Jason picked up and planted into a pegasus' shoulder. He punched the unicorn's horn as he was charging up a spell, knocking him to the ground. Another punch came at him from the side and he moved to block, before something heavy hit him in the back of the head. The ground came up to meet him, and he watched through his fading vision as a stallion with something resembling a baseball bat walked up, laughing.

"You've been quite the trouble, changeling. I think we should change that."

Author's Note:

For obvious reasons I had to add a sex tag. I highly doubt that this story will ever become mature, though, because I REALLY don't want to write clop. Considering the rules for ratings this story is already borderline mature anyway. That's what the e-mails tell me anyway. I get a lot of those.

If anyone was interested in the Carl and Brian story, that's on the blog now. Possibly not if you're reading this a few minutes after it came out. There will also be my new idea for an Olympic sport coming out a day later. That's a weird one. Funny I should think that, especially since I came up with the idea.

Hopefully someone likes the music I put in, it seems a lot of people nowadays just listen to the pop garbage that's played on most radio channels.