• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 20,615 Views, 316 Comments

What does a Hero Truly Need? Vol. 1: A New Age of Heroes - zelkova48

When 5 heroes from Dota are pulled from their world and thrown into Equestria, how will they react? How will they get home? And more importantly, how are the ponies going to react when they find out the outworlders are more dangerous then they look?

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Chapter 1: The Battle Begins

What does a Hero Truly Need?

By: Zelkova48

Chapter 1: The Battle Begins

It was just another average day on the battlegrounds. That is, if you count heroes clashing with each other in combat to decide harmonious balance as average then, yes, it was. The Ancient of benevolence and malevolence had chosen it's five respective heroes already, and the battle had been raging on for quite some time now, at least an hour so far.

On the Radiant side were a ragtag group of misfits that didn't seem to connect well together, but did so regardless.

The first was Rhasta, the Shadow Shaman. Once a traveling con man, he now uses his mystic powers to defend himself and to defeat his enemies.

The next hero was Aiushtha, the Enchantress. Half deer, half loving Human with the innate ability to spread joy to those in need, and pain to those who wish to cause harm to others.

Next was Gondar, the Bounty Hunter. One could describe him as a short cat person at a glance, but his reputation precedes his appearance. For the right price he can find and hunt down anything.

The fourth member of the team is Rubick, the Grand Magus. A powerful magus with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and penchant for mischief.

Finally there was Sven, the Rogue Knight. He infiltrated and destroyed the Vigil knights as revenge for his family. He now wanders as a rogue knight, believing that honor is only to himself.

As for the Dire side, there were equally strange members.

The first being Pudge, the Butcher. They say he lived in a land where nothing decomposes, and that it's his job to chop up all the corpses to feed the carrions.

Next was Clinkz, the Bone Fletcher. Once a great archer, he manage to achieve immortality for his skills. Unfortunately, he achieved it when he was alight, thus turning him into a blazing skeleton of fury.

Third was Razor, the Lightning Revenant. A servant of the Underscape who patrols the narrow maze, hastening lost souls to their fate using his fearsome lightning whip.

The next hero was Undying, the Almighty Dirge. Once a great warrior, he is now a walking corpse spreading blight as he lives his eternal suffering.

The last was Enigma, the Consumer of Worlds. He really is as his name would imply; an enigma. Among other things, he was a fundamental force of nature beyond the realms of mortal understanding.

About an hour in the fight, the battle had reached a temporary stalemate. Both sides had already destroyed their first row of towers, now they needed gold to purchase rare artifacts and further enhance their fighting abilities to end the battles quicker. Rubick, Rhasta and Aiushtha were in the middle 'lane' of the battlegrounds, calmly defeating the soldiers that the Ancients send out to aid them in battle as well as act as a source of revenue for our heroes. They were little guys but they packed a punch in numbers. These 'creep', as the heroes nicknamed them, were not to be trifled with, despite being the weakest of enemies.

"Ah, no matter how many times I battle here, it always manages to surprise me each and every time," Rubick thought out loud as he was 'farming' the creeps that stood before him. The Grand Magus loved every second of being on the battlefield, he would always learn something new in the process and became as giddy as Bloodseeker chasing a bleeding rabbit.

"I do believe I learned how to materialize a meat hook out of mana for my own use! Oh, wonders never cease to amaze me!" he thought aloud once more as he casted a fade bolt on a poor unsuspecting creep that was attacking their inner tower. Then, using his free hand, he wiped away a tear that was forming beneath his combat mask.

Rhasta and Aiushtha traded glances at each other, and began sharing a small chuckle.

"Rubick, my magus friend, you are thinking aloud again," Rhasta replied to him. "We understand your love for knowledge, but can you please keep look out for the other team?"

"Oh? But of course, Rhasta."

"Say? Where's Sven and Gondar?" Aiushtha asked. "I hope they don't get ambush by the other team" Aiushtha was genuinely concerned about her friends well being. Earlier in the day she messed up a 'gank' and got Gondar killed in the process. Since then, she has been more alert and prepared than normal, all the while maintaining her cheerful demeanor.

" I believe they are fine Aiushtha, they are both at the bottom lane. I think that Gondar is trying to finish his Sange and Yasha, while Sven is building up towards his Black King's Bar" Rhasta replied as he struck another creep with his energy bolts. "They're very tough together, they won't be taken down so easily"

"Besides, they will probably kill the fool that plans to assault them. Which mean we'll end up with more gold!" Rubick replied. Rubick was an incredibly intelligent man, so his assurance did enough to quell her nerves. But she couldn't help shake the feeling that something bad was gonna happen. She quickly brushed the feeling aside as she threw her javelin out, striking a creep and gaining the gold that spilled from it's body. "Dough for a doe!" she chuckled.

The three continued to farm up for a few more minutes, but little did they know that a certain blazing skeleton was watching their every move.

Sven and Gondar were just casually farming the bottom lane so that they could purchase their weapons. The two worked best together since their abilities work synergize so well together. They were deadly enough together, and downright devastating when they joined up with the rest of their team.

Sven brought the outcast blade down upon the creep wave, its size caused it to slash all the others around him, effectively killing the other creeps and gaining all of their gold. "Haha! Just a few hundred more gold pieces and the Black King's Bar is as good as mine. I'd like to see tubby try to stop me now!" Sven bellowed from beneath his mask, eliciting a small chuckle afterwards

As luck would have it, at the bottom lane Sven was caught in Pudge's vile meat hook and yanked away to the other side of the forest, followed by the customary shout of 'FRESH MEAT!', the sound of thrashing meat cleavers, and the pungent odor of rotting flesh wafting all over. Gondar, who was standing next to him, immediately stopped what he was doing and ran to the direction of the hook, blending in with the shadows with each step he took.

"Ugh, when I catch that oversize sack of flesh I am gonna do more then skin him alive!" he grumbled.

Just as he was covering ground though, a strange purple dust filled the air around him. Gondar stopped dead in his track as a dreadful realization took over his mind. "Gah! Dust of Appearance!"

He desperately looked around for the source of the dust and found a dark outline of a far too familiar looking warrior.

"Undying," he whispered. As the black figure stepped into the stark moonlight, his features began to show. He was a tall and incredibly skinny to the point where he was practically a walking skeleton still wearing his skin, albeit looser than what would be considered healthy. He wore a simple set of teal armor, with a horned helmet to match. Flies enjoyed being around his rotting carcass almost as much as they like being around Pudge.

"Hunter...." Undying's raspy lungs bellowed. "It's time.... to die.... Aagh!" he then struck the ground with his fist, causing the field where Gondar was standing to wither and decay with a pestilent blight. Gondar could feel his strength being drained after taking the hit.

Gondar gripped both of his blades and gritted his teeth. "You just had to get in the way, didn't you?" he took no breaks as he dashed again into the shadows, in which Undying retaliated by summoning a ghastly tombstone to aid him in battle. Gondar didn't care now that his opponent could see him, he just needed the dark's power to synergize with his enchantments as he whispered them to his beloved blades. He quickly dashed pass the tombstone and narrowly dodged another decay attack. He then brought his knife down upon Undying's chest plate, piercing it as if it were made of cloth and cutting the exposed flesh beneath.

Undying reeled back from the brutal strike, grasping his chest as a disgusting green fluid leaked out of him, almost as if he was in actual pain. Being undead of course, the force of the attack merely caused him to stumble back. He narrowed his soulless white eyes at Gondar as his face contorted to form a look of anger.

"Ha! is that all you've got?" Just as Gondar was breaking out into laughter at his enemy's incompetence, his black pupils practically shrank back into his head as he witnessed Undying's form grow beyond anatomical proportions. His once skinny exterior gave way to an oversize mass of muscle and pain. His chest plate burst off of him, and his helmet stayed stuck atop his massive oversize head.

He let out a fearsome shout as his transformation was completed.


"I'm gonna need a bigger knife..." Gondar was in the deep end now. His opponent became stronger and the zombies from the tombstone started to get restless at attacking random creep that they decided to turn to him. He tried rushing again using his combo, aiming at any weak points the flesh golem may have had. He successfully struck Undying's hip section eliciting another wound, but it was short lived as it did little to deter the undead giant from swinging his muscular arm at him, sending him flying into the treeline.

The Bounty Hunter stood up as best he could, shaking his head to get rid of the spiral floating around the top of his head. He was in bad shape, another blow like that and he would be done for. For now, he only had two option; run and hide, or fight it out. He picked the former.

The zombies were catching up to him. He began making a beeline towards his nearest tower, which was the inner bottom tower. He ran, grasping at his arm in pain, looking back every so often to see if the gigantic lug was following him. To his dismay, he was on his tail and gaining.

Undying was closing in on his position fast. Gondar had nowhere to hide, but he kept pushing himself to run further, to no avail. Undying was now standing next to him, ready to deliver the final blow. Over in the distance however, they both heard the sound of crackling thunder. They looked over to the left and saw a large bolt of energy rushing towards Undying.

It collided face first with the giant and stunned him as well as his zombie minions. From out of the blue, Sven barreled towards the rotting behemoth, roaring an ear piercing warcry that fortified his ally's resolve. Gondar was unsure of how he survived Pudge's attack, but took advantage of the situation and ran towards Undying, slashing him over and over with renewed strength. Sven rushed in as well, sweeping his massive slab of metal through Undying, which in turn slayed all of his zombie minions around him.

Undying, now unable to continue fighting, decided to flee. Using a special powder Soruq the hunter taught Gondar, he used it track down Undying. Both of the heroes gave chase to the shambling zombie, whose body had since deflated back to his scrawny self. With Warcry and Track on, the two managed to catch up to him and swiftly end his life. With Undying dead, his body returned to the Ancients to be resurrected once more within a few minutes. Smirking victoriously behind his mask, Gondar began splitting his gold with Sven, a hard earned reward on a kill well done.

"You've earn your keep, Sven," Gondar said as he shook his own bag of gold, letting the coin piece make a jingling sound.

"Ja, I can finally afford the BKB," Sven replied, eliciting another small chuckle from beneath his obscuring mask. The two then began making their way to the middle lane to assist their other teammates.

"By the way Sven, I got something to ask you," Gondar gave Sven an inquisitive look.

"Shoot, my feline friend," he replied.

"How the hell did you escape Pudge's ambush?" Just as he finished asking, Sven broke out in a fit of laughter. Gondar figured he was just in a really good mood today.

"One word, my friend: Armlet!" His laughter never ceased as they made it to the half point of the river towards the middle lane. His laughing fit was cut short when they received a telepathic message from Rubick.

"While I don't wish to interrupt your jovial bouts of joy, perhaps you wouldn't mind speeding up a bit? We're in a bit of a bind her- Oof!" His message was cut short as he took a flaming arrow to his shoulder.

The two heroes picked up their pace and ran towards middle lane with all of their might, praying that their teammate would still be alive when they reach it.

Clinkz, Razor, and Enigma assaulted the middle lane without end. Rubick and the others were doing their best to defend against the relentless offense. Aiushtha managed to deny them their inner tower, so that was all well and good. But it didn't take a blind monk from the Shojin monastery to see that if they didn't retaliate soon, they would be slain by the enemy team. Lightning crackled around Razor, while the scorching heat of Clinkz's body charred the grass around the Radiant's side. Enigma attacked with his army of Eidolons, beings born from the malevolent aspects of a physical being sent into another plane of existence.

Rhasta was badly wounded after taking several lightning bolts from Razor. He had backed off earlier to heal himself at the fountain.

"I do not believe we can keep this up. My wards are nearly gone," Rhasta said, catching his breath as he was running back to defend his tower.

"We just have to hold out a bit longer," Aiushtha replied as she deftly dodged one of Clinkz arrows. "We need Gondar and Sven's help!" another flew right by her but she evaded it as well.

"Hahahaha! Dance, fleshies, dance!" Clinkz laughed a madman's laughter as he sent blazing arrow after blazing arrow at the defensive Radiant team. Razor joined in on the festivities before him, forming a massive storm cloud above his head riddled with thunderous electricity.

"What fun this will be!" Razor snickered.

Enigma remained eerily silent throughout the assault, relentlessly attacking with his shadowy army.

The three heroes of the Radiant were slowly being whittled down. Rubick stole Razor's "Eye of the Storm" ability for use against the onslaught of creep that barreled down upon them, but it did little to stop the advancing team. Just when all hope seemed lost he spotted a familiar yellow and blue blur on the horizon. Using his mastery of Telekinesis, he picked up Clinkz and hurled him towards his allies. Sven once again let out another Warcry to hasten his and Gondar's movement. He then let out another 'Stormhammer' at the unsuspecting Bone Fletcher, practically knocking his block off and stunning him into inaction.

The Hunter and the Knight made short work of Clinkz, their blades extinguishing his wild flame and shattering his bony body. They then moved on to attack Razor. Rhasta, Aiushtha, and Rubick leapt into the fray to assist their allies, their spirit revitalized by Sven's Warcry. Razor and Enigma began making their escape, only to be enchanted by the Enchantress, slowing both of them down.

It was time to end the fight.

Their hopes for success however, flew south when Enigma decided to pull out his strongest ability. With but a gesture, he tore apart the very fabric of reality, creating a miniature black hole, trapping the heroes of the Radiant in its yawning maw. All except for one. Using his blink dagger Rubick blinked away from the quantum singularity just in time to steal the technique from Enigma.

Razor, taking advantage of his teammate's power, began to assault the helpless members of the Radiant with his 'Plasma Field'. With quick thinking, Rubick blink back into the fight and began to make his own black hole. His plan was to trap the final two heroes of the Dire then end the battle once and for all.

That was when it all went wrong.

For some strange reason, the black hole didn't work as intended. Instead, it overlapped with Enigma's own, warping the very fabric of space and time, sucking in the unfortunate members of the Radiant. Everyone tried to grasp onto whatever they can and hold on for dear life, but everything slipped away from them as the small patch of earth was beginning to collapse upon itself, taking whatever it caught with it.

"What's happening Rubick!" Aiushtha shouted, gripping desperately onto a tree vine that hung above her

"I don't know! But I think we're about to find out!" Rubick could say no more as he was forcibly pulled into the very void of the black hole, erasing his presence upon this plane of reality.

"Rubick!" Rhasta yelled, before he too was consumed by the void.

"Ugh, and I was having such a good day too!" Sven said, before meeting the same fates as his allies.

"Is this really happening right now?!" Gondar thought to himself as he was devoured by the singularity.

"Gondar! No!" Aiushtha cried as the vine she was holding onto snapped in two with little effort. She was the last to be sent to who knows where by the void.

As the dust settled down from the desperate final attack of the Radiant team, all that stood was Razor, looking around rather confusingly at the weapons and artifacts left behind of the Radiant, and Enigma who was just floating around in his own ethereal plane.

"Goodness. Was that supposed to happen?" Razor asked Enigma, hoping that he would answer him.

"Uncertain. I believe that the overlapping of both quantum singularities tore into the heart of the universe, opening a portal to another realm or perhaps even another universe parallel to our own within the ever expansive multiverse, engulfing the very Radiant team and sending them to a whole other world ripe with wonders and horrors much like our own."

If an energy being like Razor could make a face right now, it would be that of a slacked jaw expression forged from his very own lightning. Never before has anyone, or anything in this case, have ever heard Enigma speak more then a few words or at least one sentence.

"So..." Razor looked around his surroundings, pondering what to say next after that perplexing event. "Maybe we should push for their Ancients already. Pudge, Clinkz, and Undying must have been resurrected by now."

"Yes," was all that Razor could hear coming from Enigma's ethereal voice.

The two went on assaulting the creeps and towers that barred their entry to the rivaling Ancient, so that they could destroy it. The battle ended much quicker than normal as the Radiant team never respawned since then. But the heroes of the Dire didn't care much. They had won the battle and claimed victory for themselves. They all exchanged cheers and jeers before being transferred out of the battlegrounds. Though they still wondered what happened to the Radiant team.

That was for a later time however. Now was the time for celebration!

"Dire Victory!"

The wind. It wasn't a gentle breeze or a torrent of air. No, this didn't seem natural at all. It felt like it was forced upon them. Like standing in front of an out of control windmill, or being caught in one of Karl's tornado. But why?

One by one each of our heroes opened their eyes after being plucked from their own world and violently plunged into another, then they finally deduced where the air was coming from.

They were falling.

Well, that certainly explained why there was so much wind being thrown at them. As they all grimaced at the sight of the one thing you do not want to see when you are falling from a thousand feet in the air.

The rapidly approaching earth.

Sven didn't scream or yell. No, he just let out a tired sigh. "Ugh, and I was having such a good day too..."

It was another average day in Ponyville. Twilight had just sent away a letter from the Cutie Mark Crusaders to Princess Celestia about their lessons on friendship and was just checking through the library's record to make sure no one was keeping any book for longer then they should be. Being branded as being an obnoxious Canterlot snob didn't sit well with her or others, and she had more then enough issues at hand that it would've drove the poor girl off the deep end had it been prolonged any further.

She had already forgiven the three rambunctious little fillies, and continued on her librarian work without interruptions. Eventually, Twilight came up to a name that she was all to familiar with. "Rainbow Dash," she thought, "she must've forgotten to bring back the Daring Do novel... again."

Twilight let out a sigh as she brushed her mane away from her face. "I swear, she may be the Element of Loyalty, but she's certainly not loyal to due dates." Ever since the whole incident with her injured wing, Rainbow Dash had been more interested in books than before. But that certainly didn't deter her laziness on even the most menial of task.

" I might as well go find her." Twilight cleaned up her work space and trotted down to the main foyer of the library where she spotted Spike dusting some of the books on the top shelf.

"Hey Spike! I'm heading out to find Rainbow Dash, can you look after the library for a little bit?" Spike, surprised by Twilight's sudden appearance, nearly fell off the ladder he was standing on when he heard her, but deftly regained his footing just in time as he set his sights on her, wiping away the nervous sweat that formed upon his brow.

"Sure thing Twilight, lemme just-" Spike couldn't finish his sentence as a sudden tremulous explosion rocked the library, shaking him off of the ladder and sending him careening towards the floor. Using her magic, Twilight caught the little dragon in the nick of time, swallowing thickly as she righted him.

The shaking continued however as the two quickly dove under the nearest table available to them, huddling together as all the books from the walls began to fall out of their respective shelf, much to their annoyance. When the shaking finally stopped, Twilight and Spike both peer out from underneath the table and beheld the devastation brought forth to the entire library. The shelves were empty, the floor was littered with books, and the two were positively fuming.

"Aw come on! I Just shelved those books!" Spike roared as his anger reached a boiling point. He had spent all day fixing and rearranging the books, and there was no way in Tartarus he was gonna go through it all again.

Twilight on the other hand (hoof?) was more concerned about the recent explosion rather then books scattered all over the floor.

"I'll put the books back myself later, Spike. Don't worry your scaly little head." Twilight's words of assurance calmed the little guy down, but there was still a problem at the moment. "What I wanna know was what caused that explosion?" She then levitated Spike onto her back and began making her way out of the library searching for clues.

"Do you think Rainbow Dash was just practicing another sonic rainboom?" Spike inquired.

"I don't believe so, Spike. Her rainbooms are more of a controlled explosion. Whatever happened earlier was far more destructive." Twilight began thinking about any plausible causes that may relate to this. Her thoughts were cut short when she ran into Rainbow Dash as well as everypony else in town. They were all looking at the sky, Twilight looked up as well and what she saw caused her jaw to hit the ground.

There was a massive black vortex in the sky just over the Everfree forest, swirling around as electricity crackled from within it. Then it all stopped, fading away into the blue of the sky as quickly as it appeared. Everypony traded worried glances among themselves, they didn't know what was going on but apparently it stopped just like that. After a few more minutes of staring at the sky, everypony slowly began to disperse and went on with their lives as if a mysterious inexplicable phenomena didn't just put everything on hold minutes earlier.

The few who stayed were Twilight, Spike, and all of her other friends.

"What the hay do you think that was? Rainbow asked.

"Ah don't know, but whatever that was Ah'm glad it's over and done with. Dang explosion was rocking the apple orchard like there's no tomorrow!" Applejack replied with a tone that clearly expressed how crossed she was at what had transpired.

"I'll say. I was working on a fabulous new dress when the shaking messed up my stitch work! It looks absolutely horrendous now!" Rarity said, acting out in an overly dramatic fashion her friends have all known her for. "Not only that, all of my gems are cracked now, which means I will have to go out and find some more," she stated with a much calmer demeanor.

"I didn't think it was that bad!" Pinkie Pie replied as energetic as always. "At least nopony got hurt! Besides, the shaking helped with my newest cake creation!"

Pinkie then pulled out a large cake from out of nowhere to show to her friends. The icing work on this delicious two tier cake left a lot to be desired according to the looks all her friends were giving her. They couldn't make head nor tails of whatever design it was meant to be. The frosting was splattered all over the cake, giving it a messy presentation that made it more akin to a work of modern art than something that was meant to be consumed.

She then put the cake back to... wherever it was she took it out from. Her friends really didn't want to understand her kind of logic. It was for the better, of course.

"I'm just glad none of the animals got hurt. That would've been terrible!" Fluttershy said, still shaking from the aerial explosion. Yet, she was brave enough to go and find her friends to see if they were okay.

"Everything looks like it's back to normal," said Twilight, giving the immediate area a quick once over. The flower trio were working their flower stands, Big Mac was selling apples at his apple cart, and Doctor Hooves was going about his own business, pondering about life and the universe as always (he keeps muttering to himself about somepony name Susan, Barbara, and Ian). Everyone seems to have gone back to their lives.

"Huh, maybe it was just a bizarre weather phenomenon. I mean, it did happen over the Everfree forest." All of them nodded in agreement at Twilight's hypothesis. It seemed logical, or illogical, considering it happened in a forest where the very laws of nature seem to govern themselves. Fluttershy shuddered at the very thought of animals taking care of themselves in such a harsh and terrible environment.

Just as they were about to leave back to their homes, Rainbow trotted over to Twilight.

"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to return this to you today." She then pulled out the copy of Daring Do she'd borrowed from Twilight and handed it over to her. "It's been a little hectic lately," she nervously scratched at her neck, "I can't remember everything I was suppose to do."

Twilight was ecstatic to see the book again. "Wow! You actually remembered!" Twilight quickly covered her mouth when those words came out, Rainbow shot her an offended look.

"Wait, what! You're not telling me you thought I would've forgotten did you?"

Twilight turned away, hiding the blush dusting her cheeks. "Well... maybe?"

"Aw, come on, Twilight! I'm not that lazy!" Rainbow fired back. All of her friends traded uneasy looks with each other.

The six would've continued on about who was right and wrong hadn't it been for Spike, who let out his signature fiery belch whenever a letter was sent to them through dragon fire. Twilight went and picked up the letter and began reading it. All of her friends were wondering why Princess Celestia would send them a letter now. Surely it had nothing to do with the freak vortex that occurred above the Everfree forest?

They would soon find out as Twilight began reading aloud.

Dear, Twilight Sparkle

My faithful student, I am sure that you felt the shaking in Ponyville that happened just a few minutes ago. My sister and I felt it as well, all of Equestria must've felt it for those precious few seconds. We believe that this is the work of an unnatural force and we would like to once again ask for you and your friends help in investigating the explosion.

We would do so ourselves, but you know how the nobles and politicians are in Canterlot. They've been over me and Luna's flank about the tax break they didn't recieve during this year's collection. We're caught neck high in paperwork and it doesn't show any sign of ending so soon. We will try our hardest to get all of these documents sorted out quickly, when we are done we will personally join you for further investigations.

We suggest that the first area to search for clues would be White Tail Woods, just on the outskirts of town. Luna spotted an object falling from the sky that landed there through her telescope when the shaking woke her up. We do not sense any magical energies around the woods so it appears safe for now, but bear caution my student. We hope this will be nothing more then a freak environmental disaster. Good luck, and may the sun, the moon, and the stars above the Heavens keep you safe.

Love, Princess Celestia

P.S. Luna says hi to you and all of your friends, plus she sent Spike a little present.

And wouldn't you know it, when Twilight finished up the last sentence, a box poofed in front of Spike, wrapped in a neat red bow. When he opened it, his eyes practically shot out his sockets in excitement.

It was a box of assorted gems ranging from rubies, to sapphires, topaz, opals, emeralds, you name it! But the one thing that caught his adorable little dragon eyes was the large cut diamond that practically whispered words of temptations to his ear.

"Eat me... " it said, "I go great with hay fries..." By pure strength of will, Spike resisted the urge to downright swallow the diamond and decided to dig in to the other gems instead, saving the diamond for last.

Twilight just rolled her eyes as her number one assistant continued to greedily consume all of the gems in his possession, only to be stopped by her magic. She then grabbed the box and covered it with the lid, teleporting it back into the library. Spike could only mope as he knew he couldn't do anything about it.

"Well, this is an interesting turn of events," said Twilight. "It's still pretty early, so we could go and investigate now." Twilight trotted back into her home and began packing her equipment whilst simultaneously cleaning up all the books that scattered all over the floor of her home. When she was done, she turned to her friends. "Who wants to help me investigate?" she asked.

Rainbow Dash was the first to speed by to her side. Twilight knew she wouldn't turn down a chance for adventure, even if it was something mundane as looking for clues to something that might not even be dangerous. Rainbow Dash's loyalty couldn't be questioned at all, she was resolute when it came to helping out her friends.

"You know, I wouldn't give up the chance to possibly save the world again," she said with her wings out and her forelegs on her sides, demonstrating that she was prepared for anything.

Applejack was the next to join her side. Applejack was rough, tough, and able to withstand almost anything thrown at her. Heck, she even manage to ride a wild Manticore when it meant defending her friends against it. Her earth pony heritage made her an absolute brick wall of honesty.

"Ah know I got work on the farm to do, but if that 'something' Princess Luna saw falling from the sky gets crazy, we should stop it before it harms anyone else." She brushed her blonde mane aside and held onto her hat with a confident look in her eyes.

"Thank you girls, does anypony else wish to join us?" Twilight asked.

The other three shook their heads.

"I have to go make sure none of the animals were hurt during the shaking," replied Fluttershy.

"As much as I would love to go on another adventure, I'm sure you can do this without me. I am in dire need of more gems if I'm ever going to fill out this humongous order I received from Hoity Toity last week." Rarity gave her best to look considerate, but her friends didn't hold anything against her. She did have a life outside of the constant 'saving Equestria from certain doom' routine.

Pinkie just shook her head. "I'm sorry girls, but Sugarcube Corner's got a boatload of customers, and it's up to Pinkie to help everyone obtain their sweet desire!" With that, she gave her friends a quick wave before darting off to her workplace in a pink blur.

The remaining five nodded with each other and began to go their separate ways for the day. Fluttershy and Rarity returned to their homes, while Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack went straight to White Tail Woods.

The three were making good progress on there way to the supposed crash site. Only one thought was going through each and every one of their pastel coloured heads.

"I wonder what we'll find out there?"

- Chapter 1 end -

Author's Note:

Ok this new layout is a little tricky to work with but other then that it is manageable. Don't worry there's gonna be alot more to come within the next few chapters. And since im on winter break im gonna devote more time then i normally would towards writings. plz feel free to point out any error i may have made while writing this story.

Did i get Celestia's tone and voice right?

Also did anyone catch a small reference i made to a certain other moba game whose name will remain anonymous.

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