• Published 30th Nov 2012
  • 22,513 Views, 1,783 Comments

The Winds of Change - AgentSnail

A man named Jason wakes up in Equestria as a changeling, and must quickly adapt to blend in and survive. Making use of unlikely allies, can he forge a usable existence into this strange and surprisingly hostile new world?

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The Inevitable Plot Twist

The Inevitable Plot Twist

"So here's what ya'll has ta do..." Applebloom started before Scootaloo cut her off.

"Play a prank on Mrs. Cherilee!" She squealed, fluttering her wings.

"Well consarnit Scootaloo ah wanted to tell Blaze about it!" Applebloom protested.

"You always tell people about stuff, now its my turn!" Scootaloo countered.

"No, ah always start to tell them, but then ya interrupt me."

"No I don't."

"Yes ya do." Jason deadpanned.

"No I don't." Sensing that this wasn't going anywhere fast, Jason decided to cut in.

"Wait", replied Jason, "is that it? You guys acted like you wanted me to kill somepony. Give me twenty four hours. Heh heh."

"What are you going to do?" inquired Sweetie Belle.

"I guess, the important question is, what have you guys already done?"

"Well, we did the tacks on the chair trick, along with the one where the back of the chair falls off, and some other corny ones that these two made me do." replied Scootaloo

"Pfft, those are the easy ones. You need it to be overly complicated for it to be funny. Do you guys know what gunpowder is?" Jason started smiling malevolently.

"Uhh... not that ah know of," answered Applebloom

"Excellent..." Jason said as he tapped his forehooves together malevolently.

"Hey you stupid blank flank, because of you I got detention." Diamond Tiara said rather matter-of-factly, with Silver Spoon in tow.

"Oh no, not her," Sweetie Belle whined.

Jason turned around to face Diamond and Silver Spoon. "So?" That seemed to throw her for a loop, and she stared at Jason for a few seconds before replying.

"You know, my father is a very powerful man and you don't want to make him angry..." she warned.

"What, afraid to get your hooves dirty, afraid you can't face up to me? Do you need to hide behind your father this whole time or are you actually going to try something yourself for a change?" Jason had already decided to incite something, because frankly, she made it too easy. "Here, I'll give you a free shot." he pointed to his cheek, which he had turned towards her, confident in his armor to protect him. "Come on, what are you, chicken?" he paused, "Any day--" Bam. He felt a hit to his jaw, not that it really hurt, but he had managed to start a fight. Objective complete. He turned his head back to diamond, having not stumbled, and gave her a toothy grin. "That's it, eh? Pathetic."

Another punch. Just as wimpy as the last one. His head snapped to the side again, just long enough for him to not see Silver Spoon broadside him. He hit the ground. Hard. "Hey, two one one, no fair." complained Jason. "Like that's really going to help your odds..." He looked up to see a VERY enraged Diamond Tiara, and another hoof headed strait for his face. It still didn't hurt that much, and it was kinda funny watching her attempts at fist fighting (Hoof fighting?). He started laughing. Diamond got even more pissed off.

"Why. Can't. I. Hurt. You?!?!" She yelled. Applebloom tried to push Diamond off of Jason, but Diamond simply turned and punched her in the cheek. Jason abruptly stopped laughing. He was about to push Diamond off and punch some sense into her when an enraged Cherilee walked up.

"Diamond Tiara! You get off of Blaze this instant!" she shouted.

"B-but, Mrs. Cherilee, he started it!" she yelled back.

"That is no excuse. Your father WILL hear about this, young lady." As an afterthought, "Don't you dare move from that spot." She directed her attention at Jason. "Blaze, are you alright? How in Equestria are you unharmed?"

"Just hard headed, I guess, but you should really be asking Applebloom that question," he replied and pointed. Cherilee turned to Applebloom and winced. A large bruise was forming in the middle of her cheek, next to a small cut. "Oh you poor thing, are you okay?"

"Yeah ah'm fine ah suppose, but it still hurts like all gettout. And ah was just tryin ta help Blaze over here when she punched me." Cherilee looked even more angry than before, grinding her teeth together and taking short looks at Diamond.

Jason looked at the cut, and wondered how fast things healed here. 'Things must heal pretty fast, considering how Rainbow Dash got out of the hospital with a broken bone in only a few days.' He thought about Applebloom's cut and bruise, about how if he could teleport and levitate things, that he could probably heal a cut and a bruise. Because how hard could it be? He decided to try, chanelling a fairly large amount of magic through his horn. The cut started to mend, and the bruise faded. Cherilee noticed Applebloom's rapidly healing face, and looked to Jason in astonishment.

Jason suddenly felt fatigued. Very Fatigued. He shook himself around, suddenly feeling cold, and noticed that Applebloom's face was back to normal. "Did I do that?" he asked. 'This is just getting ridiculous...how could it be this easy, well that wasn't that easy actually, but how could it be that simple? Better question, how much energy did I use to heal that? How much could I possibly have left?'

Cherilee's chuckling jolted Jason out of his worries, and back to the real world. He would have to worry about energy later. "It would appear so, Blaze, although I've never seen healing magic from such a young pony before." She turned her attention back to Diamond. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Um...well...uh...he called me a chicken!"

"That's no excuse to hurt somepony, Diamond Tiara, and as a result, you will be in detention until I get a hold of your father and we have a little chat about what to do with you." Diamond's anger returned with a vengeance, and turned to throw one more insult, feeling smug that no harm could come to her, with Cherilee so close.

"He's probably just some orphan anyway. You hear that? Your parents didn't love you!!!"

"Shut up Diamond," Cherilee growled.

Jason, however, was sent into a rage. She could do anything to him except insult his parents, even if it was just a happy coincidence. He had been the one that failed them, they had done nothing wrong. He let out a yell comparable to a battle cry and sprinted at Diamond. She turned in time to see him flying through the air at her, an expression of absolute fury on his face, and her eyes widened considerably more than he would have thought possible, not that everyone didn't have huge eyes already... Diamond was knocked onto the ground, and he was on her in a second, flailing his arms randomly towards her face, landing several hits before anyone could react. He slightly transformed, making his muscles bigger, and hitting her harder, not caring if anyone noticed. "Never. Insult. My. Parents!!!!"


Twilight was on her way to Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack, where they were going to try out some new type of apple pie that Applejack couldn't stop talking about, which was a funny change to her normal, 'mare of few words' personality.

"Listen when ah say this Twi', this pie is a hoof better then the old bunch, ah can't believe we didn't think of it before! We used some uh the zap apple jam in the pie this time, and you haf'ta take a gander of it!! Sorry for soundin a might like Pinkie, but hopefully ya can see why ah'm a might excited."

"Well if its as good as it sounds, then I think I can survive a few minutes of rambling." She looked at the schoolhouse as they passed it, and thought of several bad memories from magic kindergarden. She shuddered.

"Are ya cold there, Twi?" Applejack asked, a little worried.

"No, just recalled some memories of school."

"Not fun huh? Personally, ah didn't really like it either, so ah guess we're in the same boat, but ah suppose you were in a different school entirely, so shows what ah know."

"It was kind of a nightmare until Celestia took me under her wing," she sighed.

"I guess if ya hadn't gotten through kindergarden ya would've never gotten to be the Princess's student"

"Yeah, I guess it could have been worse, especially when you put it that way, but..." She could have sworn she heard yelling and screaming from the school yard. "Did you hear that Applejack?"

She listened for a moment. "It's probably just foals bein' foals."

"I guess, but it sounded like..."

"Never. Insult. My. Parents" a loud thud and screaming was heard.

"Ah think we best get over there before anypony dies."

"That might be smart." Both of them galloped off towards the school house.


Smack. Punch. Smack. Jason had lost count of the blows he had flung at Diamond, he heard some muffled voices swirling around him, someone was trying to pull him off of Diamond. He was finally ripped off of her as a purple aura enveloped him and rose him into the air. He flailed around, trying to get back to Diamond, but could not escape the magical grip, and turned his head to stare at the pony that had picked him up. It was Twilight, of all ponies. 'Great, just the pony I wanted to see.' he thought. She looked at him, and recognition flashed over her face.

"Hey you're that pony from earlier."

'Oh no, she recognizes me. Gotta get away, don't know how I'd answer questions about this one without giving things away...' he struggled some more before he realized that he wasn't getting anywhere fast. "Um, I don't know what you're talking about." Looking around, he saw that Diamond had actually struggled to her feet, her face a mess of cuts and bruises.

"Yeah, yeah, now I remember, you came in for that spell. And I still had to ask you some questions." She looked at Diamond and winced. She narrowed her eyes, "And so, what, you beat up this filly for fun? What kind of foal are you?"

'Yeah she missed the first part i guess,' he paused, 'gotta escape, gotta escape, what to do, what to do, Magic! I'm to slow at this. First the wings, now forgetting about magic in a world that literally runs on it, it's just pathetic. Well, better get to it.'

Jason charged up his magic to try to escape, discharging a large amount of energy towards the front of the aura. There was a huge blast of air, and he flew backwards towards town. He hit the ground hard, and rolled for a surprisingly long time. 'Must've been going pretty fast, I guess,' he thought, although he felt no worse for wear. Spitting the dirt out of his mouth, he looked at his hooves just in time to see his disguise flicker and disappear, returning him to his normal form. "What the Hell?" He spit out some more grit, looked up and saw a VERY enraged Twilight and Applejack walking towards him, and turned around to see a small crowd of townspeople staring at him.

"Well, shit."