• Published 30th Nov 2012
  • 22,496 Views, 1,783 Comments

The Winds of Change - AgentSnail

A man named Jason wakes up in Equestria as a changeling, and must quickly adapt to blend in and survive. Making use of unlikely allies, can he forge a usable existence into this strange and surprisingly hostile new world?

  • ...

The Surprise

The Surprise

Jason coughed and rolled over. His mouth tasted like blood. His everything hurt. "Look on the bright side, at least you're safe, well kinda, that has to mean something," he said to himself. He coughed again, wincing and holding his stomach in pain. "This is worse than that time I got shot." The pain flared up again, and Jason groaned. He rolled back onto his back, groaning again. He should have probably avoided running, deciding that the pain had been made worse by his hasty escape.

"Maybe if I slept a little..." Jason shifted the garbage around, finding the most comfortable position he could, and closed his eyes. A while later, he was completely passed out.


"What do you mean 'you don't know where he went'" Twilight yelled at one of the ponies that had come back with the still angry mob. "He's black, has holes in his hooves, and looks like a giant bug. HOW could you have lost track of him?"

"Well, first of all, he ran like a bat outta' Tartarus, and last time I checked, none of us in this tiny mob are particularly fast. Shouldn't you have ensured that he couldn't get away? Because I seem to remember that he was in your grasp at least once." The pony shot back.

"There's no way to stop teleporting by just using a levitation field!" She composed herself. "It also seems like there's something off about this one. He had a surprisingly large amount of power, and doesn't act like a changeling. Sometimes he does the exact opposite of what a changeling should do in his situations, besides the fact that he didn't steal the position of a pony that was already in Ponyville. Something just doesn't add up." She explained. "So I guess it makes sense that he's hard to catch."

Applejack walked up to twilight, an annoyed look still on her face. "Twi, did we catch him?"

"I hate to say this, Applejack, but no, he got away." Twilight looked at her hooves.

"Well consarnit, that bastard was near my sister, what if he did somethin' to her?!?! When ah get my hooves on that changeling ah swear ah'm gunna..." she made a series of twisting and pulling motions with her hooves, the meaning of which escaped Twilight. Applejack seemed to regain her composure. "Why's this little bugger so much more slippery than those ones from Canterlot? Ah mean we took out tons of those guys with out any trouble."

Twilight pulled open the door to the library. "Here, come on, I was doing some research earlier, we can see if we can find anything new." The pair entered, closing the door behind them, Twilight moving to a table where she was doing research earlier. "Weird, I could've sworn I had it right here." She looked through the bookshelves, attempting to find the book. "Where is it?!?! I'm usually so organized, I don't lose anything ever!! Oh no! What if this is just the beginning?!?! What if I become somepony who loses things all the time? What would I do! Where would I--"

"Calm down Twi, ah'm sure its here somewhere."

"But I'm sure I left it on this table. I mean, where could it--" She paused. "You don't think he took it, do you?" She looked at Applejack with a bewildered expression.

"Who, the changeling? Now wha would he do that?" Applejack queried.

"I don't know, but most of his other behavior doesn't make sense either, at least not with how changelings usually live." She replied.

"Well how do they normally act? Ah mean, he seemed like a normal changeling, tricking innocent ponies, stealing their love..."

"Yeah," Twilight started, "but normally changelings replace a pony and dispose of them, and this one tried to create a new pony. I've never seen anything like this before." She thought for a moment. "Come to think of it, he didn't come in with intricate knowledge of his own background, when a normal changeling would have known almost everything about the pony they were replacing. He didn't even have a changeling accent when he spoke in his true form. Then he steals a book about his own species. It's just strange." Applejack changed the subject.

"Well how can we find him? We can't just have a changeling running free in Ponyville. From what you said, he could be capable of anythin', and we definitely can't figure out what his next move will be, on account of him bein' so unpredictable ."

"Well, I could use a tracking spell if he was a pony, but changelings have natural magic that prevents those sorts of things from working correctly."

"So basically, what you're sayin' is that we have to wait until he turns up again? That there's no other way ta find him?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Until he reveals himself again, however or whenever that is, we can't find him." Twilight put a hoof to her chin and thought. "But...we could talk to the people he had contact with, and maybe find out something helpful."

"Well, school's still in session, we could go there and talk to ma sister and her friends, an' se what they know."

"Sounds like as good of an idea as any, Applejack, maybe we can find out some sort of pattern to his behavior." Applejack nodded, and they both left the library, closed the door behind them, and turned straight towards the schoolhouse.


A piece of paper fluttered down onto Jason's face. He unconsciously tried to brush it off, but ended up hitting himself in the nose. He jolted awake, thinking that someone had been attacking him. He flailed his arms in the probable direction of the culprit. Finding no one inside his fort with him, he cautiously tried to sit up. He noticed that the sun was consideably lower that it had been before, and he assumed it was around three or four O'clock.

Sitting up, he noticed that most of the nausea was gone, but a fair amount of the sharp pain in his gut had remained. He looked around, and saw the book that he had stolen earlier. Dragging himself over to where it lay, he read the cover again. A Brief History of Changelings He opened the book to the first page.

Changelings are a race that has resided on this planet for about the same time as ponies, although interaction between ponies and changelings has been kept fairly low until recent times. This is mostly due to the previous food source of changelings disappearing. Changelings have always needed love to function, but the people from whom they derive this sustenance has changed. Previously, the changelings fed off of the ponies from Herundul, a country south of the approximate location of their hive, which is to the west of Equestria. This food source allowed them to become fairly powerful, until the Griffon Kingdom declared war on Herundul over the quality of rock imports. Herundul was conquered, and the changelings were forced to find another food source. The griffins were not usable for this task because of the size difference between the griffins and changelings, and therefore the inability for changelings to accurately impersonate griffins.

The changeling hive is a wonder of teamwork and speed in which tasks are completed. A hivemind that is believed to exist between changelings allows the communication of ideas and information over huge distances in little time. However, while residing as a part of the hivemind, a changeling has much less free will. This allows the changeling Queen to exhibit a huge amount of control over her children, and coordinate huge efforts and tasks. Very few changelings have ever been severed from the hivemind, and even fewer have survived the separation and the nervous-system overload that takes place soon after.

Jason skipped a few pages.

While most changelings are much the same in size and stature, there are subtle, yet recognizable differences that indicate gender. While it is true that any changeling can take any form, a mindset forms for changelings to try to stick to only male, or only female ponies. Not all of the drones are the same, even though many of them look like exact clones of one another. Generally, most changelings are normal, possessing small amounts of magical abilities, although these can be increased exponentially by the supply of love on hoof. Occasionally, though, a changeling is born with increased healing abilities, generally when the hive is low in numbers, although it is unsure what is different in the developmental stages of these drones. These drones are slightly larger, a fair amount more powerful than the other drones, and also tends to also have a longer lifespan.

Jason closed the book. "Well this explains a lot, like why magic was so easy, why I could heal Applebloom..." 'There must be more here about healer changelings...'


Twilight walked up to the door of the school house, with Applejack in tow. "So who do we need to talk to, Applejack?"

"Well, if'n ah remember correctly, the closest to the incident were mah sister, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Cherilee, at least, that's what ah can recall..."

"I think you're probably right, so lets just bring those four out here, ask the questions, and leave." Twilight said as she opened the door.

Cherilee looked up from her desk, and noticing the two, got up to meet them by the door. She had her class writing some sort of essay.

"Did you get him?" She asked, sounding hopeful.

"No, he slipped away, which is why we're here. We want to see if we can get information on behavior and things like that." Twilight replied.

"Oh, okay, well I saw a little of him, but besides teaching, I guess I didn't see that much."

Applejack spoke up. "Well if we could pull you and mah sister, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo outside and ask a few questions, ah'd sure appreciate it.

Cherilee nodded. "Scootaloo, Applebloom, Sweetie belle, can you come outside with us for a moment?" The CMC nervously got up and headed to the front of the room, following Applejack, Cherilee and Twilight outside.

"I didn't do it! It was all Scootaloo's idea!" Sweetie Belle protested once they had gotten outside, jabbing a hoof at Scootaloo.

"None of you are in trouble," Cherilee said and the CMC let out a collective sigh of relief. "Unless you should be..."

"Anyway..." Twilight continued, "We're looking for information on the new student that came in today who called himself Blaze and turned out to be a changeling." She paused, contemplating what to ask, while pulling out a pad of paper and a quill to take notes. "So what happened?"

Scootaloo spoke up. "He made a few hilarious jokes in the classroom." Cherilee looked at Scootaloo with a disapproving gaze. "Oh and argued with Diamond Tiara about how he got his injuries." Twilight looked at Cherilee, who nodded, signifying that what Scootaloo had said was true. "Then we had recess, and we noticed that he didn't have a cutie mark, so we asked him to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and he agreed. So we said that to get in he had to prank Mrs. Cherilee."

"Did he say what he was going to do?" Twilight asked

"Yes, I'd be very interested to see what he was going to do to me." Cherilee growled.

"Yeah, well he asked us what we'd done, then told us something about gunpowder and complicated pranks."

"Do any of ya'll know what this 'gunpowder' stuff is?" queried Applejack

"I've actually never seen it in any of my books." Twilight recalled, sounding slightly worried.

"Anyway," Scootaloo continued, "Diamond came up to us after that, and Blaze basically dared her to stop hiding behind the power of her father and do things herself, and gave her a free shot. She punched him, but he didn't seem to feel it, then Silver Spoon knocked him over, and Diamond kept punching him, and..."

"Wait, I want to tell this part!" Applebloom protested

"Fine," conceded Scootaloo, "Go ahead."

"Okay, so anyway, ah decided after a while that enough was enough, 'specially since Blaze was laughing the whole time, so ah tried to push Diamond offa' Blaze, but she punched me." Applejack looked furious.

"I swear, when ah find that filly ah'm gonna....wait, Applebloom, are ya fibbin'? Ah don't see a bruise on your face if she supposedly punched ya."

Cherilee spoke up. "Well, you see, I saw Applebloom get punched, and Blaze underneath Diamond, so I stopped the fight. Then, you know what, Blaze was completely fine! It was the weirdest thing!" Cherilee got several looks of bewilderment from the group before continuing. "Then Blaze healed Applebloom's face, which I thought was strange for such a young pony. I took Diamond away, but while we were walking, she said something to the extent of: 'You're and orphan and your parents don't love you' and Blaze started punching the crud out of her. And I guess that's when you guys showed up."

"Whatever happened to that little filly?" asked Applejack

"Oh, well we sent her to Ponyville general just to be safe, but she got released."

"Well that's good ah guess..."

"Um, Applejack, lets go back to the library and process this," Twilight said while gesturing with her pad of notes.


Jason closed the book in disgust. Almost a hundred pages, and no info about changeling healers. Only some stuff about them being extremely rare and occasionally powerful, but nothing on origin, weaknesses, other skills, or anything. "Some history book this turned out to be." He had, however, figured out some about ways to combat regular changelings' disguises, such as the use of certain spells and the ability to 'short out' their disguises by hitting them with large amounts of random, unassigned magic. Now he knew what to avoid. Apparently, Twilight's spell had been one of those select few, in this case, stripping his disguise.

"Ugh." Jason rolled over, breathing heavily. His stomach was feeling better, and his fears of permanent injury had been sated. The scratches on his sides were merely scars now, and had apparently healed at some point. Thats probably where a lot of his energy went. Jason rolled back over, and looked up at the sun. It was only a few hours from sunset. "How has it only been a day? Hard to believe..." He lay there in silence for a few minutes, watching the shadows grow. Suddenly, the serene silence was broken.

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh." BAM! Splat!

"What was that?"