• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 1,593 Views, 159 Comments

Falling - Angels

Reg's life is strange. But sh*t gets real when he falls into Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The Doctor looked at me. "I haven't the slightest."

As he said this, I noticed something strange about his voice. It sounded...more compleat, almost like there were a whole new part of his voice I had never hread before.

"Doctor, you're voice is different!."

"Well, you are now using a large quantity of sonic energy, I suppose it would
have altered your senses somewhat...how is it different?"

"It's like, your voice has a shape, a color, and a texture all at once. Sort of an oval, a bluish oval. And it feels like, a...a nice sports jacket. Weird."

The Doctor was deep in thought. "Being able to hear the full spectrum of sound...hmm, tell me what happens when I do this!" He sits on his hindquarters and claps his hooves together. What looks like a small shock wave erupts from his hooves.

"It looked like you threw a rock into a pond."

"Good, good. This should only be temporary, and then you should be able to control it, among other things. Come along, lets go back to Ponyville."

We return to the TARDIS. Only this time, everything is colorful! It bombards me with so many new things that my mind can't take it. The TARDIS spins as the world goes black.

* * *

When I regain consciousness, fortunately I can't hear a thing. This may be due to the fluffy earmuffs that have been placed on my head. I begin to sit up, but a lavender face appears, and though her mouth is moving, I hear nothing. I lay back down and tale the earmuffs off.

"-and we didn't know if you were going to be ok, and then the Doctor said 'don't let him hear anything', and we had no idea what he meant, and-"

"Ok! Ok, I get it. You were worried." I say. Having someone that cares for me all of a sudden is new for me. Although ponies are kind and caring in general.
I sit up fully and she hugs me. "You were asleep for almost two days! Of course I'd be worried! And you made strange noises while you were sleeping."

"Strange noises? Like what?" She sits on the bed next to me. I scoot back so I don't have to bend my knees so much.

"All kinds of them! Squeaking, whirring, crashing, staticky noises, loud ones, quiet ones, even what sounded like words, or ponies talking! I never knew you could make so many different sounds!"

"Neither did I. Is the Doctor still here?"

"No, he just came in, told me you were outside and to make sure you didn't hear anything for a while. By the time I had gone and seen you lying on the ground outside, he was gone! What happened?"

"Even I don't know..."

* * *

"So you're saying that you have magic?"

"Yup" I respond, while inhaling toast and cereal. I was hungry after having slept for a day and a half.

"And this is a new kind of magic, so we're going to have to start from scratch?"


"At this point, I can't decide wether to be exasperated or excited."

"I know, right?"

"Well, I suppose I could begin by doing some-"

"Research. I'm so surprised." I drop my cereal spoon on the floor. After picking it up, I hit my head on the table. Instantly, a deep, vibrating sound resonates throughout my body from my head.

"Ohhhh! Twi! Do you hear that! Do you hear it? Do you feel it?"

She looks at me with alarm. "Hear what? Is your head ok?" The noise starts to fade.

"It's fine. But when I hit it, it was like a shockwave of noise! How did you not hear it?"

Her eyes light up. "Oh! Stay there, Quinn! I'll be right back!" She dashes up and around the stairs.
Within mere seconds, she comes streaking back into view, quill and parchment in hoof. "Now describe to me exactly what happened. Don't leave out a single detail!"

I describe the hitting my head, and then the noise. After writing that down, Twilight goes to a bookshelf and starts looking. "S...s...s...sounds! Magical sounds: a reference guide! Perfect!" I do a double take.

"You're kidding, right? You've just got to be kidding!"

* * *

After going through the promising book (twice) and finding nothing, I lean back and stretch. "Admit it Twi. You don't have a book for this! It's completely new!"

She gives me a look that says 'I still don't believe you, but alright.'. "Ok. Lets review what we know." She grabs a piece of paper with her magic and begins making a list. "1. Quinn has a new kind of magic inside him. 2. It has something to do with sounds. 3. Ummmm...."

"3. Pain is loud?" I suggest.

"3. Physical pain causes internal...lets call it...feedback."

"Seems legit. And I like it. Feedback...yeah!" I say with a smile.

She writes this down. "Anything else?" I think for a minute.

"Nope! But I have an idea. Can you find me a really heavy book? And I mean HEAVY!"

"Um, alright...here! Try the 'Basic Spells Compendium: Vol. 1 with appendixes.'"
She leads me to a pretty thick book, about 2 inches thick. "Yeah, this'll work!" I say, grabbing the book and placing it on the floor in the middle of the room.

"Do you mind if I, um, drop this book? Like, from the ceiling to the floor?" She looks at me with confusion. "I have no idea why you would do that, but I think it's alright."

"Good. Now I'm going to stand over here. You magically lift it up, and then let it fall."

Her horn began to glow, and the book slowly lifted up into the air. When it was higher than my head, I nodded, and she let go. WHAM! We both jumped a little.

I shook my head. "Try again." She nodded, lifted it, and let go. This time, however, I concentrated on that feeling from before, with the Doctor. When the book hit the floor, what looked like a shockwave flew away from the book.


Twilight looked around. "What? What is it?"

"When it hit, it was like I could SEE the sound! It was a ripple through the air!"

She dropped it again, and the same thing happened. And again. I tried clapping my hands. Another shockwave. When I clapped rapidly, the air around my hands looked like water, distorted and rippling.

"Ok, 4. Quinn can 'see' sounds."

We try other things. She drops the book and I poke the shockwave. No effect. When I concentrate on just the wave, it gets clearer. More like a wall than a wave. At one point, I try pulling on the wave. Not really pulling it, pulling with my mind. The sound is instantly gone.

"What did you do? It just ended!"

"I don't know. I sort of 'pulled' on the wave, and it was gone! Just like that!"

"Where did it go? Can you feel it anywhere?"

"No. I wonder what happens if I 'push' a sound. Drop it again."

This time, I push with my mind. An explosion erupts from me, pushing the book across the room into the shelf behind it. Twilight stares at me, wide eyed. "What did yo-"
"Again, I don't know. I 'pushed' the wave, but I felt another wave sort of join it. I think it was the one I pulled from before."

We decide not to try that again inside.

"Well, Quinn, we have made a lot of progress today. And look! We've skipped lunch! And dinner!" I look at the clock. It was 5 'o'clock. How did that happen? Oh well. Time flies when you're having fun. And all that weird magic has made me tired. I decided to have some pizza with Twilight, and then head for the new guest bed. Tomorrow should be interesting!