• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 1,596 Views, 159 Comments

Falling - Angels

Reg's life is strange. But sh*t gets real when he falls into Equestria.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I suppose it would be helpful to start at the beginning. Well, maybe a little before that. But anyway, Hello! My name is Reginald. Reginald Kitterman, Reg to my friends. Not that I had many friends. When I was in elementary school, my parents were always asking if I had made a friend yet. And on some days, I almost said yes. Those times, I'd tell myself 'no, I'll wait until tomorrow.' But every time, was always the same.

Around 3rd grade, I noticed some strange things. Mostly little things, but as they say, little things add up. Mostly I just got weird looks from other kids when the whole room was quiet. Sometimes, a few whiny kids would complain about noises to the teachers, and then I would be put in a separate room, much to my confusion. I didn't then, but I understand perfectly now.

Then there were the dreams. Before I came here, I had strange dreams. I guess I should say dream singular, for I only ever knew one dream. When I went to sleep, I would be falling. I would start in the clouds, or sometimes above. The clouds weren't really that cold, kind of stuffy actually. But whenever I was going to go splat, I'd just goo through it like a ghost! In fact, I kept on falling. It was strange seeing the rocks and dirt fly by. At first, the dream scared the hell out of me. But after about the eight time I got used to it. It even got fun. Gave me a whole lot of time to think. The first time I ever went up in an airplane, the stewardess treated me like I was scared and tried to comfort me. I was just sad they wouldn't let me be strapped to the underside so I could look down. That was when I was seven.

Lets jump ahead to high school. Ahhhh, high school. The one thing I want to remember AND forget. The noise complaints never ended. I took tests and studied in a separate room, and I kept getting in trouble for climbing and jumping out of the tops of trees (and landing perfectly, thank you very much). I never spoke much, and when I did, I sounded stupid. My grades were... not the best. Oh, who the hell am I kidding. I had Cs and Ds. I wasn't unintelligent! I understood everything that was taught, I just didn't care that much. It all felt...artificial. Like there was more. I wished I could start over. I felt like a shadow.

* * *

I had just been told by several people to "stop making those goddamn noises!" Being the submissive one here, I said alright and snuck away. Did I mention I was very sneaky and VERY fast? Well stop complaining cause now I have. Anyway, I went and sat in my favorite tree, a big, really tall cedar. I thought about what I knew. One: apparently I was making a noise that I couldn't hear, but that annoyed everyone around me. Two: I must have had it all my life. Three: EVERYONE else can hear it!! And I take pride in my excellent hearing! I can hear a quiet cell phone on the other side of a crowded lunch room! Huh. I decided to ask somebody about it. Lunch period was ending, so I started to climb down. About halfway down, the tree seemed to...change. I was standing on a completely solid branch, about to step to the next one down, when it disappeared. Having almost perfect reflexes and thinking time, I grabbed the tree trunk in a bear hug. I looked down, and seeing no more branches in my way (and accepting the fact that some weird shit was happening,) I decided to fall the rest of the way. Woah, woah, woah! I was falling way too fast! I couldn't turn to slow down! If I didn't slow down the I would-