• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 3,742 Views, 51 Comments

I can listen - walkonfour

A certain big red pony finds himself in town, and whilst wandering, makes a new connection

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And how gallant he will be...

Princess Celestia sat in her throne room, alone but for a decidedly contrite looking Unicorn filly standing before her. She had dismissed the rest of the royal court in order to speak more personally with the mare in question. Given the importance of what was about to be said, it seemed appropriate.

Celestia broke the silence that had fallen since her courtiers had left. “I understand now why this has been so difficult for you. Even if you are the element of generosity, I can hardly ask you to give away something you no longer possess.”Celestia smiled, and looked down upon the smaller unicorn expectantly, awaiting her reply.

Rarity looked horrified. “But princess, surely you don’t think…”

“My child, you must not doubt me so. I can see the soul of every pony who stands before me. I know that your heart belongs to another. Once I might have hoped that you could find love within my household... Now I see why that cannot be.”

Rarity stood, transfixed by the warm gaze of her goddess. Princess Celestia was as radiant as she remembered; though the softness of her voice had dispelled the worst of her fears, it was impossible not to be overawed in the presence of a being so magnificent. The unicorn found herself unable to reply, entranced by the beauty of the alicorn stood before her.

“Please Rarity. Though I can control the movement of the sun itself, even I must acknowledge that love moves in a way nopony, not even a Princess, can fully comprehend”

Is that ..Warmth in her voice? How can she not be mad? Rarity shifted her hooves uncomfortably beneath her. She had expected something different when the Princesss had dismissed her court, indeed she was prepared for punishment. One cannot simply refuse the recommendation of the ruler of Equestria and expect to get off so lightly, can they? Surely not…. Composing herself, eventually her curiosity overwhelmed her fear of punishment. She had to say something.

“Princess, I will do all you ask of me” Rarity bowed her head to the alicorn. Even given the circumstances, she couldn’t help but feel selfish and ungrateful. Who was she to turn down royalty?

“It is true I had hoped that you and my nephew could have affected a relationship together, but I can see now that things can never be as I would have perhaps chosen. Despite my efforts, I see he is not yet prepared for marriage, and you, well, I know now your heart belongs to another”

“But princess…”

“Please, my pony, you truly are the soul of generosity…..but I will not allow you give up your love for my sake. I know better than anypony how dangerous such an act would be. Please, let me worry about the Prince.”

Rarity summoned enough courage to look into the eyes of the Allicorn she could see the love and understanding there. She had been afraid that admitting she felt nothing for Prince Blueblood would have been met with disappointment and anger; instead, the Princess genuinely seemed to care for her happiness more. Still, though, she could not deny that Blueblood had come a long way since they had last met, becoming a stallion more deserving of his title. At least some good had come of that night at the gala, Rarity thought. All things considered, the little scene she created had been enough to prompt the boorish Prince Blueblood to act more like a gentlecolt.

“So you’re not going to make me marry him?” asked Rarity, still half expecting some form of chastisement.

“Have no fear of that, my pony, my mind is made up. You shall be returned safely back into the arms of your beloved. No doubt he is quite confused…by the way, this stallion wouldn’t be anyone I would know would it?” Princess Celestia looked to the unicorn, with what, had she not known the Princess to be above such things, Rarity might have described a near mischievous glint in her eyes.

Ha it seem even the Princess isn’t adverse to a little gossip, thought Rarity.

“Well princess, you have met Applejack have you not? Well you see he has this brother, who is how I shall say, simply divine….”

Big Macintosh had been walking for hours. His hooves felt sore, his fetlocks had been all but covered in mud and grit from the road. Such fatigue in a pony so well adapted to being upon his feet all day was quite an accomplishment. Sore hooves or no, I have to make it in time… he thought to himself. Despite the growing soreness in his body, the red stallion was now singular in his resolve and nothing would prevent him reaching Canterlot.

The long walk from Ponyville had given him time to reflect on the situation. The pony he loved- he had realised that was how he felt about her- had run off to Canterlot. He didn’t know why, or if she would be coming back. He only knew he owed it to himself to found out where he stood. That was why he had taken it upon himself to trek across Equestria. Well, after a little persuading from a certain energetic Pegasus. He thought back to his conversation with Rainbow Dash that had made up his mind;

“You see big red, I know a thing or two about ponies, and I know a whole lot about that prissy drama queen Rarity…… yeah I know big guy, don’t look so shocked….. Anyway don’t get so down, this is just a test she’s puttin’ you through. See, she thinks of yo as her personal destrier in shining armour now, so way I see it you better come through for her.”

“But that don’t sound like the Rarity I know”, he had replied, still hoping for the best.

“Trust me Red, I know a thing or two about mares, and no matter what they say, they all want to feel like there special... so just play along alright.”

Admittedly, at first he was sceptical, But even Applejack had admitted that the concept was sound. It’s like we are talking about different fillies, he found himself thinking. He had to admit though they could be right. They had been close to Rarity for much longer than he had, and probably knew her in a way he didn’t. Besides, part of him was enjoying playing the dashing gentlecolt rushing off to save his lady. He decided he would play along, for now.

Meanwhile, back at sweet apple acres, two ponies sat outside the barn, enjoying the warmth of the sun whilst knocking back a few glasses of cool cider. The orange earth pony turned to her companion, a powder blue Pegasus.

“Rainbowdash, tell me again why I just helped send my brother all the way to Canterlot for no good reason?”

“Heh, you said yourself that having him moping around the farm all day was driving you mad” the Pegasus replied, confidently reclining backwards. “At least this way we can keep him out of the way, and if it makes you feel better, you always said you wanted to get him out more” Rainbow Dash was clearly pleased with herself, having helped send Big Mackintosh halfway across equestrian to supposedly ‘win back’ Rarity.

Applejack wondered for a moment if sending her brother off on such a foolish errand was in keeping with her position as element of honesty; though she knew it wold probably work out for the best. Probably for the best. And anyway, his mopin’ around was darned insufferable. Having made some sort of peace with her conscience, she resolved to enjoy the test of the afternoon with Rainbow Dash.

To anyone who has made it this far;

Thanks for persevering. I am frankly stoked that people have taken the time to wade through my clumsy grammar all his way ( will get around to fixing it soon).

I am also really grateful for those who have made comments and rated, just want you to know I do appricate the effort.

Thanks again!