• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 5,095 Views, 708 Comments

Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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Epilogue: Swamped

It had been a very trying day for the Princess. There were so many things that were unaccounted for, and every precaution taken was almost entirely overwritten in a single evening by a solitary being. The whole situation reminded her of Discord's takeovers of Canterlot, and how much of a mess it left the country after his plans were finally ended. She sighed as she filled out file after file, approving dispatches to assist in the location of the other monsters that were scattered from the incident, as well as clearing the requests to clean up and repair all the various damages caused by the whole situation. To say it was difficult dismantling and clearing out the broken hospital room that sat at the front gate was an understatement. This wasn't even going into the fact that, once citizens were able to return to the castle, curiosity was at its peak and every single pony nearby couldn't help but try to investigate the hullabaloo. Celestia sighed irritably as she continued to balance budgets and order funds to continue the clean-up effort, wishing it were much simpler to handle. At least I don't actually have to deal with the accounting.

There was still the pressing matter of revealing the crux of the situation to the new guests that now resided in Equestria. Depending on their personal affairs, history, and outlooks on life, it was difficult to tell how the news would be taken and extreme reactions are a major possibility. She had confidence that at least one of them had acclimated to life here enough to not do something too drastic, but catastrophe likes to spring up whenever inconvenient. This wasn't even to mention how her beloved protégé and her friends would react. Celestia believed they would at least take the news in a bit more of a predictable light.

Furthermore, there was also the matter of the latest guest: Psycho Mantis. He had certainly lived up to his name in many aspects, to say for sure, and while she had power enough to stop him, it would have only gone south if she took matters into her own hooves outright. Twilight needed to establish some sort of bond between the two of them, and stepping in would have only ruined that chance. That was to say that if the gamble fell through, she would have stepped in, but it would have been a last resort. Her sister wasn't exactly thrilled to hear about that, but it seemed she had since eased up on the distressed and desperate prying for information since their last talk.

However, it remained to be said that Psycho Mantis IS still extremely dangerous. His power was not governed by laws of science, nature, or magic. Even Discord himself, as chaotically influential as he was, couldn't command such an ability. Despite the bond he seemed to have formed, it was still alarmingly frail. There was no telling how he could act at any given moment. Thankfully, Twilight had promised to keep a close eye on him to make sure he didn't decide to recreate events with a new captive. She just hoped that his intellect warranted enough of a curiosity to want to learn about the world a bit, hopefully to appreciate his temporary stay here.

There was also THAT matter. Celestia was ever so grateful of the various progress reports on Twilight's research she was doing on the "anomaly", but she didn't have the heart to inform her former student that she already knew. She even had written up the return spells for the five visitors, ready to be executed after everything was said and done. Speaking of which, the thought of the return spells reminded her that she needed to speak to Discord. Celestia had no hoof in bringing the sixth visitor to their world, and had a strong suspicion that Discord had decided to do it himself as a surprise. It wouldn't be out of the ordinary to assume he was responsible, especially since the result was extremely chaotic and time consuming to clean up.

She sighed as she finished the last paper for the time being before rising from her seat. With a flare of her horn, she fixed herself up to look more presentable, and exited into the hallway. With another flare of her horn, she scanned the castle to locate Discord, and cast a Teleportation spell to jump to his whereabouts. With a sudden flash, she appeared in the throne room, which was closed for the day due to the repairs and clean-up that was still underway.

"Discord, I know you're here. Come on out," she commanded, "I'm not exactly in the mood for your pranks today, so you better put that slime bucket away."

"Oh, spoil sport," he huffed as he slithered out from under the cushion of the throne, bucket of green viscous fluid in claw. He tossed it aside, which caused it to moo out of existence. "It wasn't one of my most clever of pranks anyway. My mind has been a bit preoccupied lately."

"We need to talk about Psycho Mantis."

"Oh yes, indeed we should," he responded surprisingly seriously.

Celestia's eyebrow rose to the rather straightforward reply. "You're being awfully-"

"Straightforward? Indeed, it's a bit out of character for me, isn't it?" he said without a joke, pun, or comedic transformation. "It's also rather out of character of you to bring something so dangerous to this world. You've honestly outdone yourself this time."

"Wait a minute," she interjected, "I thought you were the one that brought him here. I had no plans to do something like this so soon."

"You are rather fond of your schedules, which is why I was so surprised you brought him here on a whim."

"I didn't bring him here!" she angrily retorted, "It had to have been y-" The room went suddenly silent, as the revelation of what was going on hit her, and with it, the color from her face drained to a ghostly pale. "He... he wasn't planned..."

"Dear oh dear," Discord said mockingly, "There goes your carefully set-up turn of events. And what a wonderfully chaotic mess it brought too. It's a shame it was a little more violent than I would have liked, but beggars can't be choosers."

"He wasn't planned..."

"So, how do we proceed from here, Ms. Sun-butt? I assume the first step is to send away the 'accident', if you want to salvage-"

"We can't!" She exclaimed, surprising Discord, "It's far too late now. He's here, and Twilight has bonded to him. It's frail, but... I think we can get this to work."

Discord crossed his arms and clicked his forked tongue, "Improv is SUCH a low form of comedy, my dear, but you ARE certainly full of surprises today." He gave a shrug, "Are you sure? You seem rather torn on the matter," he said as he ripped himself in half like paper, before swirling back together.

"No, but... I don't have much of a choice right now. It would be unfair for Mantis to be replaced like that. He seems like he needs a new lease on life. And, it would be unfair to Twilight, having gone through so much due to his arrival." She gave a heavy sigh before gazing back to Discord. "Don't tell anyone about this. Not until the time comes."

"Scouts honor," he said with a sly grin.

"I'm serious, Discord. If the information got out before it's time, it's likely it'll wreck everything I've been trying to do. Please, if not for my sake, then for your friends' sake."

Discord pawed at his little goatee with audible chalkboard scraping and thought for a moment. He would absolutely love to watch Celestia's plans collapse on top of her, even just for a giggle, especially to annoy the giant blue toad that had been brought first, but he didn't want to involve Fluttershy in the issue; especially since she had invested so much time in their friendship and rehabilitation. However, there was also the possibility that the whole situation could unravel by itself, and still cause a disaster of hilarious proportions. He could hear the panic now. With a giggle, and a suitably annoyed Celestia, whom tried vainly to cover her ears, Discord stopped scratching his goatee and made his decision.

"Fine, Ms. Perfect. You win. I'll let this play out as is. But, do please call me if something goes wrong." With that, he snapped his fingers and splashed from existence with an audible cluck.

Celestia sighed, knowing that his offer was not to help, but to laugh at her if anything did go wrong. She could only hope that things from here on out would go smoothly until it was time.

Author's Note:

Lacuna Coil


Comments ( 60 )


I thought so. It was too perfect not to be like a game segment. Well, impressive; I have not even played the game that he is from either.

Excellent; I am intrigued to learn more about him, as I would say that Rarity is as well. I enjoy the dynamic between these two so far, so I am certain that I will be quite bemused throughout these chapters, especially if Rarity ever reprimands him in her lady-like fashion. I believe that this tale will be quite entertaining, have no worry.

Then all I can say to that is enjoy the rest of the story, and please comment on anything you like and dislike. I always like a good critique, and to chat with readers.


Not at all; I am happy to help.

Oh, I know. I have read the next chapter as well, which I will discuss on that chapter. Yet I am aware with where Dumah hails from and the perilous situation that Rarity is in at the moment with the dog king, that there will be ruthless alterations to her circumstances before the tale is over. She does seem to have a bit of reasoning power with Dumah, however, as seen in the next chapter that is. His hard shell is cracking due to her adorable and generous behavior.


Come what may, I hope you enjoy.


Very well. I am glad to have helped; I simply don't wish to appear to be ubiquitous or obnoxious in terms of writing, since I have made thousands of corrections to my own in such circumstances. In a prior comment, not directed at me, mind you, you did say that you wished to improve as much as possible prior to continuing with this series and I enjoy helping others. I knew it. When she funneled her magic into her aura and cast the gem storm, I imagined her taking the same stance as in the game and voicing something flashy.

Ah, I see; very well then. Excellent. I shall continue reading after this section of story and perhaps read those before it. I am wondering whether I will truly know any of these dark creatures prior to reading your tale.


Don’t worry about being obnoxious. I’m quite used to it, as my best friend and editor is quite obnoxious and I must confess that I’m no less so under a few circumstances. If anything, a little bit of critique always goes a LOOONG way for me.

Also, I’m glad to hear it, and you MAY know (or at least hear of) some of the other monsters, but that’ll depend entirely on what you know about gaming. Looking at the title image would give you any clues as to who they are beforehand.

Damn there was a lot missed here. Going to fix it now.


Well, even so, I believe that I can always be helpful without sounding overly critical or arrogant. It is difficult to maintain such images on paper, however, so I am always mindful to say something of the sort with such long paragraphs.

Well, for what it’s worth, you’re doing great so far.


Of course, the literal goliath is evident in equal measure. I am glad to have understood the title to a degree; I spent a few minutes mulling over what it could mean for these two.

Thank you for the information on Dumah as well; it is certainly valuable to know the character in a story to truly appreciate his or her behaviors or shortcomings. The only other tales which I have read where a creature from another world journeys to Equestria has been Luffy from One Piece and Ulquiorra from Bleach. I knew those two plenty prior to my reading of their tales; yet this one I found by accident.


I see. That explains much in that case. The fact that Dumah and his kin are different in their abilities is also quite fascinating; it reminds me of my own story, honestly. A battle versus Dumah and one of my characters would certainly be an interesting thing to spectate. The astral projection ability sounds mighty fancy too, regardless of how limited it may be.


If I remember correctly though, I did recommend this story to you after you read “Forsaken Fashion Dolls”, so it’s hardly by accident, heh.

Never the less, none of the crossover characters are anime oriented, so there is the strong possibility you won’t recognize anyone... the only thing I can advise is to consider the names of the monsters (with the exception of Part 5’s, which I’ll explain when we get to it, unless you understand what I’m going for) and do a little research on them based on the names... OR, consider them entirely original characters for the sake of convenience and ask questions as need be.

BTW, I don’t know if you noticed, but there is one other thing I’ve done in regards to providing the chapter titles. If you look to the Author Notes at the bottom, I provide a clue as to what the titles actually are.


As always, it is my pleasure to help.

Alas, such is life. The truly brave and courageous deeds which we perform largely go unseen and yet our shows of what could be viewed and speculated of as cowardice or apathy are ubiquitous for all to judge. I am elated to read that. I believe, given time mind, that Rarity and Dumah could make a formidable team. The elegant mare is no pushover or slouch herself, despite her poise and posh mannerisms.

Honestly, I am imagining now Dumah jumping from wall to wall of Cerberus' throne room, punching and slamming dogs out of the air and creating tremors while Rarity stands on his shoulders, drawing storms upon storms of gems from within the earth and raining them down at the hoards of dogs.


If I remember correctly, Dumah’s astral projection only works only IF his spirit leaves his body, He can do THAT at will at this point, but it only means he’s allowed a certain distance away from said body before he’s forced to stop. Furthermore, his spirit form CANNOT pass through barriers. Said form interacts with the spectral realm the same way a physical body interacts with the material realm... On the flip side, his youngest brother has evolved the ability to use a form of astral projection while still inside of his body, causing it to phase between spirit and living worlds, and because of it, has figured out a way to will himself through insubstantial barriers like bars, fences, and gates with a bit of effort... then he gets murdered by a giant meat grinding mechanism that he himself used on human cattle, so I guess so much for that ability

Unfortunately, you aren’t going to see that. They aren’t that close yet... All they have is an understanding, which is a bond, but not a top tier one. There will be a point to be made about that throughout the entire story, with all six of the monsters presented.


Thank you. I can say the same of you as well.

I certainly try, and the mistakes you’ve pointed out have hopefully become a thing of the past the further you read on. After all, the end of Part 3 was roughly 3 years ago...


Ah, yes, that is true. Although, to be fair, I did have an accidental bout of desire to read horror stories starring Rarity at that time, which led me to your Forsaken Fashion Dolls tale. So I suppose that we are both correct.

Yes, I imagined as much. I am not much into dark video games, unless it is Bloodborne, Dad of Boy or Warhammer II Total War that we are speaking of. This tale certainly has me wishing to research Dumah and his affiliated game to truly understand.


I did notice. I wasn't quite certain about what the titles at the end were about until I saw the Black Sabbath one. I know none of the songs that the chapters are named after, yet I do know of Lordi and Black Sabbath.


I see. This is all very informative and humorous about his brother dying from his own ability and machine; the way in which you worded it was comical at least.


That is alright. My imagination is capable of fast forwarding their time together to that point. I could also see, after this event especially, that Rarity would work on improving her magical prowess to be capable of such feats later.


Largely, yes. If I may ask, when approximately do you plan to resume this series with all of the dark creatures and ponies gathered?

I’ll be fair, Melchiah (the younger brother) died quite humorlessly and grotesquely. When I mean it was ironic, I mean it in a strictly circumstantial way.

Also, if you’re into Bloodborne, you might like Legacy of Kain. It is very much a gothic-horror/fantasy story with excellent writing and story telling. If you want an introduction to what that series is like, I could provide you with a short video to give you a good idea.

as for continuing “Elements”, I’m currently working on an Anthology story that will tell side stories of their adventures and slice-of-life moments, either about specific elements and monsters, or a mixed group, or mixed pairings, etc. I’ve got a few chapter ideas lined up, and two chapters nearly done. I’ve also started a spin-off story starring Trixie, and a planned sequel story which continues where “Elements Change the Dark Hearts” leave off (for the most part)


Oh, no doubt. It simply made me chuckle when I read how you explained how he had such an interesting ability and then promptly stated, "then he gets murdered by a giant meat grinding mechanism..." It painted a far funnier picture in my head initially than what is likely shown in the game, certainly.

Certainly, if it is not too much trouble.


Oooh, intrigued I am.

Here’s the intro to “Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver”, the game to feature Dumah (one of the main character’s brethren)

BTW, when you’re done reading this fic, I hope you stick around to read whatever else I’ll be making, including expansions to the Elements series.


Much obliged.

Of course I shall. You would have to do something seriously cruel and horrible to Rarity to have me even thinking of leaving. You appear to appreciate the fashionista for who she is and there is a reasoning behind your meddling with character behaviors. Granted, I do wound Rarity and the other characters quite a bit in my stories. Yet it is beneficial for them in the long run of things also.

Allow me to be frank. I LOVE those six. I’ve been a fan of the show at the end of Season 1 (after seeing so many memes and deciding to give it a go from the beginning), and that hasn’t ended yet. No matter what bad episodes, bad character portrayals, or bad fandom moments that come about.

So, if there is any reason why I ever have to hurt any of these characters, it will HAVE to be for a good enough reason. I respect them, and the majority of the cast, as well as the crew that bring them to life, too much to be haphazard or otherwise in my writings in regards to them.


I will allow you that. Which Frank do you wish to be? Frank Sinatra? Frank Dudikoff? Frank Castle? My apologies, this was simply too amusing to miss. Yet on a serious note, I am glad of that. I as well began watching when it was merely a single season in length. My friend and I were bored one day and ultimately decided to give the show a chance. I was fond of Rarity right from the off, as well as Pinkie, Twilight and Fluttershy; although that fondness for Rarity only grew when season two was presented and we received the Secret to My Excess episode. That was when Spike became my second favorite character.

Excellent; I feel the same way. In that case, you will have to deal with my critiquing for as long as you continue this type of series. I am curious, will you be adding Spike or dragons in general into this series?

I don’t think I’ve written much about Spike aside for some minor character roles in this particular story, but there’ll be a few side chapters that will feature the little drake at the very least. So, if you’re waiting for him to have a big role in this story, don’t hold your breath, but hold onto a little hope when the Anthology gets going.


That is a pity. Ah well; although, it would be a bit odd for Spike not to be worried for Rarity by the end of this, considering that she would not be gone for nearly the length of time that she has been. A little touch of hope is all that I require.

He was worried, but I didn’t write about it, unfortunately.


It is always a pleasure to assist.

To be fair, Spike was present during the Diamond Dog incident, so he was able to actually TRY to act in saving her. Most other times when Rarity is in danger or trouble, she’s normally away from the little purple knight, and attempts to solve her own problems anyway. This isn’t to say that Spike hasn’t saved her rump successfully, such as in Inspiration Manifestation (despite the fact that Spike got her into that mess due to a good deed gone wrong).

Like I said, the main focus of this story, in all parts, is mostly between the elements and the corresponding monster with them, while everyone else serves more or a minor role. Until I start posting side chapters or the sequel story, it’s pretty much gonna stay that way.

Oh crap. Sorry about that. I’ve been meaning to do that for quite some time. I’ll translate when I can, though.

I’ll be fair, half of the point to use Enochian was to make the reader feel as left in the dark in regards to what was being said, only giving clues to the actions and reactions that were going on. But, it has been quite a while since I finished that part, so I suppose it’s far past time to end the mystery of it all... as pretentious as that sounds.

Comment posted by Nightmare_0mega deleted Mar 30th, 2020

Translation has been finished. The regular, intended bits of Enochian has remained in the chapter proper, but what it means in English is in Author’s Notes.

third or so reread
still as good as when it was first written
here's hoping that the sequel can update faster soon

Thank you!

As for an update, I'm working on another chapter for the Anthology story "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children", as well as a side story featuring Trixie called "Sworn Through Swords" (although, you probably already know about both of these, lol). I have yet to start to actual sequel to the story above, however, but I do have a bit of a skeleton list of chapters and ideas written down.


Gotta be clear, though, it wasn't a math reference/joke/what-have-you. Just a location detail to make it feel believable... well, as believable as a psychic human being resurrected in the land of ponies is, lol.

It's not you who add the references.
They come to you when you don't expect it.

Especially when it comes to crazy telepaths!

Well, to be quite honest, It was literally just me trying to figure out where the best room for Mantis to be in was, so he'd both be in the furthest corner of the building while also being in a position where he could rip the room out of the building later, keeping in mind the hospital's exterior (an image that was surprisingly hard to find) as a reference point. Also, a pi reference makes no real sense in the scenario anyway...

Just checked it out, thanks for making the change! Sorry if it felt like I was pressuring you into making the fix, it was just something I couldn't help but notice.

Edit: Also, thanks for the watch!

Don't worry about "pressuring" me into fixing something. If it's a legit issue, I'll fix it. If I have questions about it, I'll ask. If I have doubts, I'll argue until a complete understanding is made.

This was a legit issue that I one hundred percent missed.

I apparently started reading ALL THE WAY back in 2012 and never came back. So i am here now, and imma finish it

Well, glad to have a long time reader return to finish the job! I've improved A LOT since then, and boy howdy, is there a lot of reading. I've also got a preview for the next linear story, a side story featuring Trixie, and an Anthology story featuring canon and non-canon side-chapters, if you end up liking "Elements" enough to want more.

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