• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 1,356 Views, 43 Comments

New Town, New Friends and Butterflies - Shysoldier94

Scion and his family move to Ponyville and he soon becomes aware of a certain pink-haired pegasus.

  • ...

Within My Heart

Fluttershy and I leaned against each other on the log in silence. I never let it bother me before, being a blank flank. But now that Fluttershy knows, I can’t help but feel… ashamed. With my wings being so big nopony ever asked or even said anything about me having a cutie mark.

Although the warmth from Fluttershy’s body flew through mine, it did nothing to secede the shameful feeling. I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed or feel ashamed but being nineteen years old and still no cutie mark tends to wear massive amounts of weight on your shoulders.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, holding it in. Slowly, I let the air escape my lungs.

Fluttershy softly nudged my shoulder with her muzzle. “Um, if it would make you feel any better, how about I, um, help you earn your cutie mark?”

I opened my eyes and sighed, “How would you be able to help me?”

“Well, um, what kind of things do you like or are you good at?” She asked.

I thought for a moment, thinking of the things I could like and enjoy that could earn a cutie mark. “Well I love to listen to music. When I’m alone I’ll blare the music on my stereo and sing along with it.”

She smiled, “That’s what your special talent could be. Your cutie mark could have something to do with music.”


“Have I told you that I even helped Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo earn their cutie marks?” She said.

“Really? I didn’t even notice.” I replied.

“Mhmm. They were too silly and never realized what they were truly talented in. Sweetie Belle with her singing, Applebloom with building and fixing things, and Scootaloo with her speed. I didn’t tell them their talent, I made them realize it on their own.”

I thought over her offer and agreed. “I guess we can give it a try.”

She smiled and rest her head on my shoulder. She slowly released her breath and felt it just below my neck, making me try my hardest not to flinch from the ticklish feeling.

A few moments later she looked up at me with her big aqua green eyes. “I, um, have to go and check on the animals. I hope you don’t mind…”

I smiled, “its okay. You go ahead and check up on them. I have an animal of my own I have to check up on.” I said as I pointed toward the back door where Leo was spying.

Fluttershy giggled. “Okay. Um, I’ll see you later?”

“Of course.” I replied.

She lightly squealed and began walking to the fence gate on the left side when she turned around, “Oh I almost forgot, we still need to, um, have that date don’t we?” She asked with a blush.

I nodded. “How about tomorrow afternoon? We meet at our original spot in the center of Town Square? I promise I won’t try and kill myself again.” I joked with a smile.

She returned with another smile, “Oh, that sounds wonderful. Bye!” She turned around and flew towards the setting sun to her cottage.

‘It’ll be a while before I can fly again.’ I thought.

I sighed and turned and walked to the back door where Leo sat with a devious grin on his face. I opened the door and stepped inside as he continued to wear his grin.

“Uh, what’s with the awkward looking smile?” I asked.

“Do you know what I was doing the whole time?” He replied.

“Um, no. What were you doing?”

“Oh nothing.” He attempted to hold in his laughter. “You have a fillyfriend!” He teased.

“Oh shut up. Technically we aren’t yet but you wouldn’t know that because you’re still just a little colt.” I objected.

He returned a stare that said ‘really?’ and walked out toward the hallway.

“You ruin my fun.” He said flatly.

I let out a chuckle and walked through the kitchen and into the living room. I slowly sat down on the couch and let out a
long sigh and closed my eyes. ‘Boy is it good to finally be home.’ I thought.

I walked up the stairs and into my room. I continued on over to the window and watched as the sun set and the ponies in the town square began walking home.

For the first time in… well, a long time, I took a look around and appreciated everything around me. I appreciated that I was alive right at this very moment and how lucky I am.

I turned around and took a few steps and sat down on my bed. I lay down and took in a deep breath, feeling relaxed I was finally in my own warm and soft bed and not in a hospital one. Ever since I woke up from my coma I haven’t gotten more than a few hours of sleep per night. I closed my eyes as sleep took over…


I woke up to the sun shining through the slit in the curtains in my eyes causing them to feel like they were on fire. ‘Damn it. How in Equestria could the sun shine through that small gap? Maybe Princess Celestia’s out to get me..’ I thought.

I groaned as I rolled onto my back expecting to be looking at the ceiling but instead falling to the floor on my back. Although it felt like the wind was knocked out of me, I let out a laugh as I recall events like this happening in my old home back in Cloudsdale, although the floor there was made of clouds and not solid wood.

Once I gained my breath back, I got up and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and like I always do every morning, I let my wings loose and let the warm water soothe and massage my stiff muscles.

When I finished, I shook off any excess water and dried the rest with a towel. I looked myself over in the mirror and brushed my damp mane out of my eyes.

“Today’s the big day buddy.” I say to myself, “Today is the day with your date with Fluttershy. I just hope I don’t screw anything up..”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that made me jump.

“Scion are you in there?” It was my mother.

“Yeah.” I replied.

“Oh good! When you get done, come downstairs we have a surprise for you.”

“Oh come on I don’t like surprises.”

“Too late!” She said as I heard her hoofsteps quickly make their way downstairs.

I sighed and dried my mane with the towel, thoroughly brushed it and opened the door. I walked downstairs and turned into the living room to see my father, my mother and Leo sitting at the center counter in the kitchen with what looks like a cake.

“What’s all this?” I asked walking into the kitchen.

“Well we went out to gather a few things and we decided to stop by Sugarcube Corner to tell the Cakes that you were alright and well they said to take this cake as a gift for your release from the hospital.” My father said.

“Well that was really nice of them. But they really didn’t have to do that. This cake looks like it’s expensive.” I replied.

“It was expensive and we told them too that they didn’t have to do that but they insisted. Your mother told them that if they were going to give you a cake they should give you a cheaper one but they insisted that you deserved the finest one they had.”

“Well I’ll just have to stop by and tell them thanks. They are really amazing ponies.” I said as I gazed at the cake’s icing that read: Congrats From Your Release From The Hospital Scion!

“They are really amazing ponies. Now, would you like the first slice Scion?” My mother asked.

“Sure. Yes please.” I replied. My mother cut a piece of the cake and put it on a plate and set it in front of me. She did the same for Leo and my father and herself.

We all took a bite simultaneously. With the first bite, everyone’s faces were of pure delight.

“Wow, this is an amazing and delicious cake. The best I’ve ever had.” My father said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Oh my cakes aren’t good enough for you?” My mother glared.

“Um…. No?” My father replied with a grin.

My mother then proceeded to smack him as the rest of us laughed.

After we finished indulging in our share of the sweets, an idea popped into my head.

“Hey mom can you cut two more slices of that cake and put it on a little plate?” I asked.

“Yeah sure.” She replied. She cut the two slices and placed them on a plate and passed them over to me. “What are you going to do with them?” She asked

“I’ll tell you later.” I answered as I wrapped the two plates in plastic wrap. I looked at Leo and my father who wore an ‘I know what you’re planning’ face.

I ignored them and turned to look at the time. The clock read 11:56 am.

“Dang! I almost forgot!” I shouted.

“Almost forgot what?” My mother asked.

“I’m supposed to have my date with Fluttershy today at noon.” I replied.

“Ohhhh!” My father teased.

I glared at him as another idea popped into my head. “Hey Leo wanna help me with something?”

“Sure Scion what do I have to do?”


“You got it little brother?” I asked.

“Mhmmffphh!” He replied as he dashed off to Ponyville Public Park.

Before I closed the front door, I looked at the clock in the kitchen and by the time I finished everything, it was 12:05.
I looked around to search for Fluttershy and spotted her sitting in front of the water fountain statue in the middle of Town’s Square watching the birds fly by with a beautiful smile on her face.

As I approached closer, her smile widened as she got up and hugged me.

“I’m sorry I’m late. I had some things I had to do.” I said.

She giggled, something I’ll never get tired of hearing. “It’s okay. I’ve been in town for a few hours getting some things for my cottage and just got back.”

“Oh cool.” I replied, feeling dumb that I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I looked up and noticed Fluttershy begin to blush.

“So um, what was your little brother doing with a basket in his mouth?” She asked.

“Oh um, I’m not really sure.” I said trying not smile.

“Oh..” She replied, almost in a whisper.

The next few minutes were in silence as both of us blushed. Without thinking of anything else to say, I sat next her in front of the fountain. When I did, she gently leaned her head against my shoulder.

'If Fluttershy and I last, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of these moments. They mean all too much-' My thoughts were cut off as an object blocked the sun and a voice was heard:

“PDA!” That voice could only be Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy smiled and hide hid behind her mane.

Fluttershy and I looked up and my suspicions were correct.

“Rainbow I have wings you know, I can fly up there and chase after you.” I joked.

She instantly began to laugh and took the cloud she had with her and flew off.

I turned to Fluttershy who still hid behind her mane. I looked down at the ground and noticed something between a few feathers.

“Hey Flutters, what’s that under your wing?” I asked.

She looked down and brought a hoof over her face. “I wasn’t going to show you until later.”

“What do you mean and show me what later?” I asked, beginning to become more curious.

“Um, you remember when you shown me your favorite band’s CD in your room?” She asked.

“Uh, yeah, yeah Hoofed by April.” I replied

“Well, Ponyville’s DJ Vinyl Scratch does the sound mixes on their albums and electronics during their live shows. And I knew the band’s name sounded familiar so when I went to talk to her when she was free, I told her what happened to you and all the things that happened since then and she gave me these.” She said as she handed me two tickets.

I gasped and my eyes widened. “You got two tickets for Hoofed by April’s show in Ponyville!!!”

She smiled and nodded.

“How did she get these? This show has been sold out for months. Getting tickets to the show is harder than selling your kidneys.”

“Well she’s part of the band and she’s allowed to give out eight tickets per show to ponies of her choosing and she had only these two left.” She replied.

I looked at the back of the tickets and looked at the date. “June 24th. Well that’s tomorrow!”


“Are you going to go?” I asked.

“Of course I’m going, silly. I may be shy but I love this kind of music. Oh and I heard they may have a surprise during the concert.” She began lightly digging her hooves in the dirt. “Does this count as a date? I mean if you want it to be..” She said.

I smiled. “Of course this counts as a date.” I leaned forward and kissed her forehead, earning a smile from her.

“But, shall we start this one today?” I asked.

She nodded. “Let’s.”

We began walking down the road from the Town’s Square and looked around and the restaurants and diners.

“Where do you want to go?” Fluttershy asked.

“I have an idea. Come on.” I said and motioned for her to follow me.

I lead her in the direction of Ponyville Public Park and watched as the young fillies and colts played with each other as their parents watched over them attentively.

“So what’s your idea? That is if you don’t mind me asking…” She asked.

I turned and looked at her and smirked. “You’ll see.”

She turned away and blushed.

After walking for a good ten minutes, we entered a quiet part of the park and under a big maple tree and under it in the shade was a basket on top of a checkered blanket.

I stopped in front of it and turned to see her face with a questionable look.

“Was this the basket your brother was carrying?” She asked with a questionable but playful tone.

I shrugged, “Well I may have asked him to help out a little..”

She walked up and lightly kissed my cheek.

“It’s perfect.” She whispered.

My heart began to quicken as my face began to feel hot. “So, uh, shall we have some lunch?” I asked, feeling embarrassed that I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

She giggled and nodded.

I sat down in front of the basket as Fluttershy did the same on the other side. I opened the basket and reached in and set down a skinny clear vase and put a few light pink roses into it.

“I got these from Rose’s flower kiosk downtown. I never knew much about romantic stuff but this is the one thing I could come up with and she helped me with it. Such a nice pony.” I said.

“I haven’t either. I never really had the chance to.” She said as she blushed.

I smiled. “Well, what would you like?” I began to dig through what was in the basket. “I’ve got some daffodil and daisy sandwiches, some apples, and two slices of Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s cake, oh and a few muffins…”

“Muffiiin.” A voice suddenly said. I turn around and saw a blonde haired mare pegasus with a light grey coat and crossed eyes slowly move her head behind the tree.

“Who was that?” I asked.

Fluttershy giggled. “That’s Ditzy Doo. She’s the mailmare in Ponyville. Whenever somepony says ‘muffin’, she appears out of nowhere. Nopony knows how she does it but she sure does love muffins.”

“I bet she does.” I laughed and looked back in the basket. “Aha! Miss Fluttershy, would you like to try my Auntie’s homemade étinceler le cocktail de fruit? None alcoholic of course.”

She nodded and smiled. “Ohh yes please.”

I poured her a share into a plastic cup packed along with everything else. “Here you go.” I said as I gave it to her.

“Thank you.” She said and took a sip. “Wow this is delicious! Your Auntie really made this?”

“Uh huh. She lived in the same neighborhood as us until she moved to Canterlot and opened a business there. She makes all kinds of stuff out of the fruit she gets and these fruit cocktails are her best sellers.” I explained.

“That’s cool. It’s awesome to have contact with your family members. I haven’t seen my parents since I was a filly.” Fluttershy said.

Sorrow guilt shot through me. “What happened to them?”

“I don’t know. They dropped me off at Summer Flight Camp and never came back to get me. Luckily, Rainbow Dash’s family was kind enough to let me stay with them until my Aunt and Uncle came for me. They live here in Ponyville and I’ve been living here ever since.” She said.

“Oh my gosh… I’m so sorry that happened to you. Nopony, especially you, should be abandoned like that.” I felt like wrapping my hooves around her and never letting go.

“Well it was for the best. Besides, if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have been able to move to Ponyville. And if I didn’t move to Ponyville, I wouldn’t have met you.” She said as she looked straight into my eyes with a smile.

“Yeah.” I replied and returned a smile. “But now you have more family.”

Fluttershy cocked her head to one side. “What do you mean?”

“Well… how do I say this…” I paused and thought for a moment. “Honestly, you’re really important to me. You’ve met my parents and my little brother and they love you. They are supportive ponies and, well, there is always room in our family for another member.”

I stared into her eyes and a tear streamed down her cheek. “You don’t know how much that means to me. Thank you.” She paused and continued through a cracked voice, “I’d love to be part of your family.”
I threw my arms around her, wiped away her tears and held her close. “I think I do. Welcome to the family, Shy.”


Fluttershy and I ate our lunch and watched as other ponies began arriving with their families to have picnics of their own. As we talked, a few young fillies and colts came over and asked us to join them in a game of hoofball.

“Excuse me, but would you two like to play a game of hoofball with us?” One of the colts said.

I looked at Fluttershy who smiled and lightly nudged my shoulder. “You can go ahead. I’ll stay here and watch.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Mhm.” She replied. “Go on, go have fun.”

I nodded and stood up and joined the rest of the foals.

Once there, a colt about the size of Leo approached me, “Hey mister, what’s your name?”

“I’m Scion. What’s your name fella?”

“I’m Redtail.” He turned around and ran to his group that I assumed was his team. “I call the tall stallion guys!” He yelled to the other team and ‘awws’ were heard.

I chuckled lightly and made it over to Redtail’s group. “So kids, what do we do?”

“Before we start, would you like to be our quarterback Scion?” Redtail asked.

“Sure Red. Is everypony ready?” I asked. They all nodded. “Is your team ready?” I shouted to the other team.

“Yup!” They replied.

“Okay. Where’s our goal?”

“In between those two trees is where we score and in between those trees behind us is where we score.” Redtail explained.

“Sounds good. Let’s start.” I said.

Both teams lined up and I took position behind mine.

“Blue twenty-two! Red twenty-two! Hike!” On the go, my team began blocking our opponents as they tried to break through the lines.

“Run scion! Run for the touchdown!” One of the fillies on my team yelled.

I ran past them and knowing that they were just foals, I went easy on them. I trotted slowly and the opponents ran after me and jumped on my back. Deciding to play along, I purposefully trip and let them tackle me.

“Oh no! Tackle! Oh man I’m down… ouch! Who kicked me? Unsportpony-like conduct!”

After a few minutes, their attack had ceased and they asked if I wanted to keep playing.

“Sorry everypony I’d like to keep playing but I have to get back to my fillyfriend, er I mean friend.”

As I walked back, I heard ‘ooooh’s’ coming from the group which made me chuckle.

When I reached the checkered blanket, I fell onto my back. “Those foals are rough.”

Fluttershy giggled. “I know. They beat you up.”

“I never thought I’d say I would ever get beat up by foals.” I said as I looked up and saw them whisper to each other and look at us.

“What do you think they’re saying?” I asked.

“Probably talking about how they kicked your butt.” She giggled again.

Before I could say anything, Redtail and a filly ran to the right behind some trees. I decided to not pay attention and reached into the basket.

“More étinceler le cocktail de fruit?” I asked.

“Oui.” She replied with a smile.

As I poured her another serving, I heard rustling in the bush behind us. I turned around and saw Redtail and his friend pop their heads from inside the bush.

“Psst!” He whispered.

“Yes?” I whispered back.

“Kiss her!” He replied

Fluttershy instantly went red and giggled lightly.

I chuckled and turned to face Fluttershy who looked back at me with half of her face covered. “Should we?” I asked.

Without answering, Fluttershy brought herself forward and her lips met with mine. It lasted for less than a second but it sent the little foals running back to their group.

“They did it! They did it everypony! I told you they would!” Redtail’s friend shrieked.

I was struck down with surprise as Fluttershy blushed madly. She was the first to break the silence.

“That…um… that doesn’t count does it?” She asked.

“I, uh… I don’t think so. Should it?” I replied.

She shook her head and smiled and leaned her head against my left shoulder.

“Scion?” She said.

Yeah Shy?”

“Does this mean we’re officially dating?”

I nodded. “It sure does.” I replied and kissed the back of her head.


As the sun began to set, everypony in the park began to head home. Fluttershy and I had a great time with our picnic and playing with the foals. But the one thing that I couldn’t get off my mind was that kiss. Of course it didn’t count but it was first time I experienced it even though it was less than a second. But the one thing that was better was that Fluttershy and I were now officially together.

With the sun just on the horizon, Fluttershy and I make it back to my house and I drop off the basket and the checkered blanket.

“Would you like me to walk you home?” I asked as I set the basket on the porch.

“Oh no you don’t have to do that..” She replied.

“Oh it’s no trouble.” I said.

“Well I, um, I’m kind of afraid of the dark and usually fly home when I’m this far out.” She added.

“I’ll fly with you.”

“But didn’t the doctor tell you to stay off your wings for a while? He said it might hurt you.” She protested.

I rested my forehead on hers and looked into her eyes, “Putting myself through a little bit of pain with the thought of knowing your safe at home is well worth the risk.” I said softly.

“Well, I…. okay.”

I stretched out my wings to make sure I don’t pull any muscles or tear them. After a few minutes I was ready to go.

“Ready?” I asked.

She smiled and nodded.

Flapping my wings, I hovered for a few seconds before I joined Fluttershy who was already about a hundred hooves above me. Once there, we headed to her cottage.

About halfway, my wings began to stiffen but I ignored the small pain and kept going.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah. My wings are just getting a little stiff is all. But I’m okay.” I replied.

A few minutes later Fluttershy turned to me and motioned for me to descend. Once on the ground, my wings went limp and I went to catch my breath. I sat down for a few seconds.

“Are you sure you are okay?” Fluttershy asked again, worry was present in her voice.

“Yeah I’m okay. I haven’t flown in about two weeks because of my coma. This happened before when I was in Cloudsdale and didn’t fly for a long time. But don’t worry baby I’ll be….” I caught myself and realized what I said when Fluttershy looked surprised but smiled.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to say that! I-“ I was cut off when she kissed my cheek.

“It’s alright.” She giggled. “I don’t mind.”

“Oh.” I said. “Anyways, why did we land right here?”

“Oh, well this is the path to my cottage and from here it’s about a half a mile and well, I don’t want to say bye too quickly.” She replied.

“I couldn’t agree more.” I said with a smile.

Fluttershy and I walked together with our wings held together, each feather interlocked with another. Her head gently rested against my shoulder. I must have a comfy shoulder.

After about ten minutes, we arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage which was a signal for us to say goodbye.

Her ears drooped down and she gave the best pouty face I’ve ever seen.

“Don’t worry, we’ll see each other again tomorrow at the concert.” I assured her.

She smiled and wrapped her hooves around my neck in an embrace.

“I miss you already.” She said, looking into my eyes.

“I miss you already too.” I replied.

“Thank you for flying me home. I had fun today. We should do it again soon.”

“I had fun too. And since we’re now officially together, we have all the time in the world to do it again. And within my heart, I’ll be looking forward to it every second.” I replied with a smile.

We stood there outside her door and just stared into each other’s eyes. I brought my hoof to her cheek and brushed her mane out of her face to reveal both of her beautiful aqua green eyes. I placed my hook on her cheek as our faces came closer and our lips met, sharing our first real kiss.