• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 3,738 Views, 51 Comments

I can listen - walkonfour

A certain big red pony finds himself in town, and whilst wandering, makes a new connection

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1; Day off

Sighing, the big red stallion looked despondently at the horizon, watching the sun dip slowly below the boughs of the orchard, marking the end to another days work. As long as he could remember, his place had been on the farm, becoming one with the ever-changing seasons, the bounds of sweetapple acres marking the corners of his universe. Slowly, he turned away from the setting sun, slowly winding his way past trees he had known since he was a young colt. Leaves brushed the top of his head, the sunlight broken into a dappled mosaic of shadows by the Branches.

What am I supposed to be now? He pondered this question as he walked. Not so long ago, this had been his domain. Woking the acres had made him grow up fast, and strong. It was all he knew, and, most of the time, all he cared to. Well, most of the time…..

Somewhat conflicted, he continued his trudge towards the apple family residence. His melancholy seemed to lift as he headed back to the family barn. Sometimes he forgot how lucky he was; having a family he loved to go back to at night.

Walking through the door of his humble home, he hung the heavy wooden collar he habitually wore on a well-worn hook. His shoulder had been giving him trouble fort the last few days, and he sighed with relief as he stretched his neck out, feeling the injury pull against his muscles. He headed to the kitchen to wash up before dinner.

“Evenin’ Applejack” he drawled, acknowledging the presence of the orange pony just entering behind him.

“Evening big Mac” she replied curtly, “been at that old plough all day again?”


“Like yesterday and the day a’fore?”


This last statement was followed by a pause. Big Macintosh knew what was coming next.

“Mac, you ain’t left this farm in too long-”… he cut his sister off

"I ain’t no town pony; this I where I’m s’posed to be”

A long silence followed. Applejack looked deep into Big Macintosh’s eyes, seeing the pain layered behind his powerful exterior. That was the way with Big Macintosh; he had become the rock upon which the apple family relied. With no parents about to handle the strain, as only a young colt, he had taken the reigns of the failing farm, and turned it around into a thriving business. Caring for the family, and along with the elderly granny smith, practically raised his two younger sisters. Applejack loved her brother, and admired his strength had resolve. But she could see the strain of responsibility getting to him.

Applejack broke the silence, her voice filled with sadness.

“Mac, it ain’t like the old days. We got help in the fields now, and I can help handle the books. I’m all growed up now, and applebloom is doin’ jus fine”

“Ah know AJ” the big red pony spoke after a time “ truth be told, there ain’t that much for me to do round here now more”

“now I didn’t mean it like that just we can cope without you workin’ so hard all the time I ain’t goanna let it jus happen that way no more, ok?”

Big Macintosh thought for a long time. He knew applejack was right. She had grown up to be twice the pony he felt he could ever be. When he saw his sister, he couldn’t help but smile. She was strong, assertive, and most of all honest. Despite being the elder, the stallion settled down into his chair by the kitchen table prepared to hear his sister out.

The next day, he found himself on the road to Ponyville. In the end, he and Applejack had affected a kind of compromise. He would take a break from the farm for a few days, and, on his return would see just how capable she had become. Mac chuckled to himself as he walked. In truth, he had the utmost faith in her, but she, well, she was always trying to prove herself, as if she had to. Still, some time off might yet do me good, he thought, passing out of sight of the farm. Thinking of the pride he had in his sister, he began to reflect on his own life.

Big Macintosh was, by nature a solitary pony. The little free time he allowed himself was spent reading. His greatest pride was the small collection of second- books he kept in a chest in his room, covering everything from astronomy to crop rotation. Other than his family, and a few acquaintances in Ponyville, he generally kept himself to himself. Besides he didn’t care much for depending on other ponies. Or talking, for that matter.

Ponyville looked much the same as it had the last time he passed through. sure, it was the nearest town, but he never really felt he knew the place well, only visiting to drop applebloom off at school, or if he had apples to sell. Walking through the town, the big red pony nodded politely at familiar faces as he passed, taking extra care to address the marefolk of the town with his customary “ma’arm”, just like a proper gentlecolt should. As he wandered more or less aimlessly through town, his eye caught on a window display. The farm pony had long had a fascination with pretty things. He had even gone as far as to ‘borrow’ that charming doll from his sister’s friend, the librarian. Looking into the window of the dressmakers shop, he admired the long, flowing gowns worn by the mannequins, as well the ostentatious jewellery on display. For a moment, he forgot himself, a big manly stallion, gawping at a window display like some bratty young filly. The moment passed. He sheepishly looked around; making sure no pony saw him, before turning to leave.

“It’s ok to look..”

His eyes widening, he froze. Looking round, he saw a young mare, her coat a brilliant white. A mane of purple cascaded down almost to the ground, he recognised this one. Rarity- one of applejack’s friends. Dumbstruck by being caught indulging his secret desire, Big Macintosh turned back into the quiet workhorse the world saw. Meaning to deny what the filly was clearly thinking, he could only stand there silent, chewing on his piece of grass.

She spoke for him.

“You Are Applejack’s brother are you not”


“Never expected one of the apple family to be admiring my hoofwork”

“it ain’t what you think I ani’t no…..” he trailed off.

“Please, come inside”

Rarity herd the faint tinkle of the doorbell, announcing the big stallion had decided to follow her inside. “Please have a seat… Mac or something isn’t it?” she motioned the workhorse over to a bench located over in a more intimate area of the shop. Perfect! She thought when Applejack had mentioned her brother was headed to town, she didn’t dare dream that he would make for her shop!


“I see quite a lot of your sister. Both your sisters now actually… but I don’t believe we have ever been introduced?” If the unicorn expected an answer, she didn’t wait “so, what brings you to the carousel boutique? Don’t be shy, I can keep a secret”

The stallion’s brow furrowed. For all his expertise working a plough or running a farm, he found himself at a loss here with Rarity. He could feel blood rushing to his cheeks. Rarity sighed. It looked like she would be doing most of the work here.

She smiled sweetly, and using her unicorn magic, she levitated an ornate tea set onto the table, before sitting down next to the other pony. “Tea?” she inquired innocently, whilst delicately poring two cups for herself and her increasingly uncomfortable guest. As she struggled to stifle her amusement at the situation, she thought about the other stallions she had known; flawlessly handsome, yet arrogant and selfish. Here was one she could relate to. Despite appearances, the two had much in common, if what Applejack had said was true. Like Big Macintosh, she had struggled to build her business from scratch, something those Noble ponies could never understand. Applejack would be fuming when she found out what she had in mind.

“You still haven’t answered my question now, have you?” she said, gently laying her hoof on his big red shoulder. He winced away in pain. “What’s the matter?”

“ Nothin’ really, just a bit sore from pullin’ a plough all day, Miss Rarity. I suppose that’s what got me off the farm today” he said, looking at the ground. “Applejack can be very particular if she thinks I been working too hard”

Her eyes widened in mock alarm “well don’t you worry my big brave workhorse. I have just the thing for sore muscles. You just lie there and let rarity make you all better….

Eeyup he thought, watching the beautiful pony leave, things sure where a lot simpler back up on the farm…