• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 1,596 Views, 159 Comments

Falling - Angels

Reg's life is strange. But sh*t gets real when he falls into Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

He steps fully out of the police public call box. Yes, chestnut brown coat, darker brown mane, and hourglass cutie mark. The Doctor.

"Hello, Doctor. I can't believe it's you!"

"I can't believe a human is HERE!" He says, walking around me. "Yes, yes you are a human. Well! Isn't this just fantastic!"

"I should warn you, Celestia and I agree that no contact is to be made with our universe. I think you know what would happen."

"Indeed I do. Yes, that would be bad...But anyway! Lets get on with it! Allons-y!".

We enter the TARDIS. He looks at me expectantly. "Well, aren't you going to-"

"Yes, alright! It's bigger on the inside!" Having said that I had to stop and really absorb this. It WAS bigger on the inside. Oh well. I bet Pinkie's house is like that too.

I turn to face the Doctor. He's got his sonic screwdriver in his mouth, scanning me. He puts it down. "So how did a human make it into this world? I must admit I was a little shocked when I heard the television bit, but with parallel worlds and all, I suppose it is possible..."

"Yeah, truthfully I'm pretty shocked myself, but I have a second chance! Who gets those?"

"I do. And I know how you feel. And having such accurate foreknowledge must be a new feeling for you."

"You bet!"
The console makes a sound. "Ah, let's see... Well, you are a human, that certain, but you do have some kind of energy stored inside you. Celestia was right! But this energy, it's strange... It is very similar to what powers my sonic screwdriver. Its inactive, but its there."

"So, I'm a sonic screwdriver?" Really didn't see that coming.

"No! No, much more! With the energy linked directly to your mind, you should be able to control it with great precision, and on a much greater scale! This is fascinating! And I think...I may be able to...yes! Fancy that! I can activate it with my screwdriver!" He begins running around the central console, pushing buttons and flipping circuits. "I'm moving us to a safer location. We don't know what to expect when we activate it."

The TARDIS gives a loud 'thump!'. "Well come on!" The Doctor is already at the doors. I follow him outside. We've moved to a large, flat valley. It makes me think of New Mexico.

"Wait, this isn't safe?" I ask.

"Is anything?"

"Good point. But...will it hurt?" I sound like a little kid.

"I have no idea! Stand over there, please." He indicates a completely clear area with his hoof. When I am in place, he says "on three then?"

I nod. "One, two, three!" His sonic screwdriver lights up green, and I feel a strange vibration in my chest.

"Any pain?"
I shake my head, and the sound intensifies.

The space around the screwdriver looks like ripples on a pond.
"Keep going."
He nods, and it gets louder.

After a few moments, the noise fades. Suddenly, I hear birds singing. Then that fades, and I can hear Twilight's voice. "...just got back from Canterlot a few hours ago. I don't know where Quinn is but..." Then that fades, and there's silence for a few seconds before I'm hit with a wall of white noise. I almost scream as I am physically pushed to the ground. It only lasts for a moment, though. Soon I can hear normally again.

My breathing returns to normal, and I look the timelord in the eyes.

"What. Just. Happened."

Author's Note:

This Doctor is based off of PireceSmolder's 'Doctor Whooves and Assistant' series from YouTube.