• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 3,742 Views, 51 Comments

I can listen - walkonfour

A certain big red pony finds himself in town, and whilst wandering, makes a new connection

  • ...

Half an Apple

Everything was going wrong.

Things had started off well enough. He had opted to come to Ponyville discreetly, avoiding the usual pomp and splendour his rank entitled him to. By the time the train arrived, it was well into the afternoon, and he soon found himself caught up in the throng of ponies heading home a hard day’s work, too distracted by thoughts of rest to notice a Prince in their midst, apparently. Despite the liveliness of the streets at the time, He had moved quickly through the town proper, pausing only to ask directions from a mailmare just completing the route. She had seemed genuine enough, but nonetheless pointed him entirely in the wrong direction. This, he thought back was probably an omen, though at the time he was happy enough to continue, trotting along with a veritable spring in his step. After that brief detour, he had eventually found his way up the hill towards Sweet Apple Acres. He made his way up towards the quaint house-come-barn, and after a brief moment to compose himself, knocked.

That’s when it had happened.

The Princes’ eyes narrowed as he looked up at the orange mare. The aching heat of where the hoof had struck him was working its way across his jaw. His own hoof was held firmly to the side of his rapidly swelling face as his mind frantically tried to process what had just occurred. His brain was telling him that this pony- this lowly farmer- had just struck him, and for no apparent reason at that.

The prince sat up immediately, mentally debating the relative merits of leaving his guard back in Canterlot. The prize bouquet of roses he had picked himself in the castle gardens was lying in the mud. All things considered, things where not transpiring as he had originally hoped.

“What in sweet Celestia’s name are you doin’ on my farm?”

The Prince, somewhat understandably, found himself at a loss for words. The gallant apologies, the charming complements, they all dissolved beneath the Applejack’s withering gaze. He felt like he was a foal again, utterly defenceless in the face of the pony he had admired so silently, so distantly, until now. The farm pony’s eyes where darting back and forth between the discarded bouquet and Blueblood; she was clearly beginning to piece together his intent.

“I..I came for you…”

As Blueblood managed to stammer his response, he was unsure of exactly what he was expecting. That she would simply fall into my arms, perhaps. As he watched the mares face contorts with emotions ranging from pity, to confusion, to disgust, it was all he could do to stand silently, waiting for her response, the surely inevitable rejection. No stallion, no pony save a pony in love could have withstood that look for as long as Blueblood lasted. He had succeeded, at least in some small way made his intentions clear, no longer would he lie awake at night wondering if it just might be possible… yes he thought, perhaps it is better this way.

“I am sorry to have bothered you” the stallion mumbled, turning to leave. He couldn’t stand this any longer; and what’s more, she wouldn’t get to see him cry. Yes, better this way.

By the time Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash made it back to Ponyville, it was well past sunset. The journey was more than a little illuminating from Big Macintosh's point of view, for a number of reasons. Firstly, he could now recon himself something of an authority on the Wonderbolts having discussed, or rather been told, every detail if every team member ranging from signature moves to birthdays. After what Rainbow Dash had completed what she had called his somewhat grandly branded his 'true education', the two had really got down to talking. The Pegasus had talked about her friends, her family back in Cloudsdale, he job on the weather team; Big Macintosh was glad to listen, so that was how the conversation progressed. After a time though, even the bombastic mare noticed the one sided nature of the exchange.

“anything on your mind big red?” she inquired.


“Aww, Come-on. You know you’re not foolin’ anyone with that strong silent type act. I am the element of loyalty you know, I can keep a secret if I have to”

“You sure?”

“you gonna make me pinkie promise? Fine…”

Big Macintosh looked on, smiling as the Pegasus satisfied the bizarre ritual.

“Right all done, now spill it” she fluttered up in front of him grinning.

“You sure? You asked for it”

In truth, Big Macintosh wanted to sound out some of his problems with somen he could trust, and Rainbow Dash was as good as anyone. So, naturally, he talked.

He talked about his everyday worries, seeing Applebloom got schooled and his family got fed. He talked about how he drank too much, too often. He talked about Rarity, how helpless he had felt in her hooves, how at peace she made him feel.

He talked about his future, what kept him awake at night. It was something he had worried about since he got his cutie mark. It was there on his flank, for the world to see. In Equestria, it was the female line, not the male, that inherited. In a few years, the farm would pass from his care to its rightful owner- Applejack. That was what he worried about most, why he was forever half an apple.

Half an apple… whilst his place was on the farm, in the same orchards he had grown up in, providence had marked him as only half an apple. The mark on his flank was cryptically telling him only half his due was to the land, to Applejack's birthright. He had wondered, since he was a colt, what this could mean for him.

“So that’s why you’re having Applejack learn about the books and stuff? So she can take over?”


“wow, just…wow...”

After that the pair had continued in silence for quite some time. Night slowly fell, and eventually, they reached the boarders of Ponyville. The town was quiet, the streetlamps bright, along with a single light left on in the Carousel Boutique. Big Macintosh and Rainbow Dash headed over to the shop, ready to complete their long journey at last.