• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 1,597 Views, 159 Comments

Falling - Angels

Reg's life is strange. But sh*t gets real when he falls into Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 29

I landed on top of the sparkling spire, looking down below. In the distance, I could see several ponies that just made it through the blue shield protecting the city. Twilight and da cru? Yes, it certainly was them. Only one pony has that much pink.

I dove off the tower, spotting an alley that looked nice enough. What was with me and alleys recently? I knew that if Twi and her friends were just arriving, it would be a while. Time for a power nap.

* * *

When I next awoke, it was dark. Excellent!!

Stretching, I stand up. Time to explore. Taking a running start, I do a front-flip into the night air. Soaring up, I look around.

I have to stop for a moment to really admire the way the moonlight reflected all around the crystal city. In some places, it even looked like daytime! It was true beauty. I can see why Rarity liked it so much.

I spend the rest of the night looking around. It was like being a ninja. With freaking super-powers.

I had never really thought about it that way. How would I be seen with these powers back on earth? Hmmmm...

I eventually return to the alley, near dawn. I curl up in the back, where I won't be seen.

* * *

My usual dream is Interrupted by a large amount of black crystal shooting out of the ground. Up and out!

The siege has begun. The blackness is slowly spreading inward from the south gate. I needed to help! But what could I do?

Out of curiosity, I landed in an area fully overridden with the blackness. Charging up, I fire a combined soundwave into it. It blasts a hole clear through it. Good to know. Next, I try to make as low a sound as possible. CRACK!

The crystals all around me have been shattered. But not by brute force. It's like they shook them selves apart.

I hear a loud growl from the sky above. It's Sombra! He's going after the Heart! How could I be so unobservant! It had just gone over the edge of the tower. Any second now, Cadence would come shooting out to grab it. Any second now.


Sombra had the heart. I knew I was going to have to interfere. It was ok, wasn't it? It's not like I knew the future after this point!
I spun into the air, charging up as many waves as I could.

"King Sombra!" He turned his black head toward me.

"Fight me! Fight me, and I bet this entire kingdom you can't beat me!" I've landed next to him on the balcony. He's tall. His horn is above my head.

He looks at me and just laughs. "I will fight you because it amuses me! I agree to your silly terms! For I will win, as I always have!"

I rose into the air, and he followed on a pillar of black crystal.

When we reached the top of the tower, we both stepped onto the platform.

He attacked first, causing spikes of crystal to grow around me. I simply jumped up and out of the circle.

I was forced to dodge small bullets of crystal being pelted at me. I caught one of them with my bare hand. Now I had his attention. He was getting angry.

Blast after blast of magic was hurled from his curved horn. I just jumped and skipped around them in a dance. A hop, skip, and a jump!

I landed, and spun to face him. "Are you done?" He just looked at me.


I promptly blasted him off the platform. Running after him, I joined his fall. Pushing myself past him, I saw the look of fear on his face.

Once below, I rolled and began blasting with both hands. Not to kill, just huge waves. As we approached the ground, I slowed to let him pass. With one final blast, I fired into his back. That was not a normal wave. I destroyed him, leaving a crater below. I landed in the center of the crater.

I had won. I had saved Equestria. Not only that, but I could live in the land I just saved normally again. I could be with my friends.