• Published 30th Nov 2012
  • 22,513 Views, 1,783 Comments

The Winds of Change - AgentSnail

A man named Jason wakes up in Equestria as a changeling, and must quickly adapt to blend in and survive. Making use of unlikely allies, can he forge a usable existence into this strange and surprisingly hostile new world?

  • ...

The First Impression

The First Impression

"So... cupcakes?" Jason asked.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo replied happily.

"Aren't either of you worried that we're just going to get mobbed? I mean even if they don't recognize me in this body, everyone is going to recognize you, Dash. I mean, light blue and rainbow. You're pretty conspicuous." Jason rolled off the floor, making his way to his hooves. "What if Twilight didn't get here yet?"

"I don't know what you're worrying about," Dash started, "it took us an hour to get her from the throne room, and the train ride is only a half hour. Twilight doesn't tend to be late." She pushed a bulging bit of cloud back into the wall, furrowing her brow when it popped back out a few seconds later.

"This is one of those times where I think you should trust my judgement."

"But Jason," Scoots whined, "All I want is a cupcake." She contorted her face in begging, exponentially increaing ehr normal cute factor. His resolve was wavering, to say the least.

"If we go, this is all on you Dash. It'll be your fault. I've done enough running from angry mobs in the past several weeks."

"Yeah, let's just go. I mean, you have the letter." She started towards the door.

"Ugh, this is so stupid." He grabbed a saddlebag and shoved the note inside, mumbling as he threw it over his back. He knelt down to allow for Scoots to jump on his back before meeting up with Dash, who was looking around her front yard, now filled with holes and bumps. She sighed, annoyed that her house had fallen apart this quickly. Ponyville must've had a few storms in their absence, which wasn't good because they weren't scheduled for anything major. Jason tapped her on the shoulder, snapping her out of her reverie, and pointed towards the town.

"Where do you want to land?"

"I guess we could just land in front of Sugarcube Corner, from here that looks pretty deserted."

"Yeah, alright, if Twilight didn't get here than at least we won't have to worry about a crowd of angry ponies." He took a deep breath, realizing that he was more nervous about this than he had been before any military service. He looked to Dash, who seemed surprisingly unaffected. Was he just blowing this out of proportion or something? Or was she just being over-confident? Not like that wasn't one of her personality traits, but still...

He was jolted out of his musings by Dash taking off, buffeting him with cool air. He shook his head, attempting to clear his thoughts before taking off after her. He absentmindedly ran a hoof across the fur of his fore hoof. He liked this particular disguise, which was why he had decided to keep it. It had, he admitted, undergone a few slight changes, the most obvious of which was the horn protruding from his head, yet he had still altered the colors when he was bored, changing the shading at the tips of his wings or just the hue of his entire coat. In the long run he had decided to stick with the same general tones. He never really got used to being able to change his appearance so effortlessly. That's probably why he didn't want to create a new form, this one was one he knew. He wouldn't look in the mirror and have to figure out if it was really him. He hated those moments, more than anything else, which was ironic since changing was what his body was made to do.

He sighed and swooped down after Dash, intently looking around for any ponies that were filtering into the general Sugarcube area. Luckily, there were still only a couple when they landed, and none of them immediately took notice.

"Maybe Twilight did get the letter out." Jason said. Dash nodded, looking nervous. So maybe that earlier overconfidence was just a ruse? Then he saw something that made him freeze. One of the villagers was staring straight at them, or maybe just Dash, and was whispering something to a pony that was directly next to him. The other one nodded his head before getting the attention of a third pony and waving him over. "Or maybe that mob slowly forming over there says otherwise." They sped up their pace. Jason tried to figure out why getting cupcakes was such a necessity anyways. Ignoring the fact that last time he had choked on one, they couldn't possibly be worth this kind of risk. Unless it was all a conspiracy, and the Cake's backed goods were all laced with drugs to keep the customers crawling back. His chuckle died in his throat when he saw that the group of ponies had doubled. They were only a few yards from the door...

...until it opened and Fluttershy exited, followed by the rest of Dash's friends, minus Twilight and Pinkie Pie. They stared at each other for a few moments, before Applejack broke the silence. "Ah see ya came back. My only question is why?"

"Yeah, Twilight isn't here yet." Jason said to Dash. He heard Scoots jump onto Dash's back from his.

"So ah heard about the griffin attack on Canterlot. Was that your doin'?" She narrowed her eyes. "Well was it?" She turned to Dash. "Or you?"

"No." Jason said.

"And why should ah believe you?!?! Yer probably lyin' like ya were before." Jason hurriedly turned and tried to get the letter in his saddlebag, managing to get his hoof tangled in the fabric. He cursed under his breath as Applejack recoiled a bit. "He's tryin to get one of his bang flash weapons!"

"No no no!" He freed his hoof from the bag, bringing the parchment in front of himself. "It's a--" Applejack's back hooves hit him in the chest before he could put up his own hooves in an attempt to protect himself, sending him sprawling across the ground, landing in a painful heap. He peered up, another few cuts on his face and chest, to see that Applejack had begrudgingly picked up the letter on the insistence of Rarity. Her face shifted from annoyance to shock as she finished the letter. Jason sighed in relief and got up off the ground, attempting to brush himself off before making his way back over.

"Sorry about all that." Jason said, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof. "I figured you'd read the letter first or something. Twilight was supposed to be here by now, then you would've known and seeing your friend back after this long would've been better."

"Nah, I shoulda heard ya out there pardner, if ya helped save Equestria ya can't really be that bad," She narrowed her eyes. "but ah'm still wachin' ya. This could just be another trick, as far as ah'm concerned." She patted him on the shoulder, which was a little bit of a reach with the height difference. "Doesn't that hurt?" She pointed to the cuts that had formed on his chest.

"Nah, not too much." Applejack nodded absentmindedly, having refocused on Dash.

"Ah knew you'd come back." She hugged Dash. Rarity and Fluttershy followed suit, the latter pony shedding a few tears. They broke apart from the hug and lapsed into silence. Eventually Applejack broke the silence after focusing on Scoots.

"Well ah have'nt seen you for a few days, mah sister couldn't figure out what happened to ya. We were all mighty worried bout' ya."

Scoots bounced in place. "Dash and Jason adopted me!" Applejack's face contorted in confusion as she looked over at Dash questioningly.

"Yeah," Dash started, "she's been living on her own so we took her in. She followed us into the Everfree, then we ended up asking Princess Luna how to adopt foals and she basically said that she would fill out the paperwork and Scootaloo's ours."

"So ya'll are sayin' that Scoots hasn't had a place to live for months now?"

"Yeah, pretty much." She replied. Applejack looked down at the ground, unsurprisingly saddened by the filly's fate, as did the others.

"Well ah'm glad you would take on the responsibility just to give the filly a good life." Applejack said. Rarity finished reading the letter, and made her way over to the small group after handing the letter over to Fluttershy.

"Darling, how was it up there?"

"In Canterlot?"

"But of course."

"The fashion stores are destroyed, if that's what you're wondering." He said, chuckling. She swooned.

"Oh the injustice!" She attempted to fall over onto a couch that she had dragged over from somewhere, but missed and hit the ground. Jason managed to tear himself away from the inevitably hilarious reaction to turn to Fluttershy, who may have been trying to ask a question.

"What?" He asked unable to decipher her quiet mumbles. She muttered some more things. "Am I correct in guessing that you're asking if we killed anything?" She nodded, taking a few small steps backwards. This was ridiculous, he wasn't that scary. He wondered how the scars on his facd looked, because with all the hits he'd taken there were bound to be a lot of them. "Yes, I've killed some griffins." He nudged Dash, who was chuckling at Rarity's misfortune.

"Yeah, I have too." She looked away. "But Fluttershy, you can't reason with them, this isn't some wild animal that you can charm. If you don't kill them, they'll kill you, and that's just how it is. The war's still going on, so I doubt it's the last we'll see of action."

"Whaddaya mean? You're here now, wha would you need ta go back and fight?"

"Well," Her stomach rumbled. "Can we go inside and get like, a cupcake or something? And maybe get away from all these ponies that keep staring at us?"

"Sure, darling." Jason had already moved ahead, and was holding the door open with a hoof. "What a gentlecolt!" Rarity said as she walked by. Jason rolled his eyes. They walked in and crammed into a booth. Pinkie came by and jumped into the air while gasping melodramatically before landing on the ground and not actually saying anything for a few seconds as she was passed the letter. After less than two seconds of reading, she looked back up excitedly.

"So does this mean we're still friends?!?!" She yelled at Dash, blowing her mane backwards. She put her hooves to her ears to try to block the noise, as did everyone else at the table.

"Yeah, sure Pinkie."

"Yay! I'll have a 'friend is still my friend' party." Jason grabbed her with his magic before she could sprint away.

"No Pinkie, maybe later, but we're tired, and I think I'd pass out in the middle of a party anyways. Dash probably would too." Jason replied.

"Oh, alright, but later?"

"Yeah...sure." He said.

"So what exactly did you do in Canterlot?"

"Well," Jason scratched his head. "I guess I'll just start from the beginning." He took a deep breath. "So we woke up one day in the forest, where we were camped out, to the smell of smoke. We looked over the cliffs above Canterlot, and the city was burning, mostly in rubble. So we got all suited up and battled our way to the castle. When we did finally make it there, the griffin lines were about to arrive, so we escaped into this underground system of tunnels specifically meant for mass evacuation. Anyways, through an incredibly lucky sequence of events I still have yet to understand, we ended up with a fair amount of control over the war effort, and staged a counterattack in the middle of the night to try to retake the city. We drafted a couple hundred civvies and made teams to cover the quadrants of the city that we had divided up. Dash here chose our quadrant, one of the most dangerous in the city because of it's close proximity to the castle, where most griffins were located." He took a deep breath.

"Darling, why did you choose a hard zone to fight through?" Rarity asked.

"I didn't want to wimp out just because I could." She replied. "Now shh, you're interrupting the suspense. Go ahead Jason."

"Alright. So anyways, we go through this house and take out a few griffins, but for some reason one of them didn't want to aid his own army, and he gave us a tip on a field intelligence location. So we went down the street and into this old church, which was mostly empty except for one griffin, and we made our way into the back room, where there were a bunch of highly ranked griffins. I took out one of those things that makes all the noise and the light, you know what I'm talking about, and I threw it into the door as Dash opened it, but it didn't actually go off." There was a collective gasp, causing him to chuckle. "So then we get into this fight, and in the long run I got stabbed in the chest, and Dash got a bunch of scars on her hooves and this one on her cheek." He pointed at the side of her face.

Dash picked up the story. "So then I pulled him onto my back and tried to keep him conscious as I made my way back to the griffin we had taken prisoner, and then ran back through the tunnels and into the base. As soon as I got there I passed out, and woke up a few hours later. Jason here was in and out of it for a while, which wasn't a fun time for me. To speed things up a bit here, he woke up after fifteen hours and learned that the attack had been a success, but that the castle was still held by the griffins. So Jason over here comes up with some idea based on something called the Trojan Horse from some war at some point. Basically, he got together a team, Team Green Bean, and filled it up with the six best soldiers we had. He gave them pointless code names," She listed them off, sighing after she mentioned Potato. "...and we moved out to an escape hatch inside the castle, so that we could open the castle gates and let the rest of the army inside. We split off with Potato and Tank, and had this huge pitched battle by the gate, but there was this giant griffin that was just throwing us around." She looked over to Jason, willing him to pick up the story.

"Yeah, so we were all getting pretty beat up, Tank had a spear through his leg, Potato had a broken leg, Dash's foreleg was shattered and my chest and back armor was ruined, which I guess you can see, looking at all these bandages on my chest. Anyway, Potato crawled over to the gate winch and opened it, but was almost immediately killed by the griffin. I ran at the griffin, but he just punched me back into the wall. As soon as he was about to kill me with his spear, Tank threw a spear that went right through the griffin's neck, killing him. I healed Dash and Tank, but I couldn't do anything about Potato. The rest of the battle concluded pretty fast, and after eight hours of talking and sleep, mostly talking, we left for here. We're both still in the military, so that's why we could be called to go back. We are after all, a third of Team Green Bean."

No one said anything for a few seconds as they just stared back across the table, digesting the information. The door flew open, hitting the adjacent wall with a bang. Twilight galloped over to the table, out of breath while holding a letter in her mouth.

"Beat ya Twilight." Dash teased, poking her in the chest. "What took you so long?"

"The train from Canterlot was delayed, and then I had to stop by the library to drop off my notes on steel."

"Is that just more magic stuff Twi?" Applejack asked.

"No, it's some building material that he knows about. Apparently it's stronger than iron, which is hard to believe. How do you know anyway? I mean, you claimed you weren't part of the hive-mind, which I still don't understand, and then create all these new things. What's your real story?"

"Well... um..." He peered over at Dash, who was twiddling her hooves and looking back at him nervously. "I used to be in a land far from here, called America, but then one day I just kinda woke up here, in Equestria. I still don't really know how I got here, but that's the story. So we had those things back where I was. I don't really like to talk about it." He looked down sadly, hoping they would move on. As luck would have it, they didn't, but Dash did.

"Hey Pinkie, can Scoots and I get some cupcakes now or..."

"Oh, yeah! I took the time to..." They all tuned her out as she sprinted away towards the kitchen, continuing to babble. Jason briefly looked over at Scoots, then over to Applejack.

"What day is it?"

"Monday." She looked at him questioningly.

"School still in session?"

"Yeah," She took a second to figure out where he was going before turning to scoots with a smirk. "Ya'll sending her back?" Scoots stiffened, sending a begging look towards Jason.

"Yeah, she might as well, school isn't that hard here."

"But Jason...." Scoots wined.

"No buts, you go there for like five hours, and have almost no homework. Where I came from I had seven hours of school, then at least two hours of homework. Sometimes I didn't get any sleep studying for finals or midterms. You can go see your friends, it won't be that bad." He paused. "I could give you another exploding apple...nah, already been done." He turned to Dash. "We should lower the house so she can fly up to it more easily."

"Whadda ya mean, fly? Last time ah checked, Scoots couldn't."

"Dash here taught her how."

"Can't say I never did anything for my biggest fan!"

"I think the whole adoption thing may be more important than that." Jason said.

She Scoffed. "I take my victories where I can get them, thank you very much." As she finished speaking, Pinkie raced back out of the kitchen with a platter of cupcakes somehow staying balanced on her head. She set them down on the table and grinned excitedly as Scoots and Dash both took one quickly. Dash was in the middle of demolishing her third cupcake as Pinkie noticed that Jason hadn't grabbed one of the pastries and tilted her head in confusion.

"Why aren't you eating any? Everypony loves my cupcakes, and I mean everypony! Just try one!"

"I don't need to eat." He yawned. He was more tired than he had thought.

"You can't eat?!?!" She gasped loudly, looking like she was going to, well he didn't know exactly. Jason sighed.

"I can, but it doesn't taste like anything, unless I..." He shifted into Dash's form, making the ponies jump. "...shift into the form of a real pony." He took a cupcake and took a bite, recoiling a little at the amount of sugar involved in the recipe, then set down the cupcake and shifted back. "It's strange being me."

"Ah can tell." Applejack said nervously. Twilight had apparently taken notes at some point, and Fluttershy had been scared yet again. Jason yawned.

"Man I'm tired." He put his face into his hooves.

"You and me both." Dash said. "Is it alright if we cut this short guys? If we stay here any longer I think I'm just going to pass out." They readily agreed, and Dash, Jason and Scoots got up to leave.

"Jason, right?" Twilight had come up behind him.


"Well, um, I know you don't like talking about where you came from, but if you decide to I'd love to know about it. I've even found use for those formulas you gave me before and everything!" She paused briefly. "It's kinda weird going from hating you to realizing that I have nothing to really hate you for."

"Um...Alright, I'll consider the research sometime." She smiled broadly.

"Thanks!" She turned to get back to her friends, bouncing happily as Jason questioned her sanity. They made their way outside, back into the small square in front of Sugarcube Corner.

"So Squirt, I'm guessing you're not particularly tired?"

"Yeah, can I go find Applebloom and Sweetie Belle? I wanna tell them about why I've been gone."

"Go ahead. Just be back by... dinner?" She looked at Jason.

"Sure. That's probably around seven Scoots." He said.

"Okay bye!" She sprinted off towards the center of town, possibly heading for Sweet Apple Acres and the Crusader treehouse. He looked over to Dash, who was in the middle of a yawn. She took off, looking behind herself to see that Jason had taken off after her. They landed in the front yard before going inside through the front door, although in hindsight they could've easily used any of the large holes in the wall. Dash sighed as she looked around, making her way slowly up the spiral staircase. Jason grabbed the saddlebag with the blankets inside, bringing it up to Dash's bedroom without bothering to unpack it.

"You know, this is the first time I've been in here." He said as he walked through the door.

"Well hopefully it won't be the last." She started sculpting the bed back into it's usual shape.

"Don't tease me, I'm too tired to come up with witty comebacks."

"If I weren't so tired I'd be taking advantage of that right now."

"It's funny how we wanted to get back here so badly, and then we can't actually do anything."

"Ironic, huh?"

"Yeah. I hate irony. Fuck it." Dash giggled. "It's weird that you find it funny when I swear."

"Why?" She took one of the blankets out of his saddlebag and draped it over the newly formed cloud bed.

"Because the last girlfriend I had hated it. Like with a passion." He walked over to her, nuzzling the side of her face. "But you're just perfect."

"Oh aren't you the sweet one? Here, help me get on this blanket."

"What, being sweet doesn't excuse me from manual labor?"

"Nopony's as lazy as Rainbow Dash." She replied. "Although recent events kinda beg to differ." She flopped down on the bed after getting the other blanket on, and pulled them over herself. Jason followed suit, getting into the other side of the bed.

"God this is so much softer than that stupid bunk. Not that it made any difference, I can sleep on anything. Trust me." They laid there in each other's arms for a few moments before Dash spoke up.

"So what was it like?"

"What do you mean?"

"Living on earth."

"Boring. I had a job that bored me, not that many friends because of the long hours of that job... It wasn't fun." He sighed. "I'm not saying that the world is boring, it's far from that. We did a lot of stuff to entertain ourselves. People built giant steel train tracks that go around loops and stuff, like one of your flight patterns, and then rode trains around them for fun. It's great. I know this sounds kinda pathetic to you, but there was this one park called Cedar Point in the upper northwest, on lake Erie, if you remember where that is. Anyways, the largest one launches the train at one hundred and twenty miles per hour, up four hundred or so feet. Another is just an old school lift, but it goes three hundred and ten feet up, then ends up going ninety miles per hour. You'd love these things."

"What about now?"

"Well, it's not boring. I have you and Scoots, I'm pretty content. I don't love being a changeling though, that I could do without, although I do like the wings and magic. And I also wouldn't be here if I wasn't. I guess it's just more of me complaining."

"I like it."


"You being a changeling, and a prior alien, and all that stuff. It's nice to know someone that isn't like the rest of these ponies, someone with original points of view. Of the ponies here, I doubt even one would have stepped up to take your place through all this, and without you, I would have either given up or died horribly a long time ago, probably the latter." She leaned over and kissed him on the nose.

"And I thought I was supposed to be the sweet one..."

"We can argue about this later." She giggled, yawning again. "Now go to sleep warm, soft pillow." Jason chuckled.

"Fine." He pulled her closer to his chest, nestling his head overtop of hers as they drifted out of consciousness.


Jason jolted awake. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH." He took a quick breath. "Oh god that was a stupid dream."

"MHMhmfds." Dash pulled her head away from his chest and stared at him menacingly.

"Heh, you see, there were these clowns everywhere..."

"CLOWNS?!?! You woke me up about clowns?"

"Well they were laughing, and they had knives, and they were covered in blood..."

"Bloody clowns?"

"Yeah it was in a horror movie once." He shuddered. "I hate clowns. And mimes. I hate mimes."


"Yeah, like those people, you know," He started making an imaginary box with his hooves. "Those morons."

"Yeah, sure..." She sighed, laying her head back down. Jason looked out the window at the quickly setting sun.

"Hey, Scoots should be home soon, we've been asleep for four or five hours." He said.

"What's for dinner?" She asked.

"I dunno, apples?"

"I thought you could cook!?!"

"I need time for that. I'm not even a very good cook, that last thing was probably a fluke."

"Just go on without me then."

"Fine. The big warm fluffy pillow will be leaving now." There was a crash downstairs. "Looks like Scoots made it back." He got out of bed drowsily and made his way down the stairs, and into the kitchen. There was a big pile of pots and pans on the ground, which was the only conceivable place Scoots could be. He levitated the pots and pans up onto the counter, walking over to help Scoots to her feet.

"How did you already manage to knock stuff over?" Jason asked, a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Well, I needed a glass for water, and the cabinet was right next to the pans, and I kinda ran into the pot rack and it fell down and here we are." She smiled nervously.

"Want some dinner then Scoots?"

"Yeah, I'm starving! I met up with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle and told them what happened, and they were all like 'Wow Scootaloo, your parents are awesome, I wish my relatives were that cool'. Then we went crusading as the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders Building Inspectors'. That was Sweetie Belle's idea."

"I'm guessing you didn't get your cutie mark?"

"Well of course not! I'm glad I didn't get a cutie mark in something that boring. I honestly thought I was gonna die of boredom."

"You should see my old job. Just dealing with numbers all day. Ugh."

"Why did you do it then?"

"I got paid a lot of money. That was about it." He lapsed into silence.

"So what happened to Dash?" Scootaloo blurted.

"She's still in bed I think." He looked back out of the kitchen to see that Dash was entering. "Well speak of the devil."

"Curse you and your stupid sayings." She walked over and gave him a quick kiss, much to the chagrin of Scootaloo, before preceding to a cabinet to grab an apple. She immediately took a bite. "If I wasn't so hungry I would've just gone back to sleep."

"We'll probably just go back to sleep soon anyways. Scoots gets the guest bedroom?"

"Sure." She took a sip of water, yawning.

"Wait," Scoots started, "I get my own room?" Dash nodded tiredly. "Wow! Back at the orphanage I had to share a room with three other fillies. Which room is it?"

"First door at the top of the stairs." Scoots was already gone, and had disappeared into the room in a span of time that shouldn't have been possible.

"Not a morning person, huh?"

"Nope, which is kinda ironic since I have to get up early for the weather team."

"What happened with that anyway?"

"I'm going to probably meet with someone about it to see if I can get my old job back."

"Well you probably already have a shoe in."

"Yeah, alright. I'm going back to bed."

"Right behind you." They passed by Scoots, who was still discovering things about her room, briefly told her to get to sleep at some point, and moved into the bedroom. They both flopped down and got comfortable, which wasn't hard since the bed was a cloud.

"Hey, so I hate to be the one to broach this subject, but what about us?" Dash asked.

"That's totally up to you, they aren't my friends."

"I'm just afraid what they'll think."

"They just accepted you back, after two weeks of thinking you were a traitor, in twenty minutes. I don't think you have much to worry about." Jason closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep without another word. Dash laid awake for a while longer, staring at the ceiling. She ran a hoof through Jason's mane.

"I just hope you're right."

Author's Note:

You know you're tired when you spell nose with a z the first time. It's obvious, but still needs to be said: finals fucking suck.

Frankly I'm surprised that I even got this out in two days, amazed even. And I still actually studied. Of course, sitting at a table quietly studying isn't well supplemented by the sudden explosion of a stapler next to your face. I don't mean like fiery explosion, but that there were more than a few springs shoved in there and it flew apart. The handiwork of my brother, god damn him. I shouldn't have gone so far with that time I strapped Halloween masks all over his bed an then woke him up with an air horn. But he was asking for it after the ghost on a spring in the washing machine. Then again, my tripwire attached to all those swinging, half eaten twinkles booby trap was comic gold. Eventually we're going to run out of ideas. Oh yeah, the exploding apple was my idea, and it was hilarious, and it was remote detonated. Maybe I'll get a viable hobby eventually? Nah. I'm not sure if writing this counts, come to think about it.

I guess I need to give out some information here. This whole Ponyville sequence will go on for a while, because there is a necessary space that needs to be built up for the story to proceed logically. That said, there will still be violence (Hooray!), and probably a time skip or two that covers a few days this time.

Back when I wrote short chapters, I kinda enjoyed the fact that people could give their opinions on smaller chunks of the story. Oh well, chapter breaks aren't as common as they used to be. And I haven't ended one with a literal bang in a while. I kinda miss the comments that criticize small parts of the story. So far those have been like a second round of editing, they're responsible for the story turning out how it has, which was much better than the original plot line I had laid out when I started this story. Leave an opinion if you have something to say, maybe it'll have a huge effect.