• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 3,742 Views, 51 Comments

I can listen - walkonfour

A certain big red pony finds himself in town, and whilst wandering, makes a new connection

  • ...

Space to Think

It was moments like this that made him keep quiet. As Big Macintosh trotted away from the dress shop, his mind obsessed over what had transpired only a few minutes ago, trying to land on what it would all mean for him. Yes, there was something very intriguing about Rarity, and he would even go as far as to consider having made some kind of connection with the other pony.

But it seemed that there was something else. Something he couldn’t quite put his hoof on.

What is she looking for? He wondered. What am I looking for? I always figured it would be clearer than this. How am I supposed to work out if she feels the same way? That’s what I want, right?

It was.

Having admitted to himself he felt something for the dressmaker, her resolved he would see her again. He knew he would have to move with care, however. Despite the connection he felt, he couldn’t help but notice the gulf that existed between a fancy filly like Rarity, and himself, a simple workhorse.

Going to have to think this one out carefully, he resolved.



It had been a long morning for Applejack on the farm. Having forced her brother to take some time off, she was realising just how much he still did around the farm. She was squinting at a leger when a familiar voice sounded on the apple family residence.


The anguished cry resonated throughout Sweetapple acres. Recognising, the distinctive wail, the orange earth pony looked up from the farms accounts to behold none other than Rarity walking towards the barn. That was strange. True, they had grown a lot closer recently, and she considered Rarity one of her closest friends, despite the two of them having very different personalities. An unannounced visit to the farm however, was unprecedented; she dreaded to think what would cause the fussy unicorn brave the dust and dirt of the Apple homestead. Still, in truth, she would be grateful for the distraction; anything to get away from those troublesome ledgers.

“Applejack! I demand you explain yourself!” the unicorn wailed, before settling into an indignant pose on the doorstep.

“Sugarcube, what you gettin’ at?” applejack replied, trying to sound sympathetic, despite Rarity's dramatic entrance.

“It is about Your brother”

“……let’s sit down shall we”

Having invited Rarity inside, the two friends sat down in the kitchen. Other than Applejack, the farm was deserted at this time of day, with other ponies out in the fields.

Applejack had hesitated at the mention of her brother. What’s he gone and got himself into, she wondered. Scenarios raced through her head. On one hand her brother. On the other hand, there was Rarity.

“What have you done with Big Mackintosh?”

“Nothing! Honestly darling …I just want to know more about him”

The farm pony was taken aback by the request. Now Rarity had toned down her drama queen act that had so quickly grabbed her attention, Applejack could see genuine emotion peeking out from behind her immaculately curled lashes. Could it be? Applejack couldn't think of two more different ponies if she tried. Besides, Rarity was into an altogether different class of stallion. She thought of Big Macintosh. She couldn’t even imagine her brother in that way. Still between friends, some things didn’t need to be said. This was particularly true with Rarity, who wasn’t exactly subtle when she wanted something.

“Please don’t be mad at me Applejack”

Rarity had thrown herself at Applejacks feet, and was staring up at her with an imploring look in her eyes. Applejack realised she must have been silently thinking for some time, no doubt throwing the overdramatic unicorn into a fit of worry.

“ok sugarcube, I can help you, but first you’re gonna tell me everything”

Slowly, with theatrical gestures to emphasize elements of the story, Rarity related the events of the morning in perfect detail. Applejack began to understand what somepony like Rarity could see in Big Mackintosh, a side of him she had only glimpsed in the past.

“He’ll never be like one of those noble ponies you know”

“I know, but that doesn’t seem to matter as much as it used to now”

Applejack was impressed. If her brother had caused this change in Rarity then she was truly surprised at him.

“Well sugar cube, if you got him to say more than two words to you, then he clearly likes you. It’s just he can be...well... reluctant around other ponies, especially mares”

“You mean he’s shy? I thought that he was just reserved.” Rarity pondered thoughtfully for a moment before arriving at a solution. “That’s it! I, Rarity shall make the first move! Don’t fear Applejack darling, your fair brother shall find my wiles irresistible!”

As Applejack watched the unicorn gallop off towards Ponyville in a display of athleticism she never dreamed she would see, she was suddenly struck by what she had helped set in motion.

When she finished laughing, she reluctantly sat back down and set to work on the ledgers.


Big Mackintosh returned to the farm later than he expected. On his way back into town, he had run into one of his neighbours, old man Harvest. He had spent the afternoon sat on the listening to the old pony spinning yarns about the good old days, whilst imbibing an unusually potent moonshine he propagated in his cellar. He was so very fond of old man Harvest and his moonshine.

As he made his winding progress back towards Sweetapple acres he hummed softly to himself, smiling. He felt relaxed. He wasn't dog tired for once, having done no tangible work all day. He resolved to take days off more often. Still, something from this morning tugged at his memory. Rarity? That was right. He remembered the Unicorn, how she had been so understanding and charming. He stopped in his tracks, his head still spinning from the copious amounts of suspect liquor swirling around his stomach. Slowly, he turned round. He shouldn’t have just run off like that he needed to go tell her how he felt, and quickly. just as soon as the ground stopped spinning.....

The next thing Big Mackintosh perceived was a powder blue hoof prodding him in the nose. Groaning, he lifted his head of the floor and tried to get up.

“Real class act big red. I know you earth ponies enjoy the great outdoors,but this this is really too much”

The snarky intruder was Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus he sometimes saw flying over the farm. She was clearly amused, going by the grin spread wide across her face.

Was it morning already? As his legs tried to adjust for the violent pitching of the ground, he tried to focus on the smug pony.

“What time is it?”

“About midday sleepyhead. So what’s this I hear about you and Rarity?”

Rarity? News gets out fast, he thought. He was a little fuzzy on how the Pegasus had managed to put the pieces together so fast. he stood in silence, swaying slightly, attempting to keep balance..

"If I was you, I would get back to the farm. From what I hear, you have a big evening to prepare for”

And like that, she was gone, flying off in a flash of coulor, leaving Big Mackintosh confused as well as hungover.

Afther what seemed like the longest walk in his life, he made it back to sweetapple acres. Fighting through the throbbing in his skull, he made his way into the kitchen. After knocking back copious quantities of water, he felt a little better. His eyes shifted to the table. The morning post was laid out there, with one letter standing apart from the others. The purple envelope was addressed to him. Curious, he made to open it.

My dearest Macintosh

I have the honour to request your company for dinner tonight. Please attend to my address at eight o’clock sharp this evening.

Faithfully yours,


As his eyes raced over the immaculate script, Big Mackintosh grasped the letters meaning. This is all moving just a little fast he thought. But then he realised that maybe it wasn’t. He had thought of making a similar suggestion to Rarity last night; sure, he was as drunk as a post at the time, but he always had that strange clarity of thought when he was drunk. Hastily, he reread the few lines, feeling elated that Rarity too had felt something special. His earlier worries of not being good enough dissolved, and he began to smile, despite his apprehension.

Oh well, nothing for it now. He resolved. Will have to just enjoy this magical evening.