• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 1,597 Views, 159 Comments

Falling - Angels

Reg's life is strange. But sh*t gets real when he falls into Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

I had been thinking about timey-wimey stuff, and I'm pretty sure that if I help fight the changeling army, I won't change anything big. I'll just have to stay out of sight.

It'll be at least a few days before the real wedding, so I headed back to the forest. If I could help, I would. And that meant I needed to be able to fight well.

More training!

* * *

Beam. Spin. Another beam to my left, then one to the right. Crouch. Jump with waves, firing down below me.

I landed in the center of the crater that had been forming around me. I dusted myself off.

I had mastered precision of the 'lasers', and could fight with normal waves as well. Living in the forest for two months had made me stronger.

I figured the wedding preparations were nearly done by now. I wave-jumped up to the cliff-top above me. From here, I could see Canterlot. Time to go.

I jumped.

* * *

I had positioned myself on the back of the next train about to pass thought the bubble shield. I really hoped this worked. 3...2...1.

I passed right through the pink wall. Instantly, I burst away so I wouldn't be seen. Wow. If it was that easy to sneak in, it's no surprise the Queen did it.

I zipped straight down, landing in a small alley with a perfect view of the castle. I remember from the episode that Celestia and Luna took turns watching from the high tower. I wouldn't be surprised if she saw me arrive. But she knew I had to have a good reason to be here.

I focused on the waves coming from the castle. Oh my god. I never thought I would hear it.

"This day is going to be perfect! The kind of day of which I've dreamed of since I was small..." I listened to the rest of the aria in awe. Though it was only the evil half, it was still amazing.

Oh, right. Evil.

I knew the wedding itself wasn't too far off now. I spent the next half hour in the back of the alley, waiting.

I was ready.

* * *

They began swarming the entire city. The first few waves went by, then a few stragglers. Two made the mistake of noticing me. I propelled a huge wave through the alley, throwing them far, far away.

I dashed out into the street, launching wave after wave into every changeling I saw. Boom boom boom. I made sure not to kill any of them. I don't like killing. And I despise killers.

After a few minutes, several royal gaurdsponies joined me, seeing that the swarms were not invincible. We took on wave after wave of the things.

The guards had this handled ( hoofed?), so I jumped to the base of the castle. Back into the fight!

Spinning and jumping, I danced as I fought. With something close to grace, I kicked and punched the impostors, eventually getting tackled and covered by a group of them. I waited. 3...2...1.


Blasting those on me and around me with a shockwave big enough to ring down a building, I jumped to the platform above, using the shockwave to push me. It must have looked pretty cool, erupting out of that pile and flying straight up.

I landed in a crouch, and moved into the shadows so not to be seen. I listened to the voices.

"-and when I have finished feeding off of all of your love and friendship, well, an army needs more than love. We will drain all of you, and then we will devour you! One silly little pony at a time! And we will save you for last, Celestia! We will make you watch it all!!!"

I had to stop from throwing up right there. This was wrong. In so many ways.