• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 1,597 Views, 159 Comments

Falling - Angels

Reg's life is strange. But sh*t gets real when he falls into Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

That night I couldn't sleep. I sat by the window, gazing out at Luna's moon. A different moon than the one I was used to. It was strange to think about, another moon. Another sun even! This cartoon world had been disconcerting at first. But unlike the show, things were three-dimensional. It was difficult to wrap my mind around at first. I had to adapt to a world I knew how to adapt to.

I must have fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes, sunlight was poking me right in the face. "Ughhh." I looked at the wall clock. 10:30. Oh crap! I'll be late!

Quickly leaving a note for Twilight, I grabbed my single coat and ran out the door. Sprinting behind the treehouse, I looked around. Good, nopony was in sight.

I jumped. Bam!

* * *

Coming to a stop about 2 minutes above the meadow, I let gravity do its work. I absorb plenty of waves for my landing. I wait until the very last moment, and land in a half-kneeling pose. At about a foot above the ground, I drop. Standing up, I raise my hands in the air, dispersing excess waves with a low hum.

I look around, and the two princesses emerge from the trees. "Thou are early."

I bow to the two sisters. "If I may ask, why does this meeting in secret?"

They exchange glances. "We are gust taking precautions. And testing you."
Ahh, testing!

"We need to know if we really can trust you." Celestia's expression was grave.

"Alright then. What would you like me to do?"

"As you probably know, Applejack, the element of honesty, has a sense of lies and truth. We will ask you some questions, and she will confirm them. We will modify her memory afterword." I could tell she was uncomfortable with doing this. She turned to Luna and nodded. With a flash of light, the princess of the moon had vanished. After a moment, another flash revealed now two ponies, Luna and Applejack, a surprised look on her face. "Quinn? Where are we? Wha's going on?" She sees the princesses and immediately bows.

"Rise, Applejack. We apologize for taking you so suddenly, but it was necessary. When we ask Quinn questions, please tell us what your element tells you."

Applejack looks at all of us nervously. "Alright."

"Quinn, do you intend to hurt anypony in any way?"

"No. I do not."
Applejack nods.

"It's the truth."

"Do you really know what will happen, both bad and good?"

"Yes." Once again, Applejack nods.

"At our last meeting, you mentioned several names. Names that only we know of. Names of evil. What do you know of them?"

At this point, I really am torn. If I tell them, the timeline will be forever changed. If I don't tell them, I know things will work out in the end, but they may not trust me.

"I know what will happen, but I can't tell you." Luna's face darkened, and her horn began to glow.

"Wait! Sister! Let him explain."

"If I tell you, I can't guarantee...harmony. Foreknowledge will cause unforeseen outcomes. The fact that you know the names already could have changed things! I won't risk telling you anymore."

After thinking about this for a moment, Celestia nods. "From what I know of the workings of time, you are correct." I sigh with relief.

"In light of these new facts, I believe you should have as little contact with ponies as possible." Luna and Applejack disappear again. "This forest is an ideal place for that."

"Perhaps I could make sure that the timeline stays accurate, and correct anything wrong? And after a certain point, my knowledge ends, meaning I won't need to worry about interfering."

"Yes. But you must promise that until then, you will not interact with others. I'm sorry to ask this of you, but it is necessary."

"I understand. And I agree. If major events occur as they should, I will stay out of it." Celestia smiled.

"Thank you. Do you need to prepare?"

"No. I have all I need. All I have, in fact."

"Be safe, Quinn."

"And you, princess."

And so my solitude began.