• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 5,095 Views, 708 Comments

Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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Meadows of Heaven

Adna woke up with a start, breathing heavily, almost desperately. Placing its hand on its head, it felt its marble skin intact and the garments it wore restored. Gazing about the room, Adna realized it was on top of a comically small hospital bed for its size, in a simple white room, next to a large window that had an outlook view on its right. Outside was a peaceful sunny day, where the angel could see various ponies either leaving or entering town, relaxing against the grassy hills and meadows nearby, or in the case of one aquamarine colored mare, peeking into the window before darting away after she realized she was spotted. Taking its eyes away from the outside world, it looked over itself and noticed various bandages covering parts of its body, which it reached for to start removing. A door nearby opened, and a light amber male unicorn in a white doctor's coat walked in with a clip board, flicking his dark grayish tangelo mane away from his eyes and glasses. As soon as he did, he caught the angel white handed.

"Hey! Stop that! You're still recovering!" he said, rather cross that the strange creature had the nerve to start undoing bandages willy-nilly.

Adna stopped, but only out of curiosity's sake. "Where am I?" it asked, "How did I come to this place?"

"Well, you're in Ponyville Hospital," he answered, matter-of-factly, "and you were brought here about five days ago by Ms. Twilight and her friends, practically in shambles. Honestly, its a miracle you were alive, let alone healing at such an astonishing rate. Though, you are a rather strange being, so maybe it's just normal for you." The unicorn began scribbling down notes, checking the charts and nearby machines. "How are you feeling?" he asked, almost automatically.

Adna looked itself over once again, before looking outside into the horizon, then back to the doctor. "All is well."

"Yes, quite," he muttered, writing down more notes. "Well, I shall be checking back in on you in two hours. I'll go and give the news that you're able-bodied enough to receive visitors." Just before the doctor left, he leaned back in quickly to bark "Don't you DARE touch those bandages until they are ready to come off!"

Adna quickly withdrew its hands from the bandages and hid its talons under the covers of the hospital bed. The Doctor lowered his glasses, eyeing the angel for a moment with distrustful look before finally leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. Adna gave a long sigh and leaned back against the pillow it had been resting on earlier.

It was such a weird feeling. It could no longer feel the comforting and warm sensation it did days ago, and considered Heaven itself was now so far away, but at the same time, Adna didn't mind. The glow of the day's sun was inviting, and while the magic in the air was still hard to adjust to, there was a unique charm to the way the world seemed to be. If it was to remain here until its end of days like every other mortal, then so be it. It would hardly be a true punishment.

Adna then got a chill as it sensed a demonic force approaching, along with another tainted soul, and a handful of pure hearts it recognized. There was one other individual trailing behind, emanating doubt and confusion, but Adna paid no real mind as the door swung open, demanding full attention to the intruders. Entering the room was the devil Elvis, along with Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and the cyborg known as Monsoon, all of whom were lead in by Twilight Sparkle.

"ADNA!" shouted the rather excitable Pinkie Pie, whom was prepared to jump the poor angel. Elvis, however, had sense enough to catch Pinkie by the tail and keep her from doing just that. "Awww, I wanted to give him a hug..."

"As much as I'd love to see you tackle his feathered, pampered ass to the ground, Rosa, we should give the pigeon a break for now. That cabron has been through quite a bit. Nice goin', by the way," Elvis said, giving a thumbs up, chomping his unlit cigar with gusto.

Did... I just get complimented by a devil? Adna thought, Dear Father Almighty, I have fallen and sinned by proxy. Adna leaned back in its bed, before realizing, Wait, how did the pink one know my name?

"It's good to see you well," Twilight said with a genuine, warm smile, "I was worried when you just charged through like that. I was even more worried when Rainbow Dash managed to catch you when you fell from the sky, when you were..." The little unicorn trailed off, trying not to think of the sorry state the angel was in. "Anyway, you healed rather nicely, all things considered. How are you feeling?"

"These infernal bandages bother me," the angel replied flatly, "But I was told not to remove them yet, much to my dismay."

"Yeah, I know how you feel," said Rainbow Dash, whom approached the Affinity's bedside. "They're itchy, always too tight, and never feel quite right."

"But, they are quite necessary, darling," Rarity interjected with a dignified smile, "I'm glad you're doing well otherwise, Adna. What you did for all of us was wonderful and utterly divine of you."

Adna noticed the choice of words, but decided not to comment on it. The cybernetic human that came with the four ponies and the demon turned around with a single laugh and started to leave. Said ponies looked to the cyborg and immediately questioned the action.

"I'm only here on Jack's request. I've seen what I needed to see, and I have no further business here. I need to return to the orchard to report the supposed 'good news' so I get back to work," Monsoon said with a disingenuous grin. With that, the former Desperado left the room with little other ceremony.

"Do thou honestly trust that human?" Adna asked, honestly.

"Well, about as much as we trust Elvis here," Rainbow Dash said.



"OH NO!" Pinkie exclaimed, rushing up to the bed in a panic.

"What is it, Pinkie?" Twilight asked, concerned.

"You missed the party you were invited to! YOU MISSED THE PARTY, AND I TOTALLY FORGOT!" Upon exclaiming those words, she face planted against the mattress, babbling incoherently, waving her fore-hooves about in an animated way.

"Is this one always like this?" Adna asked

"Yes, but the dear has a good heart," Rarity replied, "Trust me. You'll learn to really respect the dedication she has."

"Alright, everypony," Twilight announced, kicking Pinkie out of her panic to turn to her friend, "I think it's time we leave and let Adna rest. We can come back tomorrow when he's feeling better."

"Yeah. Hopefully Fluttershy can join us then. She wants to thank you again when you're in better shape," Rainbow Dash stated.

While Adna was in better condition than the little unicorn and pegasus implied, the angel decided to let it slide, wanting to enjoy the peace and quiet anyway from the excuse. As the ponies and accompanying demon all left, Adna shuffled back against its still rather small resting spot, letting its somewhat aching body relax as best it could. Before it could slip into sleep, there was an uncertain knock at the door.

"Thou may enter," Adna said, sensing the self-doubting soul just beyond the wood frame.

Not a moment later, a familiar form stepped in sheepishly. A gold and amber mane that was normally swept back hung a bit lower against the head of turquoise pegasus. Her eyes looked off to the side, almost avoiding Adna's line of sight.

"This is a surprise," the angel said, "Thou art dispirited. Has my visage shaken thee so much?" Lightning Dust remained silent to the question. Adna crossed its arms, unimpressed from the lack of answer. "Is there any reason why thou have appeared before me?"

Lightning Dust kicked the ground lightly, before finally mustering up the courage to speak. "I saw what you did at the academy. I didn't think anyone, let alone every present Wonderbolt and a few of the cadets, would fight that hard for anyone. I thought being a Wonderbolt simply meant being number one. To be the best of the best of fliers." She paused, looking away from Adna for a moment. "After those things were driven away and everything went back to normal, Spitfire took my title as a leader, and gave it to someone else. She said it wasn't just because of what I was doing was wrong and not what the Wonderbolts stand for. My former wingpony gained the title I lost because she also didn't hesitate to stick her neck out for everypony else. I mean, I helped then, but..." The pegasus trailed off for a moment, before looking back towards Adna. "I kinda considered what you said to me. I mean, it took me a while to actually realize WHAT you said to me, but... after I figured it out, I gave it some thought..." The little pegasus gave a confident smile, "And, I just came by to say that."

Those words hung in the air for a moment or two, as Lightning herself began to fidget after the silence persisted. "Uh, look, dude, I'll be honest, you still freak me out, and I can't tell if your mad at me, or smiling at me, or anything with how you look. So I'd, uh, really appreciate some sort of confirmation, or something."

Adna gave a sigh and an inward smile from the sincerity, "May you take your humility with grace, and succeed in the betterment of your attitude. Go in peace, little pony."

"Heh, thanks dude," she said sheepishly, before giving the angel a wave and turned for the door. "Get well soon."

As soon as Lightning Dust left, Adna gazed back out the window to the daylight sun's rays, which graced the meadows that outstretched to the strange little town that defied the angel's outlook. It gave another inward smile, as exhaustion once again set in and it slipped back into sleep.


"Dear Sister, we need to talk."

"Please, Luna, not today."

"Tia, you can't keep saying that day after day. We. Need. To. Talk."

"Luna, I am very busy at the moment. I promise we will-"

Luna then tackled her dearest sister to the ground, pinning her to the floor to make sure that she couldn't get away from this. The Lunar Princess' determined eyes were fixed on Celestia's own, before the Sun Goddess looked away in a huff.

"Luna," Princess Celestia said in a frighteningly calm voice, "Get off me before-"

"Before what, sister?" Luna let the question linger for a while as Celestia continued to remain silent. With the question unanswered, Luna began to speak her mind. "This whole 'summoning other beings from clearly violent and destructive worlds' stunt is getting too dangerous."

"The one we summoned recently wasn't that bad," Celestia pointed out.

"Until its kin ripped a hole through time and space to find their lost brother and were prepared to plunge our world into chaos before likely creating an overwhelming totalitarian governing body! Don't you DARE become smart with me." Luna retorted, "You FELT how powerful that creature was."

"I would have been perfectly capable of handling the issue if I were needed."

"Oh, yeah, sure, and put everypony in jeopardy from your clash with it. Not even mentioning that an action like that would likely incite aggression from more of those beings. Who knows how many others like THAT could exist from THEIR realm? We don't need an inter-dimensional war on top of... whatever other doomsday is coming that you still refuse to tell me about in detail!"

"I can see your modern speech lessons are beginning to pay off," Celestia said, trying desperately to calm her sister.

"Don't change the subject!" Luna looked away with a sense of doubt, "I'm worried, Celestia. There are too many details out of our hooves, and too many risks we're going to take on this. How do you know it's even going to work?"

"Starswirl predicted it and designed this exact countermeasure for it. We just have one more to go, and we'll be ready."

"But what if the last one is so much worse than the thing we need to stop?" Luna asked, genuinely.

Celestia sighed. "Luna. Please, have faith in me. I promise to tell you everything when the time is right."

"Why won't you tell me now? Why wouldn't you tell me before all of this?"

"Because, I'm worried what you'd do. I know you well enough to feel that way."

"You don't think I could keep calm about it?!" Luna yelled angrily.

"Luna..." Celestia uttered, "The truth is, I'm just barely keeping calm about it myself. I'm at my wits end. Every day I wake up terrified that it might happen sooner than we know. Every night I worry that everything that has been set will backfire, and I know I'll be to blame. Dealing with Discord hasn't made it any easier on me, and he can just as easily turn on all of us if he found it more amusing. It's like I'm walking along a tightrope, with all of Equestria on my shoulders. Even if I let you shoulder some of the burden, it would STILL be far too overbearing for you. If I hadn't..." Celestia choked back a hiccup, trying not to loose what little composure she had left. "Luna, please. Once this is all over, once all six are here, I'll feel far more comfortable to divulge everything to you. I promise."

Luna stared at her sister, for a moment or two, watching her eyes. She could see nothing but a whirlwind of emotions. Doubt, anger, sorrow, tension, fear. So much fear. It was almost heartbreaking. Luna then stepped off her sister, and helped her back up. She gave a sigh. "I'm sorry, sister."

"Don't be. You have every right to be irritated with me," she said reassuringly, giving a weak smile. She then breathed deeply, and recomposed herself. "Perhaps its about time we go have dinner. The Nobles are demanding our attendance for their inquiries."

"Don't they always?" she replied somewhat defeated, letting her sister take her mind off of the dire current events with the idiotic squabbling of the rich.

Just one more, Celestia thought, and I can start to put my mind at ease.

Author's Note:


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