• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 5,097 Views, 708 Comments

Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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The Beauty of the Beast

"THIEF?! I am most certainly NOT a THIEF!" Rarity huffed, as she stared daggers at the self-proclaimed king.

"Silence, you cur!" King Cerberus demanded, "I do not forget an indignation! You STOLE from us. All of our hard work, all of our gems, went straight to you that day! You and your silver forked tongue robbed us, and now it's time for you to repay your debts!"

"I have absolutely no debts to pay to the likes of you! Your so called hard work is as ill-gotten as the crown on your head, in all likelihood," she spat back.

Dumah watched the two bellow their intense accusations. When his eyes fell upon the certain alpha canine, he could tell the ire in his voice was genuine, but Dumah could not believe the prosecution against the mare that traveled with him. He may not have known the little alabaster unicorn for long, but Dumah has always prided himself on possessing a decent judge of character, and could not see her sink to such a low as accused. Upon looking to Rarity, he could immediately tell that whatever happened to her back then with these creatures, she had a score to settle with them to some degree. Whatever the ordeal was, it most certainly etched into her mind like a black scorch upon finished marble.

"How DARE YOU, you lowly wretch!" King Cerberus barked, "These are the symbols granted to me for leading MY subjects through the harshest of times in poverty, starvation, and weakness. I've kept them united and strong for years! You have NO right to question my authority!"

The sound of frantic pawsteps and the shaking of the ground became more apparent as the alpha smirked at his new guests, showing his teeth proudly. Eyes fixated directly to Rarity, he spoke once more. "And now, my dear criminal guests. You will witness the power that I command. Behold the might of my Diamond Dog kingdom!" With that, as if on cue, a flood of diamond dogs filed through the openings in the walls, ordered so that guards either came in single file lines from the right side of the chamber, or had one to three of them lead single file lines of hundreds of workers. The only opening that no guards or workers came from was one to the front left of Dumah's eyesight. He kept a mental note of its location as they poured in, completely blocking all exits with a thick wall of guard dogs in front of hundreds of the poor onlookers backing them. The crowd surrounded Rarity, Dumah, and King Cerberus, all eyes fixated on their leader, as if they were awaiting orders.

"My good, dear subjects. Remember our earlier conversation? For those of you whom have not encountered this mule, this is the creature responsible for our debt." Turning to Dumah, as if he's noticed him for the first time, he continued, "And this is the monster that has harassed us and assisted that degenerate in her attempted escape." Growls and hisses erupted from the crowd as guard dogs gripped their weapons tighter, tensing to rush forward at any given command.

King Cerberus turned back fully to his guests, and spoke once more, "I must thank you both for coming here on your own. You two had ended up doing exactly what that incompetent Rover failed at. I'll be sure he gets the Rod for his transgression, but mind not my musings. In my court, and by the will of myself and my subjects, I hereby sentence you," he bellowed, pointing directly at Rarity, "to a lifetime in servitude to us, as a borough, until death, or our satisfaction."

Rarity winced, taking an unconscious step back in fear of returning to capture and facing a punishment she didn't deserve. The anger that burned within her against the slander that was thrown at her all but fizzled out to hopelessness and dread. She looked to Dumah, who kept his piercing red eyes on the king, unflinching and unmoving, silently pleading to him to help her once more.

He pointed to Dumah finally, smirking darkly. "Do not think I've forgotten you, beast. For your crimes, for assaulting my guards, disrupting my workers, and assisting this fugitive, I sentence you," he commanded, raising his Rod high into the air, as it glowed a faint, sickly green, "TO DEATH!"

Dumah's eyes faltered for a moment, feeling a slight pain in his ears, but quickly regained his concentration as the front layer of guards rushed forward. Before he could say anything, two of them quickly grabbed Rarity, pulling her back from the fray, as she kicked and screamed in protest the whole way, while the rest lunged. With a roar, Dumah smashed the ground, causing the surge of dogs to flinch long enough for him to rush them on his own terms. With a back-end swing of his right hand, he caused a set of five to tumble to the ground, before doing the same with his left. Tensing his stone-like muscles, he shoulder butted the team before him, sending the guards flying, before pivoting on his feet and making a quick half circle turn to face the rest.

King Cerberus waved his Rod again, causing it to glow once more, and forcing the rest of the guards to join the fray. The numbers he had were great, and he knew that. Even a titan can fall if enough are against it.

Dumah fought on, smacking, throwing, and bashing around the armored pups with useless weapons as if they were training dummies, but their tenacity was remarkable. Most of them continued to get back up and surge forward, no matter how futile, no matter the pain that was written in their eyes. If anything, the futility and agony they had made them more desperate. Clean shots with their weapons were almost outright abandoned after a while in favor of wild jabbing, and those that lost their weapons opted to climb on Dumah in attempt to beat on him or restrain him. While that tactic was more of an annoyance than a threat at first, more dogs continued to jump on him. Dumah tried to claw as many off of him as he could, but for every dog to fall from him, two or three more would get the idea to jump. Within minutes, they covered him, and their weight managed to bring him down to a knee.

King Cerberus let free a darkly grin, thinking of ways that he could use to dispatch his strange foe, now that he had been downed. However, before he could revel in his victory, something quaked beneath the mound of guards.

In an instant, Dumah erupted from the dogpile with a grand warcry, flinging guards in all directions, where they slammed against every surface of the chamber before falling limp in exhaustion and pain. Their King looked on in shock and dawning horror as Dumah began to step forth slowly, guards still hanging off of his ankles and shins in desperation. With quick shakes, he managed to kick them off like dust as well before making his way forth to the proprietor of his discontent.

Cerberus took a fearful step back, as he gazed about his surroundings to see if there were any able soldiers left to defend him. The only two left were the ones that stood beside Rarity, dumbstruck that the great beast managed to subdue the company of guards in a very short order. As Dumah approached, the nervous King crouched low and frantically jabbed his Rod forth in defense, eyes closed tight in fear.

After a few moments of nothing, King Cerberus cracked one of his eyes open, hazarding a peek, and witnessed an astonishing sight. The beastly titan before him was cupping the sides of its head with both its hands, almost as if it were in pain. The King looked to the rod in his hand, and noticed its magic was activated. The fear in Cerberus' face all but melted away, now being replaced by glee and sadism, as he rose back to his full height. The feeling of towering over such a monstrous sized being gave the alpha a thrill like no other. He was in command, and he finally knew it. Rarity could only watch in despair as King Cerberus gained confidence.

"See?" he asked in a spiteful tone, "Do you see what you went against? I AM in command here. YOU are in my court, and my rule is LAW!" As he barked that last statement, he struck Dumah in the side of the head with his rod with all his might, causing the vampire's helm to fly off his head and tumble against the ground. It was then that he got a good look at his opponents face for the first time. Green, tough skin scratched and scared from years of battle adorned his face, sharpened teeth of a top predator peeked out from blackened lips, as his red eyes gazed out from sockets lined in deep blue marks. Said blue marks not only marked his chin and the center of his forehead in tribal patterns, but seemed more a part of his skin rather than warpaint of some sort. Finally, his ears were angled and pointed, maximizing the reception of sound, much like a bat or dog. Cerberus stepped back after he gawked at this revealed horror show for a moment before he began laughing like a maniac. "Even PREDATORS atop the food chain, those that command the rules over survival of the fittest, are BENEATH me!" He walked past Dumah, addressing the crowd. "I AM KING CERBERUS." He finished with a crescendo of insane cackling, raising his Rod into the air, causing it to glow once again, and forced every dog in the immediate area to bow to him in a whimper.

Dumah shut his eyes out of disappointment in himself. He easily fell to such a cheap parlor trick in that Rod, unable to stave off the pain ringing in his ears and in the back of his head, threatening to crush his consciousness. It was simply unforgivable. If only he had taken action quicker than he had, they would have been able to leave this nightmare. Now, even if they couldn't kill him, they would surely bury him under as much rubble as they could deep within the chasms of the tunnels, and put Rarity in permanent servitude. He failed as a leader, a protector, and even as a predator and warrior.

That's when it happened. It was sudden, but Rarity, after being momentarily freed from the bowing dogs, sneaked around the edges to get closer to the boasting and unaware King. Once she was close enough, she picked up and threw the rather heavy helm that once adorned Dumah's head, directly at King Cerberus. The impact was enough to cause him to fall to his knees, clutching his head in pain, and drop the rod.

"Dumah, darling! CATCH!" Rarity managed to shout before she used her magic to throw the rod in Dumah's direction. Now freed from the spell, Dumah did just that, catching it mid air, and rose back to his feet.

King Cerberus rubbed the impacted spot in agony as he also returned to his feet, but realized that it was too late. His foe now was in possession of the object of his command. He got into a defensive stance, but began to speak again, "Return that to me you fool. Only I know how use the magic that lies within. It is of no use to you!"

Dumah looked at the scepter for a moment or two, before gripping it with his other hand, and began to bend it. Before Cerberus could shout in protest, the object made an audible SNAP before Dumah proceeded to grind the rest of it between his hands, turning it into nothing more than shards. Wisps of sickly green vapor escaped and dissipated into the air, becoming inert.

Cerberus faltered as he watched his grandest of symbols crumble before his eyes. "W-what have you done?" he managed to whimper out, eyes fixated on the fragments on the ground.

Dumah approached the dog that caused him so much misery, while proclaiming "I have put an end to this charade," in his commanding and booming voice. Cerberus looked up at him, and beheld true terror, before Dumah grabbed him by the neck and held him aloft. The dogs in the crowd gasped and muttered in horror as he did this, as they watched their leader being harassed by this monster, unable to have the courage or strength to do anything. Even the curious late arrivals couldn't help but shudder.

Dumah pulled him closer so that Cerberus could get a good look into the vampire's piercing eyes. "Now, SIT!" he shouted, before he heaved back, and launched Cerberus at his throne. The forceful throw caused the alpha to bounce off, shattering it upon impact with a sickening crunch, and tumble to the ground. Sated, Dumah relaxed from the throw and straightened himself once again. It was then that he noticed something odd behind the ruined seat. A glimmer that caught his eye within a darkened opening which sat behind the rubble.

"Is that," Rarity started in astonishment, "a nest of gems?!"

All but Cerberus approached the gaping hole, and noticed that wasn't all. There was a set of two troughs of water. One for drinking, constantly being resupplied, and the other for cleaning. Nearby, piles and piles of gems sat, free from stone confines and shimmering in spotless glory.

"That ruby Ralph sprained paw for while digging!" one of the dogs barked, while others began identifying the more significant looking gems, even entire collections. It was then the amassed work force realized they had been duped by the very leader that convinced them they were going through tough times. Turning to Cerberus, they began to growl low and threatening.

"You tricked us!" one of the dogs snapped. Murmurs of acknowledgement floated around the crowd as they closed in on the former alpha.

"N-no! I helped you! I was making this fortune for you!" he pleaded, "I only want what's best for us all!"

"Where supplies? Where good food, fresh water, better tools?" another dog argued, "You want best for you!" Angrier and angrier shouts and insults shot from the advancing group as Cerberus, while he clutched his bruises in pain, tried to get away from them. However, he was far too beaten and far too broken to fight or run, and the crowd quickly apprehended him. A large portion then began taking the seized former king out of the heart chamber and down into the tunnels below, where they would likely try him for his deceit, and give him a fitting punishment. The rest stayed behind to treat the wounds inflicted upon the guards that were injured by the vampire in the name of their former master.

None of the dogs in the chamber within their eyesight payed any heed to Dumah or Rarity. The ordeal was truly over.

Wandering over to his helm that was used to overthrow the newly dethroned alpha dog, he dusted it off gently before placing it back over his head where it belonged. "Come," Dumah said, turning to the exit he took mental note of, "let us take our leave."

"But what about these poor dears? Will they-" she replied, but was interrupted by the vampire.

"They will be able to take care of themselves. The charlatan has been exposed, and their riches returned. They have no need for our involvement." Punctuating his argument, he made his way to the exit.

Rarity walked forth for a moment, before looking back, realizing that three dogs stood at the back, watching her leave with expressions of disbelief and shame plastered on their faces. She was tempted to talk to them, but she realized she had something more important to rectify before she could consider anything else. After all, her little sister must be worried sick from her prolonged absence. With that thought, she turned back, and followed Dumah into their final tunnel.

Author's Note:


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