• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 20,615 Views, 316 Comments

What does a Hero Truly Need? Vol. 1: A New Age of Heroes - zelkova48

When 5 heroes from Dota are pulled from their world and thrown into Equestria, how will they react? How will they get home? And more importantly, how are the ponies going to react when they find out the outworlders are more dangerous then they look?

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Chapter 20: Wedding Complications

What Does a Hero Truly Need?

By: Zelkova48

Chapter 20: Wedding Complications

Preparations for the royal Canterlot wedding was going exactly just as one would expect it, full on frantic and outright insane. Staff members, servants, and almost every single wedding planner in Canterlot were pulling their own teeth out at how outrageous certain desires and decisions were for the reception and the actual wedding itself within a specific timeframe. Had it not been for Twilight’s brilliant organization abilities everything would’ve have been much more chaotic and disorderly.

Celestia and Luna made their way throughout the castle to check and make sure that everything was in order for their niece’s wedding, nothing far too serious to say the least. If only their esteemed guest weren’t getting gawked at every time they went to evaluate the day’s progression and delays then maybe it would’ve been at least a bearable experience for the two princesses. But sadly they brought that upon themselves, now they just have to endure it until everything was over.

Walking beside the princesses was something that made almost every staff member and servant around the castle stare with bafflement at. The alleged assassin, a diamond dog convict and a little frog were the esteemed guest that Celestia and luna had brought along with them after their little trip to Gladius prison. Questions and rumors began to churned faster than a spastic chef with an old fashion ice cream maker, what made the princess go pick up their killer and his bizarre entourage was a hot topic that lasted for the rest of the day.

“Sister, are you still sure that this is a good idea?” Luna asked as she waved off some concerned guards “I mean bringing the stallion here would cause an uproar among the ponies and the nobility”

“Have patience, sister. Once everything is explained I’m sure everything will go back to the way they were before” Celestia reassured her sister “First we have to get our friend over there inducted into the guards along with the others”

“Alright, I understand” replied Luna “But about him?” she pointed a hoof over to Jackal “He’s a diamond dog! He doesn’t belong in a civilized society, especially our beloved Canterlot! He should be either back in prison or in a hole somewh-” her tirade was abruptly cut short when a crashing sound was heard behind her. She turned to find that Sven, Jackal and George were trying their best to cover up a broken vase that they obviously caused.

“Uh, I can fix that” Jackal weakly replied as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“No, you can’t!” Luna snapped as she turned away and continued with her sister while rubbing her temples to alleviate the migraine that was coming on. Sven and Jackal simply lifted up a nearby rug and brushed away the broken pieces of the vase into it, they quickly left with the others before anyone started to ask questions “I can’t stand him, when will the dog get sent back to prison?”

“Just bear with it for a little while longer, sister” said Celestia before sighing “But the diamond dog won’t be going back to prison” Luna shot her sister a surprised look.

“What, why not?” Luna protested, clearly shocked by the news “I wasn’t there with you in the cell, sister. I’m still angry at Sven for breaking my nose”

“Well you see...”

* * *

“What do you mean you want to stay here!?” Celestia practically screamed out of pure shock from Sven’s unreasonable answer.

“You heard me you right pastel colored wench!” Sven shouted from within his cell “I don’t care how high you are up in the political tree! After you wrongly assaulted with your blueberry of sister by your side I find no reason to trust you anymore, your majesty! “ Sven roared with such volume that the rocky walls of his cell began to shake, rattle and roll like a mini tremor had transpired around them.

“B-b-but... alright, I apologize for striking you my magic. But I ask you, would you not have acted in the same way I had if your own family was threatened by some sword wielding maniac?” Celestia quickly shot back “I am blaming anypony but you are at fault for provoking my actions”

“To answer your questions you overweight excuse of a mule, it may be true that I would’ve reacted in a similar manner...” Sven paused “But do not compare my life to your’s or even speak of the word family before me...” he spoke with words that were like the biting cold of black ice.

“You know nothing of what I had gone through to be where I am today. The parents that I lost or the world that branded me as an abomination... I did not choose the life of the Rogue Knight, the life of the Rogue Knight chose me!” he proudly announced.

“I... I’m sorry, I didn’t know” said Celestia “But had yo-”

“But nothing!” Sven bellowed “Your apology is but rot to me. And for the record, you know full well as I do that I released your sister as I lowered my blade before her! You attacked me on a false alarm!”

“Well, how could I have known tha... Look, I am not here to argue with you” said Celestia as she calmed herself down “I am here to pardon you on behalf of your friends and my personal student, they’d already proven your innocence and you are able to go free now. Do you not wish to return to your friends?”

“My friends will be fine. Knowing them, they’ll cope just fine with my incarceration” Sven coolly replied “Besides, I have everything I could ever want in life right here in this shit hole of a prison. I made some new friends, killed a dragon and even gained a lover in the form of a very sensual griffon. Her name’s Canary, you should meet her sometimes” he said as he let out a hearty bout of laughter

“Let’s not forget about the free meals and the occasional skinning of a manticore that everyone here is entitled to. To be honest, I can’t think of a more perfect place to stay” he laughed again.

Celestia just stared at the stallion before her with a dumbfounded and slack jawed expression. Everything he has just said made a few neurons in her brain commit suicide from the pure absurdity of his words and logic. He would actually pass up the chance at a pardon just to spite her and actually enjoy his time spent stuck in a maximum security prison to further aggravate her senses of normalcy.

She just could not understand this stallion at all. The way he talked and acted were frighteningly similar to his own friends. He would sound serious and then crack wicked jokes that twisted everything she ever knew and believed in. It almost drove her to the edge hadn’t she kept reminding herself that she was on a mission.

“Listen, please. What would it take for you to act normally and rejoin your worried friends?” Celestia spoke with a tone that bordered between graceful eloquence and pleading.

“Hmm... well now that you mentioned it...” Sven poked the top bunk a few times until Jackal, who was sleeping above him, woke up from his slumber “Hey, Jackal! How would you like the opportunity to be reunited with your family again?” he asked which caused the half asleep dog to shed tears like a waterfall.

“W-what? Are you serious? If this is some sort of sick joke...” Jackal said as his emotion began to overwhelm him.

“What reason would I have to joke about your family, Jackal? I mean it, I’m giving you the chance to walk free and to be with your family once more” said Sven “Come on, it’s a one in a lifetime opportunity”

“Do I even have to tell you the answer!” Jackal tearfully exclaimed as he hopped down and hugged Sven while kissing his helmet “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Tha-” he stopped when Sven pulled his back with a light chuckle.

“Easy there friend. The princess here has been so generous and as to pardon me, you and a few others as well” Sven said as a mischievous smile formed underneath his mask “Isn’t that right your majesty?” he asked as she resisted the urge to break out into another bout of laughter.

“W-why yes, of course” Celestia cracked a weak smile “I would be more than... happy to pardon your friends... as well?” she spoke slowly and clearly when she suddenly realized what she had just gotten herself into. Before could react and protest to the idea of releasing more convicts Sven shot her a cold stare that sent chills down her spine.

“Come on, Jackal. Let’s go find Beefsteak and Canary, then we can get the hell out of here. Maybe I’ll even introduce to some of my other friends if we have the time...”

* * *

“So we cut a deal. He would come with us if certain members of the prison walked as well. In return, he promised to keep silent about the whole dragon incident” said Celestia “Although I fear that word about him and his friend’s heroic accomplishment may have already begun to spread amongst the upper class like a virus”

“For a clumsy assassin, he is certainly very cunning with his methods of negotiation” Luna almost commended Sven, almost.

“I thought his friends made it very clear that he is not an assassin” Celestia replied “Although his negotiation skills leave a lot to be desired by the professionals...”

“And what about the frog?” Luna asked as she turned back to catch a glance of George “What’s so special about him?”

“He’s Sven’s pet. There should be nothing to worry about” Celestia replied.

“Hmm, the frog is okay but I’m keeping an eye on that dog” Luna said as she narrowed her eyes upon the unsuspecting Jackal before turning to Sven “I am still in awe at what happened when we arrived. Together they managed to slay a full grown dragon all by themselves, even we have trouble sometimes dealing with a dragon. It doesn’t even seem physically possible how they managed to triumph over that beast, let alone kill it!”

“Well, a lone earth pony did cripple our entire elite guards. Who’s to say that something like that wasn’t impossible after that?” Celestia asked as they delved deeper into the castle grounds.

* * *

“No, no, no! The banner is suppose to go over there!” barked Twilight as one of the staff members screwed up a simple chore of hanging up the wedding banner “And you!” she pointed to another worker with a twitch in her eyes “The flower bouquet was suppose to be in the order of rose, tulip, chrysanthemum then daisies! Not rose, chrysanthemum, tulip then daisies! Come on, hurry up and fix it! What would the princess think?”

“Honestly, I think the order of rose, chrysanthemum, tulip then daisy looks just absolutely gorgeous. I love it”

“Oh yeah? Well who asked for your opinio-” Twilight didn’t finish her sentence when she realized that the pony that said that was none other than Princess Cadence who was looking at her with a very sly smile “Eep!” she eeped as she began to apologize profusely to her former foalsitter.

“Eh heh heh heh, It’s alright, Twilight. I forgive you” replied Cadence “Although I think it’s high time that you took a break, you look exhausted”

“What!? But I need to be here supervising at all times for your wedding to make sure that everything is perfect!” said Twilight with another twitch in her eye “How can you tell me to stop what I’m doing and take a break!?”

“Because I care, Twilight. Besides, perfection is purely subjective. Meaning that it pertains to me and what I think perfection is” replied Cadence “For now, please take a break, Twilight. Celestia told me what happened the last time you overexerted yourself over something little, is mister smarty pants ringing any bells?” she mentioned.

“In my defence, friendship reports and massive royal wedding planning are not a little things!” Twilight snapped at Cadence “And for the record, I feel fine. I don’t need a break!”

“Oh, I beg to differ. Pushing your body too hard is going to have negative consequences on your mind and your magical abilities”

“Oh yeah! Well who asked for your opinio-” Twilight didn’t finish her when she realized that the pony that she was yelling at was none other than her second mentor, Rubick “Eep!” she eeped again for the second time that day before apologizing again.

“No one asked me. I’m merely voicing my opinions aloud for everyone to hear, Twilight” Rubick joked with a smile on his face “But in all seriousness dear, take five before your brain melts like candle in the middle of a wildfire” he joked once more “Come on, join me and the others for some refreshments. Rhasta and Pinkie Pie know how to make one heck of a... um... I think they called it a malt?”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea!” exclaimed Cadence “Go on you little scamp you!” Cadence nudged at Twilight with a sly wink “Go spend a little private time with your new friend, kind of like last night in the gardens” she quietly whispered to Twilight while putting heavy emphasis on the word friend. Twilight’s pupil shrank to pinprick the moment Cadence mentioned the night before but she really only understood half of the context.

“Oh! Please don’t tell Princess Celestia about this, please!” Twilight begged “I can’t tell her about that yet! She can’t know about that yet!” she panicked as she started to sound hysterical. Thankfully Cadence, who was unaware of what Twilight was actually referring to, acknowledged her plea.

“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me” she replied with another quick wink “Now go, enjoy some alone time with your special somepony” she then quickly pranced away eliciting a little giggle each time she turned back to catch a glimpse of Twilight and Rubick. Her actions and choice of words left the other two confused.

“Special somepony? Who do you think she could referring to?” Rubick asked with the raise of an eyebrow.

“Hmm... I honestly have no clue. I don’t even have a special somepony yet” replied Twilight before the two of them went to meet up with the other heroes and her friends.

* * *

Twilight was actually enjoying her break, much to her surprise. She had originally decided to take a break so that others would stop bothering her about it, as it turns out she actually needed it otherwise she would’ve suffered another one of her headline making breakdowns again. But she kept that part about her to herself as she absentmindedly enjoyed her frosty beverage. She did think back to Cadence’s words and what they meant. She thought long and hard about it only to come up with... nothing that would make sense actually.

Around her she could see that her friends were also enjoying themselves and chatting about how their progress went on the wedding preparations. Rarity completed Cadence’s wedding dress, Fluttershy’s bird choir is perfectly in tune, Applejack has the entire catering service down to a T, Pinkie’s reception will probably be outrageously fun and downright memorable for the bride and groom, and Rainbow Dash’s sonic rainboom will most likely bring the house down. Everything was going according to plan for the most part.

Even their new friends are pitching in for the cause. Gondar’s eagle eye aim with any sharp and/or pointy object made him very helpful when it came to pinning up banners and and signs that were out of reach for certain ponies when pegasi weren’t around. Rubick’s telekinesis abilities made heavy lifting only an option for others. Rhasta’s snake wards allowed for multitasking around the kitchen with Applejack. And Aiushtha... well her presence just seemed to put everyone in a really good mood despite the hectic wedding planning, she was a morale booster as some might say.

All in all. the day was going even better than expected thanks to some additional outside help. What would take weeks to plan and prepare was being done within only the span of a few days because of the heroes. Now they’re all hanging around the kitchen and enjoying some of the best malts this side of Equestria, that left them time to answer the more serious questions.

“So my purple unicorn friend, how goes the search for our path home” Rhasta asked as he kept his trademark grin.

“I’m glad you asked actually, Rhasta” said Twilight as she sipped on her drink “I went to the Starswirl the bearded wing of the Canterlot archive to try and find some sort of interdimensional travel spell. What I found however...” her expression sank a little as she paused. The heroes noticed this and braced themselves for the news “Lead me to a dead end” all the hero let out an exasperated sigh as they all sank into their seat, disappointed by Twilight’s find.

“I’m sorry everyone. Everything I found were all inconclusive” Twilight explained “The only thing that I found about interdimensional travel were Starswirl’s notes. Everything he wrote, his notes, his journal entries and even pictures of his wood carvings when he went a little loony all pointed to the impossibility of dimension jumping”

“But hopping dimensions isn’t impossible silly!” Pinkie said “If it is, then our new friends wouldn’t even be here right now. In fact, I don’t think we would’ve even known about them if they didn’t blow up the sky two days ago!” she giggled “I should really teach you guys how to create a proper firework, it’s real easy!” the mane six stopped and stared in awe at Pinkie’s sudden bout of logic.

“She is right you know” Rhasta replied.

“About the fireworks?” Applejack asked.

“Sadly, no. What I am talking about is how we came to be here” Said Rhasta “We knew many heroes back home that can freely travel through the many planes and realms of existence as naturally as breathing. Our accident that sent us here is proof to this Starswirl pony that traveling through the planes of existence is not impossible”

“So there is a way to get you all back home, we just don’t know how” said Twilight “How did these other heroes travel through realms so easily?” she asked.

“That is the tricky part” replied Rhasta “These heroes are beings of immense and immaculate power, powers that have the capability to twist the world as if it were merely a ball of wet clay to them. Though we mostly refer to them by name, we often find ourselves calling them by what they truly are, fundamentals”

“Fundamentals!? How powerful can they be!?” Twilight’s eyes grew wide to the size of dinner plates.

“Powerful enough that the dimensional barriers restricting them is nothing but frail glass” Rhasta’s response caused everyponies jaw to hit the floor in sequential order.

“Could you give us some examples of these uh... fundamentals?” Rarity asked, her interested suddenly piqued by the mention of reality defying beings.

“Well there’s Io, The Wisp. I don’t know much about him er... her... uh, it. Ah, forget it. For the sake of this little conversation I’m going to refer Wisp as a he” said Gondar “All I know is that he is a ball of light that can somehow move through the physical planes because he has so much power”

“A ball of light? Ya mean like the sun right?” Applejack asked.

“Eh... not really. Wisp is only about the size of a really big ball” Gondar spread his forelegs out all the way to the sides “He’s roughly about that big, I don’t remember. Last time I teamed up with him he accidentally teleported me into a death trap, I got impaled by Nyx Assassin shortly afterwards” the other mares winced at Gondar’s mention of impalement. They really wished that the heroes would keep most of their... intimately violent moments to themselves most of the time.

“Then there’s Chaos Knight” said Rubick, the moment he mentioned chaos all the girls spit out their drinks and began choking on the very thought of chaos.

“Blech! Wait, what!? Chaos is a fundamental? You’re joking right?” asked Rainbow Dash “I mean, there is really no use for chaos in our world. What point would there be for it when we have harmony?”

“Without chaos, there can be no harmony” Rubick stated sternly “Think of it from a reasonable standpoint. There can be no sun without the moon, no fire without ice, and no good without evil. Therefore, chaos must exist no matter what should there be harmony, and vice versa. A world without one of the other would be madness”

“But... but that doesn’t make any sense!” Rainbow Dash protested “We got rid of chaos, well this guy named Discord but everything turned out fine in the end” Rubick raised an eyebrow “We even have a statue in the castle garden to prove it”

“Oh really now? Did the chaos really stop?” Rubick asked with a smug smile.

“Yea- uh...” Rainbow Dash stopped dead in her tracks “Well... now that I think about it, Twilight did kind of throw Ponyville into a panic a few days later, something about her doll if I remember correctly”

“Or so I’m told” Rubick grinned as wide as Rhasta did, chuckling afterwards. Twilight tried her best to suppress her cheeks from reddening of embarrassment as she slinked down in her seat, she really wished that ponies would stop bringing that episode of her life back up “By the way, who’s Discord?”

“Only the biggest super meany pants in the history of ever!” shouted Pinkie “Him and his chaos almost destroyed our friendship while he went on to turn Ponyville into the chaos capitol of the world! I do miss the cotton candy chocolate milk raining clouds though...”

“Huh, from the tone of your voice you all make him sound like he is the ultimate evil” said Rubick.

“That’s because he was! He tried to take over Equestria” shouted Rainbow Dash “He enjoys messing with ponies just for the heck of it and can do all kinds of freaky things with his chaotic magic! He doesn’t care about anypony else other than himself, he even made us turn on each other!” she angrily huffed.

“That’s it? From the sound of things I’d say you girls got off relatively scot free” said Gondar which caused the girls to give him a slack jawed expression “And everyone lived happily ever after didn’t they?” he joked with a chuckle.

“Well if you think this Chaos Knight feller is so tough, why don’t you tell us about what he’s done?” asked Applejack “What could possibly be so dangerous about this knight that makes you think that the spirit of chaos is just a lil ole baby in comparison. I would like to state for the record that Discord turned Ponyville into the chaos capitol of the world, just throwing that out there” she finished with an expression that one might have if they were confident in winning a challenge. In this case, who’s more dangerous. Chaos Knight or Discord?

“Well, Chaos Knight is a tireless and omnipotent world destroying entity that has claimed more lives and victories than the lifetime of your two princesses and everyone else before them combined and would mostly likely decimate all of them alongside his trusty steed, Armageddon, if they even do so much as look in his general direction...” Aiushtha said nonchalantly “... But I’m just throwing it out there”

Well, the contest was over. Applejack and the rest couldn’t even begin to comprehend the power of this Chaos Knight guy, they were so visibly shaken by his description that the sound of Fluttershy’s teeth chattering rocked the kitchen. He sounded like a horrific nightmare that Nightmare moon had that came to life and tore her apart. Fortunately for the mares Rubick didn’t mentioned about Atropos, The Bane Elemental. It was for the better.

The room was quiet, save for Pinkie’s consistent munching. From what Aiushtha had told them about Chaos Knight, well let’s just say that if mane six ever fight Discord again they’re gonna have to be the ones who’ll break it to him about a bigger and badder connoisseur of chaos than he is. They can only hope that he will take it well.

“Are you all done talking or did you not notice me and a few others enter the room?” a gruff yet strong voice spoke out. Everyone turned around and found out that it was none other than the Rogue Knight himself standing by the doorway alongside with the princesses in all of their somewhat radiant glory. Princess Celestia looked a bit more disheveled than normal, something probably happened when they went to pick Sven up, although nothing serious appeared to have happened “Did you miss me?”

“SVEN!” all the heroes exclaimed as they crowded around him with hugs and hoof shakes all around, they were all ecstatic to see his safe return from prison. Eventually the mares managed to work up the courage to properly greet the hulking stallion.

“Wow, Sven. You are as big as they say” Pinkie said as she looped her way around Sven’s large frame, examining almost every inch of his muscle bound body “You’re about as big as Big Macintosh, maybe even bigger!”

“Huh, I’ll take that as a compliment pink one” replied Sven.

“No need to call me pink one, Pinkie will do just fine” she replied with a wide heartfelt smile “Allow me to throw you the best ‘Welcome to Equestria!’ party when the weddings over!”

“Pinkie. Heh, such a fun name. Alright, Pinkie it is then” said Sven “By the way, thank you all for looking out for my friends. You’re all a lot better than those princesses of yours”

“Hey! No one talks about the princesses like that!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash as she got up in Sven’s helmet “Especially not the punk stallion that attack them in the first place!”

“Rainbow Dash, stop! There isn’t any need for further hostilities, everything is okay now!” Celestia shouted as she intervened between the two.

“How can I just stand by and simply accept the pony that hurt you and your sister!” Rainbow protested “What kind of pony would even do that!?”

“The kind that got attacked first!” Sven angrily bellowed which caused even Rainbow Dash’s nerves of steel to liquify from the pure rage that he was emanating. Without warning he grabbed Rainbow Dash by the neck and yanked her up to eye level, a low yet eerie growl stirred beneath his helmet “Now tell me you Rainbow colored fly, what do you actually know about the fight that happened?” he asked, the blank and emotionless eyes of his helmet never leaving Rainbow’s own “Answer me!”

“Eep!” Rainbow Dash couldn’t speak, it wasn’t because of the fact that Sven’s grip was close to choking her to death but more about the little emotion that she rarely ever got acquainted with, fear “I-I... uh...” was all that she could let out before being let go by Sven. The whole room went quiet again. Only this time all eyes were on the princesses. Some doubtful, few in disbelief, others in disappointment and shock.

“So Sven didn’t really attack you on purpose, he merely acted out of self defense” Twilight said as she began to put the pieces together “When he fell from the sky he must’ve landed into into the castle and scared you two. His following panic that ensue when he fell made you two think that he was some kind of threat. In short... you attacked first” she said in disbelief, not wanting to believe the situation herself.

“Someone give this girl a medal” said Sven “She just solved the mystery of the falsely imprisoned knight. Everyone, let’s give her a round of applause” he said cynically while weakly tapping the ground with his hoof “Okay, now that that’s out of the way, why don’t we let bygones be bygones and forget about this whole thing”

The thick atmosphere that clouded the kitchen was raised in an instant the moment Sven openly announced that the hatchet had already been buried. It was unrealistic in a sense. The moment was building up towards the climax up until Sven decided to throw cold water over it. While the girls and the princesses stared at Sven with a dumbfounded look, his friends began to laugh alongside him. Celestia just had to speak up, otherwise they would’ve been stuck in that position for the rest of the week. Or until the wedding was over, whichever came first.

“I-I... but... you just... how can... byuagh!?” the sun princess found her tongue to be tied up into a square knot. Thankfully Luna was there for her as her sister’s brain began to overload again.

“Ahem, what my sister is trying to say is; How can you so casually drop a grudge like that?” Luna asked “You tossed away her apology like trash, treated her like dirt the whole way here from the prison and then just drop everything like a rotten apple! Why?”

“Because I’m sick and tired of it” Sven replied like nothing monumental just happened in the last few seconds “You two have caused me nothing but trouble since I got here, I just want to go home. Since your sister was being so insistent about my release I figured I might as well humor her the rest of the way there. Think of it as payback for blasting me with magic” he stated almost neutrally, his voice wasn’t raised once. He just didn't seem to care about the princesses any longer no that he was rejoined with his friends along with some new ones, albeit with some shaky introductions.

“Um... okay then, uh... have a nice day” Luna said as she pulled her partially brain damaged sister along with her “Oh, and be sure to meet up with your friends for the elite guards induction ceremony later today”

“The what now?” Sven asked.

“Oh, Celestia didn’t explain that to you? Don’t worry, your friends will fill you in” said Luna as she exited the kitchen, bonking Celestia in the noggin a few times to see if she can bring her sister back from the brink of the abyss. The abyss known only as ‘hero antics’ to them. It was a queer sight to see for the elements of harmony and the heroes. However, some of them got a good chuckle out of it.

“So what’s this about an induction ceremony?” Sven asked, all of his friends just shrugged in return.

“Sven, Sven! These crazy ponies are trying to- gah!” he could say no more as the girls hopped into action and dog piled upon poor Jackal and George. Sven simply let out a big sigh and walked over to the pile and with a flick of his hoof he sent most of the girls flying off of his canine companion and amphibious ally “Gah! Phew, thank you kindly” he said as he grabbed Sven’s hoof and pulled himself up.

“What was that all about?” Sven asked the collective spread of the mane six scattered all over the floor with their heads ringing.

“You’re friends with a diamond dog?” Applejack asked as she made back to all fours “These gem digging furballs?”

“Why, is there a problem with that?” right when Sven asked, accusations and jeers filled the room like a whirlwind of racial stereotype and ignorance. It hurt Jackal to hear such thing about his own race being stained by the pony’s words “Ugh! Hold on! One at a time. Can someone please explain me everything? I still don’t know anything about this place or why bullshit like this keeps happening!” he roared as a small bolt of lightning shot out from his helmet, silencing the most of the mane six that actually participated in the diamond dog slams.

All Sven did was return to the chair and awaited for his drink to arrive and a proper explanation of everything that had been happening so far. He didn’t care for the reasons or any consequences about his possible actions now. He would just listen and respond for the time being.

“Guagh, I need a strong ale” he complained before a frothy drink slid over to him, he could see that Pinkie gave him a malt. Without thinking about it he downed the drink in one single gulp, rudely belching afterwards “Mmm... not bad”

* * *

Celestia had finally broken out of her abyssal trance that claimed her mind for a good ten minutes before she finally snapped out of it thanks to the help of Luna. As it turns out, it was the twentieth hit to the head that did the trick for the sun princess. Now that she was out of her stupor, together the sister’s did one last check about the wedding preparations.

They were impressed to find that everything is actually ahead of schedule, they would have to properly thank Twilight and the others once the wedding was over. Speaking of the wedding, Celestia and Luna managed to spot the lucky groom herself. Princess Cadence was conversing with one of the staff members about her choice in the wonderbolt’s performance for her reception.

She immediately noticed her two aunts and decided to join them. As she did so, a giggle left her every few steps. That talk she had with Twilight was still very fresh in her mind, and it piqued her aunts interest each time a little giggle was let out by her. With a raised eyebrow, warm smile and a stable psyche, Celestia spoke.

“Well you seem to be in a good mood today, what’s on your mind? Anxious for the big day?” she asked.

“Actutally, it’s even better” Cadence replied with a hush of her lips “I promised Twilight to keep it a secret but this is great news! It finally happened and I am so happy for her!” she couldn’t contain her excitement any longer as she broke out into uncouth squeals of excitement.

“What happened?” Luna asked “Oh, do tell” Cadence motioned for her aunts to come a little closer.

“Well, Twilight has a special somepony!” she told her aunts who almost bursted from joy as well.

“That is wonderful news! Well, don’t keep us in the dark, who’s this special stallion?” Celestia asked. She, along with her sister, were practically at the edge of their metaphorical seats.

“It’s...” Cadence leaned in a bit closer “It’s...” little closer “It’s... a unicorn named Rubick”

“Well he is certainly a lucky... did you just say, Rubick?” Celestia asked, her face plastered with a strange mix of shock and confusion.

“Well that’s what he told me his name was” replied Cadence “He also told me that he was one of the ponies that were wrongfully attacked yesterday. Care to explain auntie?”

“The situation has already been resolved. No need to talk about finished business” Luna quickly interjected in an attempt to change the subject.

“Then what about the sudden induction into the guards? Rubick told me that he wanted no part about it” her usual look was replaced with a glare.

“He was just being modest about it. Modesty is a trait that make the elite guards so special you know?” Luna interjected again, trying and possibly failing for the second time to change the subject.

“Auntie? Is there something you’re not telling me about these ponies?” Cadence demanded. The sisters conceded to Cadence and decided to tell her about the truth.

“You should’ve seen the power and strength that these ponies are capable of, Cadence. Rubick made Starswirl the bearded look like a foal in comparison to his abilities. And Gondar, this short and scraggy earth pony destroyed the elite guards with almost little to no effort at all! And then there is Sven, he slayed a dragon by himself! How could they not help defend Equestria from evil threats!” said Celestia.

“They only agreed to help us by being extra security for your wedding for the time being. Until then, they are fully recognised members of the elite royal guards. After the wedding is over they still have to choice to stay or not” said Luna “We do hope they choose to stay though, a pony a powerful as them only comes every few centuries you know?”

“So that’s what this is about. Auntie, even though they are great warriors they don’t seem like the type that want to be affiliated with our military. Some of them just want to do what they do best for a living” replied Cadence.

“And defending Equestria from harm isn’t one of them?” Luna asked.

“No auntie, it isn’t. They will choose what they want to do should a massive crisis appear in Equestria when the time comes. For now, Let’s just leave it at that” said Cadence “Now come on, let’s forget about all that and see if the flower arrangements are done or not” Celestia and Luna let out a defeated sigh, being involved with the heroes were more straining to them than they had originally planned. Hopefully it would be worth it in the end.

“At least the preparations are ahead of schedule” said Luna.

“We really should thank The Descendants for all their hard work later...”

Chapter 20 end

Author's Note:

I have no idea if malts exist in the dota universe or not. Who knows? Maybe Witchdoctor knows a brew or two

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