• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 5,095 Views, 708 Comments

Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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The Enemy

The morning gently seeped into the surprisingly cool cloud home of Rainbow's. Creeping up along the floor and up to her cloud bed, the light made its way onto the pegasus' face, causing her to toss and turn under her navy blue blanket. Eyes creaked open eventually before suddenly shutting from the intense glare while she tried to shuffle away, getting too close to the edge of her bed. Before she realized it, she reached her tipping point and tumbled out of the comfort of her warm blankets and onto the relatively cold and hard floors.

Now fully awake from the crash, she quickly shook the stars from her eyes, yawned, and stretched herself out while feeling satisfying pops in her stiff joints. With one final stretch, she finally stood back up proud and tall, before looking out the window to greet the morning. Sure enough, she could see yet another good day ahead of her in Ponyville. With a knowing smile, she thought to herself, I wonder how long THAT will last. Looking back to her messy bed, she noticed her pet tortoise sleeping at the foot of her cloudy mattress peacefully. She considered waking him, but decided against it. He'll get up when he get's up. No use rushing him. Heh, Tank rushing. I'd still love to see that. With that, she ditched the slippers and thick purple night robe, before proceeding to her daily routine. A few extra advanced stretches followed by a short work-out of push ups, wing ups, and speed hovers right before hitting the showers for body, mane, and teeth needs.

After her routines, she sped out of her room and down the stairs, and rummaged through her kitchen for something quick to eat. As she did, she felt something off. Turning around, she looked into the empty living room that still had the small empty camp beside the couch. Nothing out of the- she began to think, before remembering that her living room wasn't supposed to be empty of a certain guest. She abandoned her kitchen and took a short look around, noticing only a few pure white feathers scattered about. Rainbow Dash then relaxed upon realizing that the strange creature was going to look around town this morning. He didn't seem like the type to get into trouble, so maybe it's all good, she thought. Lazily flying back to the kitchen, she resumed rifling through her pantries until she found exactly what she was looking for.


Adna knew there was something disturbingly off about the world it was in. It knew it could sense the essence of demons nearby. Very powerful ones, to be frightfully honest. Not only that, but aside from the unicorn that displayed skills of the arcane, the actual atmosphere itself seemed to exhume magic. It was as if these creatures lived and breathed it. For the angel, this was a terrifying prospect. Magic, in most instances, is forbidden to mortals and can only be preformed under contracts through the vile armies of Hell. Miracles, a pure, divine facsimile utilizing holy elements and light, were otherwise contracted through the legions of Heaven. On rare occasion, some mortals, be they human or otherwise, were able to bypass such pacts and utilize magic or miracles on their own merits. But for an entire WORLD to have beings capable of performing acts of the arcane sent the angel's feathers to ruffle in agitation. With these epiphanies, Adna doubled its efforts on the investigation, starting its search at what seemed to be a cottage roofed with vegetation and dotted with various bird houses and animal hovels.

Descending from the sky, Adna landed on the lush green lawn nearby a beaten path leading to a small bridge before said cottage. The grass below his feet was surprisingly soft to the touch, which almost caused the angel to drop its guard. As it slowly approached, small furry creatures nearby became curious and started to crowd around the holy being. Even small birds and butterflies hazarded a chance and landed on the angel. In all honesty, Adna didn't quite understand such attraction those little creatures had, but it quickly ignored them and proceeded to the cottage. Knocking on the door, it peered into the window to see nothing. Then, a very gentle voice piped up from behind the building.

"Oh, uhm, I'm back here. If you would like to talk to me about something, you're ever so welcome to."

Adna focused its attention towards the origin of the voice, and slowly made its way around the cottage. Stepping over animals, but stepping on flowers, it rounded the side of the building and circled around to the back. Upon passing the corner, it beheld a rather foreboding and curious sight. A merry Fluttershy giving a rather sudsy sponge bath to a creature Adna only ever heard hearsay about. A horrifically large, white skinned toad demon with ice crystals spiking its back, whom hummed lowly to the little pegasus' attention.

"Trespassing fiend!" Adna exclaimed. The outburst was enough to cause Fluttershy to drop her sponge in surprise, whipping around to Adna's direction. It also forced two deep crimson eyes to open and focus intensely on the angel. Adna glared at the monster before him, ready to act, but a voice kicked out his stream of consciousness.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're doing alright," Fluttershy said with genuine relief, "You looked so injured when I last saw you."

"Uhm, grammercy," Adna uttered in response, focusing back to Bael.

"Oh, pardon my outburst, I haven't even introduced myself yet. My name is Fluttershy, and this is Bael."

Adna looked to the pegasus for a moment, before focusing back on the demon lord. "I am Adna," it stated, before asking, "Wherefor dost thou harbor such a fiend?"

"Fiend?" Fluttershy parroted, "He isn't a fiend. He's actually quite nice when you get to know him. I mean, he was a rather rude little toad when we first met, but we're all past that. Right, Bael?"

The Lord of Frozen Soil grunted, eyes remaining fixed on the avian intruder of his discontent. He growled lowly, ready to tear the the amulet off of his body to get his original size back so he could stomp on the angel quickly.

"Bael," Fluttershy repeated in a chastising tone. The demon focused back on Fluttershy before sighing.

"I have no nefarious intentions, angel," he finally said firmly in his guttural, booming voice.

"Angel?" Fluttershy looked back to Adna, noting its appearance and pure white skin decorated with gold. "That's what an angel looks like?"

"What they can appear as, yes. Disgusting looking creatures, are they not?"

"Bael! That's not very nice!" Fluttershy shot back.

"Certainly better to look at than that serpentine chimera."

"Enough!" Adna shouted.

Fluttershy turned back to Adna. "I am very, VERY sorry about that. I don't know what has gotten into him. He wasn't this spiteful in a long time." She turned her attention back to the demon toad for a moment, before adding, "I'm sure he feels very ashamed of himself."

Bael grunted once again, averting his eyes from the little pony in a huff. Adna, however, wasn't in the mood to deal with such a bizarre happenstance, and decided it would be best just to act. It held its hand aloft, and using the divine power within, summoned forth a pure white staff with a golden depiction of the sun at the head. Clutching the tool, Adna drew it back, and began running towards Bael in a sprint, intending to enact holy judgement. However, before he could get close, or even begin to raise his weapon, Fluttershy shot between the two, hovering in the air a little off the ground with outstretched forelegs, with a stern look on her face.

"STOP!" she commanded, to which Adna did. "What do you think you're doing, mister?!"

"Stand aside, mortal," Adna ordered, "This foul creature MUST be slain in the name of all that is just."

"I will NOT!" she responded, "I refuse to let you bully someone that isn't even doing anything wrong!"

Adna was almost stunned by such a statement, but held its ground. "That creature is a DEMON! A blight to all that is good and holy. It is the embodiment of everything wrong. Stand. Aside."

Fluttershy stared back at Adna sternly, holding her ground firmly, keeping the angel from advancing. Despite everything in its body telling it to strike her aside, something else told it that would be a horrible idea. It would be like blindly attacking innocence. Forbidden. Looking back to Bael, whom also stared intently at it, but with malice instead of determination, Adna decided to go for the unorthodox option. With its staff disappearing in a flash of light, the angel stepped back and gave the pegasus room once again. Her eyes softened, as her body relaxed and floated back to the ground.

"Begone, angel," Bael commanded, "and brighten another door with your obnoxious-" Bael stopped, before his lips curved into a smile. "Oh, I didn't notice. I suppose you can't brighten anything without your halo."

"WHAT?!" it shouted, hands reaching up above its head instinctively. There was no ethereal touch of golden light misting around its fingertips as it would if it were to try to grab it, cluing it in the halo's absence. Adna began to panic.

"What's wrong, little dove? Missing something precious?" Bael mocked with a malicious chortle.

"FIE ON THEE, FOUL THING!" Adna shouted, before launching itself into the sky and flying away.

Upon being left alone once again, Fluttershy turned to the deeply smirking toad demon with a very cross look upon her face. "We are going to have a long talk about this, mister."

Still worth it.


High above the air once again, Adna slowed to a stop, and hovered among the clouds as it sorted its panicked thoughts. It thought back long and hard to when it might have lost its halo, but couldn't remember much after its failure, or before beginning to wake up the first time. For a moment, Adna believed that perhaps it was under some sort of trick or bewitchment, which was making it believe it lost its halo. Mayhap my light is just unseen. To test this hypothesis, it concentrated hard and called upon the power of its halo to teleport itself. However, after a few moments of straining and silence, with a chilled wind nipping at its skin, nothing came of the effort. Adna sagged in the air, entirely at a loss. My connection to my brethren... to our Father... gone.

As its gaze was cast down to the earth below it, the angel watched the town's activity. Despite the obvious and blasphemous faint air of magic all around, the citizens all behaved as they should. Perhaps a far cry kinder than other mortals even. It was strange. Everything in the angel's being was telling it that this was both wrong, but it was right. It made no sense to Adna.

What did make sense to him was another influx of demonic essence, which he fixated on. I may have left behind the Lord of Frozen Soil, it thought, but this one shall not ignore God's judgement. With that, Adna dove down from the sky beak first, before tilting back and landed gracefully upon the ground. Ponies all around the Affinity paused, a tad spooked from the sudden intrusion of the angel, but otherwise didn't question it this time. The angel, however, marched its way through the sparse herd, looking for the being that exhumed a violent, demonic presence. Summoning its staff to its hand, it attempted to approach a rather rotund, human-looking creature whom was carrying a large stack of heavy packages.

Before he could get even remotely close enough, a sudden pink blur zipped into his face while shouting, "HI THERE!"

Adna squawked from the bold action, jumping back and brandishing its staff in defense. Upon realizing it was just another pony, he let his staff drop. "Step aside mortal. I-"

"Oh, oh, don't tell me! You're hear to surprise Elvis, aren't you? I'd normally be TOTALLY on board with that, but we are SU~UPER busy right now. The Cakes need these supplies ASAP because we're getting a VERY large order for a BIG party later! It's a 'Welcome to Ponyville Bael!' party, because I haven't thrown him a party yet and I'm so super duper excit- hey wait, you're new too, aren't you?" She gasped in an impossibly high pitch, before suddenly invading Adna's personal space once again. "YOU ARE! That means I have to throw you a party too! YAY! Now we can change it to Welcome to Ponyville: Bael and... and... Uhm, what's your name?"

Adna backed away again in an attempt to get a little breathing room and distance away from the pony. "Thou art wasting my time. Stand aside."

"HEY! ROSA!" Elvis shouted from a fair distance away from the two, "PICK UP THE PACE! WE'VE GOT A LOT TO DO AND-" He stopped, and realized what exactly Pinkie was talking to. "Oh... great. A pigeon is here." With that, the large bellied demon gingerly placed his stack of supplies on the ground and approached his friend and the angel.

"Look, Elvis! It's a brand new friend to be welcomed to Ponyville! Isn't that so cool?!" Pinkie squealed with excitement.

"That ain't no amigo, amiga," Elvis growled.

"No un amigo?" Pinkie asked, "But, he looks so nice, and smells like rosemary!"

Elvis pinched his nose with a gag, before stating, "Yeah, I noticed."

"Demon, I know thy potential is being restrained. Show thy true self, and accept God's sentencing."

"God has no jurisdiction here, cabron. Take off, or I'll bat you so hard you fly into the milky way."

"But, there aren't any bats around here, Elvis. We're nowhere NEAR a spooky cave or sports store," Pinkie interjected, laughing nervously.

"Foul creature, thine empty threats do NOT sway me. Step forth, and be judged!"

Elvis gritted his teeth, staring at the angel for a moment or two. He took a step forward, before Pinkie quickly placed her forehooves against the demon in an attempt to give him pause. Elvis looked down to Pinkie, whom had pleading eyes under her smile.

"It's alright, Rosa," he said in a hushed tone while giving her a gentle pat on the head, "I know what I'm doing."

That's what I'm afraid of, Pinkie thought solemnly as Elvis walked past her slowly. The angel then assumed a combat stance, holding its staff off to the side in preparation. However, before it could even move, Elvis suddenly shifted forward, closing the distance between them rather frighteningly fast, and thrust his left fist at Adna's beak. The angel flinched, but not from the attack, which stopped short a few inches away, but the sudden extension of Elvis' middle finger which gently clicked against the angel's armored helm.

"Last warning. Piss off, pendejo," Elvis said lowly with finality and authority, before turning around and walking back to the supplies he put down. Picking them back up, he turned back and called to his friend. "HEY! ROSA! VAMOS! WE'RE ALREADY LATE AS IT IS!" And with that, he left in a speed walk.

Pinkie looked to the departing Elvis, then back to Adna before giving a very nervous smile. With that, she began to quickly scuttle after Elvis, shouting, "I hope to see you at the party at the end of the week! TOWN CENTER! EIGHT AT NIGHT, SHARP! DON'T BE LA~ATE!"

Adna stood there, rather dumbfounded at the display of the lack of confrontation most demons wouldn't have. First Bael, now this creature, both refusing to fight the angel. The Affinity didn't know whether it should be mad neither didn't try to engage it in combat, or that they resorted to petty insults and demands to leave. Countless times before, when within entirely neutral territory, whenever angels engage in combat against demons, angels were instructed to let the demons be the aggressors. Mostly for strategic purposes in order to formulate effective counter attacks and exploit weaknesses caused by aggression. It was a way for them to learn more about their opponents so that they might be able to use it when it is necessary for angels to act on aggression when demons actually trespass on divine territory. It had worked for so many centuries. So why, then, are natural aggressors not making the first strike?

With an infuriated stomp against the ground, it once again took to the sky, and left the ponies below to stare at the angel in disbelief. From the sparse crowd, a voice of opinion piped up that got immediate agreement.

"Wow, what a jerk."


At the edge of town, haphazardly attached to the side of the fashion shop Carousel Boutique, the muffled clanking of a hammer against metal could be heard. Within the crude wooden and metal structure, beyond a simple silk curtain entrance, the ex-clan leader known as Dumah diligently worked on commissions. His work had surprisingly been getting more than enough attention with how high quality the end result was, all for rather reasonable prices. When it came to metal work, no matter how simple or complex, he could always fashion whatever was named or blueprinted. Today was no exception, but a walk-in customer left him puzzled. Said customer was Monsoon, whom delivered him a rather crude recreation of his own sai out of what seemed to be scrap.

"I hardly see reason why I should fashion objects like that, especially if you are giving me one as reference anyway," Dumah explained, hammering away at another project. "You said you made this yourself, why not make the second and save the money for more worthwhile endeavors?"

"A model is hardly a replacement for what I seek. I was told by Jack that you can fashion anything with metal in the highest degree of quality."

"I stand by what I have said, human. Why should I fashion an object like that?"

Monsoon remained silent for a moment. "Call it a sentimental thing. I can never feel fully complete without them, and with my previous ones having to be discarded, I've been needing new ones for a while. I've saved the money from working menial labor, and I intend to get what I desire. Besides, you need the bits so you can sustain this business. Why refuse such mutualism?"

"I know who and what you are," Dumah growled lowly, "What makes you think I will trust that you won't turn on them at the drop of a hat when it suits you, especially if you have your precious weapons? Humans are miserable piles of secrets and lies, after all."

"You don't," Monsoon stated simply, before dropping a bag of bits on the desk before him. "However," he continued, "I doubt whatever I do, whatever number of bodies I leave, will not go unpunished by you monsters, or Jack and her friends. It would always be in my best interest to play nice."

Dumah looked up at him with a weary eye, then looked at the small bag of bits before he slowly grabbed the small sack and the model sai. "Fine, but I'll be watching you."

Before Monsoon could make a response, the silk curtain was shoved open, as Adna stepped into the crude building. Both Monsoon and Dumah looked to the new being with expressions of intrigue and indifference respectively. Adna walked past a smirking Monsoon as it slammed both of its hands on the desk counter.

"What do you desire, strange one?" Dumah asked.

"Thou, to step outside of this edifice, so that I may bury thine undead body below the earth where it should be," it stated boldly.

"If you have no real business here, I demand you leave before Mistress Rarity has a fright from seeing your ugly robe."

"Foul creature, DO AS THOU ART COMMANDED, OR FACE THE WRATH OF GOD'S LIGHT HERE AND NOW WITHOUT DIGNITY NOR CEREMONY!" it shouted in anger, suddenly brandishing its staff and pointing it at Dumah. The large vampire looked at the angel incredulously, before scoffing.

"You have no idea, do you?" he asked simply, "Light has no effect on me anymore, and your pathetic stick will not pierce my flesh. Your efforts of intimidation are wasted. If you wish to bother someone of an equal challenge, bother the human."

"Oh that's nice. Throw the strange magical creature at the defenseless human."


"You could try, but even if you succeed, it isn't like I'd need it," the cyborg stated matter-of-factly, "I wouldn't make it easy for you, though."

Adna growled, but turned its attention to Dumah once again. "I am in no mood to intervene in a mortal's life. My aim is to correct this undeath!"

Monsoon crossed his arms, and interjected with, "While I would agree with you on a personal level, as undeath goes against the very nature of the cycles of life, I have two problems with that: One, I highly doubt you could do a thing to him with your slender build. Two, I'm paying him for his services, and I'd take huge offense if you interfere."

Adna let out a cry similar to a bird of prey's and attempted to strike Dumah anyway. Before it could, a flicker of purple energy sparked behind the vampire and a large and heavy chunk of metal shot out from its resting place. It suddenly struck Adna in the chest and sent the angel flying out of the establishment. Tumbling violently against the ground after the metal lost its momentum, Adna rolled to a stop and lied still for a moment.

There was something shouted at it from within the building, but the ringing it heard drowned out the words as it groaned in pain. Defeated and broken of spirit, the angel decided to retreat for now. Three more failures, it thought as it took flight, I need sanctuary. Before it could get too far, a voice called out to it, where the words actually seemed to reach it from the dissipating ringing.

"Hey Adna!" Rainbow Dash called, "You alright? I didn't see what happened, but you kinda look like a bull just ran you over."

The angel sighed, rubbing its chest in discomfort while wincing from its aching body. It was ready to comment about the prior situation, but felt that showing weakness to a mortal wouldn't fare well for itself. "I'll be returning to thy tower. I am tired and I have all the knowledge I need from this place."

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking about Ponyville, taking her eyes away from the angel for a second. "But, it's still morning. Not much has even happened..." she continued, turning back to Adna, whom was now absent from her vicinity, "... yet." Alone, but confident that Adna would indeed follow his word and return to her home, she opted to let it go for now and get back to her weather patrolling duties. Maybe I'll ask him what happened later, if he's feeling up for it.

Author's Note:

Dark Tranquility

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