• Published 11th Jan 2012
  • 3,742 Views, 51 Comments

I can listen - walkonfour

A certain big red pony finds himself in town, and whilst wandering, makes a new connection

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“What’s the matter sugarcube?”

The country pony had made a rare visit to the Carousel Boutique in the aftermath of her last little conversation with Rarity. She did, after all have good reason to visit; Rainbow dash had been dispatched to Canterlot to locate the questing Big Macintosh, and was expected to return with news shortly.

Arriving at Rarity’s home and business, she had found that once again, the diva personality so often at the forefront of the unicorns behaviour had once again retreated, allowing a glimpse of the fragile Mares true self. Her appearance had deteriorated slightly, most evident in the redness around her eyes. The disorder in her heart had clearly found some expression in her work, with half-finished projects littering the shop from end to end in a mess of fabric.

“Applejack really, I am fine” the unicorn implored, but it was no use; Applejack could quite clearly see the strain written across her friends face.

Of late, the attraction between Rarity and her usually stoic brother had caused Applejack some inconvenience, it was fair to say. Not only was she working more on the farm, but had found her felt caught in the middle of what she had come to see as an unbelievably cheesy romance.

Sure, this situation was largely the result of her and Rainbow Dash meddling in what was ultimately a private relationship, it didn’t seem fair to fix all the blame on them. If Rarity hadn’t turned the usually reserved earth pony into some lovesick fool then chances were he would still be around to balance the farms books. Try as she might though, she could not muster anything but concern for the dressmaker.

Applejack could tell what she needed. Reaching out to take the other pony in her fore hooves, she embraced her, feeing the cold wetness of tears streaming down her neck as the unicorn finally gave way.

“What if he doesn’t come back? What if something happens….”

“Now don’t you worry sugarcube, alright? Let me tell you somthin’ about us Apples. We happen to be the most loyalest and dependable of ponies that you’re ever likely to find. Now don’t you ever forget that, no matter what. I mean look! He got wind you might be in trouble, and went charging across Equestria to find you! Trust me Rare, you got nothin’ to worry about.”

The orange farm pony relented from the hug, settling down onto the floor to await the unicorns response.

Rarity sniffed slightly, before settling down beside Applejack. It seemed that recent events had brought the two closer together than ever, if such a thing was even possible. Regaining a measure of her former composure, she rested her head softly against her friends shoulder.

“Applejack, you have always been so strong. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t know what to do sometimes”

“Well sure, me and the girls will always be there for you”

“I know that. I really am the luckiest pony alive, am I not?”

Content to sit in silence, Applejack did not reply.

Big Macintosh awoke, spluttering.

As he slowly opened his eyes, struggling to resolve the blurry world before him, he was hit by another precisely directed jet of water striking his face.

“Alright, alright, I’m up already” he gruffly replied. Slowly coming to terms with his surroundings, the earth pony stood up. He was outside. It was morning. He wasn’t in Ponyville any more.

Like clockwork, another torrent of water descended upon him from above, this time drenching him from head to hoof. Looking around to find his assailant he noticed a sprig of blue amongst the rapidly dissipating clouds above him.

“I said I was up already” said the workhorse, a hint of uncharacteristic anger sneaking into his voice

“I Know. That one was for the smell”

The Pegasus emerged from the clouds, settling on the ground before Big Macintosh. Rainbow Dash. Not the most understanding of ponies when it came to hangovers. Rather than confront the cocky flier, Big Macintosh surveyed his surroundings further, taking in what he assumed to be the remnants of a rather interesting night. It was now apparent he had spent his sleeping hours in what he could now see was one of Canterlot Castle’s grander flowerbeds. Empty bottles were scattered around along with some more interesting items. He certainly didn’t remember going kite surfing last night….

“Anyway big guy you’re lucky I got here first. The Royal Guard are out hunting for you. Something about ‘kidnapping’ and ‘public disorder’. So how much of last night do you remember?”

Big Macintosh just groaned.

“I mean I lost track of you after the Guard arrested you that first time….what where you doing drinking with prince Blueblood anyway?”

Prince Blueblood? As his still inebriated mind ticked over the particulars of last night, he remembered some of the more salient details of the evening. It had seemed like such a good idea at the time. Still, he wasn’t the kind of pony to simply up and run from his actions. As soon as the pounding in his head stopped, he would head inside the castle and explain how it was his entire fault.

Any sense of decorum lost in the pony, Big Macintosh wandered over to a nearby fountain, quickly dunking his head under the water and drinking deep, before pulling clear and blinking the water from his eyes. At least now he was refreshed, if even less presentable. Making a silent oath to never drink again, he turned towards the palace. His usually methodical mind was still drawing a blank on much of the previous night, and if nothing else he was curious to find out exactly how much damage he had done the night before. At least one Pegasus felt the same way apparently, he dryly observed. Rainbow Dash had fallen in beside him, walking briskly to keep up with his larger gait. Still, couldn’t hurt to have an acquaintance of Princess Celestia on his side, he realised. Unlike the last time he had been inside, the royal court was now a hive of activity, with ponies rushing to and fro in evident disorder. Ignoring this, Big Macintosh made his way over to the dais at the far end of the room, hoping to find someone official so he could turn himself in.

Beside the workhorse, Rainbow Dash followed on. To her, Big Macintosh had always seemed somewhat enigmatic, working as he did alone on the farm all day. Never, not in a million years would she have expected to see this side of the pony. How am I going to explain this one to Applejack and Rarity? She wondered, before realising that perhaps the more pressing issue was right here in Canterlot. Thinking about the problem at hand, she too found herself at quite a loss. Equestria, being a peaceful land, seldom had to invoke any punishment on its subjects, relying on good nature and friendship to settle any issues. From what she had seen last night, however, was well beyond the realms of normal disorder. Big Macintosh was now approaching one of the earth pony Guards stationed at the foot of the throne itself. He was clearly feeling particularly bold today.

“Well, good morning there, I suppose in here to hand myself in”


“Can you hear me?” he continued, the guard pony remaining stock sill.

Big Macintosh was clearly getting frustrated. What was the use of a guard who wouldn’t actually do anything? He turned his head towards Rainbow dash, now open to suggestions, only now she wouldn’t react either. She was stood, mouth wide open, her eyes fixed directly behind him. Slowly, he turned around.

No, it couldn't be…
