• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 5,095 Views, 708 Comments

Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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In the Name of God

Rainbow Dash sat patiently on the "lawn" of her tower, watching the town below and keeping an eye out for her friends' arrival. Her patience was swiftly rewarded with the arrival of Fluttershy with Twilight in tow. Dash called out to them, waving her hoof as extra measure to catch her attention. Sure enough, the two ponies noticed their friend easily. While Fluttershy flew up to Rainbow Dash directly, Twilight had cast a cloud walking spell on herself first, then teleported onto the lawn, seeing as she wasn't capable of flight. At first, Twilight's hooves fumbled a little upon the cloudy surface, which elicited a giggle from her brash friend, but she adjusted quickly never the less.

"Glad you guys could finally make it," Dash said with a smirk, "You sure took your sweet time."

"Oh come on. We didn't take that long to get here," Twilight said with a playful chuckle, "So, where's our friend?"

"I took him inside a little while ago. No sense in letting the guy lay in mud while we wait for you, eh?"

"Lay in mud?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, heh, yeah. I washed the guy off with a raincloud while he was still out cold. I mean, he was caked with liquid rainbow and smoldering from the fall. Couldn't let him stay like that, after all."

"I suppose you have a point." Even if your methods are a little crude, Twilight thought. "Shall we go inside then, so I can examine our new guest?"

"I think that would be best," Fluttershy said, "I do hope the poor dear is alright."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile. My friends, she thought, are such dorks. Soon, the three mares entered the tower, and moved into the living room, where Tank sat beside the couch that the strange being occupied. With a not so subtle gasp, that almost sounded like a squeak, Twilight suddenly teleported herself to the creature's side. Tank, while slow to react, still tipped backwards from the pop of magic, but managed to keep himself righted despite the shock.

"Hey, careful teleporting like that. You might actually knock something or somepony over."

Twilight looked to her friend, giving an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I'm just so excited." She then turned to the hardy tortoise. "Sorry to you too, Tank. I'll be more careful next time." She then relayed her focus upon the specimen before her, eyes narrowing in concentration. Her horn flared once again, summoning a magnifying glass, which she then used to scan the creature's body slowly and studiously. Then, she pressed her hoof against the creature's neck gently, only to be met with the feel of warm marble. "How extraordinary."

"What?" Dash asked automatically.

With a poof, the magnifying glace disappeared from the room as Twilight turned to her friend. "Well, good news is this thing is most definitely alive. For its body type, size, and structure, despite how bizarre it may be, it's certainly recovering relatively normally. Breathing is even, and its heartbeat seems leveled. However," she continued, turning back to the white thing before her, "when I touched its skin, it felt like I was touching the marble in Canterlot Castle. What I wouldn't give to have a sample to see what exactly this creature is made of. Perhaps, if it's willing, I'll ask it when it wakes up."

"Alright, so the thing is strange. I think we could have figured that out without looking it over like a science experiment."

"Right," she said bashfully, before turning to her friend, "But what I'm curious to know is how it seems to be doing fine, despite the fall."

Rainbow's eyebrow raised. "What do you mean?"

"Well, judging from the abnormal marks on the surface of this creature, and the fact that you found it smoldering after a dangerous looking fall, if Fluttershy's testimony is anything to go by, then it really shouldn't be this well off." She then turned back to the creature and looked it over once again, noticing something odd. "Hang on. Something isn't right."

"What's wrong," Rainbow Dash asked, trotting closer to the creature.

"The cracks on it's 'skin'... they're fading. Or, more accurately," she reasoned, summoning another magnifying glass, "They seem to be healing." Sure enough, upon hovering the glass over one of the cracks, they noticed one of them was starting to shrink in size, as if it were repairing itself. "It really is like skin. I wonder..." Twilight Sparkle then looked to different parts of the body, searching for other injuries. She quickly came upon what looked like a chipped out spot, revealing red beneath the white. Upon closer examination, sure enough, the chipped spot began to shrink as well, closing up and covering the red spot. "That's definitely not right."

"Well, it's healing, I guess. What's not right about that?"

"This isn't how epidermis injuries heal. There needs to be blood flow and coagulation. This isn't following basic biological rules."

"Well, uhm, we do know this poor thing isn't really... normal," Fluttershy chimed in.

Twilight dispelled her magnifying glass once again, and pawed at her chin in thought. "True," she said, "but I didn't think it would go this far." She sighed, before turning back to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, I need you to look after our guest. I'm going to head back to Ponyville and do a little research. Maybe one of our other extraequestrian friends might be able to provide some insight." She then looked to Fluttershy. "That, and I have to prepare to help Fluttershy in receiving Bael when he's brought to Ponyville. Not even mentioning the amulet I was working on for him."

"Oh, an amulet?" Fluttershy awed, eyes sparkling at the idea, "I can't wait to see that. I hope it compliments his lovely whitish blue color. Or perhaps his cute little red eyes."

Twilight rubbed the back of her head. "I guess we'll see." She and Fluttershy then turned to take their leave. "It goes without saying, but I'm counting on you, Rainbow. If there is any change at all, let me know ASAP."

Rainbow Dash saluted her friends as they exited her home, and left the speedy pegasus and her pet alone with the strange pure white being. She looked it over one more time, already wondering where it could have come from, imagination running wild at the strangest of prospects. Then, something at the corner of her eyes drew her in. Turning to the anomaly, she focused upon the wing-like appendages on its back. She then noticed the sudden gold trim that wasn't there before, and newly growing feathers just barely poking from its skin.

"What are you?"


A few days came and went, and events played out rather smoothly. Fluttershy and Twilight had successfully brought Bael into Ponyville, whom merely grumbled about the lack of snow. Twilight's little green amulet, originally constructed to fool Trixie into relinquishing the Alicorn Amulet, ended up working the magic it had recently been enchanted with. The effects were immediate, shrinking Bael down in size, leaving him just over twice the size of a bear, rather than the size of an Ursa Minor. Everyone that was terrified of the giant frog touching down at the town limits were now curious and eager to meet their new visitor.

After a rather hectic welcome party, Fluttershy finished helping the demon feel at home while Twilight returned to her studies. Not just on the magical anomalies she had been studying since Bael's arrival in the Crystal Empire, but now on the various biologies of magical creatures with enhanced healing capabilities. Needless to say, none of the records matched what she saw back in Rainbow Dash's home. She was about to call it a night upon finishing her last book, when Rainbow Dash came crashing through her window, creating quite a loud racket. Twilight groaned, but decided to go and see what was up, hoping it was important. After all, if it weren't, Rainbow Dash probably would have used the door like a normal pony. Probably.

Heading down stairs, she came to a normal sight that would follow urgent news. Rainbow Dash, dazed and collapsed upon a nest of books in front of a broken bookshelf with shards of a broken window scattered everywhere. She knew it was going to be a long night cleaning up after all of this was over. With her natural telekinesis, she picked up the pegasus off her books, and sat her down away from the mess. With a gentle shake, Dash snapped back to reality.

"Alright, Rainbow, what's up?"

"You gotta come quick! I think it's starting to wake up!"

Twilight gasped, "This soon?!" She never anticipated that it would recover so quickly, but decided to address the moment at hand instead of the questions buzzing in her head. "Alright, let's go. Spike! Be ready to take a letter when I get back, and don't worry about the mess. We'll have it clean later. Otherwise, take the rest of the day off."

There was a muffled acknowledgement upstairs in response as the two mares headed out the door and sped for Rainbow Dash's home. It didn't take them long to reach the floating cloud tower, as Rainbow Dash instinctively headed straight for her lawn. She turned back, with slight irritation, before realizing Twilight needed to cast a spell to let her walk on her clouds, and let her irritation escape through her teeth. Upon finishing, Twilight teleported up to her cyan friend, and the two entered the home.

Inside, Tank sat in a makeshift camp arranged beside the couch the creature was still upon. But what a change it seemed to have undergone. Its skin was flawless, with no signs of cracks or chips. Its wings were now fully formed, trimmed with gold at the outer edge. Even the robe it wore was now flawless, as if it weren't even marred by scorch marks. Twilight's eyebrow raised upon realizing that little fact.

"That," she started, trying to keep her outburst to a minimum, "I know THAT is impossible. Fabric can't just grow back like that!"

"I know, right?" Rainbow agreed.

"Why didn't you tell me it was healing like this?"

"I didn't think it was important enough!" Rainbow then slumped a little, "Though, you did say to tell you if anything changes. That should have been my cue yesterday."

"Its alright, Rainbow Dash."

Then, the being before them twitched. The girls froze, staring at the creature, which did nothing after the initial spasm. Rainbow then looked to her friend once again. "Yeah, that's why I called you this time around."

"Well, that's good that it's moving now."

The creature then began to curl up against itself, its hands clenching together tightly.

"Ok, that's new," Rainbow Dash said quietly.

Silence hung in the air for a moment or two, until they began to hear something really strange coming from the being.

"Ils micaolz olpirt od ialprg de bliors, il Mad aaf tol, yolcam iehusoz od bams ol dobix. Gnay ip adrpan ol gah, crp loholo g-"

"It's saying something..." Twilight commented, a little louder than she wanted.

"Do you know what it's saying?" Rainbow whispered as quietly as possible,

Twilight remained mute, waiting for any further developments, resisting the urge to rush the specimen to study closely. Her patience was rewarded swiftly, as the creature, whom was still curled up at the time, began to unfurl itself and moved as if it were trying to sit up slowly.

"It's waking up!" Rainbow Dash blurted out.

The thing, now sitting fully upright, clutched its head with both of its hands, and groaned. The two mares stood silent, hooves ready to make very quick tracks if it turned out to be hostile. In hindsight, Twilight thought, maybe we should have thought of that before just leaving it here to heal without anticipating the risks. She looked to her friend, whom had a stern look in her eyes.

After shaking its head gently, it drew its hands away from its head, and placed them at the surface of the couch in relaxation. The being's wings then stretched out as far as they could go, showing off a rather impressive span, before they folded back behind it. As it finally retained its senses, it realized it wasn't alone, and its head snapped in the direction of the mares. Both Twilight and Rainbow froze, upon being spotted by the creature.

It got up off the couch slowly, sight fixated on the two, before it ruffled its robe gently and took a slow side step. Twilight and Rainbow's eyes followed its movement. It paused, before realizing a critical fact. Shaking its head, it took a step forward. "Dluga il dooain," it said in a moderate tenor voice that was smooth as silk and seemed to reverberate.

Twilight cocked her head to the side upon hearing the words. Did it say something, again? Why does it sound familiar?

Rainbow Dash's response, however, was alot less dignified, as she simply blurted out, "What?"

"Tuum nomen," it said not a moment after. The mares remained quiet for the time being, as it continued to speak. "Donne ton nom. Anata no namae o tsukete. Gib deinen Namen. Dar tu nombre. 'iieta' asmak. Gěi nǐ de míngzì. Dayte imya Tvoye. Geef uw naam. Cho danh Chúa. Give thy name."

"Wait!" Rainbow Dash blurted, "I understood that one!"

"Thou have an English tongue?" it said again.

"English?" Twilight asked, "We know Ponish, if it sounds anything like that?"

"Is that thy babel's name?" the creature asked, "No matter. Give thy name."

Twilight's face scrunched, but she let it slide. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is Rainbow Dash."

"Bizarre," it stated simply, looking about its surroundings. "Most curious. If it shalt please thee, how have I come to this realm? Where am I?"

"You came crashing down from the sky like you were a meteor!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed excitedly, "I don't think I've seen an entrance THAT awesome before... though, I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt."

"Well," Twilight started, "You're in Equestria. Specifically, Ponyville. I'm not entirely sure HOW you got here, though. I've been investigating that for some time now. You aren't the only, uhm, foreign entity to end up here by random chance." Though, I am strongly convinced it's anything BUT chance.

"There are others?"

"Nothing like you, but yes, there are others."

The creature stood silent in thought, before it clutched its head again, forcing it to return to the couch it had laid upon. The heavy, dull throb robbed it of further action, and forced out a heavy growl of discomfort.

"Are you alright?"

"What I have gone through I'd wish upon ONLY my greatest of foes," it said. After sitting for a moment, it looked towards the two mares, and spoke again, "I am designated Adna by my kin. I am tasked as one of God's many messengers."

The two mares stared at the creature for a moment, before Twilight responded with, "Alright. Uhm, it's a pleasure to meet you, Adna. I suppose being a messenger for this "God" is very important."

"Only the highest of importance," it replied. Adna suddenly lurched for a moment, before feeling something both horrid and familiar. "My other task, however," it started in a menacing tone, "is the eradication of those that trespass against the name of God. Those that I sense nearby..." Adna then stood back up, upon uttering those words, before another shot of pain thrust into his head, forcing him back down.

"Wait, what?" Rainbow asked.

"I have to agree. What are you talking about," Twilight inquired further.

Adna rubbed its head, then looked to Twilight. "I sense the foulness of devils." The angel then stood up, staggering slightly to another jolt of agony, before painfully stepping forth, intending to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?" Twilight asked in concern.

"I must find those wretched creatures."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute," Rainbow Dash said, floating in front of the creature, hooves outstretched. "You may seem ok, but you're acting like you went a few rounds with a tornado. Maybe you should just sit down and rest? I mean, maybe what you're sensing isn't really what you think it is, and that's just the obvious headache you have messing with you? Besides, I know for a fact we don't have any devils around here. Most ponies in town are pretty awesome."

Adna stared into her eyes for a few moments, viewing the windows to her soul. Arrogant, brash, hot headed, temperamental, but loyal and kindly to a point, and willing to risk life and limb for what she believed in. There was a strong virtue in her heart, superseding her self centered aura that throbbed dully. The angel stepped back and sat back down on the couch, nursing its pained head.

"Very well... But I will investigate at the morrow."

"I have so many questions to ask you, Adna," Twilight said in honest kindness, "but, I'll wait until you are feeling better." She then looked back to her friend. "I'll see you later, Rainbow Dash. I've got a library to clean, and some notes to make. Talk to you tomorrow?"

"Sure. See ya." Dash said with a smile and a wave, as her intelligent friend left without another word, popping out of existence. Adna lurched forward from the act, but looked back to the pegasus, whom it noted she didn't even give the action a second thought. The angel relaxed against the soft surface, brooding in the calm. Rainbow turned to the angel, and addressed it, "I think I'm gonna go to bed. I'd stick around, but I've got a lot to do tomorrow. Besides, I'm sure I can ask you a bazillion questions some other time." She then picked up Tank gently, whom gave no protest, and headed for the stairs she floated above, before turning back to the angel. "Well, good night."

The angel nodded, but said nothing more, as it watched the pegasus exit his view. Looking out the window from where it sat, it growled in frustration. Magic, it thought, what further blasphemy does this realm have? I shall investigate on the morrow, in thy name. It laid down on the soft furniture, and let its body relax further. Soon, fatigue of the pain and keeping itself awake swept over, and allowed it to drift to sleep.

Author's Note:

Dream Theater

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