• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 20,615 Views, 316 Comments

What does a Hero Truly Need? Vol. 1: A New Age of Heroes - zelkova48

When 5 heroes from Dota are pulled from their world and thrown into Equestria, how will they react? How will they get home? And more importantly, how are the ponies going to react when they find out the outworlders are more dangerous then they look?

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Chapter 26: The Good Guys Win, Right?

What does a Hero Truly Need?


Chapter 26: The Good Guys Win, Right?

The once grand streets of the city of Canterlot were cobbled with the chitinous bodies of virtually hundreds upon thousands of either disturbingly spastic or vegetative changelings. Each member of the group had to watch their steps, as not to accidentally trample over the almost pitiable creatures. Whether or not they felt for the changelings after such a traumatic experience was a matter of opinion. What did matter though, was reaching the altar to get to the bottom of this mysterious phenomena.

The girls had chosen to hold onto their elements despite the brief moment of peace. They didn’t feel safe without them as the grim setting before them began to sink into their frail minds. Even if the changelings weren’t dead, it was nerve racking to see a million sets of blank turquoise eyes staring down on them from every possible angle. They couldn’t help but cringe as they passed each block of Canterlot.

“Stay close everyone” said Rhasta “We are not sure if these creatures are merely feigning or not”

“They seem so... so... distant” Twilight commented “What do you think happened at the altar?” she asked.

“That reminds me. You haven’t told us about what was really going on” said Aiushtha “One moment we’re watching the city, then the next, the sky is filled with these curious creatures”

“Curious?” said Rainbow with a raise of her eyebrows and a grunt in her voice “You think that these changelings are curious? These freaks just attacked Canterlot! If anything, I’m glad that they’re all on the ground where I could smack them around for threatening my home and friends!”

“You’re not answering our question” Gondar cut in “I don’t care about what you feel about these bugs. We want to know how these changelings or whatever the hell you called them got inside the city and past that giant shield without alerting anyone of their presence. And that’s not counting us”

“Well, y’all saw what they can do!” Applejack retorted “They can change shape, imitate a pony as if they were that pony. They’ve probably went and snuck in before the wedding just so they can catch us off guard!”

“But why would they reveal themselves then?” Gondar asked “It doesn’t make any sense”

“That’s what I said” Rubick chimed in.

“It doesn’t matter why they revealed themselves!” Applejack shouted furiously “Boy, if Ah see another of these changelings for a long as I live, it’ll be too soon” she huffed with a stomp of her hooves.

“Your anger is justified, I get that” said Rubick “But now is not the time for angry thought. For now, let us focus on reaching your princesses, Twilight’s brother and determining the true extent of this... invasion”

“L-let’s just get out of her, p-please... I-I don’t like it here” Fluttershy cried as she crossed another changeling filled street. Rainbow flew next to Fluttershy to try to comfort her as they trekked towards the direction of the altar.

“Let’s pick up the pace” said Jackal “I think that’s the altar up there, isn’t it” he pointed to the large building in front of them”

“Huh... It’s quiet... too quiet” said Sven as he observed his surroundings “Did something happen here?” he asked.

“This...” Twilight spoke with quiet rage seething through her teeth “This was where it all started...”

* * *

Twilight and her friends pressed against the massive double doors that stood between them and the site of where the invasion supposedly started. The altar was in shambles. Flower petals blanketed, mixing itself with all the dust and rubble to form beautiful ruins. Tapestry had been torn, stain glass windows have been shatters, and furniture were smashed in the mayhem that ensued during our heroes defense of Canterlot.

It looked as though a great battle had been held during their absence. But for what actually happened, no one knew for sure. As light peered into the dimly lit room, the group was greeted with a very unlikely scene. It was something that made everyone want to gag at the mere sight of. Standing victorious over the defeated changeling queen was none other than...

“Prince Blueblood!?” the mane six shouted in unison with a dumbfounded expression on all of their faces.

“Who?” Aiushtha asked with a scratch of her head.

“Me” the pridefully pompous prince proclaimed to the plethora of the positively perplexed ponies “Well, if it isn’t the element bearers themselves” he gloated with a million dollar smile that made you want to punch the guy.

“Oh, look at that. You’ve brought the elements of harmony. Too bad” he said with a flick of his perfect hooves “We don’t need that anymore, I’ve already dealt with this horrendously grotesque imposter” he scowled at the changeling queen beneath his hooves as he recklessly stomped on her unconscious form.

“Bwuah? H-how? Y-you? Whuah?” Rarity practically stammered as her head began to feel light. She resisted the urge to faint at such an unbelievable scene. In fact, she wanted to resist both the urge to faint and vomit at the same time “I... I n-need to lie down...” she spoke raspily before tipping over to her sides.

“M-miss Rarity?” Gondar quickly caught her before she hit the floor “What’s wrong?”

“Eh, she’ll be fine” said Rainbow with a dismissive wave of her hoof “Give her a few hours, she just experienced something disgusting. But how the hay did a pompous punk like you defeat the changeling queen?” she asked with a curious tilt of her head.

“He had some help...” two wily voices joined in before a red and silverish blur flew into the room. With a powerful gust of wind, two familiar pegasi entered as flashily as possible. Rainbow’s pupil’s dilated before widening to the size of dinner plates.

“You’re... you’re” Rainbow stuttered but she couldn’t get the words out of her mouth. She continued to babble on causing the two pegasi to chuckle.

“Members of the wonderbolts!” the two finished for Rainbow “It appears that we are in the presence of a fan, dear sister” said the red one.

“Indeed it does, dear brother” said the silver one.

“Hey, I remember you!” Twilight piped in as she broke out of her stupor “You’re Quicksilver and Speeding Bullet. We met in the royal archives”

“What! You’re telling me you met the wonderbolts and you didn’t tell me!?” Rainbow shouted. Twilight and the rest of the group just rolled their eye at Rainbow’s lack of concern for the current state of affairs.

“They weren’t the only one...” a deep voice cut in. From out of the shadows, as stallion as big as Big Mac stepped forth to reveal himself “The name’s Chain Warden. A pleasure to be meeting the elements of harmony” the stallion warden politely bowed.

“Uh, who’re you” Applejack asked “Pardon me, but Ah never seen ya before”

“Me? I am just a humble guard. Protecting the innocent and the city like I should be” Chain Warden spoke with pride “That is the duty of the gu-”

“Yeah, yeah, we get the point scarface” Gondar interrupted “And since my colleagues and I are members of the elite royal guards, we demand a full explanation of everything that’s happened so far”

“What’s there to explain about?” Blueblood shrugged nonchalantly but still kept his winning grin “A malevolent changeling queen and her brood maliciously attacked our beloved city, not to mention that this filth had the audacity to impersonate Princess Cadence, drained Captain Shining Armor of his love energy and assaulted both Princess Luna and Celestia! Fortunately for them, I sprang into action at the last moment and saved the day” she gloated. For a moment, the ponies in the room could’ve sworn that they say his nose grow just a little bigger.

“Quit hogging all the glory you dolt!” Quicksilver huffed at the pompous prince.

“We did most of the work you braggart!” Speeding bullet joined his sister

“If anything...”

“It was us....”

“The brother sister team...”

"Of the famous wonderbolts...”

“Who took the changeling queen down!” the two proclaimed in unison with a boastful tilt of their head.

“Regardless...” Twilight regained her composure just enough to speak “Where is everyone else?”

“The civilians were all evacuated, and the princesses are trying to find Shining Armor’s real fiance” Chain Warden replied cooly “For now, our job is to escort this villain to the dungeons. Now if you don’t mind, we bid you farewell”

Without another word, the surprising quartet of ponies who supposedly defeated this changeling queen hauled her body away to wherever it was that the dungeons were. The moment they left, absolutely everyone in the room, heroes included, collapsed onto the marble floor after suffering such an exhausting day. Everyone let out an exasperated sigh and made their way back up onto all four, still confused at what they should do next.

“Eh, this has gotten ridiculous... I’m going to bed to clear my mind” Sven said as he turned away with George croaking in agreement atop his head. He began heading towards the castle apartments. Everyone else followed suit and dragged their hooves back to their respective rooms.

It was just one surprise after another, this day. And with the day save, by Prince Blueblood and his allies no less, it seemed like a good idea to call it a day and let the rest of the guards handle the comatosed changelings out on the streets. Heck, the girls didn’t even remove their elements. With the vault broken beyond repair, they’re going to have to find a new hiding spot for them...

* * *

One week later, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence’s reception party

A whole week had past since the dreaded invasion. Unconscious changelings that laid bare across the ruins of Canterlot had already been rounded up and sent away to rot in the cells with their queen. Repair of the city itself was also in full swing, with ponies left and right doing their best to restore Canterlot to its former glory.

In a manner that shocked even the heroes themselves, life appeared to have returned to normal despite a small portion of Canterlot being left in ruin. It was truly fascinating how ponies at one point could suffer such a traumatic event and then mellow out just like that within a weeks time. But to have a celebration of the newlyweds as well? Equestria truly is a world full of interesting contradictions.

Down by the castle, a joyous and mirthful atmosphere permeated from it’s dancing citizens and the wild booming stereos of one DJ PON-3. With the threat of the changelings over, it only made the celebration much more satisfying. But among those who were actually glad to see the changelings locked up, few had mixed reactions to the entire invasion affair as a whole. Namely, all the heroes and the only diamond dog there.

One dance and musical number later, courtesy of Twilight Sparkle and her singing voice, the festivities eased down a bit, allowing for everyone to mingle with each other in a more tamed setting, without the loud blaring music blasting from the speakers.

Everyone was about doing their own thing. Rhasta was by the corner of the courtyard telling guest of their future, Rainbow Dash was doing her best to gain the favor of the wonderbolts, Sven was enjoying a quaint pint, and Pinkie was just being Pinkie.

Then there was Rubick, who seemed to be lost in thought as he stood in the middle of everything. Eventually, his bizarre behavior eventually caught the eyes of the esteemed newlyweds, and the royal pony sisters, prompting for a quick visit over to him.

“Jester, what is wrong?” Luna asked “Are you not enjoying the festivities?

“Ah, hello everyone. No, I’m fine, the party is great if you ask me. I’m just thinking, that’s all” Rubick blanky replied, his face never once betraying his current state of focus.

“Thinking? About what?” Cadence asked. She thought about it for a bit, only for her to have a brief epiphany upon doing so “Oh, I see. You’re thinking about Twilight, aren’t you?” she teased “So, how far are you in your relationship?”

“Excuse me!?” Shining exclaimed, clearly shocked about this mysterious (and false) revelation “When did this happen? How come I didn’t know about this?!” he shouted.

“Well I sure that if she told you about it, your brotherly instincts would kick in without a doubt. And believe me, no good would come from that” Celestia chimed in, followed by a curt chuckle.

“N-no I wouldn’t...” Shining weakly retorted “Besides, I at least have the liberty to know if my younger sister is in a relationship or not!”

“Kind of like how Twilight had the liberty to know about me?” Cadence fired back with full force. Shining shrank down after that, he was defeated in a single move from his wife. It seems that the whole thing about the spouse always winning arguments was true after all.

“I-I did tell her though...” Shining tried once more to create a half decent rebuttal.

“Through a letter... using my full name which Twilight knew next to nothing about until you actually had to reveal it to her” Cadence concluded victoriously with a carefully concealed smug look.

“I can tell that you two are going to lead a rich and fulfilling life” Luna joked before bursting out into laughter.

“Relationship? I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about” Rubick deadpanned, much to everyone’s surprise.

“What!?” Cadence exclaimed “But I saw you and Twilight together in the gardens alone at night”

“You mean to tell me that you were spying on us when she was telling me about how the wedding plans were suppose to go?” Rubick quickly lied, akin to keeping Twilight’s supplementary lessons on the down low “I don’t know what you were all thinking when Princess Cadence here told you about me and Twilight but they are clearly clearly false”

“Aw, so does that mean Twilight’s still single?” Cadence pouted “I thought for sure she had found somepony already. I mean I glad that she’s smart and all but when it comes to love she can be a little dense, like a certain somepony I know” Cadence playfully nuzzled her husband who had regained his average composure after experiencing one too many shocks.

“I’m sure she will find someone in the future, but it probably doesn’t involve me” said Rubick “But I have to ask you something, Cadence. Do you remember anything from when you were kidnapped?” he asked.

“N-no...” Cadence replied, slightly taken aback from remembering such a horrible experience “I was knock out the whole time. All I knew was that the changelings invaded and the changeling queen impersonated me the whole time. It was a terrifying ordeal”

“Hmm... interesting. Who told you all of that?” Rubick asked, continuing to cross examining Cadence to sate his nagging curiosity.

“Why... the nice representatives of the Descendants of course” Cadence replied.

“You mean those ponies who supposively stopped the changeling queen?” Rubick asked with a raised eyebrow “I didn't realize they were members of those zealots, let alone representatives...”

“Rubick, please show some respect when talking about the descendants!” Luna spoke up “They are hard working charity workers who have broke their backs to provide care for the unfortunate. They are a selfless bunch who have devoted their life to helping others”

“I think my experience with them says otherwise...” Rubick whispered beneath his breath “Anywho, back to my previous train of thought. Ahem... and you believed them?” he asked.

“Of course, what reason would they have to lie on during such a dire situation?” Cadence asked.

“Rubick, just what are you getting at here?” Celestia asked cautiously, her expression stern and demanding “Rubick, as your princess I ask you what it is that you are trying to get out of Cadence” Rubick hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not that it would be smart to speak taboo to the princesses and captain. But he figured since it was a fifty fifty chance of him gaining some new info or being laughed at he may as well take the gambit.

“Well, I may as well tell you my theory on things...”

* * *

Gondar and company sat within the courtyard. In his hoof was a pint of cider, one that was brewed from Sweet Apple Acres, aged and preserved specifically for a grand moment such as the reception of Princess Cadence and Captain Shining Armor. Right beside him was Sven, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash who were all engaged in some sort of drinking contest.

He chose to stay out, opting to indulge in his beverage and relax instead. Much to his dismay, however, he was rudely interrupted right before the mug of cider even reached his lips when a certain silver pegasus mare bump into his side with her rump. He hissed softly, giving a glare to the perpetrator that almost made him spill his drink.

“Grr...do you mind?” he growled.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that I had just bumped into the great yellow devil” the mare spoke amorously, batting an eyelash in his direction.

“Huh, I’d take it you seem to know me from the title alone as well?” Gondar asked “Wait a minute, do I know you?” he racked his brain to try to remember “Hold on, weren’t you that one pegasus who took down that changeling queen, what was your name again... oh yeah, Quicksilver”

“Hmm, I’m flattered to know that you remember my name mister yellow devil” Quicksilver spoke with a sultry tone “But I should not hog all of the credit. From what I’ve heard, you too have done your fair share of changeling extermination. You should be proud of the fact that slew such horrible creatures”

“Yeah, yeah. But to tell you the truth, I didn’t like cutting down those things. In fact I felt kinda bad. I wish I didn’t have to do it, it didn’t feel justified at all” Gondar replied, causing Quicksilver to go wide eye in response.

“W-what!? You did your duty as a member of the elite royal guard and as a pony. The princesses had commended you on what you and your allies did. That alone should be enough to justify the destruction of those repulsive creatures”

“...You know you sound kinda weird without your loopy brother completing your sentences right beside you” Gondar retorted obliviously while taking a swig from his mug. Quicksilver’s coat turn a bright red, her mouth hung slack after hearing what felt like an insult from the stallion that she was trying to seduce. She would shout at him but held her tongue instead, she was here on a mission.

“Anyway, about your princesses. I could care less about what they commend me for. I’m still on bad terms with them after they tried to have me and my friends arrested. I’m sure you heard all about that, didn’t you?” Gondar chuckled as he continued to gulp down his drink.

By then Quicksilver had been fuming. She wanted to smack Gondar right across the face for insulting his princesses, but miraculously she somehow showed incredible restraint in light of it all. She turned around and took a few deep breaths, trying to recompose herself before going in for the kill, so to speak. When she was ready, she walked up to him, shaking her rear back and forth in an attempt to entice the stallion.

“Enough about all that, I’ve got a proposition for you” said Quicksilver “You want to hear it?”

“No games, Quicksilver” Gondar spoke quickly and sternly “I can tell by the twitching on your face alone. What do you want from me?” he demanded.

“Hmph, if you’re going to play hard to get, I may as well pull out the big guns now” Quicksilver gave a curt clap of her hooves and two beautiful mare, one earth pony and one unicorn, appeared beside Gondar. Both attempting to seduce him as well “Not a lot of ponies know this, but I am one of the lead representatives of the Descendants” she proclaimed proudly.

“Oh yeah, those guys. I remember sending one of your lackeys downhill after he insulted my friend” Gondar snarled.

“Lemme guess, you want some kind of donation? I don’t think using ladies is your best bet with me. I’ve only got one love, and it’s hunting criminals for gold” Gondar concluded.

“Oh no, we don’t need any donations. I come with an offer, an offer for a position of the highest caliber in the ranks of the Descendants” said Quicksilver “It will be worth more than all the gold in the world if you and your friends were to become members right when the great cleanse is about to begin. You’ll be treated like a god for the rest of your days”

“And why, exactly, should I join your band of doe hating loonies?” Said Gondar as he shoved aside the two mare that were beside him “Beat it ya harlot, I don’t want to hear any more of your pointless dribble. Just let me enjoy my drink in peace...” he gave Quicksilver one last bone chilling look with his intimidating red eyes before turning to join the rest at the party, leaving behind a shaken and unsuccessful Quicksilver to mull over her failure.

* * *

“Grr... the nerve of that guy” Quicksilver spoke through gritted teeth as she entered the castle “I thought for sure he would be easy to recruit. Who wouldn’t want to join the Descendants? I swear these ponies are bizarre in every way possible...” she continued to grumble until she approached her own little group. There she met everyone who she had been involved with looking at her with expectant eyes.

“I’d take it that your mission was successful?” High Horse spoke up as he enjoyed the olive from his martini.

“He shot down the request before I even got a chance to explain to him our glorious cause” Quicksilver replied dejectedly “I thought for sure my charm and good looks would make him easy to recruit”

“Clearly that wasn’t the case” Fast Hoof joked as she chugged down her own mug of cider “Ah told y’all that Ah shoulda been the one to do it! Ah’m more of the persuasive type anyway”

“Calm down, Fast Hoof. This is merely a minor setback” Prince Blueblood intervened “The plan will still work even without their help. It’ll just be a whole lot faster with them on our side” he explained.

“I’m still opposed to having criminals be a part of our cause” Chain Warden grumbled.

“Oh lighten up, Chainy boy” Speeding Bullet jest “The esteemed warden of Gladius prison should at least know the value of strength in numbers. Isn’t that right, sister?”

“Indeed brother” said Quicksilver “But what should we do now?” she asked.

“Maybe I should have a personal hoof in this” High Horse proclaimed “The reach of my influence is far and wide, perhaps my chance of success will be higher than yours, Quicksilver” he straighten his tie and brush his suit before unceremoniously leaving to try to gain some new allies. Everyone else just rolled their eyes at him as he left straight away.

“Do you think he can really do it?” Fast Hoof asked. Everyone just shrugged nonchalantly, never even acknowledging High Horses leaving.

* * *

“Wait, wait, wait... you just met Quicksilver, one of the quickest members of the Wonderbolts, who happens to give you a chance to join the biggest charity group in Equestria as a higher up, and you just outright turned her down! Why!?” Rainbow Dash shouted, clearly annoyed that all the wonderbolts have been talking to her friends and the heroes instead of her, the fastest flier in all of Equestria.

“Why should I join? I’m already a member of your guards, against my will I might add” Gondar deadpanned as he took his a swig from his sixth cup “Look, I’m willing to work, but it’s only until your friend finds us a way back home. In case you’ve forgotten”

“Still, y’all should at least take up some of the better offers given to you while you hang around Equestria” said Applejack.

“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to side with my friend here” Sven joined in, a noticeable slur tainting his otherwise gruff voice “We’ve already got a job, it’s not the best job in the world but I think we prefer action over charity work any day. Heh heh heh... *belch!* ”

“You could’ve at least joined so that you could put in a good word for me when I attempt to join the Wonderbolts!” Rainbow Dash shouted “Aaaawwww! Talk about missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime” she sulked with a sour look on his face.

“Oh! Lighten up you” said Gondar as he playfully prodded the sulking pegasus “If you practice hard enough and improve your skills, you’ll surpass these wonderbolt guys in more ways than one. Heck, maybe you could even ask that princess of yours to create your own group of flying badasses. Think about it, The Rainbow Fliers. Led by none other than Equestria’s greatest flier: Rainbow Dash”

Almost immediately after saying so, Gondar noticed Rainbow Dash perked up in a split second. Her previous attitude nothing more than a brief afterthought in light of a new and awesome suggestion.

“Hey... that’s not such a bad idea!” Rainbow exclaimed with a twinkle in her eye “Yeah, Ultra Captain Rainbow Dash... I like the sound of that...” she whispered to herself as she went into deep thought. Applejack just gave Rainbow a glance and rolled her eyes.

“Now y’all gone and done it” said Applejack “Ya just went and inflated her ego bigger than all of Canterlot. Now we’ll never hear the end of Ultra Captain Rainbow Dash. What made ya go and say all that anywho?”

“I’m drunk....” Gondar replied.

“Ah... that explains a lot” said Applejack, stifling a giggle from the two drunken heroes before her.

“Oh no, no, no. This will not do. Simply not do at all” a new voice spoke from behind, causing the heroes and the mares to turn their gaze to the pompous looking unicorn behind them. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to tell everyone that this stallion gave off an unbearable air of ignorance, wealth and superiority, much like a certain prince they’d encountered the week before.

“Hey buddy, who’re you?” Rainbow asked.

“My name is High Horse”

“Pfft... pfft... BWUHAHAHAHA!” Rainbow bursted into uncontrollable laughter “High Horse! What a dumb name!” she shouted at the top of her lungs.

“Yes, yes, I get that a lot” High Horse said grudgingly “But I’m not here for you ladies, I’m here for them” he pointed to the two drunken stallions.

“Eh? What the *hic!* heck do you want with us” said Sven, who was still clearly drunk.

“I’m sure one of you ran into my colleagues” said High Horse “She gave you a chance to be a part of something greater, yet here you are, off the wagon and acting like a disgrace to all of ponykind”

“I already told your friend that we don’t want to join!” Gondar shouted in his drunken rage, smashing his mug onto the table and splintering it to bits “So can’t you just leave us alone!”

“Easy there friend. I’m not here to fight. No, I’m here to help” High Horse replied coolly “Normally for the common pony they would snap up instantly after being offered to join the Descendants. Come now, rethink your decision. Former criminal or not, after all we’re all ponies her-”

“We... are not ponies” Sven interrupted and spoke clearly and evenly, almost as if all traces of his drunken stupor disappeared in a flash. Yet his tone of voice carried something angry and intimidating that shook High Horse down to his very core “We’re heroes. Heroes of the Radiant!” Sven proclaimed loudly for all to hear “And don’t you forget that!”

Sven towered over the cowering High Horse, hot steam escaping from the recesses of his helmet as he flared his nostrils in a show of force. It worked spectacularly. High Horse’s usual calm and scheming behavior shattered like a weak dam. He stood like a deer in headlights in the presence of a greater force, and shrank into a ball. His dignity on the line, he tried his best to retort against Sven.

“H-how could you say that?” High Horse spoke fearfully, trying his best to calm his nerves “You serve the princess as members of the elite royal guards! Yet how can you say that you aren’t a pony! You should be proud! Proud that you are the superior one here! Proud of the fact that you aren’t a dirt loving dog! Proud to.... Ack!”

Sven’s hoof reached High Horse’s neck and he gripped the poor fellow until he was practically breathing through a coffee straw. High Horse could feel the oxygen being cut off to head. His vision blurred, his mind slowly went numb, yet he was still conscious enough to hear everything Sven said.

“You....” Sven started, venom dripping from his lips as he continued “Never insult one of my friends, especially if they are a member of the dogs you just mentioned!” High Horse couldn’t believe what he was hearing, Sven was friends with a dirt digging mutt. In short, he was a traitor to his own kind in his eyes.

“Y-you... ack! You befriended one of those mutts... you aren’t fit to be called a pony” High Horse managed to let out of his strained throat “I take back everything I tried to do or say to get you to join our glorious... Celestia should’ve kept you locked up in Gladius prison where you can rot for being... an abomination!”

Abomination. It was that same word that drove the rogue knight to become who he was today. Yet it was also the same word that festered within his very existence. A dormant anger boiled from the depths of his soul. Rising, growing ever hotter with each waking second the longer he had to hold and look at the trash at the mercy of his hooves. Lightning sparked from his eyes, his bright blue coat slowly turned a harsh bloody red...

“Say that again...” Sven whispered to the terrified stallion.

“Come on, I dare you...”

Chapter 26 End

Author's Note:

Playing lotsa DOTA 2 lately, probably explains why Im so slow on updating. That and college life.

Will Sven rip this poor bastard in half? Stay tuned on the next episode of Dotamon

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