• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 5,095 Views, 708 Comments

Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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Girl Next Door Went A-Walkin'

Twilight slammed shut yet another book in frustration. The peace and quiet of the town helped her get organized and focused enough to continue her research on the anomaly, but even now it yielded no results. She groaned, slamming her head against the useless tome. No matter how much I review these books, she bitterly thought, no matter the notes or cross references I make, I STILL can't find any clues.

Things were rather sour for Twilight today. She dreaded the thought of having to break the news to Ponyville's latest guest, but the circumstances called for no other alternative. She just HOPED Elvis was at least in a decent mood today.


So much for that, she thought bitterly. Raising her head off of the book, she looked towards the door that was suddenly, and violently, smashed open. In stepped the raging Goliath, pushing himself through the comparatively small doorway. To say he looked upset would be a gross understatement.

Approaching the nonplussed unicorn, Elvis pointed directly at her and said in a low, demanding tone. "Take it off."

Confused, Twilight raised an eyebrow to the creature's comment. "Take what off?"

"Don't play dumb! Take off the spell you cast on me."

Shocked for a moment, but bowing her head in defeat, she replied, "So, you found out."

"Understatement of the millennium, puta. You're little pink friend let it slip from her lying mouth." He growled as he approached Twilight, "I will NOT say it again. Take your magic leash off of me you damned dirty caballo!"

"Elvis, I don't-"

"If you don't, I swear by Angra's name that I will crush you slowly." he threatened in a flat tone.

"Elvis?" beckoned a normally lively voice in worry. The creature that was addressed grimaced, but held firm.

"Do it NOW!" he commanded. Twilight, not wanting to fan the rising flames any further, decided it was best to comply. Her horn lit, and a glow surrounded Elvis' neck, where an invisible band around that spot was highlighted by the magical energy. In a moment that felt like an eternity, the band snapped off and dissipated into the ether. Unbound at last, Elvis' body began to glow with flames of lavender, as he felt everything returning. He clenched his fists as tight as he could, and let loose a long, savage roar that shook the library from canopy to roots. Wisps of lavender energy erupted from him, causing objects to fly off their resting spots and scatter about. There was so much chaos in that energy, it would make Discord himself crack. After finally letting that bottled rage loose, he quickly turned around to see the being of his discontent standing in what was left of the doorway.

"You," he stated flatly. Pinkie gulped audibly as Elvis slowly approached. Looming over her, with the day's light casting her shadow barely reaching his belly, he stared down at her with his hands open. He was ready to do serious damage to her, but something fought against that. Something in the back of his mind said it wasn't right. The monster inside him, however, refused to let her go scott free.

Pinkie whimpered, bracing for the worst.

"Cabrona," he addressed lowly, seething with a controlled and unstable rage.

"E-Elvis, I-"

"Shut your blasted mouth, and don't you DARE use my name again. You, and the rest of the bichos are JUST like them. Lying, no es bueno sacks of meat worth NOTHING to beings like me. If I ever hear you, or ever see you again, it will be FAR too soon, cabrona."

"I-I'm sorry, El-"


"B-but, we're f-friends! I-I'll do anything to show you h-how sorry I am!" she pleaded, tears welling in her eyes, ready to fall.

"We are not friends, puta. But don't worry. I'm SURE that you'll BE sorry about this. THAT is a promise."

"I... I..." Pinkie shook with each letter she uttered and each one she heard.

"I despise you."

That was what finally made the dam break. The tears fell free as her pink, poofy mane suddenly deflated right in front of Elvis. He could care less however, even as she turned and fled from the library, eyes closed and streaming with hurt and rejection. She deserves that at LEAST.

"Elvis! That was despicable of you!"

"Despicable?" Elvis scoffed as he turned to face Twilight once again. "Despicable would be lying to my face for days on end and restricting my powers."

"We didn't have a choice!"

"About lying, or restricting my powers? The way I see it, both are pretty optional, cabrona!"

"We couldn't be sure another one of your kind would harm anypony."

"Wait... Another?"

"Yeah. Over a month ago, a giant frog like being named Bael was dumped into our world by a magical anomaly."

"That cabron. You mentioned him when I woke up here, tied to a chair. Did you restrict him too?"

"No. Circumstances allowed his total freedom. He saved me, my friends, and everyone at the crystal empire from certain destruction."

Elvis chuckled, "I've never heard of something like me taking the time out of his important day to save an empire. Maybe destroy it, for the risotada."

"To be perfectly fair, he wasn't entirely willing to do something like helping us out, until Sombra showed up."

Elvis heard that name before, but decided against commenting on it. Still, it started to make sense. Another creature, just as powerful, or even more so, like him exists here. Stranger, but still fitting, said pandejo helped these horses out. The notion Twilight mentioned intrigued him. "Why?"

"Well, he had everything he needed while he remained here. Plenty of fish to eat, and a home to stay in. We had no obligation to each other. Then, Sombra tried to use him for his own gain. Bael didn't appreciate that, and stood up against him after we freed him from his mind control."

"I'd like to hear the tale from the horses mouth before I make any calls, cabrona."

"You already are," Twilight deadpanned.

Flustered, Elvis spoke in an upstarted tone, "The FROG'S mouth, then! Don't play games with me. I'm still exceedingly enojado with you! I've even considered burning the town down with everyone in it, then dancing on your charred corpses. I only decided against it because I RESPECT the dead. That, and I don't feel like becoming public enemy numero uno just yet."

"Look, Elvis. I'm sorry we kept it from you, but the fact is, we didn't know how you'd react. We needed to make sure you wouldn't cause any trouble just to blackmail us into letting you go free. We didn't even know if you'd try something horrible once you were. I freed you now, because I can trust you now."

"Don't you DARE lie to me, puta. You were prepared to tell me why you couldn't when I came in!"

"I'm not lying, and I wasn't going to tell you that. I was going to say that might be a bad idea to remove the spell while you're like this, ranting and raving, but that I'd do it anyway. You were in a rage, and I wanted to calm you down by talking to you first, but it was clear the only way to do that was to stay silent and give you back your total freedom. Even if you don't believe me, the fact is I took an enormous risk in giving you what you want. But I'd do I again, Elvis. I trust you. I didn't at first, but I know for certain that you've become a better being this last little while. And, you owe it all to Pinkie."

Elvis grunted, crossing his arms, "I doubt that, Pendeja."

"It's true. Look at what you've become. You're a friendly face in Ponyville. Citizens like you. You've been acting as a kind, well adjusted member of society, and have done service to this town that we can't thank you enough for. In a few short weeks, no less."

"Just an act, puta. Just like the act your friend put on to hide the truth from me!" he spat bitterly.

"You know you're wrong, deep down," Twilight rebutted. "If you were so nasty to the core, then why do you have this sense of betrayal set in your eyes? If it were an act, then you must have bought into it yourself. You would have to. Because it ISN'T, you don't need to buy anything. So stop trying to shift the blame, and look at the facts. Pinkie brought a sense of joy into your life, and you welcomed it... not without some hesitation, but still. You aren't the extremely bad tempered and disgruntled being I met so many nights ago."

Elvis' eyebrow raised, "And why, puta, are you trying to convince me of this?"

"Because I want to help... Look around you. What do you see?"

"Books, a broken lamp, crumpled parchments... a library after I came in like a torbellino." he chuckled lightly.

"No, Elvis. You see research in progress. I've been studying, practically non-stop, for weeks, trying to find a way to get you back home. You can even take a look at the notes I made and the books I looked through to try to find the answer. All we want to do is help you. Help you have a better life, help you get home, and help you laugh at the problems of the world. It was a bumpy road, sure. No one said it would be easy. But we're still trying, because, whether you admit it or not, we're your friends."

Elvis remained silent. He thought about everything she said and everything that happened to him during his stay here so far. Everything he's seen, heard, said, and did, from the moment he got to this land right up until now. He couldn't help but start laughing. It started slowly, but his laughs began to get louder and quicker.

Twilight, somewhat confused, approached the laughing beast, and asked, "Uhm... what's so funny?"

Elvis wiped a tear from his eye. "Everything, caballo. These last few weeks have been the most absurd moments of my life, and I've seen some loco things." His laughter slowed down, and stopped utterly as a frown returned to his face. "Oh, Rosa, what have I done?" He said, sitting down on the library floor.

Twilight placed a hoof against Elvis' shoulder. "There's still time to find her. You can still make it right. She needs you. She needs her friend."

Elvis gazed at Twilight for a moment, but it didn't take much for him to consider things. With a newly lit conviction, he wordlessly got up, and moved for the door, stopping only to turn to Twilight and say, "Thank you."

"Yeah. And, sorry again about the magic restraint."

Elvis knew he chewed them out enough over it, so in a rare act, he decided to let it go. "No hay problema." With that, he squeezed out the door, lingering long enough to say, "I'll fix your door later," before taking off in the direction he saw Pinkie flee to.

Author's Note:


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