• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 20,616 Views, 316 Comments

What does a Hero Truly Need? Vol. 1: A New Age of Heroes - zelkova48

When 5 heroes from Dota are pulled from their world and thrown into Equestria, how will they react? How will they get home? And more importantly, how are the ponies going to react when they find out the outworlders are more dangerous then they look?

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Chapter 14: Meeting Royalty- Part 3

"What does a Hero Truly Need?"

By: Zelkova48

Chapter 14: Meeting Royalty- Part 3

Twilight was just trying to enjoy some lunch, that shouldn't be too hard, right? Apparently, given the situation she and her friends were in at the moment, eating some food felt like she had all of Equestria placed on her shoulders. She'd experience this kind of sensation before whenever she and her friends combated the evil that threatened to take over and/or destroy the very land they called their home. But now this feeling was being directed a little too close to home, something that she was very uncomfortable with.

Her muscles were tense and her mind was clouded in a haze as she ran through her mental checklist of possible scenarios that may occur to her newfound friends. If the princesses approve of them, maybe things will work out. Maybe Sven will get pardoned in the process as well, perhaps this will all blow over and they can all concentrate on her brothers wedding without any more stress than there already was. But should the princesses disapprove.....

Twilight's mental checklist of possible outcomes:

-Get sent to the cold moon

-Get sent to the blazing sun

-Get exiled to Faust knows where

-Get thrown in prison

-Get thrown in prison at the place they were exiled to

-Get turned into a statue where they'll probably end up getting a spot right between Discord and the carefully trimmed hedges

-Get sent to magic kindergarten...... wait, that doesn't sound right

"That doesn't sound right at all" she subconsciously spoke aloud as she corrected her mental mistake. Rubick, who was standing beside her, tilted his head in confusion.

"Why did you just say that sentence fragment, Twilight?" he asked as he munched on some vegetable kebabs. His mask was off so it was kind of funny seeing him nonchalantly chew on some roasted green peppers as he inquired Twilight.

"Oh, I was just thinking about how your meeting with the princesses will go that's all" she replied "and the possibility that you could get sent to the moon...." she whispered beneath her breath.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that last part" Rubick hummed as he took another bite from the delicious kebab. Twilight shot upwards as she tried to weasel out of the question.

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all... heh heh...." her eyes nervously darted back and forth as she let out a broken chuckle. Rubick simply finished the rest of the kebab and wiped his mouth clean. He then placed his plate down and raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's not very nice to lie to a magus, you know?" he mentioned "Especially to a Grand Magus" he pointed to his ear "Especially to a Grand Magus who happens to have a very developed sense of hearing. And especially!" he paused dramatically "To a Grand Magus whose said developed sense of hearing is now amplified due to the fact he is now an equine unicorn. Plus, I'm pretty sure Gondar heard you as well but he's just being polite right now.... Eh heh heh ha ha!" he laughed heartily as he put his mask back on.

"Now out with it dear, what is it that has you so distressed? You looked like you were chewing bits of glass back there" he cut to the chase, there was really no point in joking around about it anymore. His new student shuffled about trying to steer clear of the converstaion. Rubick just stayed silent until she came around to talking about her issue. He silently counted in his mind.

"1... 2... 3..." and just like that, Twilight spilled the beans in under three seconds flat.

"Okayimjustworriedaboutwhatwouldhappeniftheprincessesdisapproveofyouthatsall!" her mouth ran at the speed of sound. Rubick cocked his head to side as he witnessed the second time she had spoken like that. It was quite an appealing quality if you think about.

"Is that what this is about? I thought you didn't like the food is all" he chuckled to himself "Try not to think too hard about it, young Twilight. Whatever might happen during our audience, I can assure you that we will be fine. Besides, there are bigger issues to worry about, such as getting back to our own world" he spoke with utmost confidence. Twilight just stared at Rubick with slack jawed expression.

"How can you be so... so calm like this? Do you know how steep punishment from the princesses can be? It's more than just jail time and community service! Princess Celestia sent her sister, Princess Luna to the moon when darkness took over her heart! A chaotic demigod got turned into a stone statue by the princesses when he was rampaging about Equestria!" she exclaimed. Luckily, nopony around her seemed to noticed her outburst like that. Rubick cocked his head again as he digested the information.

"Getting sent to the moon or being turned in a statue is the least of our concerns right now" he coolly stated "I told you about the battles we participated in back at your home didn't I?" he asked "Believe me when I say that my friends and I have been through far more perilous ordeals than you or the denizens of this world will ever know" Twilight really didn't want to press on the statement but....

"What could possibly be worse than being stuck on the moon for a thousand years?" she just had to ask. Rubick began to rack his brain for some of the more.... painful experiences when he fought for the ancients. With a light tap on his head, he compiled together a short list of all the pain he had endured.

"Let me answer your question with a question" he twirled his staff around a bit "Tell me? Have either you or your friends even been covered in gallons of volatile snot by a bristly hog only to be get torn to shreds afterwards by a highly paranoid goblin in a robotic suit designed to destroy flora?" Twilight's eyes went wide upon hearing that. She simply shook her head side to side in disbelief of the hardships that Rubick had suffered through.

"Or how about getting ripped apart piece by piece by physical manifestations of your own worst nightmare while being set alight by a phoenix?" he continued which caused Twilight's jaw to hit the marble floor

"What about getting coated in copious amounts of poisonous and acidic liquids that makes your flesh peel off your bones like the skin off of an orange? Or even getting thrown into a black hole like the very same one that brought me here? What about getting turned inside out simply by being pointed at? Mayb-" Rubick stopped when Twilight brought a hoof to his mouth. Unsurprisingly, Twilight had a hoof to her own mouth as well.

"Okay, alright. I get it! No need to go into such vivid details of your past battles" she said as she resisted the urge to throw up at the thought of being turned inside out. She collect herself and swallowed back down her lunch that was threatening to escape her stomach "Still, you should be careful with you words and actions when you meet the princesses" she added.

"Me and the others are worried for you that's all. We just want to get this whole misunderstanding cleared up and then we can go prepare for the wedding without having to take headache medication every five minutes" she giggled softly at her own joke as Rubick chuckled alongside her.

"Like I said, try not to think too hard about it. It'll all work out... hopefully" even with a distasteful joke like that, Twilight couldn't help but to smile at her mentor. The way he acted just seemed to cause all the problems she had to go away like a smote flame. His personality was infectious. Strangely, he was like another Pinkie Pie. Always being positive even in the worst of times, but unlike Pinkie, he was wise. The mark of a great mentor

"I really made a great choice yesterday didn't I?" Twilight told Rubick with a sincere smile on her face as the weight of the world was lifted off of her.

"Really now? Which was it?" Rubick asked smugly beneath his mask. Twilight giggled at her mentor's quirks.

"Trusting you to be my other mentor, of course!" she excitedly exclaimed. Underneath his mask, Rubick had a heartfelt smile on his face. Then a thought occurred to him.

"Do you think there should be anything we should know about when we're speaking with your rulers?" he asked his student "We wouldn't want to accidentally offend them somehow now would we?"

However, just when Rubick asked Twilight, the large golden doors behind the thrones greatly swung open. Startling everyone in the room. Everypony save the for the heroes put away their food and walked before the thrones. As the princesses grace their court once more, the room fell to a deadly silence. Nothing seemed to make a sound, it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. As the two regal princesses reached their respective thrones. The girls, Spike, and Shining Armor all bowed and saluted respectfully to them.

"You may rise my friends, you are our guest, there is no need for formalities" Celestia spoke with a tone that seemed to have the ability to put everyone in the room at ease. Even the heroes in the back felt much more calmer than they did earlier. As Celestia motioned for everypony to rise, Luna cleared her throat and began to speak as well.

"After a brief talk with my sister, it has come to my attention that I may have been wrong in the way that I have acted earlier" she spoke with such pride despite her fury earlier that day "My little ponies, we have decided to give your new friends a chance to explain themselves. If we can work things out, then perhaps we will turn a blind eye to them" she rose her head high with an air of dignified grace surrounding her.

"Who knows? Perhaps we might even get to know them a bit better. Perhaps we might even be friends with them" she gave a sincere smile to her peers. While Twilight and the others were relieved to see their sudden change of heart, only Shining Armor felt a twinge of disappointment from their response. The heroes on the other hoof had some mix feelings about them. First they put a hit out on them, now they wish to be friends? This world has pretty weird methods to deal with lawbreakers if you ask them.

"Well then, Twilight? Would you be as so kind to introduce us to your new friends?" Twilight practically beamed at the request. This actually went better than she had initially thought! Things were finally looking up for them today!

"Of course, princess!" with a bounce in her step, she then quickly trotted to the back of room where the heroes were patiently waiting to be called forth. As Twilight approached the heroes, they noticed the very wide grin she had on her lavender face "Come on! The princess wants to meet you! No need to be tardy!" she then scooped up the heroes in her magical pinkish glow and carried them across the room at lightning speed.

"Whoa-ah-ha-ha! Twilight, I think we can walk there on our own!" Aiushtha shouted as she was flung from one side of the room to the other. Then with a sudden jerk, a bounce, jolt, and a flick. All the heroes fell from her magical grip with a loud *Thud!* on the ground. As they heroes struggled to get their eyes realigned properly back in their heads, the princesses stood from their thrones and went to personally greet the heroes. The sound of their silver and golden horseshoes hitting the floor echoed throughout the court as they approached the heroes with enthusiasm.

"Why hello there my little.... ponies?" Celestia and Luna's words were tangled in their mouth as they finally got a closer look at Twilight's new friends.

Celestia and Luna just stood and stared at the ponies that were in front of them struggling to get upright, they were perhaps some of the weirdest ponies that they had ever encountered in their several millennia of rule. From peasant to aristocrats, clowns and warriors, all looked funny from one's perspective. But the ponies before, took the cake for being dressed in the most absolutely outlandish and absurd clothing in the history of Equestria!

Standing before them was:

a short, scraggly, yellow desperado.

A bizarre, green clown with a massive candlestick.

An orange mummy with milky white eyes, no pupils and horrifyingly crooked teeth.

and a.... doe?

"Uh... I think we may have overestimated them, sister" Luna whispered to Celestia "I mean look at them, all the stallions hide their faces, just like their cohort. Maybe they're hiding something?" she then pointed to the most peculiar member of the group "Then, there's that...."

"A doe? Impossible.... I thought their race disappeared from Equestria....." Both Celestia and Luna thought. While the other ponies may look hilarious. The real shocker to the princesses was the presence of an extinct species standing before them in all of her beauty and grandeur "How.... how is this possible...." their train of thought was interrupted as one of the ponies before them began to speak.

"Excuse me, but are you both alright?" the mummy spoke to them. The princesses broke out of their trance and gawked at the unicorn. He was incredibly bizarre and foreign to them. Since when did unicorns wrapped themselves in black cloth and carried all sorts of junk with them? "Your dream is hazy there, friend. It is time to wake up" the way he spoke was also strange, such unique terms and phrases that the princesses have never heard before.

"Buah whuah? Ah! Yes, we're fine, we're fine! Nothing wrong with us" Luna said with a nervous smile as she collected herself "We were just astonished by your friend, the doe over there" Luna pointed to Aiushtha, who in turn pointed at herself as well "But enough about her" Luna dodged the subject "Let us exchange greetings!" she exclaimed excitedly

"I am Princess Luna!" she spoke with the royal Canterlot voice. The booming sound of her voice nearly knocked the other heroes off their hooves but they stood their ground. Celestia rolled her eyes and stood forward to introduce herself.

"Forgive my sister. She is still adjusting to modern day speech mannerism. As for myself, I am Princess Celestia" they then both extend their wings far outwards as a welcoming gesture "We are the royal alicorn sister. Rulers of Equestria" she stated with pride that only a hardworking ruler could have "But I guess you already knew that didn't you?" she asked which caught the heroes by surprise.

"Uh... oh! Oh yeah! Yeah, we knew that already....." Gondar tried to say it as convincingly as possible. Thankfully, the sisters bought his bluff. Luna then turned to Twilight.

"Twilight, please. Introduce your new friends to us! We're dying to know them better!" just as she finished talking, Twilight immediately rushed over to the heroes side giddily.

"Of course, princess Luna" She subconsciously saluted. She pointed over to Aiushtha "Well, since you were so interested in her. Why don't me and Fluttershy introduce her to you!" Twilight motioned for Fluttershy to come on over. With an adorable squee, she trotted on over to eagerly get her new friend acquainted with the princesses.

"Well, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. This is Aiushtha" Fluttershy spoke loud and clearly "As you can see, she is a doe. I met her when she showed up at my cottage suddenly the day before" Aiushtha brought out a hoof in friendship with a smile that could melt even the coldest of frozen hearts.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet the kind rulers of this land" she said with a tender voice. Although the two did not show it, they were rather hesitant to shake the doe's hoof. But they put on their best smile and shook Aiushtha's hoof with confidence. It had been quite a while since they last shook hooves with her species....

"Likewise" Celestia responded with the attitude that everypony knows her for. Just then, Applejack and Pinkie Pie walked up to introduce Rhasta. As the three stepped forth, Luna resisted the urge to reel back in disgust at the pony's sense of fashion, plain white eyes, and poorly maintained teeth.

"This funny looking feller here's Rhasta" Applejack announced. Rhasta stood forth and gave a kind bow to the princesses and smile. Luna inwardly cringed at his teeth, she just couldn't handle it! He should really go see a dentist about that later "Despite the way he looks, deep down, he's a really great guy" Applejack tugged her hat off to Rhasta "Heck, he'd even went and save our friend Zecora from those nasty timberwolves"

"Yeah! Plus he's really an all around cool and funny guy!" PInkie spoke as she was hopping up and down with excitement. Rhasta extended at hoof in friendship as well. While Celestia could look past the unicorns shabby exterior and appreciate the fact that he saved somepony from a horrible demise. Luna only cracked a nervous grin and gave him a short and wimpy little hoofshake to Rhasta.

"So nice to meet two beauties. It is an honor" he spoke with an exotic air. The princesses were taken aback by his compliment. Celestia, and even Luna blushed slightly at his genuine praise. They quickly shook off their flustered feeling and moved on the next guest. The clown walked forth and gave a slight bow as a greeting.

"I believe that I am able to introduce myself. My name is Rubick" he said as he removed his mask, thus revealing his face. As Princess Celestia extended out a hoof, Rubick did the unexpected.

Catching everypony completely off guard, he crouched on one of his hindlegs and reached out to her hoof. With poise and subtlety, he kissed the top of her hoof tenderly. It was not a short little peck nor a long overdrawn smooch, just a proper gentlecolt's introduction "Delighted to finally meet the fair rulers of this land" he looked the princesses with a warm smile. Then with one swift movement, he did the same with Luna.

"O-oh my!" Luna tried to cover the blush on her face "No need for such formalities, jester!" she said as she let out a cute little giggle that betrayed her earlier outburst "Rise, jester. You may rise" she spoke as Rubick returned to his tanding position. With a polite curtsy, he put his mask back on and excused himself.

Rarity then approached the princesses alongside Gondar who had a slightly annoyed look on his face, although his bandanna concealed any trace of it showing.

"Hello, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. This fine gentlecolt here is Gondar" she spoke gracefully as she announced the masked stallion. Gondar walked up to the princesses and put on his best poker face, trying his hardest not to scowl at the princess. He resisted every urge to lash out at the princesses that ordered the attack on his friends. But he digressed, stirring trouble was only going to bite them in the ass if he screwed up his first impression. He shook hooves with the princesses, trying his best to keep cool given the situation.

"It is.... nice to.... meet you" he let out rather weakly but the princesses just assumed that he was nervous seeing how short he was compared to most stallions. Their height must've intimidated the short earth pony.... earth..... pony?

Celestia and Luna back up a bit when they recognized the pony before them. With the process of elimination, they deduced that Gondar was the one who defeated the entire elite royal guard by himself. They were shocked, shocked as if they were struck by a bolt of lightning from a storm cloud. They expected someone much more intimidating in stature. They both didn't believe a single word that Shining said as he gave his report, but standing before them was living proof of the culprit.

They just stared at him with eyes wide in disbelief. He was very short for a stallion, around Twilight's height, maybe even shorter. He was scraggly too, but his strength betrayed his size. His mane was just his fur shaped into a mohawk. Then there were his eerie crimson eyes, the two princesses have never seen eyes so hauntingly terrifying. How a stallion this small was able to completely cripple the elite royal guard was a mystery that not even the greatest detectives in the land could solve. They both smiled nervously as they responded.

"It is... nice to meet you too, Gondar" Gondar raised an eyebrow but brushed it off and returned to his spot next to Rarity who looked rather nervous. The princesses stammered slightly as they regained their poise, with a clearing of their throats they stood tall and began to mingle with their new guest. Get to know them better you know?

"Now that introductions are out of the way, why don't you tell us a little about yourselves? You all look like very interesting individuals. How about you show us your cutie marks and tell us what your special talents are?" the heroes stared at princesses with a perplexed look. Twilight and her friends were hit with a mini panic attack. They had completely forgotten to tell them about the cutie mark!

"Uh... not to sound rude or anything but... a cutie what now?" Gondar asked with a raised eyebrow which confused the princesses.

"A cutie mark" Luna spoke up " It is the symbol that appears on the side of your flank when you discover your special talent. It is what defines the entirety of who you are. But I assumed you knew that too right?" Rubick felt a cold sweat coming on.

"Um, could you excuse me for a bit?" he then turn and dashed right next to Twilight and the others "Care to explain!?" he asked desperately beneath his mask.

"Sorry! I'm sorry, I guess I forgot to tell you about the cutie mark since- since I thought it wasn't exactly important!" she told him as she looked at him embarrassingly. She pointed to the symbol on her side, the multi pointed star. A pictorial representation of who she was, the element of magic "This is my cutie mark, it shows that I am the element of magic. Magic is my special talent" Rubick removed his mask and showed his very confused face.

"Is that what that was?" he practically shouted "I thought it was some sort of pony tradition to get a tattoo on the side of your flank!" Twilight smiled weakly.

"Well, tradition's not the right word but it might as well be" she said "Why are you finding this so shocking? I mean it's just a mark on your flank, it's not a deadly disease or anything!" Rubick's worried look only deepened.

"It's not that, it's.... " he stopped and peek around before turning back to and whispering to Twilight "I really don't want to remove my robes in front of your rulers" he mentioned as his black cheeks blended into a hot pink. Twilight could only giggle at her mentor's shyness.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad" She told him with a sincere smile.

"Yeah, in case ya hadn't noticed, we don't normally wear clothes" Applejack quipped with a smug look on her face.

"It may be natural for your kind but humans don't run around in their birthday suits with an simplistic painting of their very being on the side their buttocks!" he exclaimed with desperation laced in his word. The rest of the group just laughs at him. Especially Spike, who was on the ground practically dying of laughter. As the little dragon struggled to stand back up, he looked at Rubick and spoke.

"I don't know if you have this saying back in your world or not but, there's a first time for everything" he said which somewhat increased Rubick's courage.

"Oh alright, I guess it can't be too bad considering you're all naked too I guess" he sighed as he walked back to the princesses. As Rubick walked back to his friends, Gondar approached him.

"So uh... what do we do?" he asked curiously.

"Show them the picture on the side of your buttocks" he spoke with absolute seriousness. Gondar just stared at him.

"What?" before anyone could say or do anything else, Rhasta bravely stepped forth and began to disrobe himself. The clanging of his coin cape and various junk was heard by all. When all of his personal belongings were off, he began pulling back some of his wrappings on his backside, being careful not to let some of his inscribed wooden planks fall out of the wrappings. With a few more tugs, only a portion of his flank was visible but his cutie mark was clearly shown on his orange skin.

"Hmm, how intriguing!" Rhasta shouted as he looked at his newly acquired symbol. His cutie mark was a picture of a few of his snakes wards. There were two on both sides facing their respective direction and an intimidating front view of the third in the middle. The yellow snakes were juxtaposed flawlessly with his orange skin making for an impressive representation of who he was. Celestia and Luna couldn't help but agree to the strange orange unicorn.

"Intriguing is right, Rhasta" Celestia complimented "That is a rather impressive cutie mark. By any chance, is your special talent snake charming?" she asked but all Rhasta did was give her a hearty laugh.

"Whuah-ah-hahahaha!" he joyfully bellowed "No, princess. Snake charming is only one of my talents" he told her "If it is my special talent you seek then let me show you!" Rhasta immediately wrapped himself back up and put back on all of his belongings hastily. He grabbed both of his wards and raised them high in the air as he spoke with pride.

"I am the Shadow Shaman!" he bellowed pridefully as he gave off another jovial bout of laughter. The princesses looked at him like he grew a second head.

"A.... shaman? What is that?" Luna asked curiously.

"I am a shaman, that means that I use my spiritual and magical abilities to help those in need" the princesses continued to stare at him. Was he being serious? Helping others with magic sounded nothing more than a generalization of his skills.

"Help out how exactly?" Celestia questioned. Rhasta sat on his haunches with his hind legs crossed together, he looked the princesses square in the eyes and told them:

"For one, I help predict the weather for farmers and fieldworkers" he spoke with an amazing sense of pride. But all he received in return was a laughing fit from the princesses. Shining Armor, who was standing by the corner started laughing too, uncontrollably at that as well. He raised an eyebrow, why were they laughing at him like that? Rhasta didn't understand why they mock his occupation.

"Why do you laugh?" he asked "Is there something funny with predicting the weather?" the princesses ceased their laughing and wiped away a tear from their eyes, but there was still giggles emanating from them.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all...." Luna snickered from behind her hooves "Except for the fact that we regulate and control all the weather around most of the Canterlot area that is!" she broke out into laughter again, falling to the floor with hooves pressed against her sides in a very unprincesslike manner

"Is this kind of like the trick where you tell us to think of a number in our head and you guess that too!" she continued to mock Rhasta "Your talent's not being a sha- whatchamacallit! It's being a comedian!" she began to laugh some more. Celestia couldn't help herself either, she was snickering from beneath her wing at the very thought that somepony could predict the weather. Doesn't that sound just absurd?

"You control the weather?" Rhasta turned to Twilight "Is this true?" he asked as his smile faded from his face. Twilight looked at him, embarrassed once more by the little facts she forgot to inform her friends.

"Yes, it is true, Rhasta" she told him, his face looked as if he had something taken from him and smashed into tiny little pieces in front him. He was crushed to hear this revelation. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went up to him to tell him how the weather works in Equestria.

"You see, Rhasta. Pegasi are in control of the weather. We push away clouds for the sun and make rainy days as part of a system" Rainbow informed the orange unicorn whose face remained neutral.

"All weather is put on a schedule, there really is no purpose for predicting the weather when all the weather patterns have been laid out already" Fluttershy finished Rainbow Dash's talk. Gondar couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"First the sun and the moon, then the tattoos on our asses, now controlled weather patterns? I understand stormcrafting from Disruptor but this is on a whole other level. Next thing you're going to tell us is that the seasons are controlled by you too...." after he finished, everyone before him started to weasel away from the question. Gondar only facehoofed himself "Oh for the love of! You gotta be kidding me....." he then turned to Rhasta to see that he had recovered his smile once more.

"Hmm, the weather here may be predetermined already. But I can still read the future!" Rhasta pridefully exclaimed once more. Luna and Celestia had a smile on their face, this was quite the show, they thought. They weren't a group of conspirators, they were a circus troupe!

"Oh really now?" Celestia asked "Well then, show us" she requested. Shining Armor only smiled and stood beside the princesses.

"Oh, this nutcase is going to try and read the future now? This I have to see" he waited patiently for the pony to tell them there fortune. Rhasta reached into his bag and pulled out a collection of small jars. The princesses and Shining Armor tried to get a peek of what was inside those jars. But the jars were hazy and whatever reached the sides were unidentifiable by nature.

"To read the future, I need entrails!" He exclaimed as he opened one of the jars. To most of the groups horror and disgust, the contents of the jars were none other than various bits and pieces of some creatures internal organs. One jar had a spiral shaped organs, Twilight guessed that they were intestines due to their shape. Another jar had something bulbous and round with a spindly little string off one side, perhaps they were kidneys?

"Y-y-you use innards to p-predict the future!?" Luna pushed her lunch back down into her stomach "How vile!" Rhasta only shrugged.

"Don't worry, there's nothing to fear. They're organs from a chicken!' he told her as if he hadn't done anything morally questionable for pony standards. Celestia, Shining Armor, and the fillies all struggled to resist the urge to vomit. Spike however, was oddly unaffected by the sight of a chicken's heart.

"If this is what a shaman does as a talent then I should have it outlawed! A unicorn who uses entrails for his talent is clearly unhinged!" Rhasta simply sighed and put away his collection of chicken innards.

"Fine, I won't use the innards...." he spoke as he put away his the jars.

" *Sigh* thank you" Luna replied. Rhasta then pulled out a burlap bag and jiggled it around.

"I'll just use these chicken bones instead then!" he said and he opened up the bag and poured out a small pile of random chicken bones. Luna and the others just facehoofed themselves, they should've seen that one coming a mile away.

As much as Luna wanted to protest such ludicrous methods to the pony's madness, a part of her was actually interested in seeing how he could predict the future with something as useless as an assortment of chicken bones. With another sigh, she motioned for Rhasta to continue his dark ritual.

"Hmm, thank you very much" he bowed to the moon princess whose expression went from disgust to genuine curiosity.

The room was quiet as everyone awaited for Rhasta to do.... whatever it was that he was going to do. Still seated on the floor with his hind legs crossed, he crossed his forelegs together and closed his eyes. Slowly, he began to chant words of unknown origin very softly yet steadily gaining in volume and speed. A few seconds of chanting and his voice became audible.

"Moto Keyeyanna yaya, toyka yameh!" he chanted as his body swayed back and forth rhythmically to the sound of ghostly drums. Soon, the swaying became more and more forceful with each passing second. Small sparks of electricity began to discharge from his skin, jolting from himself to the marble flooring where it dissipated into neat little glints of light.

With a quick movement of his right foreleg, he picked up a hoofful of bones and threw them onto the floor where they were all struck with a small bolt of electricity. The bones then began to crack and Rhasta's chanting grew louder.

"Neia teia an da ka!" he chanted with such fire and passion, the bone were continually struck with more bolts of electricity until the cracks grew wider and more pronounced. As he finished his chanting, his body began to convulse violently as he let out a short wave of ether. When he finally stopped and collected himself, he rose up and stared at the bones before him. He began to whisper to himself as he foretold the future.

"I see..... I see!" he yelled with excitement "I see... insects..." he spoke with an eerie tone "A very.... very large swarm of black shelled insects....." he exclaimed "A large swarm of insects flying all over Canterlot and they are hungry!" he concluded with a loud call and a final chant as he shook about back onto all fours.

The room was quiet again, nopony dared to say a word as they digested what they just heard. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to what felt like hours. Then, when everyone appeared to regain their senses. They all broke out into laughter.... again. While his friends believed him, every other pony in the room was rolling on the ground laughing their head off like there was a horrible epidemic of the giggles flying around. All the laughing was starting to ride on his jovial nature.

"Do not laugh!" he commanded "Be wary of my warnings non believers!" he hissed "What I saw goes beyond what you can comprehend!" but the laughter didn't cease, instead it roared louder than it was before.

"Oh! We can comprehend it alright!" Celestia mocked "You make the parasprites sound so threatening!" she laughed "The issue was long resolved already. There is no more fear of an outbreak like that anymore" she fell on her back laughing again. Rhasta just scowled at the princesses.

"Heed my warning you two! This is of no laughing matter!" he tried to tell them but his words fell on deaf ears "Grr.... fine! Ignore me! But you should be glad that this fortune was free! Because of the fact that you were royalty, I did not charge you!" Shining just raised a smug eyebrow as he recovered from his laughing fit.

"Oh yeah? Well how much do you charge for?" he asked.

"Two pins of copper!" he shouted. Shining then reach into his armor's pocket and pulled out two coins.

"I'll just assume that means two bits, here you go mister fortune teller" he then levitated the coins over to Rhasta who begrudingly took them. Money was money after all.

"I have to admit, that was quite the show there, Rhasta" Luna praised "Plus those were some very fancy effects you have there with all the static electricity and whatnot. What did you use? Simple smoke and mirrors?" she asked. Rhasta just looked really confused.

"What are you speaking about? That was all my magic that you saw" he replied which perplexed the princesses.

"Magic? What magic? I am sure that those were all nothing more than parlor tricks" Luna scoffed "Besides, if it was magic, then how come your horn didn't light up?" she questioned Rhasta.

Rhasta pondered to himself what that meant. He then summoned one of his snake wards before him, the little guy looked so happy to be back on the material plane that he hopped up and started to lick the side of his master's face with his glowing little forked tongue. Rhasta fell back and laughed with his pet.

Twilight and her friends swallowed a lump that was forming in their throats, they forgot to warn Rubick and Rhasta to go easy on the magic! Twilight chatised herself, she was normally so much more orderly than this! How could she forgot not one! Not two! But three times to warn her friends! Her usual punctuality and preparedness was slowly slipping away from her very being the longer she spent time with the heroes.

"Ugh, maybe all the stress is finally getting to me after all...." she thought to herself "But on the bright side, maybe this is healthy for me. Princess Celestia and my friends always keep telling that I spend waaaay too much time with my studies" she subconsciously nodded in agreement with herself "At least I'm out more often than not"

"Ahahahaha! I don't know what you are talking about, my magic appears to be working just fine" he then began to play with his snake ward who oddly enough acted kind of like a dog. If a dog was an ethereal spirit in the shape of a snake that is.

Shining Armor and the princesses stared at Rhasta as if they were struck by a bolt of lightning, did he just seriously summon that creature without use of his horn? The very source of a unicorn's power? Their jaws simultaneously hit the floor as they witnessed Rhasta turn the snake into a chicken then back into a snake again. They were stunned beyond all belief, what this all a trick or something? This has to be, they thought.

"H-h-how did you that?" Celestia asked with a sliver of shock in her voice.

"It was just my shamanic powers, that's all" he nonchalantly replied as he willed away the snake and walked back to his spot before the princesses.

The princesses kept their shocked expression until they shook it off, telling themselves that what they just saw was nothing more than an illusion. That's right! It was all just an illusion, they probably didn't noticed his horning glowing that was all. The princesses snapped back into reality and regained their composure after witnessing such a strange display of ones talent of being a... what was it called again? Oh! A shaman, that's right. Whatever that means....

"Uh... Well... onto the next guest then, shall we!" Luna spoke as she collected herself from her earlier shock. Rubick then stepped forward the moment she started talking. Make no mistake though, he did it only so he can quickly show his cutie mark and get on with the rest of the conversation.

"I'll go" he then removed his large golden collar and cape. As he pulled back his pants, his cutie mark was shown on his midnight black coat.

"Huh? Well I'll be" he looked at his own cutie mark. It was an image of a shield with his staff crisscrossed between it just like swords. It looked almost like a coat of arms of sort, one that represents Rubick's own special talent.

"Huh? That's a funny cutie mark for a jester, is it not?" Luna questioned "I was expecting something more along the line of a harlequin's hat or an image of some party favors, much like the one Pinkie Pie has over there" she pointed over to PInkie's balloon cutie mark "Yours looks noble, like one a guard or a knight would have"

"Luna!" Celestia shouted "It is impolite to simply assume one's talent" Rubick removed his mask and placed it away behind his cape.

"Your sister's right you know?" he spoke with his face exposed for all to see "I'm not a jester, although the clothes do make me look so doesn't it?" he quipped with a light chuckle "But these clothes represent who I am just as my uh... cutie mark does" he twirled his staff around with his hoof "For you see, I am a magus" he then held his head up, tall and proud of who he was.

"A Grand Magus"

"Uh... a magus?" Shining Armor asked.

"Magus is just another word for a pony that uses magic, like a mage or a sorcerer" Celestia informed the captain "That would mean that your special talent lies within magic then, much like my faithful student, Twilight. Correct?" Rubick nodded.

"You are correct, princess. But I am also a skilled duelist as well" he twirled around his staff some more "I didn't earn the title of grand magus by finding it on the ground you know? I had to fight my other magus compatriots in an epic duel to see who was worthy of it" he then snickered as he recalled the aftermath of his fight.

Heck it wasn't really even a fight, it was more like a show. He just made his compatriots paranoid of each other to the point where it became self destructive. One accusation after another lead to many of broken alliances and truces, When the first fireball was thrown, all hell broke lose and all Rubick did was just sit back and watch the carnage that unfolded before him. The smell of burning linen and the chill of a frozen magus was still fresh in his mind, almost as if he had caused it yesterday.

"You had to fight your friends just to earn a title? How barbaric!" Celestia responded with a disapproving tone "How could you do such a thing? Surely there could've been a better solution?" Rubick just raised his eyebrow.

"We may have all been magi but a sense of community didn't automatically mean that we were all friends. Would a friend try to assassinate you six different times just because you had the potential to be something much more?" he retorted

"I'm sure a true friend would stick by and support you no matter what hardships or obstacle may impede your way. Not stab you in the back the moment you let your guard down! I learned what true friendship was when I met Gondar, Aiushtha, Sven, Rhasta and many others...." he turned to Twilight

"You should be glad you didn't have to go through the same thing I did to further my quest for knowledge, young Twilight" Twilight was stunned, this was the first time he had spoken of his past to her. She empathized with her other mentor, what kind of friend would betray you like that? All for some title? "You should be honored to have such wonderful friends, Twilight. Don't let such a gift go to waste" he spoke as his expression saddened a little but he quickly shook it off when the princesses addressed him.

"Alright, you've proven your point there, Rubick" Celestia replied "But to claim such a title must mean that you are quite adept in magic" Rubick had a smile on his face and glint in his eyes, he then raised his staff high and slammed in on the floor.

"My sorcery.... is unstoppable!" he announced proudly. Though his response drew criticism from his royal peers. Shining Armor was particularly annoyed by declaration.

"I don't care if you were top of your class in apple bucking buddy!" Shining shouted but the insult affected more than just Rubick, namely Applejack who glared at the captain with her emerald irises "I know a lot of blowhards like you who can't even live up to their own boasting!" the group was reminded of Trixie again, what a day that was "What makes you so different?" he asked. Rubick just shrugged his shoulder.

"You got me, pal. What does make me so different?" he tapped on his chin as he went into deep thought "Hmm, how about the fact that I can actually back up my so called.... boasting" his response only seemed to serve to push more of Shining's buttons.

"Oh yeah? Name your game then!" the captain demanded. Rubick simply shrugged once more

"How about I just show you what I am capable of, hmm? A ... duel perhaps?" he turned to the group "How about it then!" he shouted "How about a show for the princesses!" he exclaimed with a big smile. Shining Armor scowled at the unicorn, his attitude ran his very nerves right into a brick wall.

A challenge with the captain of the guard? Out of the question. But here was his chance to finally show up the criminals once and for all. Gondar may have taken out his guards in hoof to hoof combat. But in magic, Shining was ranked among the pantheon of powerful magic users as one of the very best. He did have he strongest shield in all of Equestria after all. Or at least it was the strongest after it got broken twice in less then two days by the average earth ponies. Now was the chance to make up for all of that.

"Fine! You! Me! Right now!" he declared as he walked towards the center of the room and face the magus "Prepare to go down you punk!" he assumed a combat stance and narrowed his eyes towards Rubick "Choose your next words carefully. Cause your gonna be eating them when I'm through with you"

The group before them was ecstatic to see a wondrous display of magic. Even the princesses were thrilled to see a friendly magical duel, it's been a while since they seen two unicorn spar competitively on fair terms, or so they thought.

Spike was about to enter another state of frozen awesomeness once more, he willed every inch of his scaly purple self to remain conscious so that he could watch Rubick pull off more of his magic. The rest of the group waited eagerly for the match to start.

Twilight was slightly hesitant in seeing her brother getting into a duel where he was doomed to lose from the very start. Note that she is only slightly hesitant. Part of her didn't want to see her beloved brother get stomped on by an incredibly powerful magus. Part of her actually wanted to see them spar so that she could study how Rubick's magic works so that she may understand it better. Part of her is still very miffed at her beloved brother for not telling her in person about the wedding and attacking her new friends on such short notice.

"KICK HIS BUTT RUBICK!" she cheered on Rubick with great zeal from the sidelines. Rubick chuckled as Twilight and her friends became an excited crowd that roared with anxiety for a good duel.

Shining readied himself, his horn was beginning to charge with a glow that was similar to his sister's own, a pinkish purple color swirled around his horn when the spell was reaching it's peak of power.

"I hope you're ready for this!" the captain shouted as he shot out a glowing silvery bolt of raw concussive energy. The bolt flew fast and it flew far in the royal court as it approached Rubick. The princesses were expecting Rubick to move out of the way or at least duck the blast, yet all he did was hold his ground. The bolt finally reached Rubick and the group gasped collectively in horror when the spell connected and exploded in a bright radiance of light that enveloped the poor unicorn.

All remained quiet in the court as they awaited to see how the unicorn might respond or if he is going to respond at all. The large cloud of dust and smoke still surrounded the area where Rubick was standing before he got blasted to oblivion by Shining. When the dust settled, there was nothing at all, not even a scrap of Rubick's cape remained after suffering such power. The only thing that was left was the black charred ring where he was standing. Everyone was stunned, even Shining felt a cold sweat coming on.

"Uh oh.... I think I may have overdone it" he stared at the spot where his adversary was standing. He couldn't believe it. He.... he killed him. Obliterated him into nothingness "Oh, Faust. What have I done?" he fell on his haunches, his mind caught in a whirlpool of emotions as he tried to cope with that fact he let his own anger end the life of his fellow pony. Tears fell from his eyes like a waterfall as he sat in silence, in respect for the unicorn that didn't even get a chance to defend himself from his own rage.

The princesses were speechless, The mane six was speechless, Spike's lower jaw was on the floor. They couldn't comprehend what just happened before them. The silence became absolutely deafening as the second pass. There was nothing to say, nothing to do for a dead pony. But the silence was immediately broken when Aiushtha spoke up.

"Oh stop that, Rubick! You're scaring everyone" she shouted. From beyond the grave, everyone could hear the sound of Rubick's laughter from seemingly out of thin air. His hearty laughter echoed throughout the court like a spectre that was having a jolly good time. Everyone looked around to see where the sound was coming from, as the sound began to die down Shining Armor felt a heavy weight on his shoulders. Possibly the weight of killing a pony, he thought.

Nope, it wasn't. The weight Shining felt was Rubick as he steadied himself beside Shining Armor to prevent himself from falling over by laughing too hard. Shining turned his head and jumped back when he saw Rubick alive and well in all of his glory. The groups mood changed from mourning to joy when they saw everyone's favorite magus in the flesh and not a messy stain on the marble floor. Luna and Celestia eyes grew wide as dinner plates when they saw that Rubick was still alive.

"Whuah! Are you a ghost!?" Luna shouted fearfully. Rubick only shook his head as he walked back to his own spot of the duel.

"Nope! I'm just me. Although you could consider the person I learned the spell from a phantom" he laughed some more as he remembered Azwraith "Doppelwalk is really such a fun ability to use" he thought to himself "I believe my presentation of my skills is over. I'll return to my spot now" just as he was about to rejoin his friends Shining stopped him.

"What! I don't know what you just did but the duels not over yet!" he taunted Rubick as his anger returned. Rubick was already tired of the fight, he really didn't want to stress himself out over something so trivial. But he could do one last thing...

"Okay then, the fight continues" he turned to Rubick and pointed at him. With a swift scooping motion, something strange happened. The grouped gave simultaneous oohs and aws as they witnessed Rubick pull away a green afterimage of Shining Armor away from himself. Shining jump backed in surprise when he saw the image being absorbed into Rubick's staff.

"Hmm, so that's how it's done" Rubick spoke inquisitively "It's so simple, yet you over complicate yourself in casting a mere bolt of magic. But I guess it can't be helped" Celestia and Luna were dumbfounded by they scene that unfolded before them. They had no idea what the unicorn just did or what it was even suppose to do. Again, they believed their eyes were playing tricks on them. Rubick's horn didn't glow when he performed his magic.

"What did you do to him?" Celestia asked.

"Perhaps it would be better if I show you" Rubick then raised his hoof and began charging a sphere of magic above him. Shining stared at the bright ball of light and came to a horrific realization.

"That's..... that's my spell... the same one I used to attack you!" his pupils dialated as they shrank down to pinpricks "How are you doing that!?" he shouted as the ball of energy began to glow with Rubick's signature green hue.

"Oh it's nothing really. Just taking an existing idea and improving upon it" he coolly stated, then the ball began to slowly increase in size and mass "But I also enjoy putting my own little spin on things"

Everyone stared in shock and awe as the little green ball, no bigger than a grapefruit, expanded nearly one thousand times it's own size into a massive star of raw magic and energy that was almost bigger than the royal court itself. The princesses were frozen in a state of fear as they witnessed a small little magic bolt get transformed into a small sun that had the capability to wipe Canterlot off the face of the Equestria. But they were also very interested in his abilities.

Shining Armor stood before Rubick like a deer caught in front of a car's headlights. Even though he was a hardened captain of the royal guard, brother to the element of magic, and wielder of the strongest shield in all of Equestria. He looked like he was ready to piss himself in view of everyone in the room and the miniature sun that hanging over his head. How ironic is it that he would be defeated by his own spell? How is it even possible to copy a spell like that anyway?

"Your technique needs a name. How about.... Shining Blast? Now I know I'm not good at making up names but it seems to fit you a whole lot" then, with a flick of his hoofs, the giant ball was sent hurdling towards the terrified captain "how about a taste of your own medicine then, hmm?"

Shining Armor could only watch as the star was slowly collapsing upon him. He attempted to erect his strongest shield but it was all for naught when the star broke through the barrier like a wreaking ball smashing directly through a wet paper bag. He closed his eyes and braced himself for the utter annihilation that descended upon him. He waited, and waited but it never came. He gathered his strength and opened his eyes to see that the massive ball above popped just like a bubble.

"Well, I guess this is enough punishment from your sister for today"

The ball bursted the moment it touched the terrified captain, it was harmless despite it's menacing size. Instead of a massive explosion, small beads of light sprinkled the room in a beautiful lime green glow that captivated his audience. When all was said and done, when Shining finally broke out of his shock, he was given a standing ovation from his peers. Even with eight ponies in the room, the court shook wildly as they all stamped from the pure rush of adrenaline of the duel.

While everyone was cheering for Rubick, the princesses were having their own side conversations.

"I don't care how these unicorns performs his magic. The raw power he was exhibiting will make him a fine addition to the royal guards" Celestia said to her sister "With him on the elite guards and the elements to protect everypony, I doubt anyone will try to take over Equestria ever again" she smiled to herself "Equestria will finally achieve the dream of everlasting peace, our subject can live their lives out peacefully. Free of fear, free of suffering, free from anyone who wished to inflict harm upon them"

"While I agree with you there sister. I don't think the way he dresses will be good for the guard's image" Luna replied as she gagged at Rubick bizarre outfit "Image is everything sister. Having a clown as the poster pony for the new elite guard will not be very receptive by our subjects" Celestia pondered the idea but waved it off when she had her own solution.

"Nothing a simple wardrobe change couldn't fix, Luna. His black coat would look very nice in contrast to the white and gold armor that the guards are currently wearing" she coolly stated "Have some faith dear sister. When the guards become inspired by Rubick's acts of magical prowess, there will no shortage of guards who are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to become members of the elite guard"

"New members and a morale boost!?" Luna beamed " This has to be your greatest idea yet, Celly! I can see the headlines now for the Equestria Inquirer!"

*-Criminals turned heroes!-*

Former conspirators to the crown turns over a new leaf!

Becomes members of the new elite guards!

Dedicates their lives to defending Equestria

Guards inspired by heroes!

Applications and training for elite guards skyrockets!

"Aside from Rubick, I am quite interested in seeing if the yellow one over there is willing to cooperate as well" Luna asked "He was the one that took out the elite guard in the first place. From what Shining Armor has told us, his strength and speed is not to be underestimated" Luna tried to spot Gondar "Also, I don't think he will be as willing as the others might be to be in the new guards"

"We still have their ally in Gladius prison, if they don't have an incentive then we shall give them one should it come to it" Celestia mentioned "Besides, sister. What kind of pony wouldn't what to serve their princesses? Every guard we know are who they are because of their selfless devotion to Equestria. Shining Armor is no better example of a great captain. Becoming a guard at such a young age was something to be commended for back then" Celestia finished as she turned her attention back to the group.

Rubick was courteously bowing to his audience as the stamping slowly died down in the background. When all became silent, Rubick put his mask back on went back to his spot among his friends and Shining walked back to the princesses. Oddly enough, Spike seemed to be locked in place after the fight, just like a statue.

"Why I must say, that was quite the show you gave us there, Rubick! I have never seen such skill in the magical arts since the age of Starswirl the bearded!" Celestia commented as she gave her own polite stamp "Now, who is up next for introductions?" Celestia asked as she fixed her attention on Gondar.

The yellow stallion caught her eyes and decided to go next. He thought it would be better go instead of Aiushtha since the princesses seemed to be so interested in her. Aside from that, there were a few things that Gondar wanted to.... negotiate with the rulers about.

"I guess I'm up then" he walked before the princesses, but just as he was about to move, the princesses stopped him.

"Wait right there, Gondar" Luna declared "Before you start, please, show us your face. It is rude to hide behind a mask during an audience with us" she asked but all Gondar did was shake his head is disapproval.

"Sorry there lady, no can do" his response shocked everyone in the room. It wasn't very often nor was it exactly wise to deny a request by the princess without some kind of reason.

"Come now, it's alright. Just pull down the mask, that's all you have to do" Celestia asked politely, trying not to provoke the stallion that crush their guard beneath his hoof. But Gondar remained defiant, all he wanted to do was just talk to the princesses with his mask on, is that really to much to ask? "Don't be shy, there's nothing to be ashamed of. We're all friends here" well that's mostly correct, he thought to himself.

"I apologize profoundly but I would like it if I could keep my mask on" he tried again "This mask is a part of me. It's stuck with me through good times and bad" just like himself, the princesses tried again.

"Just pull the mask down" Luna asked "We're not asking for much. Just, show us your face, tis all" Gondar shook his head once more.

"The mask. Stays" he commanded through gritted teeth from behind his red mask. The princesses conceded and complied with his simple request.

"Oh alright then, we will let you keep your- Aha!" Gondar did not react quickly enough as he noticed the dark blue glow that surrounded his mask. With one quick tug from the glow, his mask was off, revealing his face along with his feline features. Luna and Celestia were beginning to see why he didn't want to take his mask off now. He looked just like a.... like a....

"You look just like a cat!" Luna rudely blurted out for everyone to hear before falling to the ground laughing her head off. Gondar quickly pulled his mask out of the air and covered his face again as he hissed at Luna.

" *Hiss!* What gives you the right to do that you.... you!" he stopped himself before he could finish, the insults can wait. Trying to avoid a bad first impression was harder than it sounds. Thankfully the moon princess received a good scolding from her older sister for pulling a fast one on him.

"I am incredibly sorry for my sister's action, Gondar" Celestia apologized "Lets just pretend that never happened" Gondar said nothing, he only nodded in agreement with her.

"But while we are on that subject. You are certainly... unique, for a stallion such as yourself" As apologetic as she sounded, Celestia couldn't get over how bizarre Gondar looked. His crimson irises still made her feel uneasy each and every time their eyes met.

"How about I just show you my.... cutie mark now?" he asked. The princesses were quick to reply with a simple nod. Gondar braced himself, he really didn't want to pull his pants down. There was the risk that his cutie mark could be far too revealing of his nature, but he shook the thought off. What were the chances that his cutie would really show who he was and what his special talent was anyway? His hopes for an inconspicuous mark was quashed when he actually saw what it was.

"Oh boy....." as it turns out, his mark couldn't be anymore connected to his self. Just like his unique appearance, his cutie mark was also unique, evident by the stares he was receiving from his peers. It was unlike anything anyone has ever seen before.

His mark was a intimidating arrow, formed by two red v's and a red skull atop it. His mark was surrounded by a red circle that was scrawled onto his side in strange patterns. Around the circle was a series of markings and runes that formed eight points symmetrically around it. To the ponies, they had no idea what the mark meant. But to Gondar and his late victims, they knew it all too well.

"Huh? What a strange cutie mark" Celestia stared at the red circle "I can't make head nor tails of your cutie mark. What is your special talent?"

"Is it cryptology? That seems probable. Those markings are unlike any I've seen before" Luna suggested. During the moment of confusion, Gondar seized the moment to deceive them. It was better that they knew a lie instead of the truth.

"Yes, that's correct. I'm a cryptologist" he lied through his mask "I travel the world in search of dead and ancient languages to record and study them. It is a bit of a lost art form. Nobo- ahem, excuse me. Nopony understands the true value of writing and language until it becomes buried underneath soil" he tried to pulled his best impression of an archaeologist. He studied the princesses expression to see if they bought his lie.

They appeared to believe him but that all changed as their eyebrows arched down with a frown just below their noses. They didn't believe a word that was coming out of his mouth.

"Let it be known, Gondar, that we can understand a little white lie from our subject" Celestia spoke sternly "But let it be also known that we didn't forget about you and your friends little encounter with the guards" she finished as she glared at him with her magenta colored eyes.

"Did you honestly think that we would believe you to be nothing more than a simple cryptologist?" Luna questioned him with the same stern expression her sister had "The proof is in the pudding, or more importantly, in the broken bones of every elite guard that you personally put out of commission" she accused "You must be a very athletic for a scholar to dispatch every member with relative ease"

"Have you seen the places I been to?" he lied "I got to be in peak physical condition to survive in some of the most inhospitable landscapes around the globe!" he attempted to keep up his charade "Besides, your guards drew first blood by injuring my friends. And that will not stand. Not by me" he could see that the princesses still didn't believe him.

"Who attacked who is irrelevant at the moment, Gondar" Celestia replied as she shifted the blame away from herself "We are trying to make peace with you for our... wrongful accusations" her stern look shifted to a warm motherly smile "I'm sure we can all put our petty difference aside so that we may focus on other things. Such as your friend's freedom" she used her bargaining chip, maybe he'll be able to be more cooperative now.

"Yeah, I'm sure Sven would really appreciate that" he muttered silently.

"But there can be no peace unless we are all honest with each other" Luna joined in with a calm demeanor "Your friends opened up to us, so why not you?" she tried to act as inviting as possible.

"It's not that I don't like to share, mind you" Gondar turned his head and faced Rarity "It's just my special talent isn't something that I'm willing to tell a group of innocent ponies such as yourselves" he spoke loud and clear for all to hear. Rarity, feeling bold, stepped up to comfort him.

"Don't be rude to the princesses, Gondar. Remember, you're here to make a good impression so that your friend can be released from prison" but Gondar remained unconvinced, he just shook his head as he tried to walk away, but Rarity was persistent "Fine, if you won't do it for your friends.... could you do it for me?" she pleaded. But just as her words reached Gondar, they also reached Spike who broke out of his frozen trance to let his jaw slam into the ground.

Gondar stopped dead in his track. He knew he couldn't do anything now, he was still very much indebted to her. He didn't argue with it though. She's done more for him when he came into this world then he has for her so far. Aside from keeping his word, he was doing this for another reason, one that Spike was openly protesting to. Although the little guy's words were lost to the wind when Twilight hushed him for being too loud.

" *Sigh* Fine, I'll tell them. Promise me that you won't look at me differently, please?" he then turned about face and walked back in view of the princesses while Rarity pondered what he meant by looking at him differently. The princesses smiled down upon him as he approached them.

"Well, changed your mind, have you?" Celestia asked "Then tell us what your special talent is" the room went quiet as they awaited his answer.

"I..... am a Bounty Hunter" he stated with fire and pride. The whole room began speaking amongst themselves, there weren't many criminals in Equestria but that didn't mean that criminals didn't exist. Whoever did have their face among the few wanted posters were the most hated ponies in the land. The princesses and the captain said nothing, they only waited for him to finish.

"My special talent is that I can find, capture, and in many cases, kill criminals that are wanted by the local authorities or the government" his job description shook everyone to the bone "In short, I hunt and capture or kill criminals for a living" the way he said it made everypony's blood run cold, he sounded like he enjoyed his job. Unbeknownst to them, he loved every second of tracking down fugitives and runaways from the law.

"For the right price, anyone could be found"

"For the right price, even the mightiest will learn to fear the shadows"

"For the right price, anything"

"You-you would kill your fellow pony, for money!?" Shining exclaimed "How do you sleep at night you deranged psychopath!?" Shining was at his limit, every single one of the ponies he had met in this particular group were all insane! Assaulting princesses!? Guts to tell the future!? Stealing magic!? Hunting ponies!? Why in the name of the almighty Faust do ponies like this exist in the world!? The only one who hasn't done anything incomprehensible was the doe! And she was incomprehensible herself!

"Like a baby, actually" he told him like nothing was wrong "I sleep fine knowing for a fact that there is one less maniac freely walking around in the world because of me" he retorted with a grin "Getting paid for doing your job is also a bonus you fat white hypocrite" he laughed wickedly once he saw the stunned look on Shining's face "How's the nose there buddy?" he asked in which Shining covered his nose instinctively upon remembering.

"Uh... thank you, Gondar, for the explanation about your.... talent" Luna nervously smiled. She was starting to regret getting this pony to talk about himself "You can return the others right now" she asked with a sliver of fear in her voice. She brushed her hoof in shooing motion to get Gondar as far away from her as possible.

Gondar complied with the princesses demands and walked back to the group. But not without receiving some estranged look from Twilight and others. The only one that looked at him straight in the eye without fear, was Rarity.

As Gondar was walking back to his group, he felt a strange vibe grab hold of him. He was glad to know that he wasn't about to have another one of his seizure attack, courtesy of Harbinger. But instead, the feeling came from the princesses. He looked at his allies and he could tell that despite their generally receptive response from them, they all felt like something is being hidden from them.

"These princesses" he thought to himself "First you send some guards to catch us, now you're acting all friendly with us..."

"What's your angle?"

Chapter 14 end

Author's Note:

Man, the ideas flowed like a waterfall when I was writing this chapter which is probably why it's over 10'000 words. Hope you enjoyed the fact that they finally get to meet the princesses after like two chapters.

Also, here's the current expected roster for future heroes in dota 2.
-Skywrath mage
-Legion Commander

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