• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 20,616 Views, 316 Comments

What does a Hero Truly Need? Vol. 1: A New Age of Heroes - zelkova48

When 5 heroes from Dota are pulled from their world and thrown into Equestria, how will they react? How will they get home? And more importantly, how are the ponies going to react when they find out the outworlders are more dangerous then they look?

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Omake: Rubick- The Grand... Foalsitter?


Rubick- The Grand... Foalsitter?

This chapter was purely written for fun and was a way to break my writer's block. Though it has no real connection to the story, I'll post it here anyway for y'all to read. Hope you like this little distraction. There may be more if my mind starts to wander off into the distance. But please, enjoy.

It was a warm midday afternoon at Sugarcube Corner. Both Carrot Cake and Cupcake were running around frantically, trying to pick up orders all while trying to make them as well. With the client list so high, and the help so low (even with Pinkie Pie’s ) they found themselves trapped in a dilemma with almost little to no solutions other than powering through everything.

The NEBO, or National Equestrian Bake Off, was currently being hosted in ponyville. Bakers and pastry chefs from all over the globe flocked to the sleepy little town in an attempt to win the highly coveted blue ribbon. However, with little time on their hooves, they have yet to find a proper foalsitter to foalsit both Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake in their absence.

Though the event was being held mere inches away from their own home, the desert that they were going to present to the various judges required the full attention of all three individuals. Meaning that they would be gone for the duration of the day, being unable to check up on the children. With nowhere left to turn, all hope seemed lost for them at winning the blue ribbon.

Until Pinkie brought up mention of their her peculiar new friend that is...

* * *


The sound resonated throughout the crowded and overly out of control bakery, eliciting a sigh of relief from the cakes. Dropping his spatula immediately, Carrot Cake bolted straight for the door, evading every irate customer in his home. Upon reaching the door, he turned the knob like his life depended on it. The door wildly swung open revealing the foalsitter in question.

Standing before mister Cake, clothed in his magus garment along with his signature combat mask and funny looking staff was none other than Rubick himself. He removed his mask and politely smiled to Carrot Cake as he entered Sugarcube Corner.

“Why hello there!” Rubick announced cheerfully “We meet again, you must be mister Cake, correct?” he shook Carrot Cake’s hoof.

“Oh, it’s you. Rubick, was it?” Carrot Cake replied “Pinkie told us about you. Although I never would’ve expected such a highly esteemed individual such as yourself would do something like foalsitting”

“I am merely repaying my debt to your wonderful employee for showing such warm hospitality towards a foreigner like me” Rubick stated as a matter o’factly “It’s only natural”

“Oh, thank you!” Carrot pulled Rubick into a spine crushing hug “You have no idea how much this means to me and my family!”

“No, no... it’s quite alright” Rubick gasped “I would respect it if you let me breathe properly though. Ack!”

“Oh, sorry about that. Heh heh...” Carrot apologized and let Rubick go “Please make yourself at home...”

* * *

Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake let out an adorably cute yawn as they woke up from their short nap. Instinctively, they rubbed their eyes and smacked their little lips before having some fun.

Pound Cake took off without a second thought and flew around the room like a spastic mosquito, dodging his mobile and weaving right underneath his sister’s crib before gliding like a majestic eagle all over the nursery. Pumpkin cake took the liberty of grabbing the nearest stuffed toy that she owned in the toy box with her budding magical grip and began gnawing on it to help alleviate the pain of teething.

As they enjoyed their playtime, the door to their room opened to reveal their mom, their dad and... some weird looking unicorn feller dressed in black and green. They were expecting Pinkie Pie, not some weirdo. Though the adults were presents, they were less than receptive of their arrival and just kept playing.

“Now, the one who’s flying through the air is our son, Pound Cake” Carrot Cake pointed out all while dodging his own son’s dive bomb, catching him just in time and embracing him with a gentle hug and being nuzzled by his mother. He cooed in delight, all the while babbling incomprehensible foal language.

“I’d be careful with him, he’s a rowdy one” Cupcake commented “But you just can’t stay mad at him with a face like that. Who’s my wittle boy, yes you are! Yes you are!” she tickled the little guy, causing him to giggle with glee.

“Hmm, I’m sure he’s well mannered. Seeing as how he has such wonderful parents” said Rubick with a light chuckle “Don’t worry, I’m sure I can handle him. In fact, I used to be like him when I was a young lad too”

“Really now?” said Cupcake, her voice filled with surprise.

“It was a phase” Rubick replied “Once I snapped out of it I fully devoted my time to my studies and honing my craft. Now, who is this little bundle of joy?” he asked.

Carrot Cake then walked over to his daughter’s crib, and gave Pumpkin Cake a gentle pat on the head before removing the various stuffed toys that she somehow crammed into her little mouth. He gave her a peck on the forehead and held her beside Pound Cake.

“This is our daughter, Pumpkin Cake” Carrot Cake said as he wiped away some spittle from her cheek “She’s teething a bit quicker than her brother is, that’s why she keeps chewing on everything she can get her hooves on” just as Pumpkin Cake giggled, a wild beam of her magic shot out and ricocheted across the room before leaving a small smoking hole in the ground “Oh, and she’s still learning to properly control her magic”

“Hmm, twins?” said Rubick “How interesting”

“We’ll be away for the rest of the day until midnight. Now, are you sure you can handle them?” Cupcake asked “Not that we’re doubting your abilities or anything, but...”

“I can assure you that you’re children are in good han- uh... hooves” Rubick answered reassuringly “I’ll have you know that I actually have some experience with children. I know what to do”

“You have kids of your own?” Carrot Cake asked.

“Well... not my own in a sense. Although, whenever I’m around them it does feel like I’m babysitting them...” Said Rubick as he began reminiscing about an earlier experience on the battlegrounds.

* * *

Battlegrounds, the middle lane, several months prior

The defense of the ancients had just begun. The respective teams have been properly chosen and had already purchased their mystical artefacts that will help them in battle. Everyone was ready and prepared for the bloodbath that would soon ensue the moment the creep waves began to roll in. But among the many who were eager to spill blood, there were two on the same team who were more than ready to spill each other’s blood.

In the middle lane, there were two beautiful women, two powerful mages, two sisters bickering about who should be in the middle lane.

One floated above the ground. Resting her weary head on her hands as she remained in a lax as if she were leaning her side upon some nonexistent couch. She had a wry smile on her face as flames danced around her figure, flames that were more than a match for her personality.

She had long fiery hair that had been tied into a ponytail. Her beautiful dress of red and gold accentuated her stunning beauty, while the crown that sat firmly atop her head gave her a royal air similar to a princess. This was none other than the slayer herself: Lina.

Standing right in front of her with an irate expression on her face was Lina’s younger sister, Rylai. Otherwise known as the crystal maiden. While fire danced around Lina, it snowed wherever Rylai went.

Rylai had long flowing blonde hair that had been primped and pressed wonderfully into a hairstyle that was so hot, it was cold. She wore a magnificent regalia of blue and white fur that have been embroidered with silk, gold, and eye catching jewelry. Atop her head was a crown which dwarfed her sister’s own in beauty and grace. She was not a princess, but a queen.

“It’s not fair! How come you’re always the one who gets to go middle!” Rylai shouted as she stomped her foot in frustration “Grr...You always do this! Just because you’re the oldest it doesn’t give you the right to get everything that I want!”

“Oh, I’m more than just the oldest, sister. I’m the best” Lina shot back with fire from her breathe “That’s why I’m in the middle lane. Go down to the bottom with Naix and support him or something. Actually be useful” she cruelly chided.

“And what about that!” Rylai pointed an accusing finger at Lina.

“What about what?” Lina replied obviously.

“Don’t play dumb, you stole my look!” Rylai furiously shouted.

“What, this?” Lina looked over her wardrobe.

“Yes, that! The whole queen motif was my thing before you went and stole it!”

“What are you talking about sister. This isn’t a queen’s getup, it’s a princess’ getup. Which, for your information, makes me a whole lot more attractive than you. And that’s why all the guys pick me over you” Lina finished with a victorious smile and a chuckle.

“That’s it! It’s go time!” Rylai fumed as she began charging a cold spell “You’re going down! Permafrost!” she bellowed as she summon forth a chill that was below absolute zero, and it was aimed straight at Lina.

Lina felt a cold sweat (oh the irony) come on as she swallowed a lump in her throat. At the last moment, she successfully kited her sister’s attack and rolled right out of the way. But the permafrost kept going even though Rylai had missed her initial target, and it was flying straight towards an unsuspecting visitor.

“Ladies!” Rubick shouted as he walked up “The fight is about to start and you’re still bickering? You’re both grown women, can’t you put aside for petty squabbles for just one sec-” he failed to finish his sentence as the icy cold blast froze him right on the spot, turning him into an ice sculpture. The fear center in Rylai’s brain kicked in and she began to panic.

“Huh, now you’ve gone and done it” said Lina as she examined the frozen magus. It was a humorous sight to behold. The Grand Magus was reduced to a snowman all because of Rylai throwing a tantrum.

“ *Gasp!* Oh my gosh! Rubick I am so sorry!” said Rylai as she quickly rushed on over to his side.

“Um, I don’t think that he can hear you. His ear’s are frozen” said Lina as she broke an icicle off of Rubick’s mask.

“Well you’re the one that can control fire! Melt him down or something!” Rylai pleaded.

“Alright, alright, fine. Stand back” Lina raised her hand up and began to channel her inner flame. The moment she felt her power well up from within, her eyes glowed with power and she let loose the might of a dragon “Dragon slave!”

A powerful wave of fire washed over Rubick’s frozen form, melting away all of the snow and ice until he was finally conscious enough to make sense of the situation. When he came to, he removed his mask to reveal that he was not amused in the slightest. He glared at the two with eyes that pierced through them like Lyralei’s powershot. The two gave him a nervous smile as they absentmindedly kicked the ground around them or played with their hair to avoid his gaze.

“Are you two mages, or children?” Rubick asked with the tone a father might give to his daughters after giving them a good scolding. Before they could answer, Rubick felt something powerful charge into him, crushing nearly every bone in his body and flattening him like a pancake.

Lina and Rylai stared in horror as they watch the recently thawed Rubick get pounded into the dirt by a large intimidating plane shifting beast and his equally intimidating flail. The sound of bones snappings, muscles tearing, and internal organs popping made the terrified sisters want to vomit at the sight of.

“First blood! The first of many a blooded enemies!” Barathrum roared triumphantly to the heavens as he crushed the magus’ mask beneath his feet. He then turned to face Lina and Rylai with a wicked grin plastered across his face like an omen of death. Before the girls knew it, the mask of madness that Barathrum had in his possession was activated, and two more bodies were added to his kill count...

* * *

“Anyway, I would be more than glad to watch over your children” said Rubick “You go on and win that blue ribbon. I’ll watch over the twins.

“Once again you have know idea how much this means to us mister Rubick” said Carrot Cake “We’ll be back by night time, goodbye!” without another word, the cakes and Pinkie left to participate in the NEBO, leaving behind one magus and two foals.

Once the door closed, Rubick when on over to the corner of the room where the rocking chair was and pulled out a book that he borrowed from Twilight’s library during his stay there. He began to silently read, unaware of the machinations that the cake twins were cooking up to break in the new sitter. They may have been foals, but they weren’t going to sit around and do nothing while a boring weirdo sat around and read books.

As they sat in their cribs, the two began planning for a way to mess with their new sitter, just for the fun of it. If Pinkie couldn’t handle them on the first try, what can this weirdo do in comparison? When they were done, they turned to face their sitter with a mischievous smile on their little face. However, that mischievous smile faded away to pure shock and awe at what they witnessed next.

Rubick was absorbed in his book, humming a small tune to himself as he flipped from one page to the next. His cheerful attitude was interrupted the moment he heard an annoying buzzing sound in the room. It was a fly, a fly that refused to leave him and the kids alone no matter how much to tried to shoo it away. Feeling a bit ticked off, Rubick placed his book down and raised both of his hooves together.

“Laguna blade!” he shouted as white hot lightning formed at the very tips of his hooves. Without warning for the poor fly, he let loose the ravaging bolt of raw white lightning with startling accuracy right at the little fly, frying it off the face of the planet and turning it into nothing more than a small pile of ash on the floor “There we go” he turned to face the cake twins “Don’t worry you two. You have the Grand Magus protecting you” he chuckled before returning to his book.

Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake looked at each other, then to Rubick, then back at each other again. They realized that this weirdo was nothing like Pinkie Pie. He was scary. He was terrifying. He could shoot bolts of lightning from his hooves. But worst off...

Rubick was their foal sitter.

Author's Note:

If you want me to write any other of these as some kind of side project, feel free to write them down in the comments below.

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