• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 20,615 Views, 316 Comments

What does a Hero Truly Need? Vol. 1: A New Age of Heroes - zelkova48

When 5 heroes from Dota are pulled from their world and thrown into Equestria, how will they react? How will they get home? And more importantly, how are the ponies going to react when they find out the outworlders are more dangerous then they look?

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Chapter 17: Talk of Two Ponies

What does a Hero Truly Need?

By: Zelkova48

Chapter 17: Talk of Two Ponies

"So what do you think about the Princesses so far?" asked Twilight as she attempted to move some rocks without use of her horn, constantly trying and failing but always refusing to give up. Rubick, who along with Spike were sitting just beside her next to the gentle pond

"To be frank my dear, I'm still very indifferent towards them" Rubick replied "Don't take this the wrong way, Twilight. I'm grateful that they're going to release Sven and pardon our little mishap with the guards, I really am" he paused slightly to munch on some more of his roasted walnuts, sharing some with Spike every so often "They're alright but there's just something about them that irks me in some areas" Twilight stopped practicing her magic for a second and turned to Rubick.

"Just give it some time. I've mean you've only been here for about a day and a half anyway" Twilight said "I'm sure after a while you'll warm up to them. When you get to know them they're really nice!" she said, trying her hardest to cheer up her second mentor.

"I'm sure they are after they tried to muscle me into their army....." Rubick muttered beneath his mask "But the fact of the matter still stands, We will only work for a limited amount of time. Only until we can find a way to transport my friends and I back home to our own world" he sternly said.

"You know, I've been thinking about that and I...." Twilight rubbed the back of her head, trying her best to say whatever it was that she wanted to say less awkward "I, uh.... I think you and your friend should stay in Equestria" a nervous grin was plastered on her face when she finished. The garden was silent, only the sounds of chirping crickets could be heard in the calm midnight air. Rubick didn't say anything, he leaned his head side to side, back and forth thinking about her request.

"Well, think about it Rubick. All the times that you've been talking about your world, all I keep hearing is these vicious battles and constant struggles between both friend and foe" Twilight spoke with a voice that was filled with concern "Don't you ever grow tired of it? All that fighting, the pain and the suffering. Don't you ever wish that you could just get away from it all? Live free and far away from all the horrible conflict" as soft as her word were when she spoke they failed to penetrate Rubick's combat mask. He remained as impartial as his metal mask. Cold and unmoving.

"I know you were attacked by the guards but they were only doing their jobs to keep Equestria safe" Twilight continued, trying her best to convince Rubick to stay "If you choose to stay here you'll be able to live out the rest of the days in peace and harmony. Doesn't that sound better than fighting all your life?" she had thought that by then Rubick would've at least considered the options of staying in Equestria.

"While your offer is tempting, young Twilight. I'm afraid that I must respectfully decline" Rubick replied which caused Twilight to frown "I'm sorry dear but this world is not just ready for beings like us. Beings that are accustomed to strife so much and so that we often find ourselves joking about it on a daily basis" he did his best to sound considerate to his student "While I do enjoy mentoring you in ways of magic and Equestria as a whole, we can't risk further exposure of ourselves to your fair land"

"I understand your concern for me and the others, We cannot stay here for too long" Rubick explained as he started to make his staff glow bright with an ethereal green glow "We are far too destructive and dangerous to both the general populace and the fundamental principles of your world" he let out a weak fade bolt towards a nearby willow, but even at nonlethal levels of power Rubick still managed to snap the tree in two. Twilight could inwardly sense the weak, almost nonexistent energy of the spell but was still stunned by how powerful it was. Truly their levels of magical strength and control were worlds apart, literally.

"Who knows what could happen to this fragile world if our abilities are used in the wrong han- er... hooves" Rubick corrected himself as Twilight continued to examined the charred remnants of a the former willow.

"You shouldn't have to worry about any of that" Twilight reassured her mentor with a smile "With guidance from my brother as well as the princesses, you'll be more like guardians than destroyers" she walked on over to Rubick and place her hoof on his shoulder "Don't worry, we'll find you a way home. I promise. After all, we're friends and friends help each other out" Rubick smiled at his student from behind his mask, he could see and feel the sincerity from her face and her words. Her words of power.

"While I'm still a bit unsure about your brother and the princesses......" he paused slightly "All I have to say is thank you, young Twilight. Thank you" feeling heavy at his heart, Rubick took his mask off and placed it away beneath his cape "I think I've worn this long enough" he softly chuckled before turning back to Twilight "Twilight, can I ask you a very important question?" he asked. Now that his mask was off Twilight could finally see his soft expression, it was that of curiosity.

"Sure, Rubick. What is it that you want to ask?" said Twilight.

"What does a hero truly need?" Rubick asked which caused Twilight to freeze and blink "You heard me. What does a hero truly need?" he asked again which caused Twilight to grow incredibly nervous.

"U-uhh.... is that a rhetorical question?" she asked with a very nervous grin " *Gasp!* it's not some sort of philosophical test is it!" her mind shifted into overdrive. The gears in her head started to violently spin like it had been caught in a tornado, trying to comprehend a question with no answer.

"Oh no! Oh no! If I knew you were going to do this I should've studied for it! I should've stu....................." she could say no more as the words escaping her frantic mind to her mouth gathered no sound. No matter how hard she tried to shout or yell, no matter how strained her vocal chords were that she could easily feel, there was only silence from her. She turned her attention to Rubick who had a big grin on his face.

"Silencing spells" he said "good for keeping people quiet, great for preventing use of magic" he added as he walked closer to Twilight "Now I'm going to give you your voice back. When I do, promise me that you will calm down my student. I can assure you that this is not a test. Also some people around here are trying to sleep" he pointed to Spike who had dazed away to the realm of slumber, his young body not having nearly enough energy to stay up as others can "Alright, I'm going to let you speak now. 1, 2, 3...."

"....died" Twilight let out, relieved to hear the sound of her own voice. When she turned to face Rubick she was met with a very unamused magus "Heh heh, sorry about that" her face turned red like a tomato "Test and what not" Rubick just let out a loud sigh, his new student is turning out to be quite the handful. However, the time to have regrets ended yesterday.

"Just answer the question dear. It's no test. I'm simply interested in your opinion" Rubick requested. Twilight began to ponder about his question, after a few minutes of strenuous thinking she finally came across her own solution.

"Friendship" she replied with such a simple answer "No matter how dangerous the villain, no matter how perilous the journey, so long as you have friends by you side there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome by the magic of friendship" she proudly stated with her head high in the air. Rubick smiled at Twilight.

"Your wisdom far exceeds your age, young Twilight" Rubick praised his student with a respectful bow "In all my years of fighting for the ancients, never before have I ever received such an powerful answer for such a simple question" Twilight's face turned red again, this time out of modesty rather than embarrassment. She hadn't blushed like that ever since Spike practically told all of Ponyville of her magical prowess.

"Well I think that's long enough for a break" Rubick quickly said "It's time to get back to practice!" he softly exclaimed, doing his best trying to not wake Spike. Twilight beamed at the mention of practice and quickly went back to her post as she attempted to learn better control of her magic. Before she started to concentrate again her attention was turned to the charred tree that Rubick had blasted minutes earlier.

"Um, shouldn't we do something about this?" she asked. Rubick stared at the charred tree stump, although the more appropriate term would be charcoal as of now. Rubick lifted up his staff and pointed it at the stump.

"Not to worry, I got a spell just for this" Rubick aimed his staff at the tree stump, but before he could cast whatever spell it was that he was going to do he was interrupted by the sounds of metal horsehoes clip clopping on solid marble tiles. Rubick lowered his staff and turned to the open hall that was nearby the garden. From the shadows was a familiar pink alicorn, one that he had a brief run in with earlier that same day.

"Oh my! I didn't know there was somepony out here in the gardens" a light upbeat voice spoke, Twilight and Rubick could immediately recognize who it was. With a few more steps Princess Cadence walked into the garden, basking in the glory of the serene garden underneath the star lit midnight sky. Then, almost automatically Twilight rushed up to her favorite foalsitter and gave her a warm hug. Cadence was caught off guard by the sudden assault of affection, but once she realized who it was she returned the hug with love

" *Gasp!* Twilight! Is that really you? It's been so long, how are you?" Cadence nuzzled Twilight as they pulled away from their hug.

"I've been great! I wish I could say the same for Shining Armor though..." said Twilight as she rubbed her neck nervously. Cadence mouthed a quiet oh as she understood what she meant "Congratulations on the engagement though! Heh heh... heh..." Twilight quickly added with a weak grin, trying her best to make it sound less awkward then it already is with the mentioning of Shining's failed mission and his recently acquired broken nose.

"Thank you, Twilight. It means the world coming from you" Cadence replied "I'm glad you hear from Shining that the criminals weren't really dangerous and that it was all a misunderstanding. Although I don't quite understand why he felt so bummed about it though" Cadence tried thinking about it but quickly brushed it off "Say, know what we haven't done in a while?" she asked which gave Twilight a smile wider than a mile.

Then almost instinctively, both Twilight and Cadence do a neat little dance together in perfect harmony.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" they both exclaimed together. When they finished they shared another quick hug before bursting into a fit of laughter, one that nearly woke up Spike.

"I take it that the reunion went well?" Rubick approached the two laughing ponies with a sincere expression "I'll take the jovial laughter as a yes" he softly chuckled to himself, by then the two were back up and facing Rubick "It's good to see you again Princess Cadence" he extended a hoof out in friendship which Cadence awkwardly shook "Twilight has told me so much about you. It's a shame we didn't get a proper greeting back at the castle door"

"I'm sorry for sounding rude but, do I know you? I don't believe that we've ever met before" Cadence said which gave Twilight and Rubick perplexed looks.

"Um, are you sure you don't remember me?" Rubick said "We met earlier today with my friends, you looked a bit jumpy when you first met us" Cadence shook her head. Rubick then went and quickly put his mask back on, hoping to elicit some sort of reaction "Does this ring any bells?" he asked. Cadence focused for a bit, she squinted at is masked face until a look of realization popped up on her face. Rubick and Twilight smiled when they thought she knew the answer.

"Are you the jester that auntie Luna hired for the wedding?" Cadence obliviously said which erased the smiles off of both Twilight's and Rubick's face "Even though it's great to see her return from her exile, you have to admit that her taste in entertainment are very..... classic" she used a better word than old fashion.

"Uh... Cadence, he's not a jester, even if he does kind of look like one" Twilight said as she stifled a little giggle which warranted a glare from Rubick "He's a magus. His name's Rubick, he was one of the so called criminals that was wrongly assaulted by Shining Armor" just when she mentioned the assault Cadence gasped when she locked her eyes upon Rubick.

"Oh my goodness! I am terribly sorry for you wrongful persecution" Cadence apologized profusely "On behalf of Equestria, I swear that we will make reparations for everything that has happened to you thus far!" the usual upbeat spirit of Cadence was gone, now she was tense and nervous beyond belief. Before she went on about what she could do to pay back Rubick he held up a hoof to calm the frantic princess.

"Easy there Cadence. Everything is absolutely fine, there isn't any need for reparations" Rubick said but his words did little to quell the princess's anxiety.

"Are you absolutely sure? There must be something that I can do" Cadence asked but Rubick waved off the offer.

"I think reparations have already been made.... me and my friends are the newest members of the elite royal guards..." he muttered, disappointed by the choices he was given. Cadence on the other hoof was positively beaming.

"Wha? Why that's wonderful! Being a member of the elite guards is the highest honors that my aunts can bestow upon you!" said Cadence, but Rubick did not feel any better. Almost being forced into this situation was a mess all it's own, the fact the the princesses used their friend's incarceration to persuade them was a dirty underhanded move that only a monarch would use.

"It's not wonderful to me. I never asked to be in these guards. We're only going to help them until you and your fiance are wedded" Rubick softly muttered "We just want to see our friend and return back home" he stated, almost spitefully in front of Cadence but he held his tongue. He wasn't the kind of person who would do something like that outright.

"I see" Cadence replied much to Rubick's surprise "I'm sorry that my own celebration is the cause for your misfortune" she apologize once more, this time with confidence rather than anxiety "I will do what I can to try and make your stay much more comfortable. I'll even put in a good word for you so that Shiny can be a lot more lenient on you" she said which raised both Rubick's and Twilight's morale.

"Maybe you'll finally be able to walk around without getting funny looks from the other ponies" Twilight joked as both Cadence and her giggled. Rubick just rolled his eyes.

"My clownish attire aside...." He softly grumbled "I thank you Cadence for helping out a pony that you've only met just now" Rubick said as Cadence respectfully nodded.

"And thank you for calling me by my name" She replied "The whole Princess Cadence thing grinds on your nerves after a while, formalities and whatnot" she groaned, remembering how aggravating it can be being called princess almost every single time whenever she met someone.

"Think nothing of it dear, although speaking to you only begs the question; are you sure that you don't remember me?" Rubick asked once more which only drew another perplexed look from her "I could've sworn that I met someone that is your dead ringer" he asked but Cadence shook her head once more "Think, we met earlier today by the great doors of this castle"

"I'm sure you just could've mistaken any other pink unicorn or pegasus with me" Cadence said "For you see, I haven't left the castle all day. Too busy with preparations and everything for the wedding, this is actually the first time I've been outside since yesterday. I needed to get out of the castle, it's far to stuffy in there sometimes" her reply made Rubick blink, something wasn't adding up.

"Oh dear! Is the moon that high already!" exclaimed Cadence when she realized how late it was "I'm sorry mister Rubick but I have to get back before the castle staff starts to get frazzled about my sudden disappearance. Good bye!" she turned around and gave Twilight another hug before she trotted off back to the castle "I'll see you tomorrow Twilight! It's good to see you again, we should catch up some more later!"

And then, Cadence was back in the castle and nopony was none the wiser. Save for Rubick and Twilight of course but they were more confused than relieved to have met Cadence. How was it that Rubick met Cadence earlier that day only for her to deny any chances of actually meeting him. Maybe it was just some misunderstanding? Maybe not.....

"Well that was weird" Twilight said "Do you think it was possible you met somepony else?" she asked. Rubick just shook his head.

"No, it's not possible for there to be someone that is absolutely like her in every aspect of appearance" Rubick said, clearly still bothered about his earlier meeting with Cadence "Unless... is there by any chance that she has some sort of evil twin?" he asked, almost regretful about asking such a ridiculous question. Twilight just giggled back at Rubick, this night was getting better and better.

"Not that I know of" She replied with a smirk "Lets just ignore it, it's clearly got you addled" Twilight asked "Also, we still have this tree to fix. Remember?" Rubick just sighed and smiled again. She was right, this was far to taxing on both their brains.

"Alright then, stand back" Rubick stood in front of Twilight and pointed his staff at the tree stump "Sprout!" and with a bright flash of verdant light, the willow was back again in all of it's former woody glory, and then some "There we are, nothing to worry about. Now let's get back practice" both Rubick and Twilight walked back into the center gardens where Twilight assumed her focused stance "Now remember dear. Tap into that innate power of yours and and harmonize with it....." As Rubick began to mentor Twilight to further her control upon magic, Spike began to stir but just very slightly.

" *Yawn* " the sleepy little dragon let out, his eyes half lidded and still very sleepy, he began to mumble in his sleep "Guah, get away from her you bloodthirsty bounty hunter....." he muttered beneath his breath "Don't worry Rarity. For it is I; Sir Spike, The Dragon Knight........" he snored some more but he caught something in the corners of his eyes.

His blurred vision caught two images of both sides of his draconic eyes. He could see a blob of pink and purple mixed together. He quietly yawned again, rubbing his eyes as he regained slight clarity of his impaired vision. When he could finally make out the muddled shape he could tell that it was Twilight's old foalsitter, Cadence. She was carefully hidden behind one side of a marble column, it looked like she was eaves dropping on Twilight and Rubick.

"Maybe she's got the wrong idea....." he mumbled in his half sleep "Heh heh, Twilight actually understanding the concept of love without help from books.... that's rich" As funny as that was he inwardly struck himself for mocking Twilight like that, she was basically like an older sister to him. In fact, she was. As he tried to settle back into his sleep he almost believed that he was looking at a mirror, cause of in the opposite direction of his gaze was also Cadence.

She was cleverly hidden in a series of bushes nearby the bush maze. She too was also spying on Twilight and Rubick as they were practicing. He swung his head back and forth, left to right seeing both Cadences at the same time. Initially he would question such an outlandish thought as having two Cadences in the same place, but he brushed it off as nothing more than a dream when slumber took over once more. Shining Armor would either love or hate the thought of having two Cadences instead of one.

" *Yawn* That's crazy. Two Cadences......"

Chapter 17 end

Author's Note:

Finally, that took forevah. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter after such a long wait.

Also, Legion Commander is a chick now. Who knew?

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